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09-16-2006, 07:01 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)
<<. Black

[Abe's Son: Not completely dead, reatarded or... something. I just finished Vurt so expect similarites. Gawd that book rocked.]



ACT 1 –
These Muses of Mine.

I made my way up the stairs to my apartment. It was 6 something in the morning and I had just stopped into Dunken Donuts for some breakfast. I’d picked myself of a breakfast sandwich with cheese, egg and sausage on a bagel, and an English muffin with peanut butter for Nix. She was up early, probably because she wanted a chance to actually thank me for the food and see me out of a suit. I never wore it in the morning, something about it. Just didn’t jive right. Nix was watching TV on the couch. It was either the TV or drawing. “Hey!” I was greeted with a smile which I returned. “You’re up early…” “Yeah, couldn’t get back to sleep. Got something for me?” I tossed the redhead her bag and placed mine on the table. I opened the coffee as she got out her English. I got milk and sugar from the pantry and fridge. Just a bit of milk, and a lot of sugar. Nix must’ve noticed because she proceeded to badger me about it. “You know that’s going to kill you, right?” “No…” I said as I made my way to the couch with my bagel and coffee. “The drugs, the salt and the job are going to kill me… the sugar’s probably helping.” I started on my bagel. She was already half way through her English. “What’s Alice got you doing today?” I looked over and spoke between bites. “Customer service.” “Christ, Sach…” That was unexpected. “What?” “Do you have to be so damn cliché?” “…I don-“she cut me off. “You always do that! You drop the one liners like you’re in some shitty action movie! Why can’t you just say ‘I’m gonna kill some cartels.’” Obviously I struck a festering nerve… or something. “Because, it sounds cool.” “No! No it doesn’t!” Wow, right for the throat. “It… it doesn’t?” “No, it’s a shitty one liner.” Right in the balls Nix… “Okay fine, I won’t say it anymore… I need to leave anyway.” I stuck my tongue out at her to let her know I was still playing and went into my room. I took a clean black and white suit from it and my glasses. I got into the shitty Hyundai Toho Alice had forced me to buy and went to the way point on the GPS nav. Hell, we could afford one of those but no, a Taurus is too much. We lived in the suburbs around Boston, near all the abandoned industrial parks and warehouses. As cliché as that sounds it was actually a rather nice neighborhood and no one really bothered as with the exception of complaining about Sol’s stupid behavior which was quickly dealt with Alice in a rather vicious manner.

I stepped out of the car, the waypoint on the GPS lead me to a side door into a warehouse. I looked at the storm doors construction. If they had locked it, the locks would be on the outside, so that wouldn’t be a problem. I went around to the side of the building, using my switchblade to pry open an electrical box. I scoped out my wires and walked back to the car, opening the trunk. I kept a USP 12 in 10mm strapped to the top of the trunk and my beautiful Thompson 2019 with a drum mag in the trunk itself. This baby was simply a retooling of the original street sweeper. It still fired .45 ACP and looked exactly like the old one, rather than that redneck bastardization of it that Sol owned. I hefted the beast into my hands and walked to the open electrical box with a knife in my left hands. I cut the wire quickly and pocketed the knife, cocking the SMG as I moved to the door. 1, 2, 3. I kicked the door in, firing wildly, creating a strobe effect. The bodies seemed to dance as the fell, and it was graceful in a weird way. I lowered the gun and straightened my tie. I was good at what I did, even though it wasn’t the nicest of things. I worked as muscle for a drug dealer. The street knew her as The Rabbit. Her higher up clients knew her as Alice, as did the residents of the house. Her parents and I knew her as… well… I’d rather not ruin the surprise. The only reason I knew her name was because before Sol and Nix, it was just me and her, and we used to ‘share a bed’. That was until I left to work for Dem. The last time I shared a bed with the Rabbit was 5 years ago. Now I was set on marrying Dementia. I worked as a bodyguard for a year for her and we fell in love in that time. After I got back to working as muscle for the Rabbit, we agreed that as soon as we had enough money to get out of these business, we’d marry, move to Canada and raise a child. I wanted nothing more in the world…

I was on my way to visit her. I had time and Alice didn’t know how quick I was with business like that. Well, at least I was pretty sure she didn’t know. I flipped around the channels on my way into Boston. Shitty Euromixes that all the kids who thought they were hard core jammed too. XTC and that bastard Sebastian Belmont. I had no respect for the one hit wonder, but I did respect their manager, Rick Steel. He knew how to get it done. I hated all the bands he signed though. Shame. Finally I decided on no music and parked a few blocks from Dem’s café, Utopia. She used it as a front to sell her goods, and she usually hooked me up with some treats for the Rabbit now and then. I look inside at the skinny girl at the counter. Her dark hair blocked her face but I knew just how bored she was. I pushed the door open and almost in unison with the bell her face lit up. “Sachiel!” “Dementia…” I leaned over the counter and gave her a kiss. “How’ve you been?” “Good... but bored. Take a walk with me?” Something was on her mind. “Sure thing.” I walked behind the counter with her, behind the black curtain covered in moons and stars and into the store room where she had a table set up. She grabbed me and pushed me into one of the shelves, practically knocking me over. She kissed me deep this time. It was good. She broke it too soon though. “Jesus Christ how ****ing long do you think I could stand?” We went in again. “Sorry, didn’t seem like it was that long.” She rested her head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her waist. “It’s alright… I forgive you…” I looked down at her. Only a few more months… just a few more months and then we’d be free. She looked up at me “I got a present for you… well… more for your boss. I guarantee she’s seen nothing like it.” Nothing like it? Now you’ve got me interested, Dem. “What is it?” she lifted her self from me and I let go. She walked to the opposite shelf and got a small wooden box from it, she held it out, eager to show me. “Well?” she opened it, 10 brown bottles with droppers for caps sat in it. Some kind of fluid was in each one. “Adrenechrome… got it from a Yakuza guy who said he got it from the Red Mafia.” “Yeah? What is it.” “Heavy hallucinogenic stuff. Say’s its real pure, real nasty. Worse than straight Psycho.” Nothing was worse than uncut Psycho, nothing legal on any place in the world at least. “How much you want for it?” She set the box on the table. “For clients… 15,000 a bottle.” I whistled and she wrapped herself around me again. “But for a lover.” Her lips met mine. “More visits.” I smiled. I missed her too, but I never kept track of time, I only knew it’d been too long. “Looks like that won’t be a problem. I’m getting more free time from Alice, which means you’ll be getting more time with me.” She smiled and we kissed again, She set 3 bottle aside. “Now Sach, you need to promise me something.” I walked forward, hands in my pockets. “What’s that, hun?” “ You won’t touch this shit.” She knew me too well. I was a junkie for hallucinogenic stuff. I had a chip put in just so I could enjoy all of them fearlessly. Most dealers got chipped with it too. It suppressed physical addiction to any substance, but that didn’t keep me from just wanting to do it. “Dem you know I w-“ “Promise me. I don’t want you ending up dead, this shit is seriously bad voodoo.” “I promise you.” We kissed again and we walked out of the back room. I went on my way after waving good bye.

I drove back to the apartment with the bottles in my pocket. I knew we had somewhere to go. I couldn’t think though, not about anything else. My mind was locked on her again. It happened every time I visited her, just couldn’t stop day dreaming. I parked the Assmobile and jogged to the room, opening it. The Rabbit smiled wide. “Sorbet!” that was my pet name. I’d get into the story but it’s stupid, and I really don’t feel like remembering. “Where were you?” I sat next to her at the table. Sol was up, watching TV in place of Nix who was probably drawing in her room or surfing on her deck. All I got from the devil was a “You’re in late.” It was 12 something by this time due to all the traffic and whatnot. “Yeah well I had something else to do.” “You were ****ing your girl friend weren’t you?” “**** off, Sol.” Alice shot me a look and then a harder one to Sol. “**** off, Sol.” She turned back to me. “So, any presents? Or do you not love me anymore?” I pulled the three bottles and smiled. “Yeah, nice ones too. Dem’s pricing them at 15k and only selling them to select customers.” She didn’t say it, but I knew it. We knew how the other worked, but not how us ourselves did. Not like we knew each other. “Adrenechrome she called it.” The brunette leaned forward, staring intently at the bottles. “What does it do…” Her eyes darted up to me. “She says it’s like Psycho pure and un-cut.” She smiled that wide Cheshire grin. “Trip balls for 3 days and not remember it?” He nodded. “From the way she was treating it, seemed so.” She sat back up straight and took a lit cigarette I hadn’t noticed from the ash-tray in the center of the table. “Then we sell it for 25,000 a bottle to anyone. That’s 75,000 for all three bottles. That’s a lot of money, isn’t it?” I was smiling wider still. “It is.” I couldn’t help myself. “I know how bad you want out, Sachiel. I’m impressed you stayed with us rather than just dropping everything. You’ve got some real honor about you, and I respect that. You’ll have enough cash to retire by the end of this month.” Jesus H. Christ on a ****ing cow riding into the sun tripping on mescaline ****ing the Queen of England. “…what?” Shock, awe, hard on! “The end of this month?” She nodded, cool as ever. “I promise.” There was a reason I ****ed her. “I think I love you.” “No, you love Dementia. Now, to sell these we’ll need to go club diving.” Aw ****.. Alice’s clients usually hung around the heavy bass clubs, where you could straight jack into the beat machines and trip to the music or just dance the night away. As much as I loved these clubs, business there usually involved me, Sol and Alice dealing with assholes who thought they were king shit, until finally we tricked or convinced them into paying the price. Nix loved going because she actually got a chance to dance rather than sit around the apartment all day. At least someone would be enjoying the night…

[Sorry for wasting your time if it sucks.]

Last edited by Abe's son; 09-18-2006 at 12:34 PM..
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09-18-2006, 12:35 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
: 1,331
Rep Power: 24
Abe's son  (10)

ACT 2 –
Bomb the Bass

Everyone was getting ready for tonight, even Sol. Alice was getting ready because she wanted to make a good impression, even if she thought the client was the most useless hunk of carbon under the sun, she was going to kiss ass if she had to, and then tell me to beat them senseless if she felt like it. Quite the crazy that one. Nix was getting ready because it was one of the only chances she’d get to relax. I didn’t get ready, since the black suit was sort of the thing. People knew it, people respected it. It was my thing. Sol just wanted to get laid, but would probably fail. I was in my room, cleaning my glasses and going through the weapons of the night. The first was a long revolver with a .30-06 under barrel. It was a .44 Magnum and Sol loved the power. The second was a small pepperbox fletchette, the Rabbit used it because not a lot of people, save true professionals, knew how powerful a fletchette round could be. The third was a Seburo revolver. Just a nice looking .38 that could fit in your pocket. I gave it to Nix because I figured she’d need something if she was hanging around with an unsavory bunch like us. The last two where mine. One was an HK caseless 11mm handgun. It was small and I liked the way it felt. The second was a big, ol’ .45 . A 1911 frame with a much boxier looking slide. I liked it because it was scary and was backed by the power it boasted. I looked back and forth and the two and finally picked the 1911, slipping it into my shoulder holster and placing a pair of clips on the other side. I took my coat off and put on the holster. Sol appeared in the door way, still dressed like a punk. “You got my gun?” I tossed the revolver to him which he caught and placed on an outside holster. He thought it made him look cool, I thought it made him look like a jackass. I took the pepperbox and the Seburo and made my way into the kitchen/living room, handing Alice her gun and tossing Nix hers. “Safety’s on.” She fumbled with it and then slipped it into her pocket. She was wearing a fiberoptic nit outfit and had put nanos in her hair. They were all linked to a chip that turned emotional impulses into color, which transmitted into the nanos and the fiber optics. With an entire outfit, it was rather mesmerizing. Alice was in a pinstripe suit similar to mine, and Sol… well. He was just a punk.

It took as 45 minutes to get to the club in the Assmoblie, a rather painful 45 minutes of Nix and Sol fighting over which radio station we should listen to. Finally we were there, the bass was loud, way loud. I could feel it driving up. We made our way up to the door, through the crowd without question. They knew damn well who we were, and so did the doorman. Sol mentioned something about a Hakdok as we passed him. A bad looking cybernetic arm was on display like some kind of disgusting trophy. I already knew the song they were playing before we entered. Some KMFDM remix of Star****ers Inc. Wasn’t half bad, but then again those kids would dance to anything. The club had that pink tinge to its air that all the ones of it type seemed to have. Drones from the ceiling shot beams of different light through the haze. I could see the stations that hung from the ceiling were already in use, held by steel girders. They were massive black boxes with jacks hanging off them like some kind of cybernetic octopi. Nix began to run into the crowd but I removed a small black device and shook it. She removed hers and turned it on, slipped it into her back pocket. I flipped mine on and dropped it into my coat pocket. Rather than taking the stairs down into the fray like Nix, we walked along the still elevated edge, dotted with tables that housed people who decided to take a rest. Sol tried his luck with a few of the ladies but was quickly shot down and told to move on by Alice. There was a padded door at the end of it, guarded by two unsavory characters. One was nearly a cyberpsycho, decked with all kinds of visible cybernetics. They weren’t bad jobs like the doorman, but they were still on display. The man next to him was all meat as far as I could tell, but he was probably jacked by the way he was moving. The fleshy one had a 14mm SMG in his hands, some Dai Lung ass-blaster. As Alice talked to the ‘borg me and Sol scoped out the fray for Nix but failed to find her. I stared at the 14mm in the man’s hands “Compensating for something?” he gave me a grim look and I chuckled as I turned back to Alice who proceeded to move through the now open door.

Before me lay a worthless sack of flesh. He was sitting behind a crappy aluminum table that was covered in drugs, and some illegal chips. His shirt was open and a cigarette was in his hands. His nose as covered in cocaine, probably synthetic. The room was dotted with shitty solo’s who didn’t know shit about shit. They all stood around and made minor cat calls to the Rabbit which were quickly snuff out with a steely glare. In the back there were a couple more tables. I could see netrunners sitting at each one, probably sim-stimmed to the door guards and other such contacts. “Sit…” the meat said. Alice took the one chair that was open and Sol and I took our spots next to her. “I understand you have something… very special for me.” I could hear his words slurring. Definitely Snyth-Coke. “Yes, Atilla. It’s something very special.” He leaned forward, pushing some of the drugs aside. “Well? Aren’t you going to tell me what it is?” She smiled and fished around in her pockets before removing a brown bottle that she placed on the table. Atilla frowned “That’s it? 3 ****ing bottles?” She wasn’t amused. “Listen, this is high quality, 75,000 eb for 3 of them” He sat up quickly. “75,000 eb!? Are you crazy!? This coke didn’t even cost me that much!” “Believe me, it’s cheap for how heavy this stuff us, serious stuff. Harder than straight Psycho.” He mulled it over for a moment. “So it’s a combat drug?” “No, it’s a hallucinogenic.” Atilla continued to think about it. He finally sat back. “50,000eb.” She thought for a moment then reached across the table. “Deal.” They shook and Atilla motioned to a man. He left into a back room and appeared a few minutes later with a shopping bag. He dropped it next to Alice, who then placed the other two bottles on the table, sliding them to him, she took the bag and stood. We began to leave, but as we were at the door I turned to him. “How much did that cocaine cost you?” Atilla thought for a moment then smiled. “65,000.” I let out a small chuckle. “Bit expensive for synthetic stuff, don’t you think?” His smile fell away as we left, I could hear him starting to argue with a few of the men in the room.

The door shut behind us and we made for the door. “50,000 doesn’t seem like a very large paycheck, is there something you aren’t telling me?” She looked over her shoulder to me. “Just relax, tomorrow you’ll see.” I stopped the two at the door. “Hey, I’m grabbing a drink, and I’ll need the car later tonight, do you guys mind getting a cab.” Sol started to say something but Alice cut him off. “No, it’s fine. I’ll see you at the house.” The two pushed there way through the ever increasing line. I made my way to the other side of the platform where a bar awaited me. I took a seat next to a couple of bass heads. I ordered a Balance and turned to the crowd, removing the beeper from my pocket. I squeezed it three times for “I’m staying.” She squeezed hers once for “Okay.” As I turned back to the bar I was aware there was a man sitting on my left. He was dressed in mostly black and noticed my eyes were on him. “Hey, lookin’ to buy?” I thought about it for a moment. “What’re you pushing?” He removed a round container, like the ones tobacco chew came in. It was all black with a small flaming smiley on the center. “Fire****.” I raised an eyebrow. “Fire****?” “Yeah, it’s a lovely upper. Like your being bathed in white light. Real cheap, man. 200eb.” I looked at the canister. “Alright, 200eb it is.” What the hell, I had cash and time to kill why not enjoy some uplifting narcotics? I fished 200eb out of my wallet and slapped it down into his hand. He passed me the canister, which I then slipped into my jacket pocket. BUZZ BUZZ. I took the beeper out of my pocket. Nix wanted out. I squeezed once and made my way out to the car. I started the Toho up as Nix made her way out, her body swimming with pink and purple light. She sat down next to me and sighed long. “Fun time?” She only nodded and sat back in her chair.” I drove us home, stopping out front. I turned to Nix. “Tell Alice she can reach me on the phone.” “Where’re you going?” I smiled slightly. “Do I really need to tell you?” She nodded and got out, starting towards the door. “I see how it is!” she shouted after me as I pulled out and into the night. I pulled over by the side of the road and inspected the canister, which was filled with small green pellets, each one a jell cap. I looked it over and decided to pop one in and get back on the road. Within moments I could feel the heat he described filling my body. It was rather euphoric.

My original plan had been to just drive around for a few hours, maybe stop into a bar or two and eventually drive home very slowly before sun rise, possibly drunk, and sleep. I wasn’t depressed or anything, I just felt like tearing myself up, maybe a bar fight or two. Now my plans had changed. I felt amazing, I was clocking 110 through the back roads, slowing down as I made my way through the city. The world was swimming ever so slightly, but I was swimming with it. I parked out front of Utopia and made my way to Dementia place, only a few blocks away. She was surprised to see me at this hour, but let me in anyway. It wasn’t long before we were both in bed. I figured if she was as desperate about just seeing me, I should do bed her, else she find another man. After our first go about I remember sitting up in bed next to her, staring down my crotch. She was asking me if something was wrong and I remember saying something like “It feels like my dick is on fire.” After a suggestion to stop and my refusal she proceeded to ask “Are you on something?” “Yeah…” I fished the canister out of my coat pocket on the end of the bed and opened it, offering her one. She took one, I took one and we were back at it for the rest of the night. Somewhere between the act of love making and one of the 5 showers we took I told her about how Alice had a plan, and that I’d be out of there by the end of the month with enough money for both of us. She was as happy as I was. If only I could remember the rest of the night.

I woke up in a bedroom lacking Dementia, filled with both our clothing and the stench of musk and sweat. I found my clothes and made my way down stairs to meet a messy haired lover in a silk robe. “What happened last night?” I sat across from her. She’d already poured me a cup of coffee, prepped the way I like it. “I don’t know, but it was great.”


I spent most of the day at Dementia’s, watching movies with her and talking until I got a phone call from the Rabbit around 1 telling me to meet her back at the apartment. I said my goodbyes and left, returning to the apartment. Upon entrance I could see 2 travel bags out on the table. “Aw shit.” Alice’s head emerged from her room. “Sorbet! I have good news!” I doubted that. “We’re going to Cuba!” Hooba-jooba what? “Cuba?” “Cuba! Now get packed and give Dem a call. We’re leaving at 5:00. Don’t worry about guns, we’re taking a private jet on it’s own runway.” This day just keeps getting better and better.

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09-18-2006, 04:01 PM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
E'l Scrabino
Sewer Sleg
: May 2006
: Melbourne, Australia.
: 726
Blog Entries: 2
Rep Power: 19
E'l Scrabino  (94)


Great story! Can't wait for more!
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

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