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04-22-2001, 02:12 AM
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: Apr 2001
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Stranded on Oddworld

Okay, so I guess that survey of Twisted's didn't compleatly fry my brian. Anyway, here goes, part one of my first fanfic. . .

Stranded on Oddworld
(c) 2001 Dark Hood Products .inc (j/k)

*Earth's oribt, year 4952. The garbage friegter, the Canadian, which also doubles as a small battle cruiser and an exploration vessle. Bladewing Hillsbury, his sister Zip Hillsbury and thier friend and crewmate, Max Dallas are in the engine room looking at a large device. X-2001 the engineering driod is busy wiring it up to the engine.*

Max: "I hope this time machine thing works out."

Bladewing: "Me too."

Zip: "Well it was your idea to volenteer for the project. Don't blame me if it goes wrong."

Bladewing: "Yeah, I know, I know."

Max: "It took us ages to asemble the damn thing. It had better not go wrong or else, Bladewing, my friend, you are in deep crap."

*X-2001 manages to connect the last wires up.*

X-2001: "Finished. Now, go try it out, I have to defrag my curcuits and re-charge."

Bladewing: "Cool!"

*He smiles. They all leave the engine room and make thier way down the walkway bridging the trash compartment. They soon reach the bridge, and resume thier normal seating positions. Zip being the captain, takes the captains console, Bladewing takes the communications and pilots console and Max the operators and weapons console. Max presses a few buttons to power the ship up.*

Zip: "Prime time machine and thrusters, Max. Bladewing, get clearance from Slarnhill star port."

Bladewing: "Hailing. . ."

*Bladewing and Max press some more buttons on thier consoles. Bladewing's console make a few beeping noises.*

Max: "The time machine and thrusters have been primed."

*The screen on Zip's console lights up. A human comes on the screen.*

Operator #52: "This is Slarnhill space port. Operator #52 speaking."

Zip: "This is captain Zip Hillsbury of the Canadian awaiting clearance from Slarnhill space port."

Operator #52: "You're the guys who are trying out that time machine, right?"

Zip: "Uhm. . . Yeah. Could you put us through to commander Neiras, please?"

Operator #52: "Sure thing, insect girl."

*Zip sighs as the screen bears the letters "Please wait. . ."*

Zip: "Why do those unmodifed humans always call me 'Insect Girl'? I'm almost as human as them."

Max: "I dunno, but it's funny though, he-he-he-he!"

Zip: "Shut your face."

*Neiras comes on the screen. He is a modified humanoid like Max's race.*

Neiras: "Hi, Zip. You managed to set up that time machine yet?"

Zip: "Yeah, X-2001 has just finished hooking it up."

Neiras: "Good. Anyway, you are set to go to Oddworld, earth year 2001. The instruction manual for the time machine should tell you how. You did finish that addition to Max's console, didn't you?"

*Zip transfers the signal to Max.*

Max: "Yeah, we did. X-2001 set it up a couple of day ago. Gives me a bit less room in my console, but I've gotten used to that now. It seems to be working okay, but I haven't really tried it."

Neiras: "Okay. Well, you are cleared for depature. I wish you guys luck."

Max: "Thankyou, sir."

*The signal is passed to Bladewing*

Bladewing: "I hope we see you soon."

*The signal is passed back to Zip.*

Zip: "May luck help us, sir. Canadian out."

Neiras: "See you later, hopefully."

*The communication is ended.*

Zip: "Okay. Max, lay in a course for Oddworld, Earth year 2001 and activate time machine when we reach light speed.. Bladewing, get us out of the solar system and head in a stright line at light speed once we acheive light speed."

Bladewing: "You got it, sis."

Max: "Okay."

*Max and Bladewing tweak thier consoles. Outside the ship, we see it thust off into the distance. We then view back inside the bridge.*

Bladewing: "Light speed reached."

Max: "Brace yourselves. Time machine activated."

*Viewing the viewscreen, we see stars change to compleate blackness. Everything goes slient and the lights go out for a bit. Suddenly in a flash the lights come back on, and they find themselves in Oddworld's atmosphere over a forest. A desert is in veiw near by.*

Bladewing: "Cool, it worked!"

*Zip looks at the view screen and is horrified by what she sees.*

Zip: "Vykkers ship ahead!"

Max: "What?"

Bladewing: "Ahhhhh!!"

*Since there is no way of stopping in time, they slam into the Vykkers ship, exploding it. The Canadian is uneffected by the blow phisicly, but shaken up, smoke starts pouring out of the thruster. They start decending into the trees. . .*

- DH

[ April 21, 2001: Message edited by: Dark Hood ]

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04-22-2001, 03:04 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

great start DH, keep it up!

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04-22-2001, 01:53 PM
Lantra's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: Apr 2001
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Lantra  (11)

i like it. good begining.

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04-22-2001, 09:04 PM
: Apr 2001
: Goulburn, NSW, Australia
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Grid  (23)

I third the motion, awesome beginning, you've set it up well.
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04-22-2001, 09:21 PM
Boombat Seeker
: Apr 2001
: NSW, Australia
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Pacen  (23)

It's good so far. Is Dark Hood going to be in this?

[ April 22, 2001: Message edited by: Pacen ]
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04-22-2001, 11:24 PM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Tacoma, WA
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Osiris The Fleech  (12)

I think it's greeat. Keep up the good work.
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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04-23-2001, 02:28 AM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
Page 7, Post 199
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Hmmm. I dunno if Dark Hood will be in it or not. I haven't decided yet.
Actually, maybe not as if Dark Hood is in it, then so will Dragadon, Teal and Twisted. But I suppose they can make a small appearance. I think I'll have Dark Hood have his own fic. The rest of the gang will appear breifley. I think I#ll have him do a Space Quest 6 style adventure or something on oddworld.
- DH

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04-23-2001, 03:48 PM
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: Apr 2001
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*Back inside the cockpit, we see Bladewing yank back on the control stick, and Max pressing a few buttons.*

*Outside the ship, the landing gear comes down and the nose goes up as it buldozes a few trees, then crash lands on the forest floor, skidding a litte. As it comes to rest, the right landing leg hits a fallen tree, and the whole thing goes onto it's side, resting on its left wing.*

*Back inside the cockpit, everything is still working, and Bladewing, Max and Zip look a little stunned.*

Bladewing: "Yeesh! Is everybody okay?"

Zip: "I think so."

Max: "I've hurt my chest on this bloody new console addition, but I'll be fine, it's just a bruise."

*Max gets out of his console and goes to the left wall of the bridge, as the ship is leaning that way.*

Zip: "We ought to see if Strepo and X-2001 are okay."

*Just then, X-2001 enters the bridge carrying Strepo, the ships cook, who has been knocked out and has a gash on his forehead.*

X-2001: "What's going on? Strepo's been hurt and the ships on it's side."

Bladewing: "As if we didn't know."

Zip: "We've crashed on Oddworld. I'll take Strepo to the sickbay, you guys check everything out to see if it's working."

Bladewing: "Okay, sis."

Max: "Right."

X-2001: "Yes ma'am."

Zip: "X-2001, how many times do I have to tell you., even if you are a robot, you don't need to call me "ma'am". You seem to forget that you have just as much rights as any living being."

X-2001: "Sorry. It's just my age."

Zip: "Well, we understand. You come from an era where robots were slaves, but please, get used to modern times."

*Zip Gets out of her console, takes Strepo and exits. Bladewing gets out of his console, then X-2001 and Max follw him out.*

*Ten minutes later in the sickbay, Strepo has been strapped to a stretcher to prevent him from sliding off it, and Zip is bandiging his head. Max, Bladewing and X-2001 enter.*

X-2001: "Everything appears to be intact apart from the engine."

Zip: "And whats wrong with that?"

X-2001: "That blast before we crash landed knocked out a feul line, which can be repaired, but since a large part of the feul line was burned off, we need to find some sort of heavy duty tube that's exactly the right size."

Bladewing: "And how the hell are we suppost to find something like that on Oddworld?"

Zip: "I dunno. Maybe we could nick some factory equipment or something. We ought to find the Mudokon saviour, Abe, who lived at this time, as he knows where all the factories are and what they do."

Max: "Okay, but it might mean searching this whole regeion. Best thing to do would be to find a village and ask for directions."

Bladewing: "Right then, lets pack some survival equipment and lets go."

Zip: "Okay. X-2001, you stay here and look after Strepo and the ship. Let's go exploring!"

Bladewing: "Whoo-hoo!"

*Meanwhile on the outside of the ship, a large group of Sligs surround it. . .*

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