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02-01-2006, 06:26 AM
Abastor's Avatar
: Jan 2006
: Israel
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Abastor  (10)
Oddworld The Enforcer and the Rogue

Hi all. This is one of my first massages here on the forums, I have only just joined. Anyway, I decided that writing a fan fic could be pretty cool, so I sat down and wrote this first chpater. This story is divided to two - the odd chapters (1, 3, 5, etc.) would follow a Slig named Brent. The even ones (2, 4, 6, etc.) would follow a Mudokon named Allen.
Anyway, this is the first chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter I - The Task
Brent was patrolling in the chemical lab. Zulag 2 was probably the foulest of the Zulag's around Indigo Industries, and the presence of Vykkers in the Zulag only made things worse. Zulag 2 contained mostly Vykkers. Vykkers, and Mudokons. The Vykkers were terrible, the Mudokons worse. With the Vykkers he could deal. Stay out of their way and their creepy experiments, and they'd leave you alone. And except for the occasional patrol through the labs, he didn't even have to see them. Still, when a Vykker met him, he would always boss him around, as if he was some sort of Glukkon.Who do these Vykkers think they are? Still, a Slig never gets proper respect. Sometimes Brent felt as lowly as them Mudokons. At least they didn't send him cleaning the sewage. And he was ever so grateful Slig meat tasted too bad for the Glukkons to consider turning them into a new delicacy. Rupture Farms already had their way with the whole "Mudokon Pops" thing. And although they paid dearly for that, the various meat factories on oddworld saw the benefits of the project, and started producing similar food.
They might be tempting fate. These factories could face the same fate as Rupture Farms, Brent thought, However, there is only one Abe, and reports say he's somewhere around Necrum, trying to shut off Bonewerks. And to Brent's dismay, word had it that he slaughtered a bunch of Sligs at the Slig barracks.
Either way, the Mudokons were the worst. They were constantly plotting to take over Indigo. They thought he hadn't noticed, but they always plotted behind the Slig's and Glukkon's backs. One time he heard one of them talk. "When Abe gets here, he's going to toss a grenade on that Slig's head", one of them said. The other was bolder. "I heard there's a boom machine two doors away. Maybe we can do it ourselves". That was too much for Brent. Without hesitation he riddled the second Mudokon full of holes, and then he beat the other one bloody. After that he had to answer to Granslak, his Glukkon supervisor. Granslak didn't approve of needless slaughter of Mudokons. No matter how Brent tried to explain to Granslak of his rational for executing that Mudokon slave, his supervisor was deaf to his explanations. He ordered a different Slig, a big one, to beat Brent up, and then he tossed him to Zulag 2, where the Mudokon slave quarters were. Ever since this punishment, Brent found himself yearning back for Zulag 3. In Zulag 3 there were Glukkons. There were Sligs. He even had a few friends back in Zulag 3 (Although most Sligs would not hesitate to kill him if he got in their way). But still, he found that he preffered a bunch of hostile Sligs and a few Slig friends over the scarce amount of Sligs down in Zulag 2. The only thing about Zulag 2 which was better than Zulag 3, was the lack of Slig'o'matic machines. It always creeped him out to see someone pulling a lever, and then seeing a Slig descending down from one of them tubes, instantly shooting his automatic rifle. It made him feel insignificant, replaceable.The way I feel now He thought.
As Brent was patrolling the chemical lab, he suddenly began to feel anxious. As if something would go incredibly wrong. Actually, this could well be true. who knows what these Vykkers are doing? For all he knew, their experiments could blow up any second. He found himself restless. First, he began walking back and forth. Than running. He suddenly felt a Splitting headache. He tried to convince himself it was nothing, but it kept getting worse. "Ow!" He shouted, and the Vykkers started staring at the strange Slig. And then he realized. It's not the Vykkers. I'm Being possessed. He panicked. He ran as quickly as possible, but bashed in the wall. I have to get out of here. He left the lab as quickly as possible, already starting to feel his control over his own body fading. And just as he was losing the control over his legs, it stopped. He probably ran far enough. He was safe. Except….. He was now in the Zulag entrance, face to face with Granslak. what is he doing here? Thought Brent.
"Brent." The Glukkon said, narrowing his eyes.
"Sir." Said Brent, and lowered his gun. How does he even remember my name?
"Lost your way, Brent?" Asked Granslak
He won't listen to the truth, thought Brent,I have to lie. The damned Vykkers found a technology to detect lies. It was both a lie detector and a punishment device in one. Brent hoped Granslak didn't have one of them truth-zappers with him.
"Yes sir. I'm new to the Zulag. I was patrolling the chemical lab, when one of them Vykkers told me to bring him something"
"What did he want you to bring? Which Vykker was that?"
Brent choked. He never bothered learning Vykker names. And he had no clue as far as science was concerned. "Well…. I… mmmm….."
"Never mind that." The Glukkon interrupted. "We just checked the security cameras in Zulag 3. We saw the 'incident' on the monitor. You were right to kill that Mudokon. We don't need slaves around the Boom Machine. I'm certain that after you made an example out of these two, Muds will think twice before trying to use Slig devices."
Brent nodded. Did he come here to apologize? That is not typical of a Glukkon. "yes sir". Brent was content, but didn't quite want to tell Granslak of the possession. This could still be a trap.
"But that is not why I've come" Said the Glukkon. "Brent, I've asked around the barracks. I've been told you were one of the best Slig shots. I've also been told you weren't trigger happy, but still wouldn't hesitate to shoot a Mudokon. Brent, I have an important task for you. We received some disturbing news from Scrabania. Apparently the Scrabs are growing restless. They have become more hostile towards outsiders. And that is not the worst of it. They seem to be getting along now, and they procreate wildely….." Even through his mask, Brent's disgust was obvious. Granslak narrowed his eyes. He continued. "We can't allow the Scrabs in Scrabania to grow. Up until now we have had no trouble dealing with them, since they thinned their own population. And of course, Rupture Farms contributed a bunch to their low numbers. But Scrabania is too close to Indigo, and they pose a serious threat. The meat factories are going to go crazy over this, but we have no choice. The Scrabs must be terminated. I'm sending my best Sligs, and I also asked for a bunch of Sligs from the barracks to systematically slay all those Scrabs. I want you to lead the group, Brent."
Brent remained silent for a short while. Well, apparently he is being appreciated. To lead an important task such as that…. Those Glukkons do know who their best worker is . "Sure, sir. I'll get on it right away."
Granslak was pleased. "You shall leave two days from now. Make what ever preparations you need. And appoint two lieutenants, in case something goes… awry."
Brent thought about his friends from Zulag 3. "Will Kyse and Blach be there?"
Granslak bellowed "Do it!" At a voice monitor, and a list appeared on one of the security monitors of the Zulag. The list was all in Glukkon, so Brent could not read it. Granslak looked at the list. Finally he said: "Kyse and Blach? Yeah, they come".
"Great," Said Brent "Then Kyse shall be my first, and Blach my second." He needed loyalty more than anything else for this task. And who more loyal than his own friends?
Granslak narrowed his eyes. "Fine," He said. "get ready Brent." He turned to leave, then turned back. "Oh. And for the next two days, you shall have your former quarters in Zulag 3". Then he left.
When Granslak wasn't looking, Brent felt it. For the first time since he arrived at Zulag 2, Brent's mouth-fingers spread wide, despite his mask.
For the first time since he arrived at Zulag 2, Brent smiled.

Hope you liked that one. I shall soon bring a chapter about Allen the Mudokon.
It's always funny until someone gets hurt and then it's just hilarious!

Committing suicide is just man's way of telling god "You can't fire me, I quit!"

Last edited by Abastor; 02-01-2006 at 06:57 AM..
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