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04-13-2001, 05:54 PM
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The Sin of One...

This is the forth of my fics. My first three will stay on the old forums. Hopefully they will be posted on AbeBabe's site soon...

Chap 1

Zel laid stretched out on his stomach on top of a grassy hill. he enjoyed the feel of the cool night air on his back, and sigh with content. he shivered slightly when he felt something lightly stroke his back. He looked over at his mate, Mona, who was laying beside him. She smiled at him sweetly and he smiled back.
"You know that gets me all worked up." he said.
"I know," she said as she stroked his back again, making him shiver more, "Why do you think I do it?"
"Ok you asked for it." he said as he pounced on her. She squealed happily as they tumbled down the hill, their bluish-white skin glistening in the moonlight. At the bottom she was on top of him.
"Hey, this wasn't supposed to happen." he laughed.
"And your complaining?" she said mischievously.
"Of course not." he said as he embraces and kissed her. She replied in kind. She suddenly sat up, a blank look on her face.
"What is it? Another vision?" Zel said as he sat up and gently took her into his arms.
"Yes." she said and she was quiet a moment, he waited patiently. He knew her visions can take some time to run their course. Suddenly she screeched, holding her head. "No no no no it can't be!"
"What? What is it my love? Tell me what you see."
"Scenes of our allies in slavery, of Glukkons and sligs destroying our lands. of our village being attacked by our on allies, and of you...," she paused choking back a sob, "laying in a pool of your own blood in the village and with no one coming to help you." she trembled violently, he pulled her close to him trying to comfort her.
What does all this mean? The end of the Moon Children? If so why? What have we done or will do to anger the gods so? he thought, trying to make sense of what he just heard.
"Mona." he said gently, "We need to tell the elders about what you saw. Maybe we can do something to change the course of the future."
Mona nodded, and they headed back to the village.

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04-13-2001, 05:55 PM
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Chap 2

When Zel and Mona returned to the village, they found everyone outside in the village center, milling around nervously.
"What's going on?" Zel asked.
"Rumor has it that sligs are in the Great Forest, cutting down the trees!" a nearby female said.
"What!?" he looked at Mona, who trembled slightly. The visions are already coming true.he thought glumly.
"The elders are discussing the matter now." a male said.
They made their way through the crowd, toward the council hut. There, the guard stopped them.
"We need to see the elders. I have just had visions of events that must be brought to their attention." Mona said.
"If that is the case you may enter Mona. Zel, you will have to wait here." the guard said.
"But..." Zel protested.
"You may be the chosen one Zel, but you have no say in the council."
"He's right Zel, wait here. I'll be back shortly." Mona said as she entered the hut. Zel sighed, leaned up against the wall and waited. After a while she came back out.
"Zel, the elders would like to speak to you." she said. He nodded and went in, Mona waiting outside.
"Elders." he said with a bow as he entered the circle, "I am honored that you have requested my presence. What is it that you wish to speak to me about.?"
"Since you are the chosen one we felt that you should be the first to know of our decisions in this matter." the elder named Zeth said.
"And that is?"
"That we do nothing and stay hidden."
"What!?" Zel said, shocked,"But why? Surely Mona has told you of the other visions she had."
"She has, but what you see as the enslavement of the Greenies, we see as willful cooperation, and that they will turn on us."
"I think you are all misinterpreting Mona's visions! We have had an alliance with the Greenies for generations! Why would they turn on us now!?"
"The same reason the sligs did; greed and power. Besides even if they were truly enslaved, our decsion would be the same."
"Our numbers can not be replenished as quickly as the Greenies. Therefore, it is best that we keep from drawing attention to ourselves." a female elder said.
"Are you sugguesting that we break our ties with them?" Zel said, eyes narrowed.
"Most likely, but it's for the safety of our own kind."
"You are fools! Has it ever crossed your minds that breaking ties maybe the one thing that would turn them against us?!" Zel slammed his fist on the table.
"Curb your temper Zel!" Zeth said, "Yes, it has crossed our minds, but we believe the Greenies would understand our reasoning."
"You assume too much." Zel growled, "With what's going on, the Greenies will need all the help they can get!"
"They have dug their own hole, Zel. They are the ones that started bragging about the moon. They are the ones that ultimetilly caused the Glukkons to turn against nature. Whatever Odd has in store for them, they deserve it."
"Prehaps some of them, but not the whole Mudokon nation."
"Prehaps, " Zeth said, "But we are standing by are decsion. You are excused."
"No, we are the ones who are digging our own graves." Zel muttered as he left the hut...

[ April 13, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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04-13-2001, 05:57 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Chap 3

Zel was laying out on top of a hill, blankly staring at the stars. It's been nearly a year since the council had decided to break ties with the green mudokons. He could already see how bitter the Greenies had become toward them for leaving them alone in the struggle against the Glukkons. No matter what I said, those morons in the council won't change their minds. he thought bitterly. He saw movement our of the corner of his eye. He looked over to see Mona settling herself next to him. She had a mischievous grin on her face, and he knew what that meant. He smiled at her and accepted her 'invitation'.

Afterwards, they were wrapped up in each others arms. Zel breathed a heavy sigh.
"What's wrong, Zel." Mona asked.
"A couple of things...." Zel said, "Both of which you already know about."
"You're still upset about the elder's decision."
"That's one. They just don't see that we are heading toward our own destruction by taking this route."
"I know Zel, there are others who fell the same way. But it's too late to do anything about it now."
"Maybe, maybe not. So," Zel said, changing the subject, "What did the healer say?"
"Still nothing." she said sadly.
Zel let out another long sigh, "Why are we having so much trouble?"
"I don't know Zel, the healers are baffled as well. They can't find a reason why I am not conceiving."
"And the healers said that there was nothing wrong with me either. I don't get it. We should have two or three kids by now."
"I know, I don't get it either. Maybe the gods felt we weren't ready for them."
"Well I wish the gods wouldn't mess around with are personnel lives if you ask me."
Mona giggled slightly as she kissed him lightly, he gladly accepted.

A few days later, Zel was taking an early evening walk. He couldn't sleep that day, too many thoughts going on in his head. He paused and cocked his head a moment, thinking he had heard something. He was about to pass it off as his imagination when he heard it again.
"Help! Someone!" a voice said. He could now also hear the laughter of sligs nearby as well. He ran toward the cry for help. He reached a small clearing and saw a green mudokon being pushed around by a pack of five sligs. Screw the elders he thought as he transformed into his Moon Guardian form, I'm going to help him. He caught two of the sligs by surprise as he jumped out at them. He quickly slashed their throats and jumped on a third while frying a fourth with his lightning blast. After he had killed the third slig, he turned toward the fifth and last one. The now lone slig trembled in fright at first, until he remember he had a gun and pointed it at Zel.
"Freeze!" the slig yelled.
*No...* Zel said as he blasted the slig with his breath weapon, freezing the slig solid, *you freeze.* Then with a whack from his tail, the slig shattered into a million pieces.
*Are you ok?* he asked the green mud.
"Yes! Thank you so much!" the Greenie said thankfully.
*Good get out of here. There's no telling how many more there are in this area.*
The Greenie nodded and ran off. Zel beamed with pride as he started to head back toward the village. Just as he was reentering the forest, there was a barely audible 'click' and a sudden wave of pain shot up Zel's right arm. He screeched in pain and collapsed, unable to hold his form. He looked at his arm, it was caught in a large trap. He touched his trapped arm gently with his free one. Broken he thought with dread, I can't transform like this, I'll have to wait to see if someone finds me. With no other choice, he made himself as comfortable as possible and waited....

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04-13-2001, 06:01 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Chap 4

*ahem* its not very often i have to put one of these on one my stories but...
***Warning: The following chapter contains a scene that may be disturbing to some. You have been warned.***

It was nearly dawn and no one had found him. His arm hurt terribly and he was getting weak from hunger and thirst. He knew the spot he was in wouldn't have enough shade to protect his sensitive skin from the sun. He has made several attempts to free himself from the trap, only succeeding in hurting and exhausting himself even more. Depression was setting in. Why have the gods forsaken me? he thought, trying to fight back the tears, What have I done to anger them so? Mona...will I ever see you again? He was beginning to wish a predator would come by and put him out of his misery. No I will not think like that! I will put through this! For Mona..
Suddenly a bright light shone into his eyes. He screeched and tried to back away from that light that was hurting his sensitive eyes. But the trap held him in place and bit into his arm even more. The pain was too much for him and he passed out...

When Zel woke up again, he found himself in a small cage with his arm in a cast. He was too weak to move and he was barely clinging to consciousness. Where am I? he thought. He could hear voices coming from somewhere outside the cage
"This new specimen is a remarkable find." someone said.
"That it is, it seems to be a completely separate race from the Mudokons we are used to." another said.
"Yes, it even reproduces differently. I have never seen a mud with sex organs before. Surely this is a superior race to the other mudokons."
"We will have to run some experiments on it to prove that."
Who are these people? Why are they calling me a superior race? What do they mean by experiment? Zel thought before he lost consciousness again.

When he woke up he was strapped down onto a metal table. There were bright lights shining on him from everywhere, hurting his eyes. He could see the silhouettes of two figures, both with large heads and four spidery looking arms.
"Who are you?" he managed to ask.
"Blast he's awake." one of the figures said.
"Doesn't matter, the operation will continue. Besides I enjoy hearing them scream." the other said with an evil laugh.
Operation? Zel thought as he looked down at what they were doing. To his horror they had him cut open at the abdomen and where poking and prodding at his insides. He did the only thing he could do; he screamed....

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04-13-2001, 06:05 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Chap 5

Zel trembled in his cage. He had no idea how long he had been there since this nightmare began. He had no way of telling if it was night or day, and his only perception of time was how many times he had slept. He keep wishing this was all just a horrible nightmare, but the surgical scars that now dotted his body constantly reminded him that it was all too real. The Vykkers came for him whenever they felt like it and they never used painkillers and seemed to enjoy it when he was awake for whatever horrific experiments they had planned for him next. In fact they would laugh at him whenever he begged for them to stop.
Unable to handle all the pain being inflicted on him, he retreated tot he only place he felt safe: the inside of his mind. But even his mind was starting to fall apart and he desperately clung to the happy memories of the past in an attempt to keep his sanity. But still his mind was slipping.
If I had never help that inferior Greenie, he thought,I wouldn't be here suffering in this nightmare. Instead I would be home, with Mona. Mona...tears streaked down his face,How I miss you. How I wish I was by your side. How I wish I was free...
Suddenly the ground shook violently and his cage started sliding across the room, along with the other cages that were in the room with him. He grabbed onto the bars of his cage as the floor suddenly became the ceiling. He landed hard and was knocked out once again...

When he had regained consciousness, he saw the place in shambles. All the cages, including his own, were mangled and busted open. He tested his limbs and found that he had only suffered a few bumps and bruises. He crawled out of his cage and looked around nervously. He could smell smoke and death in the air. It seemed that he was the only survivor in the room and Zel sat a moment, not sure what to do next. Suddenly he felt a breeze blowing against his skin.
A breeze? From where? Outside?he thought, Freedom?
Hopeful, he followed the breeze to its source. The breeze was coming from a series of long tears in the wall. On the other side of the wall he saw grass, trees and sunlight, the first he has seen in who knows how long. With tears of joy in his eyes, he crawled through one of the tears to the outside. He got some cuts from the jagged metal of the wall but he didn't care. The sunlight hurt his eyes somewhat, but he didn't care. He was free...

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04-13-2001, 07:29 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chap 6

It wasn't until the next day that Zel realized that he had no idea where he was or in which direction he was going.
Ok just a delay. Another delay that will take me longer to get back to you Mona. he thought as he wandered aimlessly, I am free now. No more pain. No more torture. He kept going, holding on to his memories of his mate, the only thing that was keep him sane. Months passed and he was still lost.
Where are you Mona? Why can't I find you? he thought, Am I doomed to never see you again? Then one day, despair having set in, he just sat down and wept.
Odd why must you torment me? What have I done? What have I done to deserve this? He just sat there for two days. He finally laid down on the ground, now too weak to continue on. He closed his eyes and let himself black out.

When he had regained consciousness once again, he was on a bed in a room that was unfamiliar to him. At first he thought he was captured by the Vykkers again, then he noticed that the walls were made of wood, not metal.
Where am I now? he thought. He could tell the room was of mudokon make, but not if it belonged to a Moon Child or a Greenie. He felt something touch his hand and he stiffened instinctively.
"Zel?" a familiar voice said.
"Mona?" he said as he looked over and saw her by his side, tears streaming down his face. He quickly sat up and embraced her. She gasped in surprise as he hugged her tightly. "Oh Mona." he muttered, tears streaming down his face, "I missed you so much. I've been through hell and thinking of you was the only thing that got me through it. Now we are together again and we can continue are lives together."
"Zel.." Mona suddenly said, pushing away, "It's not the same as it was when you disappeared anymore."
"What are you talking about? We are mates and always will be."
"No...we are not...mates anymore." she said with a sob, "I waited for you to come back for two years. I had given up hope that you were still alive, and decided to move on. So I....found a new mate."
Zel looked at her, not wanting to believe what she had just said. "You can't be serious, I wasn't gone that long was I?"
"You have be missing for five years, Zel. Everyone thought you were dead, what else was I supposed to do?"
"Well ok, I'm sure your..um..'mate' would understand if you left him and came back to me."
"Zel," Mona looked to the ground with a sad look on her face, "That is not possible. You see we..."
"Mommy?" a young male no more then three years old walked in, "I'm hungry, when is dad coming back?" Zel looked at the kid in shock.
"Is that...your son?" he was barely able to say.
Mona visibly stiffen, then she let out a long sigh and said, "Yes."
Zel laid back down again, in a state of mental shock. He couldn't hear Mona crying and calling to him....

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04-14-2001, 09:14 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

sorry another chap that needs this...
**Warning! This chapter contains a scene that may not be approprate for certain age groups! You have been warned!**

Chap 7

Once again Zel had retreated into his mind, away from the painful reality of the outside world. He had now lost the only thing that was keeping him together, keeping him from going completely insane. He kept going over in his mind the events of the past, trying to figure out what had gone wrong in his life. Trying to find what caused his life to go so completely wrong. What the elders and the Vykkers said about the Greenies kept coming back to him.
They said that my people were superior, that the Greenies caused there own misery and that they deserve to be enslaved. he thought. He also kept thinking of that one Greenie he saved just before his nightmare started. If I had never bother to help him, I wouldn't have been captered, I would still have Mona. It's all the Greenies fault! If they had never started boosting about the moon, none of this would had happened! They will pay! They will learn that the Moon Children are a hundred times better then they are! And if they don't except that, I will destroy them...
With a roar he sat back up again, startling Mona.
"Zel. Your back with us again. Thank Odd. You have been in a state of shock for nearly a year." she said.
"A year huh?" Zel said slowly, "So much time lost, but I will make up to for that."
Mona cocked her head at him, confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I have found my purpose Mona." he said, a hint of malice in his voice as he stood up, "I know what I need to do now. It's the Greenies fault that my life was turned upside down, that I lost you. And they well pay."
"Zel, you can't be saying this. Don't you remember what happened to you in my visions?"
"I remember, but it also didn't keep you from betraying me for someone else. That reminds me" he said coldly as he approached her. Mona started backing away, fear covering her face. "It seems that the first other male you slept with got you with child. Now how screwed up is that? If you ask me, I think you have be holding out on me. Purposely keeping me from impregnating you."
"No Zel! That's not true! You know that!" Mona pleaded as Zel grabbed her.
"If it wasn't true, then why are you so afraid of me now?" he forced her onto the bed. "Let's do a test shall we?"
"No Zel please don't!" Mona cried as Zel pounced on her. He ignored her begging and screams of pain...

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04-14-2001, 09:15 PM
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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I love this story!

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04-14-2001, 09:24 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

BTW Moderators and Admins, am I doing enough to put the warnings above each applicable chap? Plz let me know if I'm getting too extreme here and should try to tone it down... (yes im being paranoid, but the last thing I need is to have a fic locked out for inapproprite content!)

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04-14-2001, 09:44 PM
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Dragadon, i love your fics. Its only good to have some violence in it, but not too much...

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04-15-2001, 04:10 AM
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One more chap to go..*mutters something about there's no spellchecker on this forum*

Chap 8

When Zel woke up, it was daylight. He looked over at Mona, who was curled up in a ball, trembling and sobbing quietly. He snorted and got up. She stiffened when he moved, but he no longer cared. He got himself dressed and simply left, not looking back once...

Seven years later...

Zel watched the Greenie group pass him as he hid. This group had mostly younger muds in it but he didnt care. He had given up trying to convince them to bow to him a long time ago.
None of them deserve to live. he thought as he shifted into his Guardian form. He watched them a little longer, then he charged, cutting the first one down before they even realized he was there. He killed a couple more before the group scattered. Enjoying the hunt, he hunted down each one. When he was done, he paused a moment.
Wait, there was one more. Where did he go? he thought.
Suddenly he saw a young mud bolt from behind a rock pile. With a sadisic grin he gave chase. He was about to pounce on him when something knocked him to the side.
Who dares! he thought as he righted himself. He turned to see a large reptilian creature that look simular to a Moon Guardian standing between him and the young mud. It stood on four legs with a set of wings on its shoulder blades and was purple and blue in color.
*You interfear.* Zel said angerly. *Why do you interfear? They are infior to my people, the Moon Children. They have refused to bow to us, therefore they do not deserve to live.*
"I don't believe your people think the same way as you do." the creature said.
*They will soon enough, once I prove our kinds superiority over all others.*
"You are mad. I will not let you go through with this!"
*Then you will die.* Zel said as he jumped the creature.
A brutal fight between them started. Each landing blows on each other. Then the creature managed to land a mortal wound to him. Knowing there was no way he could win now, he fled. His wound hurt terribly but he ignored it. He kept running. Heading back toward his village. Wanting to see the one person he truly cared for one last time....

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04-15-2001, 03:45 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chap 9 Last Chapter

Zel staggered into the village. The other Moon Children shyed away from him, but he didn't care about them. He just wanted to see Mona. He knew his wounds were fatal and that he was dieing and he wanted to see her one last time. He forced himself to continue on, toward her hut. He saw her just outside of it, playing with what he thought at first was her young son.
No, that is not a little boy, he thought, That's a girl. Did she have another child while I was away? He staggered toward her. She noticed and stiffened, fear in her eyes.
"Mona" he said weakly as he collapsed. He tried to get up, but he couldn't, he was now too waeak. Tears in his eyes he waited for the end. Then someone lifted him up partly, he looked up to see Mona gently holding him in her arms.
"Mona." he said again.
"Easy now, I've sent for a healer." she said, tears in her eyes.
"Don't..bother. It is too...late for me."
"If only I would have known...this would have happened to you. I wouldn't have..."
"Even your..visions...are not perfect. Don't blame yourself. There was...nothing...either of us could...have done....to prevent this."
Mona didn't say anything, she just continued to hold him.
"The little girl...I saw you with...is she..?"
"She is yours. Her name is Tela."
"Tela..." he said, a happy smile on his face, then he frowned again, "Please, tell her only of...how I was...before...I lost my...mind. I...do not...wish for her to know...her father...did such...terrible things during the...last few years....of his.....life."
"I promise...Zel."
He was starting to fade fast now. He knew his time was almost up.
"Maybe...if the gods are merciful...they will give...my spirit...a second...chance." he said in a weak whisper.
"Maybe, I hope so. It wasn't your fault this happened, it was all a cruel twist of fate."
He managed to smile at her as he said, "I...hope....to.....see you......in the......next life......I.....love.....you.............."
With that Zel breathed his last...

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