Okay, here is the final part of my story!
I have lived 9 years in the big forest. One day, I saw two sligs walking trough the forest. They where talking about "Scrab-fights", where only the strongest scrabs could survive. I tought: Let's see Gray Dead again, and ask him or he wants to fight. I traveled to the desert and what I saw... Gray dead became huge in the 9 years I left him alone, twice as big as a normal scrab! His horn and tail where bigger then ever. I said: "Gray dead, do you recognize me? I am Cool Paramite, your parent. Listen, I have heard about scrab-fights. Do you want to take part?" He said yes, it's one of the few words he can say. We travelled to the Scrab-fights and posted this message there:
This is my scrab:
NAME: Gray Dead
AGE: 12 years
BIRTHPLACE: A secret temple in the Mudanchee Vaults.
CHARITY: The "We want Munch on PC" fund.
WHAT MAKES HIM DIFFERENT FROM OTHER SCRABS: Gray Dead has a big horn on his head. He also has a long, spiked tail. Gray dead is very, VERY strong. Already 237 sligs and 45 other scrabs has seen his tail and no one survived. And if not hit by the tail, it will be the horn. Gray Dead is twice as big as a normal scrab and light-gray. Unfortunatly, Gray Dead is'nt perfect. He is a little bit slow and definitly not smart. But strong he is!!!
Can he take part?
Yes, he could take part. After a while, I heard he had to fight against Robo-Scrab. I was shocked. Robo-Scrab was a light-speed fast scrab, with lasers and a forcefield. But Gray Dead won! Here is the story of the fight, done by Paramite5!
todays fight is between robo-scrab and gary dead
the scrabs are being loaded into the ring
we disabled robo-scrabs lazer and force field as it gives him an unfair advantage.
gary runs towards robo-scrab and kicks him down which gives him a hurt leg robo scrab gets up and pushes gary into the ropes. gary
charges towards robo-scrab and knoks im into the post in the corner of the ring. then gary keeps charging at robos-crab until his head comes off and he explodes.
the winner is gary dead
the next fight is between the next 2 scrabs
scrab fights is sponsored by scrab cakes
He's a winner!!!!!!!!!!!! But, Paramite5, you switched the R and the A!
Now, after the fight, we are travelling together, again, and now forever. We are now friends for life!
[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Cool Paramite ]
[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Cool Paramite ]