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10-13-2003, 12:55 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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(Just a reminder to everybody Red Falcon is more like an it as oppose to an individual. Its almost like a force with a personality. and this force takes on many forms its the ultimate threat to existance that is Oddworld. this thing is not a god nor a demon, but is like the god of the gods. Red Falcon is the very essance of evil. )

Meanwhile Blarg found himself floating in suspended animation being tourtured in pain. He struggled to free himself from the organic binds that held him in place. But he could not move.

"Red Falcon! you brought me here! Return me now!" yelled Blarg

Suddenly a voice filled the void that spoke in many different languages.

"Musta coolda sheeshna Blaina claina Mucha cosna........ Blarg!"

"I have summoned you here for purpose!" said the deep voice of the void.

"Nobody summons Blarg!" as he struggled.

"Then I am pleased that you will be the first!" said the deep voice.

"What are you?" said Blarg

"I am the god of the gods. The Devour I am. Existance will be no more your friends are walking into a trap and you can do nothing to save them. Yes I was there when you discovered your false orb that I planted. I was there when you figured your orb out. I was there when it gave you this curse. And I will be here when you find Galathan. Pathetic sub creatures you are in your miserable lives! It is my will that the Gathering shall be destroyed. Existance will be nomore."

"What about the nothing and the shadow people?" said Blarg

"My minons they are. They brought you and your friends together where I will destroy each, one by one."

"We will destroy you Red Falcon!"

"Pathetic sub creatures you are nothing can destroy me not even when you are gods. You don't know how important you and your friends really are do you? Heh you are the creators of existance and I am the destructor! You have no chance to save existance."

"We will find a way!" yelled Blarg

"The gathering will be split! Your friends have discovered the so called truth about me. They think I am a god, a fire god! How pethetic and misleading the Mudokon religion is. A melenia of writeings within a book of the Shrykull and they can't get it right. I am no god for I am a force to be recon with. I will serve my term through you Blarg and that will be your doom. For you will be the first to go!"

"You can't do this to me!"

Blarg sat there and thought of something he remembered years ago of an ancient Monolyth where Oddworld was formed from and the orbs were made called the Southern Matrix. It hit him like a ton of bricks.

"A matrix! The Southern Matrix. Yes it could be the answer to stop this!" as he felt somewhat sure of himself. "The orbs are obsolete to the powers of the Southern Matrix for that is where the orbs came from or where they were made aswell as the rest of Oddworld. All came from this black monolyth that at one time wondered the stars. It is a black monolyth that can't be destroyed. The orbs were forged from this monolyth aswell as Oddworld and its inhabitants. All the lifeforms came from the Monolyth not from us and the orbs. The Monolyth created us and the orbs of power to be gods to protect it. Its origin is unknown. But all I know is that its a 12 ft black rectangular cube. It doesnt even talk for it only mimics sound verations when it speaks.

For many cultures don't even know of its existance. only myth and legoned speaks of this so called black rectangle saveing existance. But that was an old childrens bedtime story that all cultures even industrial told to its young generations. I don't know if anyone will know of this" This is the only tool I can possably know of that more powerful than a god." thought Blarg.

Meanwhile Saros and Dak merged on a cliff side over looking a lush valley. They couldn't understand why they dident merge into the other demension where Blarg was being held captive. It was as if they were being blocked.

At the sametime Red Falcon with Blarg began to merge out in a streak of light.


"We are going to Mudos!" replied the voice of Red Falcon.

Suddenly in that instant a streak of light came out of nowhere. Saros along with Dak stood looking on into the lush valley. It shot across the sky in a blinding streak leaveing behind a trail of billowing smoke that seemed to go in the northern directon towords Mudos. Saros had the feeling that something was seriously wrong here. He knew the nature of gods and evil gods alike but this was different to him. It was as if he was struck by fear. It was ODD. The rest of the Gathering also saw this streak of light headed in the direction of Mudos. And they felt the same sensation as Saros. In many ways they too began to somewhat feel what Blarg was feeling. But it was no pleasant feeling as each member of the Gathering trembled to the ground with gut wrenching pain. And then suddenly in an instant flash the image of a black Monolyth appeared in each of their minds. It was quick that it was a flash of light. It was almost as if Blarg was trying to connect with everyone telepathically giveing them a warning and giveing them this new information all wrapped up in a flash. Then each of them started to remember an old child's bedtime story that they were told when they were siblings. It was very veague to them and they could not understand it. But they all said out loud. "Southern...Matrix?"

They could not understand this So Saros quickly teleported back to the others to find out that they too felt the same thing. Something suspicious grew among the members of the Gathering as they looked at each other in a wierd way. But they still needed to find the Orb of Galathon so that orbs maybe together again.

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10-16-2003, 08:02 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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(ooc: Paramiteabe... Blarg has to be there to claim his orb. They can't go on without him having his orb.)

Everyone thought that what had just happened was very odd... they knew it was Blarg sending them a message, and Saros had seen the light heading towards Mudos, so that's where he was going.

Saros: I'm going to get Blarg. You guys stay here... I think I can feel where this "Red Falcon" is going on Mudos, shouldn't be too hard to find.

Lammy: Good luck, the rest of us will keep climbing the mountain, and when we get to the top, we'll wait.

Suddenly, the shape of the Raisin appered before them.

Raisin: You must read your book of Shrykul before you go... you must be prepared to fight Red Falcon. Good luck Saros.

Geeble: What about the rest of us? When do we read ours?

Raisin: When you feel the need to use it, of when I come to you and tell you that it's time...

Lammy: Well, all of our books have locks on them... how do we open them?

Ronan: Well, when I needed to see what "RF" meant, I just opened it...

Raisin: I need to be going, you must get to Blarg as soon as possible! Here Saros, here is the key to your book of Shrykul...

And with that, he dissappeared. Saros ran to his book, used the key, and opened it. He flinched when he did so, but nothing happened. He looked down at his book, one side was labeled "Scrab" And the other... "Paramite". He reached down into his book, and stuck his hands in both parts. Slowly, words started to crawl up his arms, and began to transform into... Shrykul. After all of the book was sucked into Saros's arms, he looked like a mix of a Scrab, Paramite, and a Meech.

Geeble: I understand now... you were Shrykul in one of your past lives! I've been having visions that have indicated so... but now this proves it!

Lammy: Whoa, look at you! You look awesome!

Saros: Dak, lets go... we need to save Blarg! I have seen what RF is going to do to him!

So they teleported to Mudos.

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10-17-2003, 12:15 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

(Yeah I know I have to be there to find my orb and that will happen but let it happen in the very end of this epic story. Blarg is now in the hands of Red Falcon whome is going to possess him which then will split the Gathering. At that moment Blarg finds Galathon but the Gathering is split thus bringing us to the second adventure. Which will be our individual adventures getting back and the finding of the Southern Matrix which is a Monolyth which is the source of the Orbs. Where the third story begins and where we become the gods we are and with the power boost of the Monolyth we will become even more powerful. We will be back with each other at the Monolyth.)

Meanwhile Blarg emerged back into reality as his hands clenched his face. Covered in sweat he began to laugh and his eyes were red as flame. For Blarg was possessed with the force of Red Falcon within.

"Heh such power in a sub creature such as this. Galathon will never be found!"

Blarg took a staff and flew into the air but Saros saw him and called to him to come down. Suddenly Blarg flew down as he stared at Saros in a rather evil grin. He wouldn't reply back to him for everytime Saros talked to him he would smile and say this one phrase that made Saros suspicious.

"What happend?" said Saros

"Heh everything is fine my friend!"


"Everything is fine my friend!" as Blarg walked ahead of Saros.
Blarg's eyes widen and his eyes glowed for a split second as he mimiced his possesser. "Red Falcon!"

"What?" yelled Saros

Blarg ignored his coment and looked towards the sea.

Meanwhile the rest of the Gather teleported back to Mudos and surrounded Blarg.

Blarg took the staff and raised it in the air as he cried out.

"What are you doing here Blarg you need to find Galathon!" yelled everyone.

Blarg still wouldn't answer for he was possessed with evil. He took his staff and the dark words cried out.

"You all are traitors to me. You will meet your demise!" as the now possed Blarg cried out.

"Something is wrong with Blarg guys. He looks possessed!" said Saros.

Once again the voice of Blarg struggleing to free himself from Red Falcon's grip on his saul yelled for help in the minds of every single member of the Gathering.

"Helllllp me Helllllllp me! I aaaaaam traaaaaped!"

Last edited by paramiteabe; 10-17-2003 at 03:39 AM..
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10-18-2003, 03:48 AM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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GrigtheSlig  (23)

(ooc: If RF was as powerful as you said he was, then he would have killed us all. I think that we shouldn't be split up at the moment... and Blarg should get get his orb while we are at Galathon...)

Saros: NOW!

They all surrounded Blarg, and began to chant... they bound him to the spot where he was standing, and put a spell on him that would make him not want to leave the area where he was bound to. Blarg was safe for now, and RF wouldn't be able to hurt them at the moment.

Geeble: Good work, but now we need to de-possess Blarg... I've done this sort of thing with Saros... it'll be much easier with the rest of you here...

Red Falcon: You won't be able to do that... I'm much to powerful to...

Saros: Silencio.

Saros waved his hand at Blarg/RF, and his mouth shut with a snap.

Lammy: Nice... Saros, how'd you do that?

Saros: I dunno.

Geeble: Saros is almost at his highest stage of transformaton... so he would be able to do that sort of thing...

Ronan: I imagin that we'll all be able to do something like that when we reach our highest transformation stage.

Saros: Well, of the top of my head, i'd say that we need at de-possession spell, as well as a dissolve spell, so he won't be able to do something like this to the rest of us... But first I need some herbs...

Saros gave Lammy and Ronan a list of herbs, and they went in search of them... Geeble sat near Blarg, trying to read his thoughts.

Geeble: *mindspeak* ~Blarg... are you in there?~

Blarg: ~ Yes... I can't see you... where are you?~

Geeble: ~I'm right here... don't worry, we'll fix what RF did... But what I came to tell you is: Don't give your will to Red Falcon, no matter what he says...~

Blarg: ~Okay...~

Geeble: *To Saros* He's fine... he is gonna have to wait a while for the herbs to be found and made into potions, but he's a survivor, he'll be alright.

Saros: I don't doubt that Blarg can handle himself, but I know how it is to be possessed... they tell you that they can take care of everything. But I always survive, so he'll come out of this experience better and stronger for it.

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10-18-2003, 08:46 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

(Well RF is that powerful its just that he is playings games with everyone you will see. Mainly he is tricking Blarg that Galathon is actually on Mudos when he is driveing everybody into a trap by useing Blarg as his host at the moment. read this part and you will see how Blarg gets out of his trans. But I hear you there its not quite over so we won't be split we still have a little bit to go with the first story.)

While they were waiting Blarg was sitting there not paying attention to anyone around him as he was himming to himself.

Meanwhile in his tourtured mind Blarg's spirit was fighting the ever presence of the evil of Red Falcon that has corrupted his body.

"Get out of my mind evil one!" yelled Blarg.

"Blarg Blarg Blarg you know that your weak! You of all the members of the Gathering doesn't understand. For they found their Orbs and you found nothing!"

Blarg fused with anger lashed out at the face that was in his mind.

"Never I am the creature Blarg you will die!"

Meanwhile the other started to see Blarg uncontrolably take flight as he hovered above.

"Guys something is happening here! yelled Saros. "LOOK!" as he pointed at Blarg.

"What in the world?"

In a chaotic fashion he was flying uncontrolably up and down and side to side fighting to free himself from the clutches of Red Falcon whome was forcefully trying to control him. Then he cried out.

"Cursid One leave me now for it is finnished!"

Suddenly Blarg fell to the ground pulsating with light for he used the might his abilitys to free himself from the ultimate evil of Red Falcon. For Blarg's sake he was back to him self.

Blarg lied on the ground weakon from his ordeal as he stood up and looked at everyone.

"Oooooh where am I?"

"Blarg is that you?" said the others.

"Who.....are you? Wheres....my orb? The last thing I remember was in the swamps of Moria. The next thing I see is the face of the shadow. And now I am surrounded by strangers that I don't remember."

"Don't you remember us Blarg? We are the Gathering."

It took a few minutes for Blarg to remember as he smiled.
"Its ok guys I am fine I was possessed in the Swamps of Morea the ancient One by Red Falcon. That is why I was acting arrogant to all of you in all those days. But now that doesn't matter. For I must find my Orb and Galathon I will find! For it is the will of The Gathering. Red Falcon is growing ever more powerful as his minions and the Nothing sweep across Oddworld as we speak. He is greater than any god. They call him the devour. I tried to warn you but I was possessed before I could. We were almost split. That will never happen as long as I am here. For we are the one in many. Red Falcon will destroy existance if we don't interviene. For my unfortuante connection with him has been severed. His wrath will be swift and quick to come to the inhabitants of Oddworld. We Must find the last of the Orbs of Power. My Orb the Orb of Galathan! And we must find the Southern Matrix. Ive learned that it was the origin of all of us through the Raison. For it was a Black Monolyth. But that my friends can not be found until we possess Galathan."

"How did you know about that when you were possessed?"

"My friends I saw things that you could not see. It was shown to me through a revelation through the spirit of the Raison. The Raison knew I was fighting RF that is why you saw those flashes and felt what I felt. It was me trying to reach all of you about this. But I am afraid he has stolen my Book of Shrykul and he will use it aganst us. That is why the Rason gave you your books. That is why his wrath will be great. For he dwells in the very center of whats left of Mudos."

as they looked in the direction of the center of Mudos. For it was a sight of volcanos and darkness that held Mudos in its grip. Blarg was now free of Red Falcon and thus he was back to his old self once again but the wrath of Red Falcon awaits and the Gathering must find the last Orb of Power. The Orb of Galathan!

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11-25-2003, 02:21 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Geeble last remembered begining to march towards Galathon, but something was wrong. He couldn't move, but he could feel that he was coming out of a coma state. It took a while, but Geeble opened his eyes. The rest of the Gathering was frozen on the beach. Geeble whispered an incantation after his mouth began to loose and he was free. Then, something weighed heavy on his heart. He looked up into the sky and saw that it was blood red and mixed with smoke.

Geeble: Oh dear Odd. What has happened?

Geeble searched his mind, but couldn't figure out what happened. He then concluded that someone must have put a spell on them, because it seemed that years had passed since the Gathering had last looked through their eyes. But why were they still alive? Geeble awoke his members to their horror of what had happened.

Blarg: We have failed. Red Falcon has come into power.

Geeble: Yes, I fear he has, but I do not understand why we're still here. We should have been killed after RF came forth. Why not?

Just then the Raisin came forth out of the clear air.

Raisin: I have kept watch over you and made sure that unfriendly eyes haven't been fastened onto your frozen bodies. I tried to help take away the spell, but my powers have been limited to the physical world once I passed into the spiritual realm.

The gathering cried out to Raisin in gratitude. But they also had many questions.

Saros: What about my kids?! Have you taken care of them?

Raisin: It is sad news to tell you that the Meech race is now RF's slave labor. I am sorry.

Saros cried and everyone tried to comfort him.

Ronan: What do we do now?

Raisin: Well, you must overthrow RF, which will not be easy, but he doesn't expect you because he believes you to be dead, so there is an advantage.

Lammy: So, there is still hope?

Raisin: There is always hope when the Gathering is alive, but may I tell you that our allies of good have dwindled from power and the world is covered in more evil than before. Your quest is perilous, but it still exists and it will be fulfilled. I have forseen it.


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12-12-2003, 09:13 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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GrigtheSlig  (23)

What happened to this great thread? Nobody posts in it anymore!

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12-12-2003, 09:18 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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oddguy  (10)

I tried to bring it back to life a while ago.....and with a new twist on things, but it seems to be dead.


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12-12-2003, 10:53 PM
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What happened to Paramiteabe? And Dave?

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12-13-2003, 03:29 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

(Surprise I think its time to bring this story back from the dead I will. I have just been really busy with school I havent had much time. and with Grig being absent for awhile I dident want to go further until you got better. But thats over and we will continue with our story.)

Just before the Raison was to disappear from the Gathering he began to explan important detales for each member to grasp. For it was now the future and things have changed.

"Members of the Gathering before I depart again I must warn you there are exact copies of yourself somewhere in this doomed world. Shadow has engulped your copy for they are spirits of peer dark energy. Much like the entity that killed me many years ago. You must seek out an elderling I once knew by the name of Gorm. He will help you on your guest to become the one."

Blarg approached the Raison.

"But Raison where is Gorm? and where is my orb of Galathan?"

The Raison looked at Blarg. "You Blarg the being whome does not know himself will soon find your orb of Galathon."

"Raison you have foreseen the paths of my friends here why do you keep mine in secret?" asked Blarg

"Blarg you have only begun to grasp your true self. You are the son of great godly king whome ruled a lost race forgotten in time. Your kind came from the lost continent of Lok. You Blarg are that remaining Loken that exist on this world. Your father was a once powerful Loken. Your extinct race naturally possessed the powers of an emortal god known as the one. Blarg you are the future king of Lok."

When all of you find Galathon and Blargs Orb of power and become the one the Seas will rise and the armies of Lok will emerge to aid to your fight aganst the forces of the Appocalyps of Red Falcon. But there is a long way to go. For you must seek out the key of emortality kept safe by Gorm the Elderling whome exists on an island with no name off of the continent of Galathon. You will then find the ancient Monolyth a black rectanglar stone hidden in the deep frozen north where all of the inhabitants of Oddworld originated from. You will open the Monolyth with the key and the weapon known as the sword of Darken will emerge that only the One could grasp. But my friends this task will be dangerous for the many spies inhabit the world now.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-12-2003 at 07:41 PM..
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12-13-2003, 04:51 PM
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One of the guys who used to write chapters for this thread recieved a very low mark in physics for the frist term in school. His mother got pretty mad at him, and now he's lucky to even see the computer on. So he doesn't have much time to write chapters for anything, either this thread or his fan fic. Hopefully, when he gets his midterm report, he'll get full priviledges back.
Until then, he says that full rights to the character Ronan in this thread and Dave in W@RFv2 can go to anyone ... until he comes back, of course.

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12-16-2003, 09:08 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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oddguy  (10)

I don't want this thread to die again.......It's yer turn to post Grig. I would, but I'm busy at the moment.


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12-30-2003, 11:14 AM
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This should be counted as spam guys, I'm not going to do anything about it for now, but just cut back on it ok?
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