I mostly hate narrow minded people. I come across that a lot because of how open I am about certain subjects [i.e. Sephiroth]. Said people think it's fun to flame you just because you have a different opinion, do something different, or think differently from the "majority". But most people have covered that here, so I think you get the idea.
I also get pissed off with people who plagurize. Artists would relate to this too. Because you put all your work into something, and someone comes along and steals it and claims it for their own. It's especially a problem on the internet.
And people who "copy" things you do or things you say. I have had several times where I've come up with origianal things [like say a forum username for example] and people will copy it and then everyone forgets that you were original and sticks you in with the "crowd" who copied it.
When I used to work on tech support, I got pissed off with customers who just didn't listen. Even if I explained things slowly to them. But even worse were the ones who got all abusive. And worse than that was that the ones that were like that usually got what they wanted, which was unfair for the customers who were patient and had to wait.
Hypocritical gaming companies. *cough*Square-Enix*cough* who threaten legal action on "fans" who host their trailers just because their site is big [as they don't do it for smaller sites], but don't do a damn thing about people selling bootleg copies of their "full movie" on eBay and other places.
Another thing that's a real bite in the crotch is Myspace. I absolutely loathe Myspace and most people who have an account there.
Oh god, I hate Myspace with a vengance. It seems to be the "in" thing at the moment. Every time I ever clicked on a Myspace, it's really sucky layouts [like someone puts a wallpaper as their BG and you can't read the text]. And the horrid "greeted by music or video" playing. Plus, it slows my computer down. To be honest, I have never stayed on a Myspace page long enough to even look at the content. But from what I hear, I'm glad I don't.
Abe Babe...