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03-26-2006, 04:44 PM
Slig_Cake's Avatar
: Mar 2006
: pootown
: 248
Rep Power: 19
Slig_Cake  (10)
random untitled story

anyone who does athletics might be interested and might see a point.


The doors began to beep as a warning for the doors to close as the train prepared to take off for its next stop.

Two friends sat parrellel to eachother. One a drunk 18 year old boy feeling sorry for himself and a pretty girl nearly two years younger unsure of how to start up a conversation again now the other two friends had left.
She began to say something when an Asian boy piped up next to them asking where they were from. The boy replied and the Asian began to talk about how bad the train line was in the new area he'd moved into. After a while the Asian boy asked them their names and they replied Tom and Krystal.
"Man, I've had the worst day." sighed the Asian.
"Why?" asked Tom, annoyed that he was still talking to them.
"Broke up with my girlfriend, lost my wallet..." Tom interrupted.
"Mate your girlfriend is the last thing you should worry about, take my advice don't take any of them seriously unless you really think they're that special".
"Nah", he cut in "she is besides her brother will kill me if I screw her around."
"Well she's probaly not worth it anyway, do yourself a favour and get at least two or three others or just go out and pick up".
The annoucement then broadcasted the arrival of the next station and to Tom's relief the Asian said this was his stop. They exchanged handshakes and he departed.
Krystal then continued to ask Tom what she had intended to earlier. They continued for five minutes until they fell into a deep silence again. Tom sat their struggling to hold back his emotions but eventually gave in.
"Hey let me read your palm." He said.
"Let me read your palm come on".
Confused and laughing she extended her hand and Tom took it knowing he'd probaly never get to feel her warmth again.
"Right this is your...life line? Love line?" Caroline laughed at Richards stupidity.
"Get on with it!" She cried.
"Alrite alrite." He began. "Anyway your love line is telling you that there's this guy...and he's pretty ****in handsome for a big nosed prick, and he likes you..." Caroline began to sense what Richard was about to say and gave a soft awkward laugh. "Alrite..." She murmered.
"And he's embarrassed about the way he feels and he's always wanted you since he saw you and got with you and...." He began to choke up and go red. He put on his sunglasses to disguise his tears. "I don't think he'll ever stop liking you for a very, very, very, very long time. He stabbed his finger at her hand for every "very" he put in.
They both fell silent for a short time and she felt relieved when they had arrived at her stop.
"Alrite" She laughed nervously, "I'll talk to you soon". Tom nodded without looking at her.

After a while the train arrived at Toms destination and he got off and began to ring his friend Darren.
"Mate what are you doing tonight?" He asked.
"****!" came Darrens voice through the phone. "Rich mate where the **** have you been?"
"Never mind that" He said. "What's going on tonight with you and the boys?"
"Oh man I just got kicked out of the pub". He said, "Get your arse down to Bolt tonight! I havn't seen you in ages! Stop hangin round those nerds and be a man and come out with us!"
"Mate I'm there." Tom said and clicked the phone to hang up.

* * *

After finally making it to Bolt Tom waited in the que to be let in. Before he got up to the entrance a bouncer approached him and told him he wasn't allowed in. Devastated, Tom walked back and proceeded to ring up Darren again.
"Mate I'm not allowed in come meet me outside." He said.
"I'm right outside where are you?" He asked.
"I'm just near the cinema."
"I'm there too in the white polo see?"
Rich turned around and saw a chubby guy in a white shirt and his jaw dropped.
"That can't be you..."
Darren then turned around and saw Rich.
"Who would believe it? Mate how unfit can you get!" Exclaimed Darren. Rich was suprised at his comment as he was still skinny compared to Darren.
"As if your one to talk!" He laughed.
"Yeh but you probaly think you still are because of your build. Go and run 10k there is no way you could do it now."
"Probaly not, but when was the last time a chick checked out your arse?"
Darren burst out laughing, "****in' too long dude, too long."
They both laughed. Richard pulled out two ciggarettes and offered Darren one which he accepted, and they began to talk about old times. After a while Darren asked,
"Why arn't you allowed in anyway?"
"Oh apparently you have to wear a collar to get into classy places like this these days."
"Ohhh eighties night that's right I forgot about that" He sighed. "Thought it might've been because of the time you punched on with the bouncers you dumb cunt. Where were you out getting pissed anyway tonight?"
"I was at the commonwealth games with a few friends."
Darren sighed, "I don't know how you can still watch that, it makes me depressed every time I do."
"Yeh well I was invited out for free, but yeh it really got to me as I was watching it".
"So you still going out with Jess?" Darren asked.
Richard smiled sadly. "We broke up a long time ago not that I cared much."
"As if you don't care!" He scoffed, "She was ****in hot as and the only one who really looked after you after your knee shat itself. Everyone else, not me but, at the club thought you were just a tosser who deserved it. Why'd you break up anyway?" He asked quizzically.
"I think in the end it was my ego that got in the way. She said I'd lose her respect if I quit Athletics and I just said I couldn't really give a **** about her respect and that was the end of it."

Then for the first time in their lives Darren could understand the problem and opened up Richard's mind to what was going wrong with him in his two years of constant depression.
"Ohhhhhh man, ego is a ****ing cunt mate, I have it dtoo and the EXACT same thing happened with my girlfriend two weeks ago. We had a fight and I told her she could go get ****ed because I didn't need her. But I do! I really ****ing do and I have nothing else going for me. I've lost my job and all I'm doing with my life is getting drunk and going to volt. But my arrogance is what ****ed me up with her."
"I really dont understand why I'm so arrogant sometimes." Sighed Rich.
"You can't help it!" Darren exclaimed. "I mean we trained our minds to become that way. You run to be better than others and every time you do you build up this...this ****in' psychology that you are better than everyone else. And no matter how hard you try it'll always come out of you."
Richard couldn't believe what Darren was saying, he was completely off his face yet this was probaly the most intelligent statement he'd made. Rich flicked his ciggerette butt into the gutter and spat in anger.
"And that is exactly why my last girlfriend dosn't like me anymore." Tom said. " She always told her friends she hates my arrogance when I put it on and it's the most unattractive thing about me, but I really can't help it."
"You can't!" Cried Darren. "You train yourself to think like that." Look at some of those professionals we met when we were running state competition. They were the biggest wankas true? But we were exactly like that and you NEVER realise it until some tells you to wake the **** up and you come back into reality." Rich could sence that there was something that was not right about the way Darren spoke. "And the reality is...the reality is my life is ****ing shit man. I've got no job, I'm out at this joint every ****ing weekend, I can't even play footy anymore."
"Are you crying?" Richard noticed the tears swelling up in Darrens eyes. Darren tried to smile but failed.
"You are ****ing crying!" Richard laughed and then he felt himself beginning to cry too.
"You're crying you ****ing faggot!" Darren choked.
"Yeh but I am a soft cock mate, your a hard cunt this is the first time I've seen you cry." Richard laughed, tears streaming down his face.
"I've always been a soft cock." Darren sobbed. "Oh **** I've missed you mate come here". The pair hugged (in a non gay way) and cried until they heard a voice.
"What are you faggots doing?"
They turned around and saw Lee grinning at them. They both let go and after Richard spoke to Lee for a few minutes they departed their seperate ways. Before Rich left, Darren called out to him to come to the Bolt the next night. But there was no way Richard could go there, the place was only going to be a depressive hell.
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03-28-2006, 10:54 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
Clakker Store Clerk
: Jun 2003
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

Phew! Quite a lot of story, mate! It's looking good! Keep it up, and maybe you'll beat Splat! (Or me.)

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03-28-2006, 02:58 PM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: May 2003
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Abe16  (11)

That was good, I liked how you made the character's so real. I mean it.That was one heck of a story you told.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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03-30-2006, 01:26 AM
Slig_Cake's Avatar
: Mar 2006
: pootown
: 248
Rep Power: 19
Slig_Cake  (10)

lol thanks I wasn't really expecting any replies or good feedback. It was pretty much something I wrote in 20 minutes but I appreciate you guys for reading it. Sorry if the name changes were a bit confusing.

And yeh that's pretty much the story biggy bro. If you want an epilogue or something well....

Richard/Tom DID start going to bolt again and went on ecstacy something he never imagined doing. He hooked up with some chick and went out with her for a few weeks to get over caroline/krystal. He ended up getting her pregant and left her not wanting to pay child support on top of the payment he had to make for writing off his dads car.

Caroline had a fight with him the next day after his arrogance crept in again, when he told her friend at a party he had no idea what he saw in her, because he felt he could do better. She insulted him and left him teary. He sent a text message telling her he really did love her and he never meant to say those things. He then cut off all connections with her. Richard met up a few weeks later with her friend on the train, and learnt caroline still thought he was a great guy (she sure figured him out wrong!)and really wanted his friendship back. He told her friend he would call her and make things right again. But he never did.

Not really an ending, but neither does life

(Growing a mullet in support of the Socceroos)

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