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05-25-2007, 08:06 AM
Crazywolf's Avatar
: Apr 2006
: *shoots you for asking*
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Crazywolf  (10)
Dead The Sheperd's pass.. The story of good and maddness..

((The Discalmer! This story cotains graphical violence, language, and fictional stroy about a game that never was! The real story was not written for the game, so the author decided to put the story here (For creatures werer never annoced either) becuse he does not know if this count as 'non' odd, for again it was never made a game, only a rumor so this story is based on predictions and opions written by the author.. plus this is his first fiction on this board.. So without further pause, I give you The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Knot))

'Brutal' Fangus Knot

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The day ended quietly thought the shepard.
The sheperd of the Oyrix Sheep, the more sinsiter and evil cousion of the meep, is Fangous Knot, or better known as "Brutal Fangus" stood at his porch of his small, almost rotten to the core house, watching as the sun of Oddworld began to shrink down, the soiulate of the ray of light showing from the moutain range near Mongo river. The grass was not plentful, and the sand storms dont help much, but there were so much critters roaming the area for the Oyrix Sheep to eat, that Knot could not refuse the offer to buy the land.

His yellow eyes darted the landscape.. The shepherd has not seen 'them' yet.. Maybe they forgot and looked for a new land to find, or they are to scared to send another messenger after he killed the last one.. Or truly, after his herd eat him.. That damned Valvark did not know what was comnin'.. But that was his fault for coming anyways..
Knot picked up a black stick, tapped it on the pourch three times, and gave a call that sounded a mixire of birds singing and a bear's rowar, and the herd went to their large pen, the fence made of the bones of traspassers. The gate itself had a Scrab's head, with the eye sockets for bolting the gate to the fences.. Knot smiled, for his thoughts about his herd smooth his mind, and nothing could seperate them..
Then.. It came.

Valvarks. Three of them, sub-mechine gunned to the teeth, wearing their pot helments, came to his land.. Knot growled, his sharp teeth reveling.. Two Valvarks shivered in fear from the sight of him, for the grim storys about him linger the air in Oddworld, and most of them are tall tales, but still frighting to hear, to make your spine shiver.. However, the third one kept moving, untill it was infont of Knots. It was now night, as the sun has fallen under the moutians, and the Valvark was smaller then Knots, who was about two feet taller then the opposing Valvark. The yellowed skined reptile gave a snarl, and then presented him a parchemet of paper, and he says "Listen here, "Brutal Fangus" or Dumb Ba#$##d, you and your herd are no longer stayin' here, so says Sekto himself.. He bought this land from your land owners, and unless you want your sheep to be BBQ, I suggest you get your ass out of here!.."
Knots looked at him, his beady yellow eyes looking at the paper.. He spat at it, and tossed it aside, his mouth bearing teeth still, and he says "Listen here, dips#$#t, I dont take orders from even my landowners, so your 'boss' can kiss my and my herd's $#s, for we aint going no where.."

The Valvarks cocked their mechine guns, and Knots gave a evil grin. He kicked the bolt from the gate, and then, the Oyrix sheep beared their teeth, reavling more fangs then a fuzzle could brag, and charged, thieir red eyes brighting in the night. The Valavarks tryed to shoot at them, but to no anvil, as they wrere slowly being eaten to the bone by the Oyrix Sheep.
Knots just leaned against the fence, his face showing no emotion. Then, reaching into this armored robe, he produced a cantine of water, drank it, and watched the rest of the show, listening the Valvarks screams for help and mercy, and then he looked at the moons, always wondering if the hand prints of the creatures that dwelled here ever means anything..


Days passed, and the searing for the Oyrix were now done. Inside the house, Knots got his leather backpack on a dark, almost rotten table, placed the sixity skins of Oyrix pelts and furs inside them, and then place it around his back. He then went to his bed room. Inside, their was a bed, or a cot really, for it never had sheets or pillows, a greesy window that showed the north, a old map of the Mongo vally on his bed, and a secert, that he kept under the cot. He reached under and found a Revolver.


It fited perfectly with his had, as customied to. For this, he was also a inventer during his time of solitare, as he has found a metal mine under his home, that he called DarkMetel, and then, he used his herd's own horns for bullets, that took many expirments in his home to findly make a mixire that would explode when on impact.
Knots looked at the gun, and relized that the time to carry this thing around.. Was now. He strapped it to his left arm, so his right hand can grab it right away, then headed outside, the unforgiving sun beaming into his eyes, and then his eyes adjested, and he saw his herd again, now red without thier fur on them, and they looked embarresed...

Knots now heads toward to the nearby town, Buzzard, his padded feet hitting the sand, a driff following behind him...
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