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05-27-2001, 04:45 PM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)
"Eye of the Hunter"

I’ve been playing around again, just trying to satisfy those literary urges. Rett’s question on first/third person preferences set the old cogs turning again, and I thought I’d have a go at the first person style… I’ve started to draw this one as well, so… maybe I’ll post it, if I get enough done. And forgive the shoddy title, I never do titles very well… Hmm.

At the moment I haven’t even the first idea of a storyline, so… bleh. Hopefully one will evolve itself after a while…


I sit, and I wait. I’m patient, usually I could wait for hours – I’m a hunter, it’s what I do – but I was already tired, my arms aching from sitting still for so long, and a dull, four-day-old hunger gnawed at my stomach like an angry paramite.
Pickings were getting thinner, I mused, sadly. Parts of the forest were dying, poisoned by pollution, and some parts were being cut down, shipped away to other countries, other continents. And though we tried our hardest to eat meat sparingly, to conserve what few animals were left in our part of the wild, what few hadn’t been killed for luxury foodstuffs in the richer countries, our ancestors were carnivores, and it’s hard to ignore your instincts. The lazy days of past times were just that – past. Our children were getting weaker every hatching – and we have next to nothing with which to feed them…
And trade was just about nonexistent, too. After all, Skillya had all the rest of the forest tribes wiped out – we only escaped by chance, our queen was very young, and we were a small tribe even then, living deep, deep in the forest – and the mudokons didn’t trust us any more. Only one of their villages was prepared to do trade with us, but they were wary, understandably so, and they made strict rules about meetings; only the females were permitted to approach the village, and only then if they were unarmed. We males would all wait in the treeline, nerves on edge, just in case the… the untoward… should happen; we always worried about those meetings. All females were rare, and very precious, even if most were sterile…
…And the mudokons knew it; they made sure we knew they knew, too. They used to threaten to go to the industrial peoples, tell them where we live, sometimes threatening to kill us themselves. They seemed to see all sligs as the same, as some kind of monsters, just waiting to strike… Skillya has a lot to answer for.
It was getting dark. I looked toward the canopy – the sky was deepening, the first stars beginning to show through. And once again I had nothing to take home but an empty stomach. Maybe I’d sleep out here tonight; although dangerous, it was better than braving the sad, hungry eyes of my friends, my family, when I get home, and learn another brood has starved to death…
As I stood, and thought, the inkling of an idea began to set root in my tired brain. Maybe I should brave the plains, a place almost as dangerous as the mudokon warriors that patrolled them, and go and try to plead with them, try to beg a little of their supposed ‘generosity’… A hunter should not humiliate himself like that, and they will be more likely to kill me on sight than talk to me, but what choice do I have? What choice do any of us have, any more? If we don’t adapt, we’ll be extinct by the end of next winter.
The decision very nearly made itself; I had to go, I had to go and try my luck with the mudokons. Perhaps I would be lucky, perhaps they would see me for who and not what I was, perhaps they would ignore my species and treat me as-… I sighed; deluding myself again. I would probably never even see one of them before a spear through my skull decided matters. But I had to try. With one last glance back, back toward my home in the canopy, and a faint sigh, I set off toward the plains, to go and resolutely face death in the eye, and hope for a miracle.


Ah well, that was… fun? I dunno. Opinions?

[ May 27, 2001: Message edited by: Teal ]
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
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05-28-2001, 08:13 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)


a bit tricky to rate, this one... on the one hand it's very well written, and i have a soft spot for sligs. on the other hand, well, i'm not sure what it is, but i can't seem to give this a 10/10 rating for some reason. sorry, you'll have to be happy with 9/10!

[don't worry, only two fics have ever got 10/10 on their first chapter before!]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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05-28-2001, 08:17 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

actually, that sounded really critical. i love this fic! it just needs to prove itself.

btw, do i have to have read your others to understand this one?

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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05-29-2001, 09:28 AM
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Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

No, it has absolutely no bearing on anything else I've written, I was just writing to unclog my brain...

I'll do some more tonight, I think... in between revising... hm...
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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05-30-2001, 01:02 PM
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Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

Okay, I have more notes on this section at home I may incorporate into this little bit of fic, but as I don’t have my notepad with me right now I can’t do that yet. Just bear with me for a while…

And if Drag can bully her scanner into working ( ) I may post a picture of Xarr, even though the caption on the pic is wrong…


It took me four days to get to the plains, the last of those long, weary days spent sprinting from tree to tree as the forest thinned, as much afraid of my own helplessness if caught on the ground as of the unknown dangers that lurked out there… I sat in the last tree before the wide grasslands for a long time, arguing with myself, daring myself to take that last bold step and start to traverse the openness…
A hunter should not get scared. At least, that was what we were told as children – the hunters were fearless, a breed apart from the ordinary sligs… and yet… and yet, I was scared. More than just scared, in fact – near on terrified. At ground level I couldn’t run, couldn’t wield my harpoon with even half the dexterity I could in a tree… I felt I might as well just carry a sign saying “here I am, eat me.”
In my tree, I felt safe, no matter that it was a truncated wind-twisted little specimen, and even in the highest branches I was scarcely above scrab head-height. I scratched annoyedly at my face – out from the cool, vaguely damp air of the forest, the broad strike of red clay and plant gum across my snout was going hard, and uncomfortable. I’d applied it to break up my shape in the dappled shadows; usually it stayed slightly tacky, supple – but the gum was hardening in the arid grassland air, and it was irritating my skin…
Oh, what the hell. So what if I got killed in the first hour or two? I’d never get home, anyway, I’d starve before I got halfway back. Boldly, I dropped to the ground, swallowed thickly over the lump in my throat, and set off, not knowing where I was going, just walking, walking…
I lost all track of how long I walked for; the hot, dry air had made the back of my throat hurt, and I could feel by skin burning where the sun beat unmercifully upon it… But still I trudged on, woodenly…
I heard the yell before I saw the figures ahead, shimmering in the midday heat-haze. My heart lurched – they were running toward me, and I could hear the angry yells, even though I couldn’t pick out the words. I wanted to explain myself, explain why I was there, but I never got the chance. Aside from the fact my throat wouldn’t allow me to speak in anything more than a hoarse autumn-leaves croak, the first mudokons had reached me…
And the closest brought his spear smartly down on my skull. It was like being dragged down a long dark tunnel, my world imploding, brilliant stars exploding in my eyes, and then…
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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05-30-2001, 04:09 PM
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Can't Be Arsed
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Rich  (138)Rich  (138)

Nice, first person's way easier than 3rd don'cha think?
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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05-31-2001, 11:38 AM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)


Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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05-31-2001, 04:24 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

ooh, threatening. can i offer a small, petty bit of advice? *assumes Teal says alright* i'd make his body taper away a bit more there, or even show the end of the tail where we can see it. he seems... too humanoid, almost...

apart from that, he's perfect!

ohh, i'm a right critical bastiche, aren't i? *hates himself for being so picky*

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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06-01-2001, 04:28 PM
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Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

Heeh, I know, I'd already inked him by the stage I though hm, that doesn't look quite right... And he did have a tail in the original, but that made the pic look even weirder, so...

Ah well, c'est la vie...
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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