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(Note: By Species, I mean characters you will most likeley role play as. Animals will be called Critters and come next.)
MudokonsTypical of the Oddworld's Native species are the Mudokon. Chumps, slaves, monks, and food stock all in one, the Mudokons were the dominant species of Oddworld. . . until the Magog Cartel enslaved them to work in their Franchises. Far away in the wilderness, where Sligs rarely tread, free Mudokons preserve the old ways, speaking in their melodious tongue, and moving mountains with psychic chants.
GabbitsA highly-social race of gentle, amphibious creatures, Gabbits are much prized by Vykkers for the medicinal value of their lungs, and for their eggs -- called Gabbiar -- which Glukkons consider a delicacy. Great schools of Gabbits once swam the seas of Oddworld, calling to each other in their cheerful, musical speech. Baby Gabbits who, like tadpoles, gradually gain new capabilities as they grow until they become full-fledged Gabbits.
Steff It's said that the Steef used to live up the Mongo River, near what is now Sekto Springs, until Sekto came. Then Sekto put a huge bounty on their heads-twenty grand-and alot of them either got killed by bounty hunters or retreated from their ancient homes. Rumors say that those that survive, that some of them became bounty hunters themselves, managed to stand up straight, tie their four hooves together, cut off their horns, and walk normal, allowing them to hide with the common populos. But hey, it's only a rumor.
Grubbs Grubbs once lived off the land and the river, in harmony with nature. But the harmony was thrown off key bottlers, settlers, and meddlers. They were "relocated" to a new territory due under the "Offical Grubb Removal and Snatch the Agua Act". This paved the way for more advanced cultures to molt, lay eggs, and chuck.
Zugz (Officialy called Minions by Oddworld Inhabitants) These fellas have always been at the bottom of the social chain, always being picked on for their four feet tall multi colored hats and big chin. So, Zugz did the only thing they chould do: be rotten, good for nothing outlaws! And they're pretty darn good at it, too.
Wolvark Lazy, corrupt, and sadistic, Wolvarks shoot first and ask questions later, that is when they aren't catching a quick snooze or watching their kin on the Lazy Flinger Channel.
Glukons Typical of Oddworld's Industrial species are the Glukkons. An aggressive cohort of slash & burn capitalists, they eat rain forests for breakfast and televise toxic spills on prime time. Sharp-dressed, cigar-smoking, merciless corporate masters of RuptureFarms. When these creeps make a killing in the market, they use a butcher, not a stockbroker.
Sligs Sligs are leased out at birth as corporate security personnel. They are given mechanical pants or wings, batons, tear gas, various types of weaponry, but are never taught to use any of them all that effectively. They are easily impressed and even misled by anyone who sports larger or more exotic weaponry than their own. Status is very important to Sligs.
Vykers Spindly little arms would slow a lesser species down, but the Vykkers have weird science to give them a hand. Their special manipulator harnesses let them wield a wicked assortment of delightful surgical tools. Vykkers eyes aren’t much for detail work - but through the miracle of optical science, even the smallest nerves can be severed for fun and profit!
Interns Surgically prevented from whistling while they work, Interns are finger-pointing finks who enforce Vykker regulations with a song in their heart and a pill on their lips. When not pilfering from medicine cabinets, these sleep-deprived, self-important slaves yearn for the latest in fashion swimwear, punk rock, and designer pharmaceuticals.
Interns are loyal workers for the evil Vykkers Scientists. They are willing and able to carry out the cruelest acts. The Worker Intern smacks you around with it's big hands, and Shooter Intern fills you full of holes with it's Snuzi. Even dealier than normal Interns are the Armored version. With a uniform of solid metal, these types of Interns pose even a greater threat. Attack Interns with fuzzles or the Snoozer. They are big, clumsy and not too bright!