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03-05-2004, 09:01 AM
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2034- Cold War Two

Ok, this is a joint fanfic with the fez miester, we both play seperate characters on different sides of the war. Mine on the N.U.S.S.R, and his on the UEA. More to come later....

Anyway, a nice little timeline


2001- President George W. Bush Elected into office

2001- War on Terror is started, in the next two years involves invasion of Afganistan and Iraq with UK backing

2004- George W. Bush Re-elected into office, continues war on Terror, invadesthe entire middle east in a slow moving campaign with back up from The UK and commonwealth, Israel and Spain, over the next 3 years followed by Cuba.

2004-The UN declares the U.S.A a rouge nation, but no action is taken.

2005- George W. Bush is assasinated by a N.U.S.S.R assassain while travelling to meet the UK's Prime Minister. The replacement is Chris Walsdon.

2005- Fidel Castro dies of natural causes

2006- After the biggest terrorist attack on U.S soil, Martial Law is imposed, From this point on Freedom will come at a price as the U.S is now declared a Facist Nation.

2006- The United States of America is renamed the United Empire of America

2008- The United Kingdom, Israel and Spain forge a permenant alliance with the U.E.A

2011- U.E.A emerges into full on war with N.U.S.S.R

2011- Waldon is assasinated, the govenment falls into hands of a team of military personel and diplomatic advisers
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03-05-2004, 09:04 AM
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i'll put my parts up when his time line is finished.

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03-06-2004, 02:59 AM
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ah, turns out it is finished, heres my part. It follows the story of a British soldier, Corporal Anderson. He is currently in the center of Moscow, in the year 2034. The world has been at war for 23 years.

Gunfire cracked through the empty streets. The blood soaked snow covered most of Moscow, and it was currently snowing still. Anderson was taking cover behind the remains of a car. He fired from his SA-80A3 at some NUSSR troops in a building. Mac was on the radieo "I repeat! this is Echo two two zero, were are pinned down, sustaining heavy fire." Mac fired his rifle at a NUSSR soldier running around behind them. "We need medevac immedietally! we have 5 wounded!" he shouted down the comm. "Negeative Echo two two zero, all medivacs are in use, send your cordinates and well send backup whenever possible" said the calm voice over the radio. "****! they just dont care!" shouted Mac. Next to them on the other side of the street was the rest of the team, the five wounded soldiers were put inside a van they had found. "I'm going to see the wounded, gimme some covering fire!" shouted Mac.

"Right" said Anderson, he turned to Ollie, who was under the most fire. "When this bastard stops to reload, we give Mac some covering fire to get to the van, got it!" he shouted. A NUSSR soldier was firing a 12.7 mounted machine gun at them. The rounds never seemed to stop coming out of it. The car they were behind wouldnt last much longer. "Mac, we all gotta move, this car cant take much more." Anderson said. Suddenly the machine gun fire stopped. "Go, covering fire!" shouted anderson. Him and Ollie stood up and fire a few rounds at the machine gun man and a few of the other soldiers. Mac ran back towards the van. Anderson ducked down. "Ollie we--" Ollie was lying on the ground, two bullets had hit him in the dead centre of his chest. Blood began to soak the snow. Two round bursts coming from AN-22's began tearing through the car. Anderson shouted to his two other man across from him, "GIVE ME SOME COVERING FIRE!". The two soldiers nodded, but were under to much fire themselves. Anderson spoke into his team comm to Mac. "Mac, try and get some medevac. We aint gonna last more then a few more minutes like this." he said as he watched another one of his team get hit in the shoulder. The AN-22 was a very powerful 7.62 russian weapon. It fired in two round bursts or full auto. But when its in 2RB mode, the bullets travel at much higher speeds. "Mac, we have another wounded. Ollies dead too" he said. "Shit!" replied Mac. The other guy across from him shouted out. "Frag out!" and threw a grenade over the car he was covering behind. It exploded, killing a good amount of NUSSR soldiers. Anderson checked, only about 5 solders left. He gave the thumbs up to the guy who threw the grenade, and they both ran to the van while the troops were disorientated. The hopped into the back of the van.

The other soldier carrying the wounded over his shoulder. He placed him down next to the others. Rick had set it up as a medroom, he had set up various blood and morphine packs. Mac was still shouting into the radieo. Anderson walked over to the soldier. His name was Johnson. "Me and Johnson are gonna go back out and keep em off for abit longer. Gimme your ammo" he said to Rick and Mac. They spilt some ammo between them. Anderson ran to another burned out car and began laying down some covering fire for Johnson. He hit three NUSSR troops. Johnson hit the ground behind him. Suddenly they heard something, like a rumbling. Anderson stuck the camera on his gun over the top of the car, he saw a tank...

Last edited by Fez; 03-07-2004 at 12:57 AM..
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03-06-2004, 03:36 AM
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Can you break that up a bit for us next time?

The N.U.S.S.R doesn't have a timeline, as after 2004 no records have been kept of the state of the country after reforming into the Neo United Soviet Socialist Republic, and invading China, Japan and Korea

Anyway, my character is Kalash First Class (N.U.S.S.R Rank for Captain, named after the inventor of the AK) Boris Hansonburg. He has currently been called back to his main operations post.

Boris opened the door to see a group of other Kalash FC's standing about talking, at the other end of the room a General stood, talking to his aide.

Boris walked over to the group and joined in a conversation about speculating why they were summoned, but soon the general broke up the conversation and asked them to take seats.

General: Right, to the point, we are going to reclaim Cuba as part of the N.U.S.S.R, it will be a base where we can launch attacks against the critial points of the UEA, we have aquired some contacts inside the Small Cuban resistance, we have promised Supplies, and a squad of well trained men. You are going to be those men, you ship out tommorow.

Boris was ushered through to an Armory, as he walked through the doorway, a bomb struck nearby above ground, and the bunker shook slightly, the grunt on duty checked out Boris's serial code and pointed him to a locker with his stuff already in.

He looked through the locker, he has two unifroms in there, one stealth uniform and one guerilla combat unifrom, he could tell that this invasion would be hard. He had two additional weapons on top of his LI4 Assault Pistol, and Ripper Mini Chain Blade, he had an AKSO-04, a special ops assault rifle, small, light, recoil compensator, huge clip, scope. The other weapon was a 'Hand Cannon, which was a long tube that could be carried, loaded, in one hand, and fired Encharged Depleted Uranium Shells.

The next morning, Boris and the rest of the squad were taken to Cuba by Nighthawk Stealth Helicopter.

Last edited by Hobo; 03-06-2004 at 06:23 AM..
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03-08-2004, 05:15 AM
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Boris's Squad's Copters landed down in the sea, about four miles from the cuban coast. They each man small motor boats, each with a mounted Minigun on the front and rear.

The chopper pilots kit up in their squad gear and get in their boats.

Pilot#1: I'm booby trapping the choppers to remove evidence of our presence, we've got to give them a surprise!

The boats all speed towards the coast, and after a minute of high speed travel, they can make out another, similar boat, with the old cuban flag painted on it.

Resistance Leader: Welcome to Cuba Comrades! I am Fidel, named after the great leader, I lead the resistance, follow me to a safe place to dock, only open fire if you're fired on, as the U.E.A arn't expecting an assault bigger than the resistance and are quite layed back.

Boris loaded his hand cannon, and removed the safety, he turned on his night vision and steered his boat to follow Fidel's.
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03-08-2004, 08:03 AM
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"Holl crap" said Johnson. A huge defening bang went off, blowing a huge hole in the ground, just meters from them. They were covered in pieces of hot road and snow. Mac had run out and was lying down next to Anderson. "Mac, get on to Control, and get them to bomb the thing!" he shouted, as a tank shell sped past them, exploding on a building in the distance. Mac yelled into the radio. "This is Echo two two zero, we have come into heavy contact with enemy armour! request bombardment of it!" "Roger that Echo two two zero, i have two JSF's enroute past your location, i'll tell them to bomb it on their way past." said the calm voice over the radio. "How can they bo so damn calm!" shouted Mac. Almost immedietally they heard the roaring of apporaching JSF's. Suddenly they flew overhead, the deafening sound vibrating Andersons ribcage. They each dropped a bomb onto the tank, one hitting the cannon, and one hitting the front of it.

The tank exploded into hundreds of pieces. Anderson got up, and watched the two JSF's dissappear into the distance.
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03-12-2004, 06:21 AM
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Boris's boat landed unspotted. The five other men on his boat each pull out their weapons, Boris keept his hand cannon primed and ready, he knew that if the team only had standard weapons out and they came up against a Copter, Hummer, JSF or Power Armor'd group, they'd stand little chance.

Boris pulls out his radio.

Boris: Team Stalin in position, we are going to make our way to the resistance HQ to drop off the supplies.

Fidel: Cleared, just say the password - For the red flag, and they'll know it's you.

Boris nods to the team and they rush up the beach and hide underneath a small hanging rock.

Boris throws a mini cam around the corner and activates his Wrist Console.

Boris: It's clear, run into the alley opposite.

The team run across the street and conseal themselves in the alley. Boris starts to scope the ally with his night vision. He can make out three figures at the end of the alley, smoking, in the other direction

Boris: Two men, rippers out, follow my lead.

Boris and two other men turn on their rippers, and run at full pelt to the end of the road, the UEA soldiers manage to turn around with their guns drawn, just in time to find themselves ripped to shreads by the Chainsaw/Knife crossbreeds.

Boris and the team make their way into the HQ.
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03-12-2004, 09:18 AM
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Anderson checked with the camera on his rifle, he looked at the tank, and then put it onto thermal imaging. No movement. He darted across to the remains of the tank, Johnson and Mac covering him. He poked the cam on his gun around the tank, still no movement. "Mac, get back onto comms, try and get a medevac, Johnson and I are going to secure this building so we can set it up as a WRP (Wounded Retreval Point)" he said into his radio, "Roger that" said Mac. Johnson ran over to join andersons side. Mac covering him, Mac then ran back into the van.

Mac spoke into the radio, "This is Echo two two zero, enemy armour eleminated, request immediate medivac" "Negative Echo two two zero, all medivacs are currently in use" replied the calm voice. "Roger that, request reinforcements to our location" "Negative, all forces in the nearby vecinity are engaged, Uniform three zero are closest to your postion." "Roger that, out" said Mac. "Anderson, we still cant get any medivac, but we can help out Uniform three zero if, i'm sure they need backup" he said into his personal raido to Anderson. "Roger that Mac"

Rick helped Mac move all the wounded to the building the NUSSR's were previously holding. Rick had to stay with them, as he was the team medic, Mac stayed to backup Rick if he was taken on. All the wounded soldiers had been knocked out with the morphine, so, Anderson and Johnson helped themselves to all the ammo they needed to go on. Anderson saw a SA-90A2, wich was basically an SA-80A3 with a bullpup grenade launcher on the top of it. So it had two barrels, and two magazines. Having both the magazines in the back made it difficult to control of full auto, but i was an exceptionally accurate weapon, and the 20mm grenades could be programmed to explode. The SA-90A2 belonged to "Legs", a very lanky individual who was surprisingly strong, we was out cold, so Anderson took it.

Anderson and Johnson moved around the sides of the building, down alleys to get to the other side. they came to a blockade, cars had been stacked up, and bodies of dead NUSSR troopes were everywhere. Anderson heard gunfire. the entire city echoed with gun fire as fights were all over it. The NUSSR were trying to reclaim it. But this gun fire was close. they darted to an overturned bus, and poked their weapons around the corners. another blockade about 50 metres down, but there was a building to the left where the gun fire was coming from. Johnson moved to this building, and then covered anderson as he ran up. They moved into the lobby of the building, one of the walls had been blown away, and there were some stairs to the left, they ran up, the gunfire was getting closer. they got to a floor about half-way up, and saw Uniform three zero. they were shooting out of a huge whole that had been blown in the wall, two wounded soldiers were lying on stretchers, while another was proped up against a wall, SA-80A3 in hand. At the back of the room was another hole in the wall, this one had sandbags proped up in it, and a .50 machinegun. Two soldiers were there, one shooting the .50, while the other was shooting with his rifle. Anderson ran over to the soldiers firing out of the hole close to the stairs. "Uniform three zero?" asked Anderson. "Yup, thats us. Are you the medivac?" replied a soldier. "No mate, were Echo two two zero, weve set up a WRP in a building about 50 metres back" he said. the soldeir checked the cordinates on his wrist consol, "wow, i thought that area was hot, nice job clearing it" he said.

"Two more, coming left!" shouted the soldier by the .50 "yeah! yeah! i'm running low man!" shouted the soldier on the .50. "Three right!" he shouted.

"Were gonna take our wounded to the WRP, but this area is hot, we need to pull out and glass the place" said the soldier, his name was Sgt. Barnes. "Give us hadn clearing the area, and we'll come to your WRM" he said. With that, Anderson began firing out of the hole at the NUSSR's below, and Johnson ran to help the two guys with the .50.
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03-12-2004, 11:46 PM
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Anderson put his back to the wall, and aimed out of the large hole at the NUSSR's below. They were scattered about, behind cars. But the problem was, they had an 80mm artillery cannon, and were blowing holes in the building. It went off, the building shook as another huge hole was blown in a few levels up. Anderson noticed that, with the exception of the wounded soldier propped up against the wall opposite the stairs, every soldier was using M14A5's. Much more advanced versions of the almost 100 year old rifles. They were black, and made out of plastic for a start, and had built in scopes. They looked like they were semi-auto only though. Two NUSSR's ran up the stairs, only to be torn down by the wounded soldier, who then threw a grenade down the stairs, to finish off any others. The building shook again as the 80mm went off, the shots were getting much closer. Anderson had to take it out.

Johnson was helping the two soldiers with the .50. As they reloaded it, he fired from a hole in the sandbags, There was alot of NUSSR's on this side. "Loaded, nail 'em!" shouted one of the soldiers. The .50 began firing again, and the NUSSR's ran for cover, many of them shredded by the .50 bullets.

"This is Uniform three zero, we're moving the the WRM set up by Echo two two zero, request air cover" said Barnes into a radio. "Hold tight for 5 minutes Sargant, two Cobram mk.3 helecopters are enruite" said the voice on the radio. Anderson looked through the scope on his SA-90, he aimed at the 80mm. "Give me some cover!" he said, as he had to move up one level to get a clear shot. He ran to the stairs and went up one level. This level had many hole blown out of it. He went to the one where he could see the 80mm perfectally. Looking through the targeting scope, he aimed a grenade at the 80mm, He pulled the trigger, the 20mm case ejecting to the right. It exploded, taking out the operators of the 80mm, but he wasnt sure if he had taken it out. It certanly made the NUSSR's get their heads down though.

"Yeah! got one!" shouted a soldier. "Nice shot mate" replied the one on the .50. "You got two coming left!" shouted Johnson, he turned and shredded them with the .50. Johnson had picked up an M14A5, he had done training with the old version of it, and he was much more comfortablt with it then the SA-80A3. It was capable of automatic, so he fired of a few rounds at some NUSSR's coming out of a building. He heard a humming sound getting closer, from the left.

"Uniform three zero, DO NOT, i repete, do not fire to the East" said a voice over the radio. It was a Cobram pilot. "K guys, dont shoot the choppers!" Barnes shouted.

The two cobrams suddenly flew over the building, miniguns flairing and missiles launching. They took out everything.
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05-03-2004, 06:06 AM
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"wooh!" shouted Anderson. He tured and ran to the stairs. He saw three NUSSR soldiers running up them. "Christ!" he shouted, and ducked back. He heard a burst of gunfire, and went to look back out. Tthe three NUSSR soldiers were lying dead. He ran back to the floor with Uniform Three Zero. Sgt Barnes ran up to Anderson, "Nice job lad, we just got a call from Foxtrot Niner, they need some sniper cover. Leave ya '90 with me and take an M14A5, and go and help them" Anderson gave his SA-90A2 to Barnes, and picked up his M14A5. "Why cant they deal with it?" he asked. Foxtrot Niner have FN P90's, they cant take out the snipers, they need someone with more range. I could have sent any of my men but after what you did to that 80mm, i thought you would be best" "Thank you Sarge" replied Anderson.

He ran up to Johnson, "I gotta go, stay with these guys or, if its clear, try and get back to the WRP" he said. Johnson nodded. Anderson ran to the stairs, then looked at his wrist consol. He could get to the area quite quickly if he stayed to the top levels. He ran up 3 levels to the top part of the building. There was only one hole. It was straight ahead of him. He could see though to another building that had its entire left side blown open. He ran, and jumped in.

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