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04-29-2001, 01:53 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)
'White Goddess'

Read 'Moon Child' first.

Chapter 1

Abe and Cili looked at the crowd around them. It's been nearly five months since Cili regained her memory and learned of her talent. Since then she has been aiding Abe and the others in the fight against the Glukkons.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to this..." Cili muttered. She felt Abe take her hand into his and she looked over at him with a smile.
"You're still just not used to all this 'positive' attention." Abe said smiling back.
"No I'm not." she giggled as she watched some of the young mudokons they just rescued play. The place they just came from seemed to be more of a mini nursery then a factory, still this was the first time any of the young ones really had the chance to play. As she watched them, she an urge, a longing in her heart, one she had felt before. She knew what it meant and quickly shook it off. Abe noticed.
"Are you ok?" he asked, concerned.
"I'm fine, just a little tired that's all." she lied.
Abe looked at her a moment, not quite believing her. Then he led her away from the crowd to their hut to be alone.
"Now what's wrong?" he asked as he held her by her hands, "I've noticed something has been eating at you lately."
Cili remained quiet, not looking at him directly. He could tell she was getting depressed again.
"Cili," he sighed, "please talk to me. You know I worry when you get like this."
"I...," she finally started, "I've been getting an urge lately."
"What sort of urge?" he gently pressed.
"An urge to...," she took a deep breath, "reproduce."
"Abe looked at her in shock, "Cili you no there's no way I could..."
"I know that!" she snapped, turning away from him, "well my mind knows that, but my body won't listen. And each day it gets stronger."
"Well...we could adopt." he said hopefully.
"It wouldn't be the same, the child would need to be of my own flesh and blood to satisfy this urge." she said sadly, tears streaking down her face.
"Cili," he said gently as he turned her back toward him and embraced her,"We'll find a way. Even if the result isn't mine I don't care, as long as your happy."
Noble words, he thought to himself, but not likely to happen. The only way I know of is if we find a male Moon Child, and chances of that are slim. And if we did find one, would she be so desperate that she'll leave me?
Abe had to suppress a shudder at the thought.

Chapter 2

Cili gazed up at the stars at her quiet spot. She usually came here when she wanted to be alone. Its been over a week since she told Abe about her urge, and their relationship has be rocky ever since. They have gotten into more arguments in the past week then they had in their entire relationship. It didn't help that the urge was stronger then ever before.
Was it a mistake to tell him? she thought.
"I'm surprised stitch-lips isn't with you." a familiar voice said.
"Hi Munch, no he and Alf are trying to decide which factory to blow up next." she said.
"Hmm, don't you help out with that?" Munch said as he hopped over to her.
"Usually, but I needed to get a way for a bit. If they need me they know where I am."
"I heard you've been having relationship problems."
"Sort of." she said wincing slightly.
"Care to talk about it?"
Seeing no harm in it (and needing an outside party to talk to about it), she told him about the urge she's been feeling, and how Abe reacted to it.
"Whoa." Munch said when she finished, "That is a problem."
"Yeah," she said, "The thing is he tries so hard to ensure my happiness that I think he's starting to hate the fact that he can't help me with it himself. He won't admit it though, but I can tell it's affecting him like this cause his been short of temper lately."
"I've noticed that too." Munch said, "He gets angry real quick when I'm around."
"He was like that toward you before hand." Cili said with a smirk.
"Oh very funny," Munch said, putting his hands on his hips, "So, just out of curiosity, if a male Moon Child shows up, would you..ack!" Munch had to duck a rock that was suddenly thrown at him.
"How dare you even...start to suggest such a thing!" Cili screeched.
"Sorry! I didn't realized it was such a sore point!" Munch said cringing.
"Sorry," Cili said, calming down, "It's just that you weren't the first to ask me that and I think it's another reason why are relationship is so rocky right now."
"He's worried that you'll leave him if such a male show up?" Munch said preparing for another rock to be thrown his way.
"Yeah, he won't admit that either." she sighed.
Munch relaxed knowing no more rocks will be coming his way. Seeing she was starting to get depressed again he started to make funny faces in an effort to cheer her up. After a bit she cracked a smile.
"Boy you're a tough audience." he said.
"Thanks Munch." she laughed. "Abe may think you're annoying, but I don't."
"Gee thanks." Munch beamed.
*Moon Child* a voice in his head said.
"Who? What?" Munch looked around only to look straight into the face of a Moon Guardian. Freaking he jumped into a nearby bush.
"It's ok Munch, he won't hurt you." Cili said reassuringly.
"He won't?" Munch said poking his head out.
"No he won't," she turned her attention to the Moon Guardian, "Greetings Moon Guardian, what brings you to the surface?"
*Greetings Moon Child, we need thy help in an urgent matter.* the Moon Guardian said.
"It must be urgent if you came down from the moon to speak to me."
*It is, one of our young journeyed down here without consent and has since disappeared. Try as we might we could not find him, we fear he may have been captured.*
"That's awful."
*And since he is so young he is not yet old enough to use his powers to defend himself.*
"Do you have any idea who may have captured him?"
*From what we can tell from his cries of pain and fear we believe he has been captured by the Vykkers.*
"Vykkers! Ok count me in!" Munch said jumping out of the bush.
*Thee hates Vykkers I see.* the MG said, lowering his head to look at Munch more carefully.
"You betcha, I have a personal vendetta against them." he pointed to the port on his head.
*I understand. I have been tasked to aid thee in this matter. We should locate and request Abe's assistance in this as well.*
"I'm sure he will be happy to help," Cili said, "Follow me, I know where he is."
*By the way, they call me Arc.*
"Well nice to meet you Arc, I'm Cili and the short guy is Munch."
"Very funny." Munch grumbled, as they made there way back to the village.

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04-29-2001, 01:58 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 3

When they got to the village, they saw Abe and Alf in an heated debate.
"Looks like Abe lost his temper again." Cili groaned.
"Looks like Alf did too." Munch muttered.
"We should take out the mining factory in the north I tell you!" Abe said.
"That's too far away, the logging factory in the east is much closer!" Alf countered.
"The Glukkons would be expecting us to take out that one next! Therefore it would be more heavily guarded! We must be unpredictable!"
"Yeah but this new logging factory is barely a two day journey from this village. It's too close to wait!"
"They probably set that one up so they could use it for a trap! We can't risk that!"
"If we don't, we'll be overrun within a few weeks!"
"How about we go after some Vykkers instead?" Cili piped in.
"Why?" Abe said, trying to keep himself from taking out his frustration on her.
"Well it would be the unpredictable thing you need."
"Oh sure, side with him." Alf muttered.
"As far as we know there aren't any Vykkers nearby. What's with the sudden interest in whacking Vykkers?" Abe asked.
Cili told them about the young Moon Guardian that was believed to be in their grasp.
"Hmmm," Abe thought a moment,"The thing is is that we don't know for sure if the Vykkers have him, plus we have no idea where to start looking."
*We have detremed an area of greatest possibility during are previous searches* Arc said.
"Then why don't you look for him yourself?" Abe suddenly snapped.
*We tried..*Arc recoiled from Abe's sudden outburst, *we search for a whole month without success.*
"Then he's probably dead."
*No he is not, even now I can hear his cries of fear and pain.*
"If you can hear him, then why don't you know exactly where he is?"
*I...I don't know. Something about the place he is in is keeping me from pinpointing where he is.*
"Humph some Guardian you are." Abe snorted turning his back to them.
"Abe!" Cili said, surprised at his attitude, "What has gotten into you? Arc is only requesting our help."
"You know exactly what has gotten into me!" Abe suddenly turned toward her with a scowl.
"Abe...." she was a bit taken a back at his sudden anger toward her, "Our personal lives should have nothing to do with this!"
"Abe you're letting your frustration about our 'problem' get to you."
"So what if it is?"
"Abe if you don't stop with this attitude of yours you could lose everyone you care for!" after a moment she added, "including me."
Abe stood there for a moment in shock and Cili realized too late that what she just said was a mistake.
"Abe I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." she started but Abe stopped her.
"No, you did mean that." Abe said quietly and started to walk away with tears in his eyes, "Do what you want Cili. Go save the Moon Guardian, but I won't...can't help you right now."
"Oh Odd Abe, that's not what I meant...I swear." Cili said as she sank down to her knees and sobbed.
*That,*Arc said, flabbergasted by it all,*was uncalled for. Doesn't he know how much he is hurting the one he loves the most?"
"I have never seen Abe like that before..." Munch said while trying to comfort Cili.
"I'll go after, maybe I can talk some sense into him." Alf said.
*Be careful, who knows what he'll do next.* Arc cautioned.
"Don't worry, I can handle myself if he decided to take a swing at me or something." Alf said as he ran after Abe.
*Still we must leave in the morning, with or without Abe. Cili will you still be up to this?*
"Yes," Cili said quietly, "Yes I will."
*Then it's best that you get some rest, I will watch for Abe if he comes back. Munch I suggest you go with her.*
"Righty o." Munch said as he led Cili back to her hut.

Chapter 4

*How is she?* Arc asked Munch as he came out of her hut.
"Finally asleep, poor girl cried herself to sleep." Munch said sadly.
*What's gotten into him anyway?* After a quick explanation from Munch Arc said, *I see, that can be a problem considering.*
"I think Cili is regretting telling him in the first place."
*I think he would have figured it out sooner or later.*
"True, but like Cili said, he letting it get to him way too much."
*I agree, I have seen and heard of many couples with the same problem, but have been able to live their lives quite happily."
"Maybe we should take him to meet them."
*That would be difficult, you see most were on other worlds.*
"Then how do you know about them?"
*We Moon Guardians get around, plus we have our connections* Arc grinned mischievously.

It took awhile for Alf to find Abe again. When he did, Abe was sitting under a tree with his knees against his chest and his head in his arms. He could hear him sobbing quietly.
"Hey Abe..."Alf said gently.
"What?" he heard Abe's muffled response.
"Would you like to talk?"
"Not really." Abe said looking up at him, "what is it you want to talk about anyway, as if I didn't know."
"Well I was wondering what happened between you and Cili, I mean you two were like this..." his crossed his fingers,"and now for the past week you two have been virtually at each others throats."
"Cili wants something I will never be able to give her." Abe said with a sigh.
"And that is?"
"A child." Abe said after a moment.
"But that's..."
"She know that, but she can't help it. Her kinds method of reproduction is so different from ours."
"And you're afraid she'll be so driven by her instincts that she'll leave you for the first fertile male she comes across." Alf said cautiously
Abe tensed a moment then finally said, "Yeah. I...I don't want to lose her. She means everything to me."
"But if you keep acting like this you will lose her."
"I know I know, I can't explain why I'm acting like this."
"Maybe you have become just as desperate as she is to have a child."
"Perhaps. But how can I? I mean our kind isn't meant to function like that."
"It probably stems from you trying too hard to ensure she's happy."
"Abe what I trying to get at is that Cili needs you as much as you need her. If you two don't work together to resolve this, you'll both be miserable for the rest of your lives. Look why don't you get some sleep. I heard them saying they'll be leaving in the morning, in case you change your mind about going."
"You really think I should go?"
"Sure, you and Cili make a great team, and always will as long as you too work together."
"Thanks Alf." Abe smiled.
"Hey, I'm your friend. That's what friends are for."

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04-29-2001, 02:02 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
: 2,236
Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

{i]Chaptet 5[/i]

*How are thee feeling?* Arc asked Cili as she stepped out of her hut.
"I little better." Cili said wearily.
*Are thee ready to go?*
"I guess so."
As they left the village, Cili took one last look back. She jumped when she felt a hand on her arm and looked to see it was only Munch.
"He made his choice Cili." Munch said comfortingly, "If he changes his mind he'll find us."
With a heavy sigh she turned around and started walking again. She thought she heard something and stopped to listen.
"Cili, we really must get going." Munch said gently.
"I thought I heard something." she said.
"It's your imagination, come on."
"Cili! Wait up!" they heard a familiar voice cry.
Cili whipped around so quickly that her ponytail smacked Munch across the face.
"OW! Becareful with that!" Munch yipped.
"Abe!" Cili ran toward Abe who had just rounded a bend and was running start for them. When they reached each other, they embraced each other tightly. "Oh Abe, I'm so sorry. I should have never had said..."
"No, I'm the one who should apologize." Abe said as they loosened their grip on each other, "I was acting like a real jerk last night. Your right I am letting this get to me and in doing so I hurt you. Something I never wanted to do."
"Oh Abe, I forgive you." Cili said with tears in her eyes and a smile, "Like you said, we'll find a way, together."
*As much as I hate to interrupt such a touching moment, we must get going.* Arc said.
"Agreed." Abe said. A little while later, he said, "Hey Arc, I'm sorry about how I spoke to you last night."
*There's no need to apologize Abe, I understand what you are going through.* Arc said.
"How did you.." he looked down at Munch who had started to whistle innocently, "Why you!"
*He deemed it necessary to tell me, Abe. There is no reason to be angry.*
"At this rate the whole village will know."
"Don't be such a pessimist love." Cili said, giving him a playful jab in the side, "Not as many people know about it as you think. Only you, me, Munch, Arc, and I think Alf knows the whole story."
"Your right." Abe said as he wrapped an arm around her and gave her a quick kiss, "I need to think more positive."

Chapter 6

They had journeyed for three days and the group hadn't found any sign of any Vykkers. It didn't help matters any when they were caught in a sudden downpour, sending the group scrambling to find shelter. They came across a cave and after Arc determined that there was nothing inside they went in.
"I am drenched!" Cili groaned as she rung the water out of her ponytail. She notice Abe was watching her with a rather mischievous look on his face. "What?"
"You know, you look rather...interesting drenched." Abe said with a smirk.
"Huh?" she looked down at her self and noticed that her tanktop was clinging to her skin, making her feminine features very obvious. "Eek!" she covered her chest with her arms, turning into a nice shade of red. "Did you have to call attention to it." she mumbled, embarrassed.
"Why so embarrassed?" Abe laughed, pulling her over to him, "It's not like you have anything I haven't seen before."
"It's not you its...them." she motioned toward Munch, who was laughing hysterically and Arc, who was trying his hardest to pretend he didn't see or hear anything that just happened.
*I...um...think we should camp for the night.* Arc said somewhat embarassed himself, *It doesn't look like the rain will let up anytime soon.*
It didn't take long for Abe and Cili to curl up and fall asleep in each others arms.
"They make such a cute couple." Munch cooed.
*That they do.* Arc agreed.

When Cili woke up much later, everyone else was still asleep. So she decided to explore the cave a bit. It went in pretty straight so she wasn't too worried about getting lost. About 30 yards in she noticed the cave changed dramatically, it changed from the typical cave format to a format that looked suspiciously like it was made by mechanical means. The cave went on for about another 50 yards till she reached a dead end. Thanks to her excellent night vision she spotted two groves on the rock face and scrape marks on the floor next to the wall.
Looks like I'm on to something here, she thought, then she froze when she felt something cold press against the back of her head.
"Well well, look at what we got here.." an obviously slig voice said, "Looks like I found a new volunteer for the bosses experiments."
Experiments? she thought, she knew that could only mean one thing, Well I found the Vykkers, but how I'm going to tell the others without getting myself shot?

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04-29-2001, 02:08 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 7

"Now don't you try anything while I'm opening the door." the slig said as he walked towards a switch on the wall, keeping his gun pointed at her at all times.
"So how did you see me in the first place?" Cili said trying to remain calm,"I thought were virtually blind in the dark."
"We are." the slig laughed, "I'm using night vision goggles, they're fresh on the market."
"Whoppie for us." Cili muttered as the slig pressed the switch. After this is over with, we'll have to destroy the factory there made in. If I live through this anyway. she thought as a large section of the rock wall suddenly came forward and started to slide over to the side. The light that suddenly appeared blinding her for a moment.

Arc's eyes suddenly flew open. All of a sudden he could hear the young Moon Guardian very clearly.
*Wake up! He's close!* he said excitedly.
"Huh?" Abe groaned, "Do you know where he is now?"
*Yes! He's is this cave! Come quickly!* Arc bolted down the cave, leaving Abe and Munch hard pressed to keep up.
"Wait! Where's Cili?" Abe said when he noticed she wasn't with them.
*She's up ahead, I can see her.* They could all see the light up ahead.
Squinting Munch said, "Is it me or is that a slig with her?"
"Oh no she's in trouble!" Abe said as he picked up the pace. Arc, with a growl, suddenly surged forward, leaving them in the dust.
"I never knew they could move that fast." Munch said, panting.
All Abe could think about was getting to Cili before it was too late.

"Alright get in there." the slig said, motioning with his gun.
"What if I don't want to go in there" Cili said boldly.
"If I have to, I'll knock you out and drag you in there!" he threatened. Suddenly a stream of what looked water struck the barrel of the gun. The force of the stream caused it to hit the nearby wall and it shattered. "What the f***!" The last thing the slig saw was a set of talons coming at him. Claws that literally took his head off.
"Remind me not to get any of you mad at me." Cili said as she saw Arc put his foot back down and smiled.
"Cili!" she heard Abe say. She had barely turned around when Abe embraced her tightly, "Are you all right? That slig didn't hurt you did he?"
"I'm fine," she gasped, "Now could you let me breathe a little?"
"Oh I'm sorry," Abe relaxed his grip on her, "Why did you wander off? You could have been killed!"
"If I didn't we wouldn't have found this place." She motioned toward the now fully open doorway.
Arc clawed at the ground, leaving gouges in the rock. *This is the place* he snarled, *I can hear the young one inside. let us punish those who are hurting him!*
All nodding in agreement, they went inside.

Chapter 8

As they walked through the hallways of the lab, the group came upon several cages of animals. Many were hideously deformed. Cili felt sick to her stomach.
*How can anyone be so inhumane?* Arc said as he broke the lock to one of the cages, freeing the unfortunate fuzzle that was inside.
"That's Vykkers for ya." Munch said, shuddering at the memories of his own experiences with the Vykkers.
They continued on, freeing animals as they went, until they reached a large room. The room was lined with the standard medical supplies along the walls. In the center was a large table that was surrounded by surgical equipment and lights. Other then the doorway they were in, there where three exits to the room, one on each wall. In one of the far corners was the young Moon Guardian, which was looking out pleadingly from its cage. Arc started for it but Abe stopped him.
"Hold on." Abe whispered, "We've been lucky so far in not encountering anyone in here. Let me go in and make sure the coast is clear."
*Very well.* Arc grumbled impatiently.
"Be careful, I got a bad feeling about this." Cili muttered.
"Don't worry I will." Abe said as he walked into the room carefully. He made his way to each of the doorways, checking to see if anyone was in the rooms beyond. When he got to the door that was closest to the caged Moon Guardian, an intern suddenly jumped out and stabbed him with a syringe. Abe screeched in pain and suddenly felt very weak and ill and collapsed. Cili rushed to his side while Arc made short work of the intern. She pulled out the syringe and held Abe closely, his skin now had a clammy feel to it and he was burning with fever.
"@%^*#% it." Abe groaned weakly.
"Easy Abe, we'll get the cure for that." Cili said reassuringly.
"What's going on in here?" a Vykker said as it entered the room, followed shortly by a second.
"A break out that's what!" Munch said as he freed the Moon Guardian from its cage. The young MG squealed happily and ran over to Arc and jumped onto his back. Cili walked towards the Vykkers with an angry look on her face.
"Where's the cure for this!?" she demanded showing them the syringe.
"Why should we tell you, you just ruined weeks worth of research!" the first Vykker said.
*If thee don't we will do to thee what we did to thy minion.* Arc said threateningly.
"Ha! You kill us you won't get the cure!"
Cili, unable to take it, turned into her Guardian form and charged. The Vykkers, surprised at her sudden transformation, tried to run but she trapped them in a corner.
*There are worse fates then death!* her mental voice screeched, *Tell me where the cure is!*
The second Vykker, obvious weaker willed then his partner, said, "Which one was he infected with?"
Munch hopped over to where Cili dropped the syringe when she transformed and picked it up. "Hmm it's XTAT4179." he said.
"That idiot intern must chosen that one at random!" the first Vykker said.
"That was the only sample left!" the other added.
*So!* Cili said, getting impatient, *Where's the cure for it!?*
"There is no cure..." the second Vykker gulped.
"It is, was a new viral mixture that was discovered recently. Our peers sent it to us for testing not long ago." the first explained.
"We had not yet found reason to develop a cure for it." the second added.
*What about where you got it from?* Arc said hopefully, *Would they have something to treat it?*
"No, it was sent to us as soon as the first batch was completed. No one has had enough time to create a cure." the second said, "Therefore, his death is inevitable."
Cili stood there in shock, her body trembling.
*How long...*she said, her mental voice shaking.
"We had only tested it on smaller animals so far and they only lasted a couple of days. I'd say he'll last only a week tops." the first said.
"Not enough time to create a cure I'm afraid." the second added.
*No...*she was shaking violently now. Arc sensed what was about to happen next.
*Munch get under me quickly!* he said as stood over Abe, who was now unconscious. Munch complied.
The very next moment Cili snapped. With a scream of rage she started knocking down shelves and cabinets. She was sending lightning bolts everywhere. The two Vykkers cowered in the corner, praying her rage wouldn't be turned onto them. They didn't have that kind of luck however as Cili suddenly charged them. They both bolted but one wasn't quick enough and she ripped him to shreds with her talons. She caught the second with a blast of her breath weapon, freezing him instantly and with a whack from her tail his body shattered into a million pieces. Finally, exhausted, Cili changed back and collapsed, sobbing.
"Remind me never to get her mad at me." Munch said half-heartedly, "So can we do now?"
*I don't know Munch.* Arc said sadly, *I don't know.*

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04-29-2001, 02:13 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 9

The group had found a cart and had put Abe in it to transport him back to the village. Cili and Munch rode in it too. Arc served as the pack animal (not that he had any choice). Everyone was in a depressed mood, especially Cili, who for the entire trip back, either slept or laid close to Abe sobbing. Munch, despite his best efforts, could not bring her out of her deep depression.
It spread though the village too once they got back. Even more so when Bigface said there was nothing he could do.

The next mourning, Munch noticed Arc and Cili outside. Arc was looking unusually thoughtful.
"Ok what is with the thoughtful look here?" Munch said as he hopped over, "You're supposed to be depressed like the rest of us."
*There's still a chance we can save him.* Arc said with a note of hope in his voice.
"How!" Cili suddenly said, startling them both.
*I just remember that I know someone, who may know someone else that can help him.* Arc explained.
"Who!" Cili grabbed Arc by his head horns, "Tell me!"
"Whoa! Cili calm down!" Munch said.
*Cili, there's no guarantee...* Arc started.
"I don't care! Take me to who ever it is! We have to at least try!" Cili said.
*Very well, you will need to bring your cloak with you for where we will be going there is little shade to protect your skin.*
Cili immediately ran off. A short time later, she returned with her cloak and a bag of provisions.
*Climb on, it will be faster if I do all the running.* Arc said lowering himself. Cili carefully climbed on, avoiding his horns, and grabbed onto two of his horns for support.
"Munch," Cili said as Arc stood up straight again, "watch over Abe for me, we'll be back as soon as we can."
"You can count on me!" Munch said as he watched them run off. I hope your friend can help Arc. he thought, Without Abe, I don't know what we would do.

Chapter 10

"How much further?" Cili asked as the Arc ran through the forest with her on his back. They have been traveling for nearly two days and Cili was getting worried that they were running out of time.
*We are nearly there.* Arc said as they left the forest and stopped at the edge of a desert. *Just across this desert. See that peak on the horizon? That's our destination.*
"Looking like a long way." Cili groaned.
*Not really, hang on.*
Arc suddenly leaped onto the first sand dune, then onto the next. Cili was hard pressed to hang on. In no time they arrived at the entrance to a very large cave.
*Are thee ok?* Arc asked when he heard Cili's groan.
"I think we left my stomach at the first dune..." she said.
*Sorry about that.* Arc chuckled.
"Whoa, what in the world lives here?" she said, surprised at the size of the cave.
*Thee will see.* Arc said as he entered the cave, Cili following, *Yo! Dragadon! Are thee home!?* he called out.
"Yes and I'm trying to sleep here you idiot!" a rather annoyed voice answered.
*Thee are ravishing already! Sheesh why must thy dragons sleep for decades at a time?*
"Very funny, now what do you want?"
"We need your help!" Cili said.
"Who wha!? You brought a stranger to my cave!?"
*Sorry it was necessary.* Arc said.
"I can't see him, where is..ACK!" Cili was startled by the sudden appearance of a very large shape. It was the biggest creature she had ever seen. It looked similar to a Moon Guardian, only it had two pairs of legs and a pair of wings on the shoulder blades. It was about ten times larger, was blue and lavender in color, and had yellow eyes. It sported only one pair of horns on the back of its head and a mohawk of light blue hair running down from the top of the head to the top of its tail. It lowered it's head down to Cili's level, to get a closer look at her.
"I'm a she, not a he." Dragadon said, somewhat annoyed.
"S..sorry." Cili said quietly, intimidated by her size.
*For goodness sakes, Dragadon! Shrink thy self down so thee are not so intimidating.* Arc said.
"Are you sure she means me no harm?" Dragadon said wearily.
*I'm sure. Thee have my word.*
"How could I possibly harm something that big!" Cili mumbled.
"It's a long story." Dragadon said as she suddenly shrunk down to about Cili's height, "Is this better?"
"Um..yes. Thank you."
"Now what is it you need my help with?" Dragadon said as she settled herself down. Arc and Cili then told her of their problem

Chapter 11

When they had finished, Dragadon sat back, looking thoughtful.
*Well?* Arc asked, *Do thee know someone who can help?*
"Yes," Dragadon answered, "But there's two problems."
"Which are..." Cili pressed.
"One, the individual I know lives on my home planet, which is not Oddworld. Two, it's been an eon since I was last in contact with her, therefore she may not still be there."
"An eon!" Cili cried, "How could anything live that long?"
"I am before you am I not? Dragons and some other beings live for centuries at a time, some eons."
"Then who or what is she?"
"I can't tell you exactly what she is and she is only known as the White Goddess to many."
"Ok how do we get in contact with her?"
"She doesn't respond to telepathic requests, besides the distance is too great for that. Therefore the only way is to see her personally."
*And that would require someone like you who has the ability to teleport.* Arc added, *Can you take Cili to her?*
Dragadon shifted uncomfortably, "That may end up with us meeting up with those blasted Dragonslayers." she growled.
*It's been an eon like you said, surely that barbaric practice has died out by now.*
"Perhaps, but there's no guarantee."
"Please take me! It's the only chance we have to save Abe!" Cili pleaded.
"Very well." Dragadon sighed, "But be warned my home world is vastly different from this one."
"I don't care, I'll take any risk to save Abe."
"As you wish."
Dragadon stood up and walked outside, becoming her full size as she went. Arc and Cili followed.
"Arc," Cili said, "Could you go back to the village and let the others know of our progress?"
*Of course.* Arc said, *Becareful Moon Child*
"I will." Cili said as she climbed onto Dragadon's back and got a good grip on some of the hair on her back.
"Brace yourself." Dragadon warned. Then she suddenly leaped up into the air and with several strokes from her powerful wings, stayed airborne. Cili gulped when she saw how high up they were. "Hang on! Porting!" she heard Dragadon say just before they became engulfed in darkness...

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04-29-2001, 02:18 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 12

The darkness lasted only a few seconds. Cili could suddenly see again, but it was still pretty dark. Suddenly a streak of lightning streaked across the sky, almost hitting them.
"Oh great!" she heard Dragadon say, "I've ported us right in the middle of a thunderstorm!"
"Can't you just port again?" Cili asked.
"No, not after the distance we just traveled. It will be awhile before I can port again."
"Well that's just great."
"Hang on! I try to get us though this and quickly as possible!" Dragadon suddenly dove, and Cili struggled to press herself as close to Dragadon's body as possible so the wind wouldn't blow her off. She could see a large sea, no an ocean, approaching them. When about 500 feet above it, Dragadon leveled out and flew about 100 feet about it at a high rate of speed. Lightning was flashing all around them and Cili could have sworn a couple of bolts hit them. The wind howled angrily at them, threatening to hurl them into the ocean below. After what seemed like an eternity, the storm passed and Dragadon steered toward a large landmass on the horizon. After a while, they landed on a beach and Dragadon collapsed exhausted.
"We should rest a bit, the wore me out." Dragadon panted.
"Good idea." Cili said shaking, not exactly wanting to be in the air again for awhile. As she climbed down she spotted something she didn't notice before. A series of scars on Dragadon's body.
"Where did you get these?" she asked, "Dragonslayers?"
"Huh?" Dragadon looked over to see what she was talking about, "Oh those, no. I got those while fighting an insane Moon Guardian."
"Wha! An insane Moon Guardian?"
"Yep, happened about 50 years ago. I came upon him while he was slaying mudokons. I decided to put a stop to it. He was a tough bugger."
"Did you kill him?"
"He ran off before I could finish him off. Never saw him again. I think he died of his wounds."
Hmmm, Cili thought as sleep started to claim her, [/i]Why does it seem like I should know this already? Like I've heard it before?[/i]

Chapter 13

When Cili woke up it was daylight. She stood up and looked around. At first she didn't see Dragadon, then she noticed a large dragon-shaped rock next to her(yes I borrowed that from 'Dragonheart' hehe).
Heh, clever. she thought. For the most part the beach was barren, in the horizon were buildings that looked like rectangles. That's weird, never seen buildings like that before.
{Hey guys, take a look at this weird thing.}
She whirled around toward the direction of the voice and saw the ugliest creature (well to her anyway) she has ever seen. It was pale in color and had five fingers on each hand. On its head was a mane of black hair and it was wearing a black top with blue pants. It just watched her, with a mischievous look on its face. Two others, looking very similar to the first joined it.
{Whoa, what do you think it is?} one said.
{Looks like a cross between a frog and a human} another said.
{Maybe we should call the FBI?} the last said.
{The FBI? Heck no! They probably cover this all up like they did with Roswell. Besides, just think of the money we could make if we catch it and show it off in a freak show.} the first said.
{Hey your right, Lets get it!} the second said and they all started to advance on her.
Cili had been trying to follow their conversation but couldn't understand their tongue. She could tell that they weren't there just to say hello.
"Dragadon, wake up!" she said as she pounded on 'Dragadon the rock', but only got a hurt hand as the result. Boy talk about taking the phase 'slept like a rock' literally. she thought as she backed away. Then she tried to transform, but couldn't. Great, just my luck. I guess I can only use my power on Oddworld. One of the creatures then climbed on top on Dragadon, while the other two spread out to circle her. It was then Dragadon woke up.
"Huh? Whats going on?" Dragadon grumbled as she raised her head, causing the creatures to shriek in fright. "Wha.." she notices the creatures around her and Cili "HUMANS!" she roared as she stood up suddenly causing the one that was on her back to fall off. All three promptly fled in terror.
"Where those dragonslayers?" Cili asked.
"Not those, but they'll most likely bring back some." Dragadon said with a snort, "Which means we can't stay here."
"It's obvious you haven't been home for a long time, Dragadon." a deep voice said behind them, causing them both to jump.

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04-29-2001, 02:23 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 14

"Why if it isn't Qualix." Dragadon said as she turned around a smaller gold colored dragon. "I see you have survived the dark times as well."
"Yes," Qualix said, "I must say, I was surprised when I felt your presence. Everyone feared you were dead when you disappeared."
"No I just ended up on another planet somehow while porting. And decided it was a much nicer place."
"At the time you left I wouldn't blame you. However, things have changed for the better in recent times."
"Excuse me!" Cili piped in, "It's nice to see old friends get back together, but we're on a strict time schedule!"
"Your right Cili." Dragadon said,"Qualix the reason we are here is because we need to see the White Goddess."
"White Goddess? You must mean Ishtar." Qualix said.
"Did she go through another name change?" Dragadon asked, annoyed.
"Yes, apparently her superiors had a fit when they found out she was letting people call her White Goddess."
"They always were picky about what they let mortals know about them." Dragadon muttered.
"So, does this mean she still here on this world?" Cili asked hopefully.
"Yes she is, I'll lead you two to her place."
"Thank you." Dragadon said as Cili climbed back up on her back, "On the way, could you update me on what has happened here?"
"Of course." Qualix said as they went airborne, "Perhaps you two could update me on your adventures and your guest could tell me her story."
After exchanging stories, Qualix let out a heavy sigh.
"What is it?" Cili asked.
"It would appear that dragonkind and yours share a kinship." Qualix explained, "Are kinds histories are very similar."
"It seems that way..."Cili said sadly.
"We are nearing our destination."
"I don't see anything, only water." Dragadon said puzzled.
Qualix chuckled as he said, "You have forgotten about Saurian Isle?"
Dragadon thought a moment, "Yes I remember it. I never been there though."
"It is our last refuge, and is hidden from sight by the gods magic. Look carefully."
Cili and Dragadon looked toward the horizon, seeing nothing at first. Then suddenly out of nowhere a large landmass appeared in front of them...

Chapter 15

Dragadon and Cili stared in disbelief at what just appeared in front of them.
"How is the world.." Dragadon started.
"Like I said, the gods magic keeps the island hidden from most." Qualix said, "This way."
They continued on, following the coastline. After a while they approached a much smaller island, one that was mostly covered in mist. As Dragadon landed Qualix said, "This is the place. I must go now, the Dragonlords have summoned me. You should know what to do next." and with that he disappeared.
"What did he mean by that?" Cili asked as she climbed down.
"It means that you will have to go on on your own, you will be tested on the way." Dragadon said.
"Tested! But we don't have time for that!"
"We have no choice, to see Ishtar you must prove yourself worthy of her help. It is her way." Dragadon said sternly, "I will wait here for you."
"Why can't you come with me?"
"Because it is you who are asking for help, I am just the transportation."
Seeing there was no arguing with her, Cili, with a heavy sigh, walked off into the mist.

Cili could only see a few feet in front of her and she kept feeling like she was being watched.
This is freaking me out. she thought, Just what is this test anyway?
Suddenly there was a frighten squawk nearby, causing her to jump. Curious she went in the direction she heard the sound from. As she drew closer, whatever it was started chirping and squawking angrily. Sounds like a bird, she thought and she came upon a fallen log. Looking over it she saw what looked like a very small dragon that was trapped under it. It was silver in color and looked to be only the length of her arm. It had only one pair of legs and a pair of wings much like Dragadon's. It looked at her and hissed.
"It's ok, I am not going to hurt you." she said gently.
The little dragon cocked its head at her a moment then visibly relaxed as she lifted the log off it. With a happy chirp it flew up and landed on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek with its snout.
"Friendly little thing aren't you?" Cili laughed as she stroked its neck. It leaned into her hand, making a soft purring sound.
"Mindcallers usually are." A distinctly female voice said behind her. Cili whirled around to see a figure appearing in the mist. As she approached the mist lifted, "As long as you don't lie. Hello Cili, I am Ishtar."
Cili could only stare with her mouth agape at the form before her...

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04-29-2001, 02:28 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 16

Standing before Cili was a female humanoid lizard. She was a little shorter then she was and had light green skin. She had three fingered hands similar to a mudokon but with claws instead of nails. She also sported a three foot long tail and walked on her three clawed toes, which were similar to bird feet (more like dinosaur feet). Her yellow eyes regarded her with a firm yet gentle look.
"How..." Cili said, "how did you know my name?"
"I knew it the moment you entered the mist." Ishtar explained, "It's a spell of mine really, it lets me eavesdrop on those who come to my little island, so I can decide whether or not to meet them personally. So tell me, what is it that brought you here?"
"Oh Odd, It's a long story and I'm running out of time."
"Hmmm one of those huh? In that case..." suddenly Ishtar put her hand on Cili's forehead, "Just relax"
Cili suddenly saw her entire life flash before her eyes, and she staggered in shock.
"Sorry," Ishtar said as she removed her hand, "I'm not quite used to reading only parts of someone's mind."
"You not? So your still..."
"A novice? To my superiors yes, but that doesn't mean I can't help you save your mate."
"How old are you exactly?"
Ishtar winced slightly at the question, "I'd rather you not go there, lets just say I am older then you could possibly comprehend."
"Fair enough"
"Anyway, if I read you mate's symptoms right, he doesn't have much time left at all, so we should leave now."
"Thank you!" Cili said with tears in her eyes, greatly relieved.
"It's my job." Ishtar said with a slight shrug and with a wave of her hand, the remaining mist disappeared. They could now see Dragadon dozing nearby. With a mischievous grin Ishtar walked up to her, and 'summoned' a bucket of ice water which she promptly dumped on Dragadon's head.
"Arrrgggghhhh!" Dragadon woke up with a start, "Ishtar why must you always do things like that to me!?"
"Because it's fun." Ishtar smirked, Cili was giggling, "Besides I haven't seen you in an eon. Could you please shrink yourself? I don't want you to give the villagers a heartattack."
"So you are going to help? That's great." Dragadon said as she shrunk down. Cili felt something shift on her shoulder and she remembered the 'Mindcaller'.
"Sorry little one." Cili said as she gently picked it up and put it on the ground, "You can't come with us."
With a definent squawk it flew up and landed on her shoulder again.
"Looks like he has chosen you to be his companion." Ishtar laughed.
"Huh?" Cili said puzzled.
"Mindcallers tend bond themselves to someone they deem worthy." Dragadon explained, "So your stuck with him."
"Well I hope Abe doesn't mind an odd pet." Cili sighed.
"I'm sure he won't. Just warn people not to lie around him, cause Mindcallers react violently to liars." Ishtar said, "Gather around, and here we go..."
After a few quick hand gestures from Ishtar, Cili again found herself sounded by darkness...

Chapter 17

Like before the darkness was gone in only a few seconds, and Cili found herself back in her village. There were a few odd looks at the two quests she brought back with her. She saw Arc run up to her.
*Moon Child! Thank Odd thee are here, Abe has started to slip fast!* Arc said with panic in his voice.
"Oh no!" Cili said taking off as fast as she could go.
"Looks like I got here just in time." Ishtar said as she followed her, Dragadon following close behind.
Cili literally ran over Alf when she run into her hut where Abe was. When she got to him, she saw how terrible Abe looked. He was very pale and thin, his eyes had sunken in his sockets and his breathing was swallow and raspy.
"Abe," Cili said as she held his hand, "hold on, please hold on just a little longer."
"Oy! This is worse then I thought." Ishtar said as she came into the room. "Sorry, but everyone must leave, even you Cili."
"WHAT!?" Alf, Cili, and Munch cried.
"Sorry but what I'm about to do you are not allowed to see, now OUT!"
"Come on Cili," Alf said gently as he gently guided Cili away as they left the room, "leave her to her work."

The wait was agonizing. Cili was constantly pacing and fidgeting, and getting on everyone's nerves.
"For crying out loud Cili, your making a trench in the ground." Munch said.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it. I'm worried." Cili said stopping.
*We all are.* Arc said comfortingly,*Thee needs to be patient. Good things take time.*
The little Mindcaller squawked at her as if in agreement, then nuzzled her cheek comfortingly. "I think I'll call you Squawks." Cili said with a weak laugh as she stroked its neck.
"Done." Ishtar said with a smug look on her face as she came out.
"Is he.." Cili started.
"He is just fine. A little weak, but that will pass. You can see him now if you like." as Cili ran up she stop her a moment a whispered to her, "By the way, I 'fixed' something else on him as well. I shouldn't have but considering what I learned about what happened to your kind I figured it shouldn't hurt."
"What are you talking about?" Cili whispered back.
"You'll see soon enough." Ishtar said with a mischievous smile, "Anyway I have to get back, you take care now. And feel free to visit at anytime." with that Ishtar disappeared.
"Thank you Ishtar." Cili said as she went in and found Abe sitting up and looking much better then before.
"Cili." Abe said the they embraced.
"I'm so glad you are well again, how do you feel?" Cili asked.
"A little weak. But much better then before. I do feel that there's something different about me though."
"Well, we will figure that out later. Right now lets just get you 100 percent again."
"Well right now I don't mind just holding you."
Cili just sighed in agreement.


Abe leaned on the window sill, watching the morning sun raise. It's been a nearly year since he was healed by Ishtar and the events of the recent months still puzzled him. He felt a mixture of joy, shock, and relief.
"Aaabbbbeeee!" he heard Cili call to him sweetly.
"Yes love?" he answered turning around.
"Someone is awake and wants to see you." Cili said as she walked into the room. In her arms was a small grayish blue child, their son, HIS son.
"So the little guy finally decided to wake up?" he said as he took the little one into his arms. Their son had yellow eyes just like Abe and he was looking up at him with a happy smile on his face. "We need a name for him."
"Hmmm, how about Omi?" Cili said at that point the little one gave a happy squeal.
"You like that name huh? Omi it is then." Abe laughed as Cili wrapped her arms around him. Then he turned serious a moment, "You know, I'm still having trouble believing this has happened."
"So am I. But that doesn't matter now does it? We BOTH have what we always wanted."
"Yes," Abe said with a content sigh, "Yes we do..."

Fin? I don't think so. Next in the series is "Mark of a Killer"

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