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05-16-2006, 02:45 PM
Outlaw Mortar
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Zealots at their worst

Bad stuff.

I don't really know how to spur a quality discussion about this other than saying the following: What is wrong with these people? That woman is horrifying. Honestly, at about 1:55 in the video, I almost wet myself, because she's wearing this horrid smile while this man is telling her how disgusting she is. It's scary.

I guess the discussion is: how do people find such noble reasons for their incompetence and hate? Why does this type of zealotry (not a word?) exist?

Ergh, says I.

Last edited by Kimon; 05-16-2006 at 02:48 PM..
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05-16-2006, 07:12 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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I can never view videos on the site. Care to give a quick summary of what you see on the video, anyone?
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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05-16-2006, 09:02 PM
Slig_Cake's Avatar
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I don't know what's more sick. That woman or those accents.

You know the way some of those hardcore christians act, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they've been possessed by the Devil himself. Because it's a good way of bringing shame to Christianity.

Oh yeh and the videos basically about all these people from this baptist church rocking up to a dead soldiers funeral holding up signs like "God hates Fags" and "Thank god for Dead soldiers" To try and get a message across that god is trying to tell us that the war in Iraq is wrong, and so are fags.

Anyway this guy interviews the chick from this baptist church and has a go at her. You learn that 80% of the people in that church are made up of her ownfamily anyway.

(Growing a mullet in support of the Socceroos)

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05-16-2006, 09:48 PM
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'Halelua' - I love that guy already XD.

Anyway, and people wonder why I hate religion. If it wasn't obvious, this is the reason.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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05-17-2006, 12:28 AM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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Sigh. I hate these people so much... gah! Religion! You can't argue about it because their beliefs have no basis in logic or reason! Really, really annoying. I just sooooo wish that when a Christian (or whoever) dies there is just a moment of realisation that their faith is just a load of old bollocks and there is nothing on the other side. But it's win-win for them - they die and go to Heaven=good, they die and die in ignorance of their ignorance=good in that their world-view remains intact. Not that it would matter at the end. Sorry, this has gone from some ****ing idiots with placards to a general rant at religion.

These people have their own special website that you may want to see: http://www.godhatesfags.com/main/index.html - now THAT'S what I call a domain name! Pathetic people. I hope they all die horribly in some really drawn out way.

Oh, and while I'm at it - isn't American news a load of plastic, commercial shit? No professionalism. Thank goodness for the BBC!
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05-17-2006, 02:10 AM
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That woman is crazy :S How can she think she can do that because she THINKS it's God's will or whatever. What is she? His messenger? She should be locked up in a mental asylum or something :S
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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05-17-2006, 03:58 AM
oddveteran93's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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Hahaha indeed. Tha video must've caused a lot of controversy. These people who take religion to the extreme (the bad extreme) really piss me off. And did you see how that woman was smiling through the whole thing? I'm a Christian and everything but I just wanna go through life normally helping out people now and then, saying a couple of prayers and I think I'll be just fine.
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

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05-17-2006, 11:33 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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Yeah, Ambi, it's essentially this extreme super-Baptist woman being interviewed on the news. She's talking about how fighting the war and being gay has evoked God's wrath, and that we deserve it.

The part I like/loathe the most is when he asks her what her sin was, and she says, "Oh, see, you tried to do this yesterday blah blah blah I'm the reason for human pain and suffering."

Not verbatim, but it's sums up her case pretty well.

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05-17-2006, 11:43 AM
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Those morons need to get an effing clue. Who are they to insult someone's sexuality? Seriously, they'd probably cut their-selves, pull their hair out and other things if someone even said anything bad about their religions. You shouldn't give a damn about them though, all they're doing is embaressing their beliefs yet again, and making themselves look like idiots. Who looks stupider, a perfectly normal person who just prefers men over women, or some crazy people holding up banners saying, ''GOD HATES FAGS'' and talking a load of bull?

But hey, every age in history has bad religions and good religions. Only now religion is becoming a major tool for war.
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05-17-2006, 11:56 AM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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Only now religion is becoming a major tool for war.
Religion has been a major tool for war ever since the concept was conceived.
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05-17-2006, 11:59 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
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Sigh. I hate these people so much... gah! Religion! You can't argue about it because their beliefs have no basis in logic or reason!
Guess what, the alternative {which I'm guessing in your case is Science} has the same amount of reason behind it... although it does aim for a different logic.

TRUST ME, Science is so close what a religion truely is that nobody really sees the difference unless you read between the lines in science books.

That said, I didn't bother to watch more than 1 minute of that video.

I'd class this as the same degree of "just plain WRONG!" as the animal rights activists who stole a pensioners body from its grave to protest a guinea pig farm in the UK... but their now in jail.
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05-17-2006, 02:21 PM
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I decided to stop back in for a sec and post an email which I sent to this church. Do not expect it to be scathing as I was actually attempting to talk some sense into them. If I had outright attacked them this email would have no chance of reaching their feeble minds. I did my best.

Hello. I am not writing to you to rant or rave. I'm not writing to you to change your opinions. I am well aware that I could not do that no matter how hard I tried. On that note I also believe that you are not trying to convert or change anyone. I believe you are doing this because your righteousness excites you. I ask only that you take the time to read this email and maybe to respond to it. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and I read your website. Give me the same consideration.

The problem that I am writing to you about, the thing that concerns me the most, is your ability to blind yourself to your own motives. You truly have no concern for your fellow man. That is more than evident in the way that when a veteran approached you about the way you were treating the flag you merely threw it upon the ground and stomped on it. You did not (by your own admission) attempt to proselitize to this man. You did not explain to this man the reason for your actions. You did not make an attempt to turn him towards god. You merely acted with petulance and with pride. And pride (my friend) is a sin.

I am not a homosexual. I state that only so that I can reafirm that I am not attempting to change your ideals. You absolutely have the right to hate, despise, or even love anyone you want. And you also have the right to say so. But there is also such a things as class or tact. You display none of these things. If you can show me in the bible where a god fearing man chose a funeral as a venue for hatred then I will be mightily impressed.

My next problem (and last, as I intend to keep this brief)is the fact that you have decided to lump every soldier into the category of evil homosexual lovers. I have found that most military men share the same idea of homosexuality as you do. You also claim that men join the military because they are weak and cannot find or handle real work. Again, this is most certainly true of some. But it obviously (to any thinking person) is not true of all. Sometimes people just die and it is not the wrath of god. You yourselves will die some day. Death is not necessarily revenge. You did not know these men whose funerals you taint with your love of conflict. You know only that they fought for an idea that you despise. They fought for their country (which you despise). Even if this does make them wrong it could only make them misguided. Even by your standards. I ask only that you reevaluate your tactics when dealing with people that you don't know. You did not visit them on their deathbeds and attempt to show them their wrongs. You merely pointed them out after their deaths.

With hopes that you will hear,
Mathew Bell

My bowels hurt.

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05-17-2006, 02:39 PM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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TRUST ME, Science is so close what a religion truely is that nobody really sees the difference unless you read between the lines in science books.
I don't need to trust you, I know. You're not being massively original or clever, trust me. But what you're talking about is the unreliability of observation and empirical knowledge, so they basically become complete leaps of faith. But if you go down THAT route you're opening a gigantic can of worms. (For the record, this is actually my line of thinking, but I also recognise that you can't actually live with this view).
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05-17-2006, 10:04 PM
oddveteran93's Avatar
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HAHAHA I have to say this. I found a funny article in 'The Age'. It has a really funny title:

"Capital Punishment for Gays? GI Jesus says yes."
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

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05-18-2006, 01:50 AM
The Marching Mudokon's Avatar
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Old And Not So Tasty, I have one thing to say to you...you have tact. Unlike those foolish zealots you try to show others your point of view without being aggressive and insulting. I'm glad you sent an e-mail that reads so resonable, I probably wouldn't have that much self-control when writing that e-mail.
I applaud your effort and I hope they read it and take your example by being as resonable as you.

And no, I'm not being a kiss-ass
I often quote myself, it adds spice to my conversation.
- George Bernard Shaw

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05-18-2006, 02:03 AM
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The e-mail looks great. But I doubt youll get trough to this people. These people actualy believe what they are doing is exactly what god wants them too. So their not doing anything wrong, they think.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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05-18-2006, 02:12 AM
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Grubb Fisherman
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Old and not so tasty, very good email... however:

"You absolutely have the right to hate, despise, or even love anyone you want."
^ Hate is viewed as badly as Murder in some branch of the Christian faith {if not all}... it might just be a catholic thing, but it is a doctrine.

Mutual Friend... I guess I did post a bit too strongly. As long as someone realises science is not "The Answer" then I don't question their belief. It's when people {who I have to deal with quite often} are convinced that their pre-college science knowledge is absolute truth that I feel compeled to let them know otherwise.
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05-18-2006, 09:27 AM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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Ooh, so if I hate someone, I might as well kill them? Because either way, I'm getting the exact same degree of punishment? Awesome!

Anyway, that does sound really shameful for Christianity. I really can't stand people who manipulate everything (and every one) for their own agendas, making it look like some noble cause.

Nice email, OANST. I'm glad you're back though it feels like you never left! Hmm...
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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05-18-2006, 10:45 AM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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RE: Mr Old and Not So Tasty's email

While your sentiments are nicely put etc it really isn't worth your effort. These people are fools and they would react to a rant or a reasoned discussion in the same way. Which is good for me, because the Rant is my preferred mode of discourse.
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