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09-07-2007, 09:11 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Goresplatter attempts fiction!

Well, I've decided - this is it. I have far too much free time. So what I'm going to do is write a fiction story which will be updated every so often depending on it's reception. English has always been my strongest subject in school, so why not make some use of it? I haven't really attempted writing fiction for a true-to-life audience, so this will be my first try. Constructive criticism please . Bear in mind, most of the story is improvised except for basic plot elements. The universe is nothing in particular, but fairly medieval. Lastly, I can't draw, if someone wants to be a fan-artist I will love them! And we're off:


Chapter One [If someone could suggest a title, would be great thanks!]

This hero was known to his people. He was considered divine, blessed by the angels themselves to protect the people of this small village. When walking around the squalid huts, faces shone at him with adoration, at the sight of his coming, the mention of his name, the sound of his voice. With his elaborate armour awarded to him by the lord of this small town, Vitalus literally glowed among the peasants in the summer sun.

"Hail Vitalus, slayer of the plague!" It was true. Vitalus, as one of his many acts of heroism, had vanquished a family of huge rats which had been devouring the crops of the people. Many would not forget it, as it had saved countless lives.
"Greetings Vitalus, savior of my daughter!" bellowed Maximus, his father, giving him a huge grin behind his bushy walrus-beard. This was also true, he had saved his sister from a ravenous troll under the bridge. It was highly likely that the corpse was still burning at a pyre nearby to ward off other would-be trolls.

So here Vitalus takes off his helmet, revealing his handsome clean-cut face, blonde hair and perfect smile, topped off with a pair of deep blue eyes. He had had many admirers, but none he felt he could love. He would choose one of them - eventually - but in the mean time, every woman in the village dreamed that they would be his choice. So Vitalus, he was a hero. His father was so proud of his son, and would be forever. His sister had married one high in royalty and moved off to a much richer settlement.

"Son, I know you owe this place nothing, and it can give you nothing in return. But there is something the lord mentioned earlier, and I think you could handle it."
"You know I serve this place from my heart, father. Say the word and it will be done!"
"There is a creature most foul in the side of the mountain. Farmers complain that the horrid thing is eating their livestock. It could be a wolf, or perhaps a mountain lion, like the last one you hunted for us," he couldn't help but smile at his son's bravery again, "but still, be careful. There've been trails of fur that the farmers have marked out during the day, it seems only to come at night, and we know exactly where the thing is hiding. It's probably some thieves, actually. Either way, give them a seeing to."

"Alright father, I'll do my best!" Vitalus said, and turned, his cape flowing behind him. The smithy behind him where his father worked was simple, but always home for him. He would never forget it. But right now, without looking back, he set off to the mountainside near the farmstead. It wasn't all a long walk, and there probably wasn't much at the other side. Wolves attacked livestock all the time. If he made fair time, he'd get there a few hours before sunset.

After a brisk walk down the path, he reached the mountain side and the granary that was there. There was indeed a trail of fur leading up the path on the way up to the towering mountain. A shepard stood calmly with his crook.
"Hurry back, an' I'll share with ya' my newest cut, deeeelicious!" The shepard smecked his lips, and Vitalus knew he would - he couldn't refuse a dinner offer. So he walked briskly up the path, not bothering with his helmet. He was more than a match for a predatory animal without any armour.

After a short while, he reached the opening to the cave. It was a gloomy entrance and quickly degenerated into blackness. Lightning a flint torch on a nearby rock, he began to walk inside. The light filled the gloom, making the rock walls orange. It was quite deep, so he continued downwards. After a short while, he noticed something about the 'cave'. The walls of the cave were not natural stone. He took a closer look, and found they had joints. These were actually bricked interior walls.

A sense of foreboding quickly overcome Vitalus, but he didn't for a moment think of turning back. He soldiered onwards until the path began to split in many directions. About to give up out of hopelessness, he saw a hunched figure over in a slight indent in the wall. As he crept closer, a huge scent of decay assaulted his senses. As he neared the final step, he noticed that the dusty floor had a coat of drying gore. The thing hunched was a dead wolf, seemingly from a crushing blow to it's head. It wasn't easily recognisable.

Vitalus heard a knock, like stone hitting stone. Being the hero, he rushed towards it and entered through one of the split-offs into what he could only describe as a dressing room. It had a large chest, a mirror, and a cupboard. It was very simple and fairly uninteresting. But the chest interested him for what it may contain - with some money, he could reward his town for the good faith they empower him with. Perhaps he could break the lock with his weapon... perhaps the lord could become a king... perhaps his father could be recognised!

Without a moments hesitation, he sprinted toward the chest. He was just passing the mirror, only a few more seconds to go. For a split second, he noticed a dark figure in the mirror - then he was struck in the chest with a massive crushing force.

He was sent sprawling across the hard floor before he hit the wall nearest his entrance. He was winded, but scrawled to get up. Futilely, he heaved but his head was instantly guided into the floor by a heavy... hoof? He couldn't tell. It felt like one. He couldn't lift his head, but could see into the mirror across the room. The huge figure was blackened, with a large lizard-like barbed tail and rough skin. It could have easily doubled him in height. The only other things he could make out were a face that held several eyes and an impossibly huge cheshire-cat grin.

"Your town shepard's stock was appetising," spoke the vast demon in a voice deep and grinding, "and so was the lion. I'd ask you to tell the townspeople, but you won't be seeing them again. Nighty-night." cheered the creature, as it used it's full weight to force the man's head into pulp on the ground. A loud crack could be heard, and if possible, the creature's grin grew wider.

Grabbing the headless body of Vitalus by the leg, the monster dragged the heavy corpse over to the chest, which it unlocked with the hooks of it's tail. It then forced the much-loved man's body uncomfortably into the chest with three other corpses, twenty years old the newest of them, and slammed it shut. The beast ambled away with a certain amount of leisure, toward the exit door at the other end of the hall.
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09-07-2007, 09:56 AM
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Cool story! Is there any more, or is that the end?
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09-07-2007, 11:46 PM
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high ho, Maximus!! Yippee!
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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09-08-2007, 12:50 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Feb 2006
: I'm in space.
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Goresplatter  (102)Goresplatter  (102)

Thanks for comments - yes there will be more, depending on this chapter's reception. I need feedback, people!

EDIT: Next chapter


Chapter Two

There would be great reverberations from the death of Vitalus. His father fell into a depression, followed instantly by the townspeople as they all realised what must have become of their hero. A town statue was placed, and flowers were high every day from visitors. Even the animals of the area seemed solemn - dogs refused to eat much, cats would stay in their homes.

The sister of Vitalus, upon hearing the news, was overcome by grief and jumped from the balchony of her tall tower and died. Her rich husband, mad with rage, blamed the town for his disappearance and declared war on the hopeless settlement with his massive military arm. There is now nothing left of the village, all of the citizens slain mercilessly and all of the cottages burnt to the ground.

Of all whom these events mattered to, the beast that had slain Vitalus was not one of them - he had more important things on his mind. Today, in particular, he was waiting for someone who was now late by roughly ten minutes. In his humble dungeon, he sat on the chest filled with corpses, his arm supporting his head, his tail wrapped around his ankles. Finally, his contact appeared.
"Barrorack, how are you?" smiled the small pitiful creature before him. It looked like a mishappen garden gnome with a rat's tail.
"Bored, Zig, when's the next march?"

"Well, about that, Barry, there's no important wars to be fought. The angels have sunk back to their heaven, the wusses. The only reason we aren't burning the humans until someone thinks there's been an eruption is because of the sunlight, you know that."
"Zig, this is ridiculous. Have you ever wondered why we shouldn't just kill them all at night?"
"Now you're the one being stupid. Have you ever wondered? How long does it take to march an army, and how long is night-time? Great thinking there, buddy."
"We could just take stops, dumbass -"
"And find a gigantic cave to house a whole army in every night? This one we're in here hardly accomodates you, fatso."

"Why am I putting up with this again?" Barrorock stood swiftly and took a ground-shaking step towards Zig.
"Ap, ap, AP! I think you're forgetting something!" giggled Zig as a tremendous invisible force threw the huge beast into the wall. He hit the wall badly and his arm bent the wrong way.
"Pff, fine..." grunted the beast as his arm cracked back into place automatically. "Where are the others? I invited five."
"Three couldn't make it, and the troll was killed. He was only down the fields to you, what stops you from checking on him once in a while?"

Barrorock grunted again. Blug was a good troll, but he never really got to know him. From how much he knew him, Blug was a womaniser at best, and worse, a Homophiliac - a human lover. He shivered. What a strange fetish. The others he had invited, he could understand why they couldn't make it. They lived nowhere nearby - an ogre and a worm, not the fastest travelling animals. Except...
"Zig, how could the freaking centaur not make it? He's half bloody horse!"
"I dunno. But come on, Garroara was always an asshole."

Barrorock sighed heavily, and his scaled spiked tail flicked lightly. "I need to get out of this heaven-hole, Zig. It's crap here, there's nothing but the odd hero to brighten your day."
Zig put his hand on his chin, as if thinking for a moment. "I could take you to Gehenna if you got any good souls on ya, and some ink. But you make your own way from there, righty?"
"I'm sure I'll manage," grunted Barrorock as he stood, turned, and opened the chest. He pulled out the oldest of the corpses, now a skeleton. He threw it to one side. The next, he giggled at, was missing both eyes. There was no gore around them, meaning not enough blood.

Finally he pulled out the corpse of Vitalus. "I hope it don't haffta be too fresh. Do your stuff, Zig."
Zig picked up the corpse with his mind and lied it down onto the floor next to him. With a sniff, the corpse exploded. The gore settled neatly into a pentagram, and a purple gas was floating above the centre. "The blood is crap, but the soul more than makes up for it. Who was this chump?"
"I don't know, I'm just happy it's gonna work. I hate this place."
"Alrighty then." With a flick of his odd fleshly tail, Zig condensed the purple gas into a ball, where it split down the middle and produced a fine stream of what could only be described as 'black light'.

"C'ya then, cheers for the ride," thanked Barrorock as he stepped into the light, and with a slight vacuum, was gone, along with the portal.
Zig stood for a moment, playing telepathically with the skeleton, making it dance. Suddenly the skeleton slumped over and smashed into pieces.
"Crap..." he checked his backpack, pulling out two small jars. One was filled faintly with a pink haze. The other had but a few tiny drops of blood in the base.
"AWWWW, BASTARD!" he shouted, as he wondered about a route home.
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Last edited by Goresplatter; 09-09-2007 at 10:15 AM..
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