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04-15-2001, 08:53 PM
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Brothers fanfic: Odd Magic in air

My brother Mudokon Werewolf was writing a fanfic, now, he dont want to continue, but im gonna to take it up. I dont remember the start, sorry, but i will continue where he stopped.(so if it is bad, dont blame me )

Jakun was out late with Dak and Jin. They were talking about what they would do.
"Actually, we dont know why we came here, do we?" Dak asked as she tried to fry a innocent frog.
"Yes we do." Jin said, almost annoyed. "We came here just to get a cure for poor Jakun."
"Dont call me poor!" Jakun hissed. "I am not poor, the only one ive killed is..." he stopped by the echo of a scream in his ears. He sighed and hanged down his head. The frog hurryed to get away. Dak laid a hand on his shoulder.
"We dont know what happened that night when you ran away, so we cant say that you didnt mean to, but im sure you didnt do it by free will..."
Jakun wawed away her hand and sobbed quietly.
"I enjoyed every little bite i got from them." he said, sobbed and raised his head. His eyes was full of tears. "I can still feel the taste of fresh meat and blood in my mouth, and that is not comfortable. But..." he said and wiped away a tear. "I bet it will come to handy sometime."
Jin raised himself up on legs and raised up in the air to.
"I will go and find Bigface, there must be a help for you." he said and flied away. Jakun looked after him for a while. he turned to Dak, who was busy with fireing up her horns on the head.
"Why are you doing that?" he asked. Dak stopped and looked at him.
"Why are you pulling in feathers in your head?" she answered. Jakun nodded and looked up in the sky.
"Look. There is Yoatermin, the eveningstar!" he said and pointed up. Dak looked up.
"Stars? There are no stars tonight, its cloudy."
Jakun looked at Dak, and then at the sky again.
"Oh no, youre right, there are no stars..." he said and rubbed his eyes. He looked up again and seemed confused. He relaxed after a while and laid down. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the rest. Suddenly, he felt someone gently touch his shoulder and whisper his name. He sat up and looked around. No one was there, and Dak left a while ago. He breathed heavy and raised himself. He walked away to the tree where he and Abe talked, and laid down there. He looked up in the sky, where a star once again shined.
"Aalie..." he mumbled. "Your name is Aalie."
He falled asleep and didnt see the light mudokon face in the tree, who looked down on him and smiled.

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04-21-2001, 01:40 PM
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The next night, the moon was half and Jakun was worried about fullmoon. He sat by the tree as usual.
"What if i kill someone? Then they would probably just kill me... But, what if i just hurt someone, easy or badly? Bah, they would probably hurt or kill me to... Or even worse, hurt and kill me!"
He made a worried grin.
"Why did i have to make the treehu... ehm, the native mudokons a part of it?"
He sighed and ripped up some grass from the ground. He looked up in the sky and saw a elemental like thing fly over him. He raised. What is that? he thought. It isnt Jin, but then what can it be? Unless it isnt... it cant be! Another elemental? Jakun couldnt do anything but stare. Five minutes later, he remembered that a elemental usually just is a little bit bigger than a glukkon.

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04-21-2001, 09:37 PM
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i like it.

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04-21-2001, 09:47 PM
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If you read this, please post and tell me. Dont forget to pay on your way out.

Jakun was just resting on a hill, enjoying the sun. He heard someone walk beside him.
"You are starting to get this with native life." he heard Bigface say. Jakun laughed quietly.
"And i who thought that it was just work, work and more work..." he mumbled. "Why are you here?"
Bigface sat down. He had to turn his head in a strange direction to do that.
"I have noriced that you are out alot on the night. Does it have something with your disease to do?"
"I would like to call it skill instead of disease. Disease is a too heavy word." he said and turned around. Bigface nodded.
"You better not sleep, its only a few days left to fullmoon."
"So...?" Jakun mumbled.
"Well, if you avoid sleeping until the fullmoon, then you will be too tired to kill anyone."
"Nice theory..." Jakun mumbled again so Bigface had troubles to hear the words. "But the wolf inside me is like a second person, who lives its own life once a month. Besides, im deadly tired..." he said and was quiet for a while. Bigface was just about to say something when he heard Jakun sneeze. He stood up and walked back in the village, mumbling some curses that i wont translate.

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04-21-2001, 09:48 PM
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YIIPIEEE!! Someone is reading it, thanks a lot!!

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04-28-2001, 09:51 PM
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Ok, sorry ´bout the long time, but i can only go here once a week.

Jin were laying by Jakuns favourite tree with Dak. Dak hold her head in his knee, while Jin gently stroke his hand over her neck and head. Both Dak and Jin was quiet, just to enjoy the moment for real.
"Jin?" Dak asked and turned around a little.
"Mhm?" Jin mumbled.
"Have you realized something.... Strange, with Jakun?"
"No, why do you ask?"
"I don´t know... Im probably just worried about him. He will get in big trouble on the fullmoon."
"Do you think theres something we can do to prevent him from killing?"
"Yes, give him to a slog kennel over the weekend." he mumbled. Dak giggled a little.
"Im serious. He will get in trouble, i have that feeling."
"Dak, honey, its two days left to the fullmoon, we have much time left to think."
Dak smiled and said nothing more.

Jakun opened his eyes slowly. He was still on the hill, thats for sure. He sat up and chased away a harmless spider from his shoulder. It ran away as fast as it could. Jakun yawned and looked around. It was still sunlight, but a small shape of the moon was on the sky. Jakun looked at it with a look who could have maked ice melt and burn. He mumbled some curses and raised. He walken back into the village, to find Dak and Jin. He found them a while later, laying by the tree. They seemed to have a nice moment, so Jakun smiled and sneaked quietly away.

Aargh, nothing happens.... Somebody please help me!!

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04-28-2001, 11:51 PM
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Whee, something happens!! Oops, sorry...

Jakun stood on the top of the hill where he rolled down from, remember? He looked on the sky, it was getting dark.
"Dak, Jin, i just want to say thank you." he said. Dak and Jin looked at him.
"No problems, were the only one who can help."
"yeah, we better get going, the fullmoon will be here soon." he said and walked back in the forest. Dak and Jin followed. They were nervous, being their first time to handle something very hungry and strong...

They were all sitting by a fire Jakun made and waited for the moon. It was a strange mood in the air. Dak and Jin didnt take their eyes from Jakun, who just sat and wawed around the ashes in the ground of the fire. Jakun suddenly freezed. He seemed to have a great pain all over his body. His head started to shrink on some places and grow on some places. He got claws and fur. He howled, a sound of a big beast, he crawled down on his now four legs and howled again. His loincloth was ripped apart, a tail had grown out. Once again, he was a wolf. The killer.
Jin raised up in the air and flied away to him. Dak tried to locate him in the moonlight, but it was hard. Before they knew, Jakun was gone and he was free to do anything. No matter how many lifes that would cost him.

Jakun just ran around in the forest, trying to locate and remember where he was. Bushes and trees flied past him, and the wonderful night air blowed up in his face. He stopped on the hill and looked back. Dak and Jin wasnt following. They´ve probably already lost me he thought. He ran down the hill and towards the village. He was hungry, and he wanted to try something else than slig meat for once.

He trotted around in the village, no one awake. He stops by the rainmaker and looks at it. Why havent i seen this before? he thought and walked up to a hut. He looked in. In there was a mudokon with a baby mudokon in her arms. Jakun throwed a hungry look on the child but shaked his head. I will not eat that! he screamed inside his head but his body didnt listen. He quietly walked over to the child and looked at it. The adult mudokon seems to have wrapped her arms around it. Stupid he thought and bite her arm. The mudokon screamed and pulled the arm away. Jakun snapped, bited and pulled a lot, but he didnt manage to kill the mudokon and her child before the rest of the mudokons came. He ran out beside them and stopped outside. He bite one of the mudokons leg and pressed his powerful jaws together. It sounded a loud crack and the mudokon fell yelling to the ground. The rest of the mudokons started to hunt him, while some tried to heal the wounded ones. Jakun ran quickly, but the mudokons was fast. He was slow, but he had that incredible strenth and stamina, so he could run long. He just ran until the mudokons gave up. He changed to trotting and looked back. He stopped and howled, then started to run again. Before he knew anything, the ground was gone. He fell down over a big pile of stones long down. He heard a crack, and this time, it was his leg that was broken. He couldnt explain the great pain he felt. He yelled, that was the only thing he could do. Clouds covered the sky, and rain started to fall. Jakun was now a mudokon again, laying there, on the stones, feeling all his strength pass away as he fainted.

Im pretty proud of this chapter.

[ April 28, 2001: Message edited by: Silversnow ]

[ April 29, 2001: Message edited by: Silversnow ]

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04-29-2001, 12:44 AM
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Im bored, ill just write another chapter:

A mudokon walked across the wet grass, with a basket on her back. In the basket there were berrys and leaves. She whistled while she was walking and looked around. Then she saw something strange on the stonepile. She dropped the basket on the ground and ran to it. She gasped when she saw the young mudokon.
"Uh-oh..." she mumbled and pushed away some stones around his leg to take a look at it. It was defenitly broken. The mudokon took a few steps back and raised her hands. Jakun raised slowly into the air. She took him around his chest and started to drag him away. After a few metres he falled back on the ground. He groaned and opened his eyes.
"Aalie.." he managed to whisper and then fainted again.

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04-29-2001, 09:26 AM
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The mudokon was near a hut, dragging on Jakun.
"Aalie?!" she shouted.
"What?" a voice from inside answered.
"Make a healing potion, we have a guest." she said and came in with Jakun through the door. The small dragon-like thing looked at him.
"Uhm, Nabea. Thats not one of us!" he said with a bit of scottish accent.
"Yeah, i know. But i couldnt just leave him out there. Just, put some of our berrys in boiling water, quickly!"
"Alright, but i know how this will en up. All the normal mudokons will hunt us down and kill us. Atleast the two of us..."
Nabea managed to drag him up onto a small bed made of grass in the corner of the room.
"When the potion is done, just let it cold a minute or so. I will go back for the berrys."
"WHAT?!!" Aalie shouted. "You left the berrys? How could you? I thought you loved me!!"
"Very funny..." Nabea mumbled as she walked out the door.

Jakun opened his eyes. His leg hurted alot, but he was warm and probably not dead.
"Where am i?" he weakly asked. A mudokon stood over him.
"Oh, good morning, guest. Are you hungry, thirsty or does it hurt anywhere?" the mudokon asked.
"My leg hurts..." he mumbled.
"Its broken. Dont move! That would only make harm."
"Where am i?" he asked again.
"Dont worry, you are in a hut in the woods. As soon as your leg is healed, i will send you back to your village."
Jakun nodded and looked at Aalie who was in the middle of eating a berry.
"Whats that?" Jakun asked and pointed at him.
"Thats Aalie, my secretkeeper. I know its a stupid name, but he is just a friend who holds your secrets."
Aalie looked at Jakun.
"G´mornin guest. What´cha name?"
"What did he say?" Jakun asked.
"I said, what is your name?"
"Jakun." he said.
Nabea looked up from whatever she was doing.
"Interesting name, Jakun. Do you know what it means?"
"It means 'the lonely'. I dont know who got up with that.."
Jakun spended the rest of the day with just looking around, and sleeping.

And here comes the parts where nothing happens....

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04-29-2001, 08:52 PM
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It was dark, and Jakun was sleeping. Nabea sat and looked at him, confused. Aalie was on her shoulder.
"Nabea, i think this is gonna give us serious trouble.." he said. Nabea looked at him.
"Yes, but just the two of us... Who would do such a thing to us like they did to him?"
"I dont know, but the odds od getting away if they finds us isnt so great. I think we should leave him near the village and leave. Your 'friend' is probably worried about you."
"I havent been here so long, Aalie."
"You have been here for two years, lets go home."
Nabea sighed and looked down on the ground. He raised her hand, and wiped it over her face. It discovered a white mark, going in a lightning form down over her face.
"Dont worry Aalie, no one will find us...." she said and paused for a second. "Except him..." she said and nodded at Jakun.
"Shall we take him with us?" Aalie asked and looked at Nabea. She nodded, and no one said anything no more.

Dak and Jin were still out in the forest, they knew they would he killed if they went back.
"Well, he was too fast for us..." Dak mumbled. Jin nodded. He looked at the moon.
"I just pray that he knows enough to keep away from the village after this..."
Jin laid his arm around Dak´s shoulders, and they sat there together in the night.

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04-30-2001, 10:04 PM
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Jakun looked around. Nabea´s hut was filled with strange potions and different kinds of salves. Aalie was laying besides the door and looked out. He seemed to be as bored as Jakun was. He yawned, and walked over to Jakuns bed.
"So, how did you fall down on those rocks?" he asked. Jakun shrudded.
"Aw, c´mon... Tell me.."
"I thought you did only keep Nabeas secrets."
"I do, lets just consider it as a total 'i-dont-care' symptom."
Jakun laughed and answered:
"I dont remember."
"What? Did you lose your memory?"
"No, i shizofren, you atleast can say i am... But im sure i did something really bad, okay?"
"Dude, should you mind if Nabea and i kidnapped you?"
Jakun sat quickly up but laid down again after strong protests from his leg. Aalie started to look nervous.
"Yeah... Uhm, you know. Nabea and i arent quite so, what´cha call it, normal. And if you tells anyone that you saw us here, we would probably be treated like crap for two seconds. That would mean, as long as we would live."
Jakun nodded.
"Dont worry, my life is in greater danger than yours. I promise that. How long will it take for this leg to heal?" he said and pointed at his leg.
"About six weeks, maybe longer." he replyed, then he bowe down and whispered into his ear:
"You know, Nabea is a nice girl. And totally desperate. So i think, you have a great chance on her."
"Dont you think thats some kind of... crime? Using her?"
"No, no, not using her! Rather more like... Making her wishes come true."
Jakun nodded and smiled.
"Thats a good idea, i mean, imagine this..." he said and whispered something in Aalie´s ear.
"Holy moly! Where did you get that creepy idea from?!" he screamed and they both laughed.

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05-05-2001, 10:55 PM
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Hey, is it just me or is it no one reading this?

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05-06-2001, 01:41 AM
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reading it, and eagerly waiting for the next chap

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05-12-2001, 11:06 AM
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Thanx a lot Dragadon. I almost gave up there. BTW, are you going to write any new fan fic?

Nabea stood in the doorway, looking at the sleeping Jakun. She sighed and walked over to a table in the small room. He sleeps a lot, is that good or bad? she thought as she looked for a potion that wouldnt make him feel any pain. I mean, he is hurted, so i bet he is weakened, that would mean sleep, but yet, he falled a long way and survived... She picked out a potion, looked at it and walked over to Jakun. Nabea pushed him a little.
"Hey, sleepy, time to wake up, just a minute or two."
Jakun groaned and turned around. He suddenly yelled and turned over to Nabeas side.
"Bad idea..." he mumbled. Nabea saw at his leg with a worried look.
"Sunshine, drink this and then you may sleep again."
Jakun took the potion and looked at it.
"Why?" he asked and looked at Nabea who walked over to the table again. She picked up a knife, walked out and soon came in again. She sharpened the knife on a stone.
"Beacuse if you take that potion, you will fall asleep and feel no pain, that would mean you will not notice what i am going to do. If you dont, you will stay awake, see what i am doing and feel the great pain. That wouldnt be good." she answered.
"What are you going to do then?" he asked and pulled out the thing (forgot the word ) that maked the potion stay in the small bottle."
"Well, first of all..." she said and laid down the stone on the table. "I am going to cut up your leg into the bone, break the bone into original position, stich up the leg and put a holding thing on it. Wouldnt that hurt, Jakun?"
Jakun just looked at her, and drank the potion.
"Eeeew, what a heck is this made of?!" he said with a bad grin. Nabea smiled. Aalie looked up at him.
"Good lord, you really drank that crap? You know what´s made of?!"
"Dont want to know..." Jakun mumbled, sounding a little bit of drunk.
"Yeah, Aalie. Dont give poor Jakun nightmares."
The last thing Jakun saw that day was Nabea, laying the knife against his leg.

Hmm, i think i know a great end of this, heheheheeeee...

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05-12-2001, 11:27 AM
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going good, I have an idea for a Fanfic that is somewhat seperate from the others, (what i mean is that it wont have any of the characters from my previous fics in it), but im still developing the plot for it. That and work is going to make it difficult for me to write for a while. Anyway, if you have been following the RPFic topic, you know who the main character is

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05-12-2001, 07:40 PM
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My brain is just so clogged up... *sigh* Need HELP!!! Someone please help me with what is going to happen? I am.... *looking stunned* Dead!! I cant get on with something. *sigh* Oh anyway, this will continue in a week, see ya.

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05-18-2001, 08:16 PM
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Aalie was out flying. He looked real angry. He landed on a treebranch and growled some words in non-understanding english. All Nabea talks about is Jakun, Jakun Jakun... he thought and sighed. Does she hide something from me? I can punish her for that, hehe. He sighed and flew away again.

Dak was really hungry. The last hour she just got a sick bird on the ground and a crazy paramite who attacked her and Jin. There have to be a way to get out of this damned mess!!! she thought and looked away on Jin. The sun shined on him, making his yellow toned skin look golden. She smiled. I wonder what he is thinking of...

Jin sat down on a stone. He was bored, not hungry, but bored. He looked away at Dak, who emmidiatly looked at another way. He sighed and walked away to her. Jin laid a caring hand on her shoulder.
"What is it?"
She looked up on him.
"You´ve seemed to be so... quiet lately. Whats the matter?"
"This mess." she growled and looked away in the forest. "WHAT A HELL IS THAT!!!?!" she screamed and pointed at a flying thing on a treebranch. Jin grinned and flew against it. At last, entertainment.... he thought and concentrated on catching it.

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05-26-2001, 11:49 PM
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Does someone care about me???

Jakun laid on the bed, quiet, did even avoid to sound something when he breathed. He held his arms around his head, his eyes were dry, so were his mouth. He laid there, in the corner of the room on a small pile of dryed grass as he always done for the time there.
He mumbled the same sentance all time, sometime slowly, sometimes fast.
"They are coming, they are coming, they are coming, for me...."
He almost sang it, quietly. Nabea just watched him. She was actually afraid of him.
"A...are you OK?" she asked. He got quiet for a while, and then he howled and yelled many times, loudly and with a crazy tone in it.
"THEY ARE COMING FOR ME!!!!!" he yelled and howled again. Nabea backed of a few steps.
"They will take me back.... Back there, why? I... I thought my brain didnt... Father, he..." he mumbled and continued his crazy single man orcestra.
Here he growled and spitted the words out between his teeth.
"Injections, knifes, hot steel, pain, misery... DEATH!!!"
Nabea couldnt stand with watching him anymore. She simply just walked out, and closed the so called door after her.

Aalie felt disgust. Someone that Nabea didnt think was so nice was close to them.
Probably Jakun, hes freaking out, completely..... he thought. He heard something, and turned around. In just that moment, Jin´s hand was closed on Aalies tiny wings, squeezing them hard until the symbolic 'crack' was heard. Aalie didnt scream. He didnt try to break loose, or escape. Hes face got all white, and he looked up in Jins giant face (it was for him). Jin smiled.
"You and me are going to have a talk..." he said. To Aalie it was just a bunch of groans and deep mumbles. He tried to make himself small, and Jin flew away back do Dak.

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05-27-2001, 02:49 AM
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i care, please continue..

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06-03-2001, 11:24 PM
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Ooooh, thanx a lot Dragadon. Oki then, ill cotunnie.

Nabea was sitting by the wall, sleeping. And for the first time in several months, she dreamed.

"Wait for me!!" someone yelled. She turned around. Everything was dark, but she heard voices. The light came back to her. What is that? A fence? She sat up and looked around. A prison? She looked on the things outside the fence, a slig, a vykker and a mudokon. No, and a Jakun. A sad Jakun. She gasped and looked when they walked away in the dark.

Nabea quickly opened her eyes. She was still in her small hut.
"What was that? A vision?" she whispered to herself. She looked at Jakun. He didnt sleep, he was trying to reach a jar on the table.
"Food, please!! I need food!" he said to himself as he tryed to reach further. Nabea raised up, walked away to the table, picked up the jar and read on it.
"Hmmm... Its the last one i have, but, you can have it." she said and gave the jar to Jakun. He ripped off the cover and started to eat from the fruits in the jar. Nabea let herself back on the wall and falled asleep again.

Sorry that i dont write more but i really nedd to sleep.... sorry....

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06-10-2001, 01:09 AM
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Sorry everyone that reads this and gets-nightmares-beacuse-of-sucking-quality-of-story, i dont want to continue. I dont think this is a pleasure anymore, and dont try to talk me into continue, i dont like it. I will try a new one, does that suck, then kill me, ALRIGHT!!!? Sorry if breaking any rules, but anyway...

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