Actually, I read Kimon's post first, so when I saw your theory, I automatically thought of some other theory or number of theories. It's a pretty good theory, but it seems flawed...
Like for instance, how would Blisters know that Stranger was a steef if he was perfectly disguised as the Stranger during the chase?
Also, the gun is debatable. At first I thought, perhaps he uses the same type of gun as Sekto. The reflecting markings on both guns voided this theory though.
Then I thought, perhaps it was just lazy programming? I mean, I would have no problem with putting the same gun in, because it's a small and minute detail.
But story-wise, it's a good theory. Realistically speaking, however, it's a bit flawed.
5 of the Best Games Ever: Banjo-Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath,
Donkey Kong 64, and Super Mario World