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04-15-2001, 09:41 PM
Silver Neko's Avatar
Silver Neko
: Apr 2001
: Planet Gem
: 34
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Silver Neko  (10)
Nen and Dave

Nen and Dave

It was about 4 years before Abe found out that his race was pie filling. In a forest near a small valley, there was a circle of tall tall trees(2 miles high!) up in these trees was a fancy looking shack, carved all over with little symbols and figures. In it, lived a creature not from Oddworld. A creature who shot any thing that might be a threat to her home...

Chapter 1 One day, a small gang of Mudokens were passing through this forest. "I'm cold!" complained one. "Ewww! Its all wet here!" said another. "I'm staaaarrving!" said one who was hanging back behind the group. He said it loud enough for someone high up in the tree's to hear. The leader stopped to rest a minute. Suddenly five arrows were sticking out of his back. He fell dead on the ground. "Wha-" began one Mudoken before he was hit with 5 arrows in his spine. The others began to run, but were all taking down. All but one who had just stood there with his mouth hanging open. Then, Siiiiipt! An arrow went through his foot, trapping him to the ground. A figure leapt from the trees and landed near the trapped Mudoken(Who's name was Dave). Dave gasped at the sight of this..this...thingy. It was like a Mudoken but not. It was light purple and had a beak. It had nothing on its head. It was much thinner then a Mudoken and Dave thought he could of been able to kick its butt, if it weren't for that bow and arrows, and the large green clear blade it had just pulled out.
The weirdo came up to him slowly, preparing to drive the knife into to Dave's jugular vein. Dave decided to compromise. "AAAA! Please have mercy! I'll do any thing you want! Don't kill meeee! I'll be your slave for life!" he offered. The purple thing stopped and thought for a sec. Dave held his breath. "Ok" the purple thing said. It bent down and yanked the arrow out off Dave's foot....
(More soooon!)

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04-18-2001, 11:51 AM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
: 1,042
Rep Power: 24
freakyLA  (11)

YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Nn and dave continues!!!!!I love this fict!!!!Very good!!!!
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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04-19-2001, 01:41 PM
Silver Neko's Avatar
Silver Neko
: Apr 2001
: Planet Gem
: 34
Rep Power: 0
Silver Neko  (10)

Chapter 2
The purple thing led Dave(after bandaging up his foot) to the circle of trees. "Ok, I'm Nen, a Sy-hoon. You can call me Greatest of Goddesses. THAT is fire wood. YOU carry it up to OUR house." She said pointing to the wood, then upwards. "What house?" asked Dave. "The house 2 MILES up there!" said Nen pointing up again. "Uuuuuhhhh...." "DO IT!" Raged Nen as she put her hand on the hilt of her blade. Dave walked over to the wood and struggled to pick up a log. After 5 minutes of gasping and wheezing, Nen slapped her head and cried, "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? ITS JUST ONE DAMN LOG!" She howled. "But its heavy, and I'm hungry!" Dave whined. "Fine....I’ll make dinner...then I train you!" Nen and Dave began climbing up the trees to the shack. Nen looked down and saw that Dave was practically still on the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She demanded. "Its soooo high!" whined Dave. Nen calmly fitted an Arrow into her bow. "AAAA! I'm coming!" Dave said and scooted up the tree. When they reached the Top, Nen showed Dave around. "Living room," she said pointing at the room they were in. "MY room, YOUR room, kitchen-" "Where's da bathroom?" interrupted Dave. "If you have to wiz, you climb back down and find a bush. When I say you smell bad, you go find a pond or river and then rub your self with flowers." she said quickly. "Uggg!" said Dave. Nen went into the small room she claimed was the kitchen. "Food!" cheered Dave sticking his head in the doorway. An hour later, Nen set down two dishes of food on her small short table. "What's this?" asked Dave poking at the yellow food. "These are boiled Foxfire nuts I had imported from Tin" she said as she stuck one in her mouth and chewed. "Who's Tin?" "He and every other Sy-hoon on this planet live in a city we made out of our crashed ship out in the middle of some desert." She replied. "Oh.....OWWW!" said Dave as he(tried) to take a bite out of the nut. "Its so hard I cant eat it!" he moaned. "Oh great! I boiled them so that they'd be soft enough for you to eat!" said Nen. She crushed another Nut in her beak. "I have some dried Scrab meat. You can eat that right?" she asked as she got up and went into the kitchen. "Oooo! Yeah!" grinned Dave as he rubbed his hands together...

Chapter 3
It was the next morning. Nen had woken Dave up at 4 in the morning to train him. "Ok, I'm taking some of MY time to train YOU so you can be strong enough to pick up more then just logs." Nen said. Dave yawned. "Ok, I have found the best way to toughen up the arms is to hit stuff. So hit me." Nen said. "Are you sure?" asked Dave nervously. "YES! Give me your best shot!" You wont get angry?" "NO!" "All right...." with that, Dave pulled back his arm and punched Nen in the gut. Nen didn't even flinch. Dave did. "OOOOWWWWWW! Your stomachs hard!" Dave blew on his throbbing hand. Nen rolled her eyes. "How about hitting a tree? That should be softer." she said sarcastically. After 2 hours of tree hitting, Nen said, "Time for a jog!" "Yea.." mumbled Dave. And so they jogged, for 50 miles. "Ahhhggggg-" Dave dropped to the ground once Nen said they were done Jogging. By that time, the sun was high in the sky. "Hot? Here's a lake, take a dip." said Nen pointing to the body of water. Dave dragged himself to the water and jumped in. Then jumped out half frozen. "YAAAAAAA! Cold! Coldcoldcoldcold!" he said as he jumped around trying to get warm. "Hmmmmmm, that's odd, you were just burning hot and too tired to move, glad to see you recovered. Lets continue." said Nen.
It was a few days later. Nen was dragging home a Scrab corps. She had left Dave home to watch the place(And take a bath) She had finally trusted him to be alone since he was to scared to climb down with out her help. But at least he had finally gotten strong enough to pick up a log and climb up a tree with it. Nen climbed up the trees that held her home and went through the Door. "I'm home!" she called. No one answered back. Nen checked every room but could not find Dave. Her first emotion was not rage...but sadness. She suddenly felt so alone with out Dave's stupid questions and whining. THEN she felt rage. "That lying little-" she suddenly heard a grunt as some one climbed through the door. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?" Nen howled at Dave. "Uhhhh, taking...the bath you told me to take?" he said. "Oooohhhh" the anger Nen had felt instantly died. Of course that's why he would go outside, he would never consider leaving me! She thought to herself. Then she looked at his hands. "YOU LIE'ER!" She yelled. Dave's hands were caked with dirt. "WHAT-WERE-YOU-DOING?" She asked Calmly as she slowly pulled Daves pony tail out of his scalp. "Eeeeeee! Just just, aaahhh! burying the others!" Dave spit out. "What others?" Nen demanded. "The other Mudokens I was with..." Dave said quietly. Nen let go of Dave's head. For a long time they said nothing. Nen was silently going through waves of guilt while Dave was silently freaking out at what Nen was going to do to him. "Just forget it" Nen said and went into her room, shutting the curtain behind her....
(More soon!)

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10-07-2001, 12:48 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Germany
: 1,042
Rep Power: 24
freakyLA  (11)

hey silver! WHen will you continue with the chapters after Chapt 25?
http://oddworld.nflboards.com/misc/o...s/freakyla.jpg Nur tote Fische schwimmen mit dem Strom

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