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08-08-2001, 02:51 PM
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'Snap and Departure'

*looks around for angry Spider fans*
ah safe for the mo...heres the first chap.

Chapter 1

It was hard to believe what happened in the span of just a few minutes. This evil being known as a Myrikon had appeared out of nowhere and had captured half the village within the span of a minute. Ishtar had tried to fight it, but it turned out that this Myrikon was much more powerful then her and defeated her with sickening ease. Ishtar was now out cold, badly injured. Her children, Jai'ana and Sketh, were even more helpless. Sketh was also knocked out and Jai'ana could only watch, trembling in fear, completely helpless against the Myrikon's power. Dragadon's efforts were futile as well and she was bound to the ground in her shrunken form, unable to use any of her abilities.
Then Spider came and it turned out that this Myrikon was called Neph, and she had seduced and used Spider to learn about the village and its inhabitants. The poor crossbreed was heartbroken and tried to stop her. But Neph struck him down without hesitation and gloated over how easy it was to trick him. Now Spider was dead and there seemed to be nothing to stand in the way of Neph's blood lust....

Dragadon roared with fury, straining against the magical bonds that restrained her.
"You bitch! Thy hath slain one of my kin! Thou shalt pay dearly!" she roared.
"Oh I am so scared" Neph said coolly, "There is nothing you can do dragon or anyone can do for that matter. I have defeated the most powerful defender of this village and nothing can stand in my way now. NOTHING!" Neph walked over and picked up Ishtar's limp form, "Now it is time to feed."
"Leave mother alone!" Jai'ana cried as she tried to pull Neph away from Ishtar.
"Oh plleeaaassseee," Neph said annoyed as she knocked Jai'ana away, "you, your bother, and the dragon are nothing but tasty future snacks! The rest of you I will just destroy."
"Someone will stop yer yer will see!" Jai'ana whined, tears flowing.
"Like who?" Neph laughed, "There is no one on this planet that can stop me now."
"That's what you think foul being." Dragadon muttered as she lowered her head. Then in an ancient language, a language as old as time itself, she started to chant:

Lu ogu om o gonu iv pogvcuhh
Ufop soh ogh nawp tjol az eh
Oww aeg uvvijh soku zuum vegopu

Neph suddenly stopped what she was doing, a look of fear on her face.
"No..." she muttered.

Lu ogu om tjuyg cuup
Ocp lu ohv iv jsuu

"No! Not one of THEM!!" Neph dropped Isthar and ran toward Dragadon, but Dragadon finished by shouting out...in a language all could understand:
"Goddess of the Thundering Moon! Come aid thy kin!"
There was a sudden wind and a silver blue mist surrounded them. Neph was knocked to the ground and she started to crawl backward on her back in fear. The mist condensed into the form of a silver Chinese dragon, who looked down upon Neph with a angry glare.
//Myrikon\\ her telepathic voice boomed, //Thy time of terror hast ended\\. The Goddess roared and Neph fled screaming. She didn't get far, as the Goddess stuck with lightning speed, grabbing her with a foreclaw. The Goddess' body glowed a moment and in the next instant Neph was distintergrated, her existence stuffed out like a candle flame....

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08-09-2001, 02:43 PM
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Chapter 2

As soon as Neph ceased to exist the magic bonds around everyone vanished and everyone sighed with relief. The danger was over and everyone extended their thanks to the Goddess.
"We thank thee for coming to our aid Goddess." Dragadon said with a bow, "I only wish I was able to summon thee before we lost one of our own..."
Dragadon looked toward Spider's body, tears of sadness filling her eyes. Tok and the other Spiders were around his body, mourning the loss of their Alpha. Everyone was mourning his loss.
//There is no need to mourn my kin.\\ The Goddess said suddenly, as she floated over to Spider's body. The Spider's, surprised at her sudden approach, jumped back.
"Wh...what do you mean?" Dragadon asked, confused.
//His life was forcefully taken from him and before his time. I shall right what is wrong.\\ With those words Spider's body started to glow with a bluish-white aura and rise up off the ground, his pants falling off.
Everyone watch in awe and disbelief as Spider's wound disappeared and his body convulsed. He was then lowered back to the ground and the aura disappeared.
It was Bas that approached first, nervously. He put a hand on Spider's neck and felt a pulse and could hear him breathing.
"He's alive..." Bas said quietly at first before shouting out, "HE'S ALIVE!"
Mudokons cheered, sligs hooted, Dragadon keened, and Bea just smiled, tears in her eyes.
//Alas\\ the Goddess said suddenly, a hint of sadness in her voice, causing everyone to stop cheering, //I can only heal and restore his body. His mind can only be healed with time.\\
"What do you mean, Goddess." Dragadon asked.
//The mental torments he received recently, both inflicted and self-inflicted, will haunt him for some time. He will need all of thy's help to pull through.\\
"I understand, we will do all that we can."
//Good, I wish thee luck.\\ The Goddess then approached Hak, who was holding Ishtar's still unconscious form, //She I will have to take back with me.\\
"Why?" Hak asked, "Can't she recover here?"
//I'm afraid not.\\ she said sympathicly, //Her essence is contaminated with the Myrikons magic and can only be purified back on our home plane.\\
"How long will that take?"
//I do not know. It could take anywhere from a couple of days to a few months and if she is not taken back...she will stay like that until she is.\\
Hak, realizing that he had no other choice, nodded and allowed the Goddess to take Ishtar from him. Jai'ana and the now awake Sketh comforted their father as the Goddess gently placed Ishtar in one of her foreclaws.
//I must leave thee now.\\ The Goddess said, //Remember: With darkness must come light. Where there is evil there is good. As long as there is courage and the will to survive, there is hope. Fare thee well.\\
Then, in a brilliant flash of silver-blue light, she disappeared....

*to the angry Spider fans* you can stop chasing me now!

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08-10-2001, 09:09 AM
abe22's Avatar
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Dragadon this story of yours is really coming along
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
That stuff only happens in the movies. -- Famous Last Words

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08-11-2001, 03:40 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

thanks, heres the next chap

Chapter 3

Bea entered the room in the medcenter where Spider was put. It had been a few hours and he still hasn't regained consciousness. The Spider's were in there as well, watching and waiting.
"Evenin' Bea." Tok said and the other Spider's nodded politely to her.
"Evening, any change?" Bea asked.
"No..." Tok said worriedly, shaking his head, "he's the same way he was when the Goddess rezzed him."
Bea sighed and rubbed the back of Spider's neck.
"Come on Spider wake up." she said softly, "is the pain so great that you don't want to face the world anymore?"
It was very faint but Bea heard someone call her name. She looked at the Spider's who just give her a puzzled look. It was Bas who noticed Spider move slightly.
"I think he's wakin' up!" he cried happily and there was a small cheer.
Sure enough, Spider's eyes opened partway. He looked a bit confused.
"What...happened?" Spider asked weakly.
"Dragadon was able ter summon a Goddess and she kicked that bitch Neph's ass!" Tok said excitedly.
"The Goddess was the one that brought yer back ter life as well Spide." Bas added.
"Neph's....gone?" Spider asked.
"Yeah...she is gone, wiped out, destroyed, outta here!" Tok said.
"Tok calm down!" Bea said sternly, "Neph is still a sensitive issue for him."
As if to confirm what Bea just said, Spider let out a sorrow filled whine and turned his head away, tears in his eyes. "It's all my fault..." they heard him mutter.
"What is your fault Spider?" Bea asked gently.
"If I wasn't so desperate ter satisfy my own desires, none of this would have happened..." Spider said, sobbing.
"Spider there was no way you could have know that Neph..."
"Yes I could have!" Spider suddenly snapped, making Bea jump, "There were warnin' signs all over! How she acted, how she spoke, and the way she always disappeared when she would leave! I wasn't so blind with lust I would have picked up on those!"
"Neph obviously knew how to control you and she most likely had done things like that for who knows how long. You can't blame yourself for something you had no control over."
"No Bea...I had the opportunity ter prevent it, by not lettin' myself get so desperate fer a mate of my own, and I blew it." Spider broke into sobs again.
"Nobody is perfect Spider. We can only..."
"Jus' leave me alone..." Spider said suddenly, putting his head under a pillow.
"Spider listen..."
Bea sighed sadly, it was obvious she wasn't going to get him to listen to anymore for that day.
"Come on" she said to the Spiders, who were surprised at Spider's outburst, "We best give him his space for a while...."

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08-12-2001, 12:30 AM
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Chapter 4

Its been a couple of days sense Spider regained consciousness and no one has been able to get him to listen to them. He continued blame himself for what happened and as a result was going into a state of deep depression.

Bea looked over at Spider worriedly, who was lying in the village center, in a depressed state. He hadn't moved since that morning and it was now late afternoon.
This is bad… she thought, If he doesn’t snap out of this depression soon… Bea has had about the same amount of luck as everyone in terms of getting Spider to listen: none. I can only imagine the pain he feels. To fall in love with someone and then having that ‘someone’ use you like that…the pain must be great.
Bea sighed, if only they could get him to believe that it wasn’t his fault…
To add to the list of worries, there had been suspicious activity near the village in recent days. It was bounty hunters that were hunting for Spider and they had made a couple of attempts to get to Spider already. They were able to fend them off, but Bea had a sinking felling that they were just testing their defenses, so that exploit any weaknesses to get who they wanted. And with Spider's current mental state Bea wasn't sure if he would even respond when they finally force they way into the village to take him. Drek had the defenses beefed up and the patrols increased as a precaution, but Bea wasn’t sure it would be enough…

Days pass and Spider seemed to be getting only worse, sinking deeper and deeper into depression. Bea still tried talking to him, but she never got a response. He would just stare blankly out at nothing, as if he had lost the sense purpose in his life. And the bounty hunters were getting more and more persistent…

Late one night, Bea was awakened by noise in the village center. Looking out she was surprised to see Spider staggering about pantless; he was drunk. And Bea knew he had really hit a low point now...for he never drank before. She quickly went down to him. Spider looked at her with a somewhat blank look, he was holding a bottle precariously with his face tentacles.
"Ev'in' Bea.." he said, his speech heavily slurred.
"Spider.." she said, "how many of those did you drink?"
"Lost count..."
"After how many?"
Spider thought a moment, "Don' remember..."
"Oh Odd. All that will only make you feel even worse..."
"It will? Now yer tell me..."
It was then that the bottle slipped out of his grip and fell to the ground, shattering into dozens of pieces. Spider looked down at the pieces in an almost curious fashion. He then let out a heavily sigh and said:
"Jus' like my life...shattered and broken..." With tears in his eyes he turned away and flopped down on a bench.
"Your life is not shattered Spider, it only seems that way. You can’t keep blaming yourself for something that you had no control over. The sooner you realize that, the better it will be for you and the rest of us. Please, don’t give up on yourself…stay with us…."
Spider remained quiet and Bea realized that she wasn't going to get anything from him now.
"You know that if you need someone to talk to...I'm always available." she said with a sigh before returning to her hut...

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08-12-2001, 05:25 AM
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Joe the Intern
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Joe the Intern  (11)

oooooooo!!!!! drama!!! i LLLLOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE it!!! if spider had died, i wouldve sicked my slog fluffy on you!! lol i hope my fic turns out that good.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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08-12-2001, 01:37 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Sl'askia  (10)

heres the next chap

Chapter 5

Next morning, Bea found Spider dead asleep where she left him. She left him alone, knowing he was going to have a major hangover when he woke up...
Bea caught up with the rest of his pack to see how they were doing later that morning. Tok, for the most part had taken over as Alpha while Spider was in his slump. He was surprised to hear how Bea found him last night.
"Drinkin'!? He was drinkin'!?" Tok said, the rest of the pack gasping in surprise as well.
"That's why he wasn' in his shelter this mornin'" Rik sighed.
"Where is he now?" Ner asked.
"He is in the village center, sleeping it off." Bea said.
"Man he is goin' ter be feelin' it when he wakes up..." Bas commented, "'Specially since this is the first time he ev'r got himself drunk..."
Bea could only nod and sigh in agreement.
“Come on…we better go wake him up and make sure he is ok…” Tok said as he walked toward the village center, the others following.
Just as they reached the center, the sound of a gunshot was heard. There, not far from where Spider was still sleeping, was a group of five sligs, who were obviously bounty hunters by the armor they were wearing. One of them, who was most likely the Alpha, was holding a gun to a muds head.
"Now.." the Alpha said, "This will be real easy...jus' let us take the crossbreed and no one gets hurt."
Bea just happen to notice out of the corner of her eye The Spider's nod at each other and silently disappear into the shadows.
Oh please don't do something stupid.. she thought a lump in her throat, the last thing Spider needs is for any of you to get hurt...

No one tried to stop them, not as long as the mud was being held hostage. The bounty hunters made they way to where Spider was. One of them poked him with his gun. Spider moaned but that was it.
"Looks like all we have ter der is carry the bastard out." the bounty hunter laughed.
"Certainly isn't resisting any, but we should put a cap in his head jus' ter be...huh?" the Alpha's arm was suddenly pulled back as his gun was literally ripped out of his hand. He looked back to see Rik, who had used his whip to pull the gun away. The mud quickly took this opportunity to escape.
"Well now.." the Alpha said annoyed, "Yer are either very brave or very stupid...get him."
It was then the rest of The Spiders attacked and chaos broke loose. Bea quickly took cover and The Guardians scrambled to get weapons so they could help. The Spiders had the element of surprise, but the bounty hunters greater experience quickly overcame them. Bas and Rik fell to sever gunshot wounds and Tok was slammed against a tree, knocking him out. Ner was surrounded, and the bounty hunters were laughing.
"Spider...I'm sorry," Ner whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes, "We tried..."
There was a sudden angry howl, and Bea realized that Spider was awake and he wasn’t happy....

Warning: next chap is NOT meant for those with weak stomachs!

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08-12-2001, 08:30 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Warning! This chap contains matterial not intended for those with weak stomachs!

Chapter 6

At first Spider wasn't even aware of the fighting around him. But when he heard his pack mates screams of pain, he jerked himself to awareness. At first he watched horrified as he saw what was left of his happiness being torn apart.
Then something snapped inside of him and he felt a rage he hadn't felt sense he was back in the labs. Not sense he found his fathers murdered body. With a howl of rage he leaped at the bounty hunters, catching them completely off guard. He tore the throat out of one, ripped into and disemboweled a second. He bit down on the back of the neck of a third and tore his spine out. The last two realized that they were no match for him and turned to flee. They didn't get far. Spider quickly caught one and tore his limbs off, leaving him screeching in agony as he chased after the last. He pounced on him and put one hand on his head, the other on his body. Then, with a howl, he forcefully separated the sligs head from his body.
Spider stood there panting, covered with blood. Everyone gasped in horror of the bloodshed he just caused. No one had ever seen Spider like this; it was like he had reverted to a completely feral state. Only Ner dared approach him.
"Sp Spider?" Ner said cautiously. He jumped when Spider turned his head toward him, the rage still burning in his eyes. All at once though...that rage disappeared.
"N Ner..." Spider said, tears welling up in his eyes as he embraced his pack mate, "Are yer the only one ter survive?"
"Xar is checking the others now...Tok looks like he should be ok..."
"Bas and Rik? What about them?"
"I...don' know...we will have ter wait ter see what Xar tells us..."
Spider suddenly turned away, "If I...hadn' been thinkin' of only myself," he sobbed, "this wouldn' have happened..."
"Spider..." Bea said as she approached and put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You can't change what has already happened, you can only learn from it and move on."
"No yer don' understand!" Spider suddenly snapped, "Yer jus' saw a side of me that I was hoping no one would ever have ever seen again! I am nothin' but a beast! An uncontrollable monster! A threat ter everyone!" Spider suddenly broke down into sobs.
"No Spider...you're wrong. You did have control, you only went after the ones that were hurting the ones you loved."
"But...I could have jus' as easily turned on everyone else. Sure I may have had control this time...but what about next time? I can't risk it...I can't risk yer lives like that...besides apparently the longer I stay here…the more danger I bring ter this village. I…I don’ want ter lose any more friends…anymore family…I should jus’ leave…"
“Spider calm down, think about what you are saying. I know…we all know you are hurting, please give us a chance to help you get through this.”
Spider was quiet moment, obviously thinking. Finally he said:
“Alright…I’ll stay and try ter get through this…with yer help….”

A couple of weeks passed, and while finding out that Bas and Rik were going to make a complete recovery, Spider still couldn’t shake himself out of his depression. He still couldn’t shake the thought that the longer he stayed the more danger the village was in. One day, he made a decision…
“Bea…?” Spider asked one afternoon.
“Yes Spider?” Bea replied.
“I…need ter talk ter yer. It’s important.”
“Of course Spider. Come, lets go to my hut.”
Spider nodded and followed….

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08-13-2001, 09:03 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

only two more to go...

Chapter 7

“You’re leaving!?” Bea said shocked.
Spider nodded sadly.
“Yeah, I need ter get away and be on my own fer a bit.” he said, “It’s jus’ ter much…even with all of yer help.”
Bea sighed; she was afraid something like this was going to happen.
“It’s your choice Spider, we can’t force you to stay if you really don’t want to. We will miss you.”
“I will miss yer ter. All of yer mean a lot ter me and who knows how dangerous the next bounty hunters will be. I don’ want ter lose anymore friends and the best way ter protect yer from them is ter not be here.”
“I understand.” Bea said, “What will you do with your pack?”
"I have already told them that Tok will be the Alpha fer now on. They...took it hard..."
"We all are you had become an important member to the village. It will be hard to replace you."
"I know..."
"When will you be leaving?"
"Tomorrow at dusk."
“Then I’ll let you go, I’m sure you have final preparations to make, goodbyes to say…”
“That I der…That I der….”

Spider spent all of the following day saying his goodbyes. When Bea caught up with him that afternoon, she was surprised to see him without his pants.
"Spider...you're not taking your pants with you?" she asked.
"No...It would be difficult for me to maintain them out on my own, so I'm leaving them here. I told Ner he could der what ever he wants with 'em. Heh, he'll probably jus' put 'tm in a display case or somethin'." Spider said with a weak laugh.
"Probably." Bea managed a small smile.
Spider looked up toward the sun and noticed that it was starting to set.
"Well..." he said sadly, "I guess...this is it..."
"We will miss you Spider." Bea said as she embraced him.
"I will miss yer too..." He looked up to see a sizable group behind her, "all of yer. I will always remember yer. Thank yer fer all yer have done fer me..."
Spider took a couple of steps back, looking at his friends for the last time. Then...with tears in his eyes and a heavy heart, he turned and trotted away; disappearing in fading light, not looking back once...

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08-13-2001, 11:05 PM
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awsome story.

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08-14-2001, 02:24 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

heres the last two chaps.

Chapter 8

Spider didn't know how long he had walked/ran, he just knew it was daylight once again, and that he was beat and hungry. He managed to catch himself a meal and he laid down on top of a hill to rest a bit. After a short while he caught a familiar scent on the breeze. He looked around but didn't see anyone.
"Yer might as well uncloak yerself Drag...I can smell yer." he asked casually.
There was a slight rumbling chuckle as Dragadon appeared in front of him. He nodded a polite greeting to her and she nodded back and laid down beside him.
"So..." she said, "I hear you left the village for good..."
"Yep...and don' think yer going ter change my mind." Spider said.
"No my kin...I wouldn't dream of it, that decision was yours to make and yours alone. And as you kin I must respect that."
"Then...why are yer here?"
"I am here to wish you luck on your new path in life, and to let you know that if you need any help to just call. I will come if I am within earshot range."
"Thanks Drag, I appreciate it."
"No problem; as kin we look out for each other, just as pack mates do."
"My pack...I wonder if they will be alright without me..."
"They will be fine, I'm sure of it. You have taught them well and have the knowledge and the skills necessary to carry on."
"I hope yer right. I miss 'em already..."
"I understand...just remember that they will always be with you, just as you are always with them, as long as you remember..."
Spider just sighed heavily, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"I know this path you have chosen will be difficult, but not impossible. As long as you have the strength and will to carry own you will thrive and find true happiness once again." Dragadon said reassuringly as she stood up, "I must go now."
"Thanks fer stopping by Drag." Spider said as he stood up as well.
Dragadon nodded and took to the air. "Again best of wishes to you," she called back, "And remember, if you need me just call."
"I will" Spider said softly as he watched Dragadon disappear over the horizon. Spider sighed and continued on his way...


A few months later, Spider was far from any 'known' civilization. He stretched a bit as he rested under a tree. He was in a fairly wide open plain, with only a few trees about. There were plenty of prey animals to hunt here, so he was content. While he was enjoying the serenity, he felt lonely. Dragadon did stop by every once in a while, but she could never stay very long.
He jerked up suddenly when a unexpected scent came to him on the breeze. He sniffed, curious, trying to identify the scent. It was familiar, yet unfamiliar to him.
Mainly slig based...he thought, some paramite and a bit of...no...can it be? Another like me?

Unable to take the suspense, Spider started following the scent trail. He came across a lake and the scent was really strong there. There was something nagging at him about this scent, something important, but he couldn't place it. He continued to follow the scent. He paused at a hand/foot print and studied it a moment. It was smaller then his hand and the fingers were slightly shorter and more slender.
Either this is a young crossbreed or a... he stopped himself, oh Odd, what are yer doing? Is this a blessing or a torment? Despite his doubts, he continued on, following the scent. When he reached the top of a hill and looked down, his mouth went dry.
Down near the base of the hill, was another crossbreed like him. Only this one was light green with darker green stripes, silver eyes, and spines that only went as far as the base of its neck. That nagging feeling he was getting now clicked...this crossbreed...was female....

next up...'Shriek'

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08-14-2001, 03:07 PM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
Joe the Intern
Outlaw Cutter
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Joe the Intern  (11)

*applause* that was great!!! keep it up drag!
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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