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09-28-2003, 04:14 PM
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The Red Muse
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Another town in Mob rule, but in this town, two other gangs, the Kloons and the Ractors have stood their ground against the Oddworld Mafia and each other. But watch out, asking a favour from one, will cause the others too lose respect for you... The Police also have a district in this town, and if you want
to find a legitimate Buisness you might want to look there...
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

10-20-2003, 04:47 PM
Rich's Avatar
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Robby and Joey wake up as the train jerks to a halt. As they rub their eyes the stout Vykker appears.

Vykker: We hope you had a pleasant journey. Now please vacate the train, the exits are open.

Robby follows Joey out of the train and onto the platform. Many other passengers of different races are there too. The train doors close and it leaves the station as quickly as it arrived, no passengers are leaving at this time of night.

A rusted sign over the stairwell to the streets reads
"Welcome to Kline". Grafiti covers the walls sporting Ractor colours.

As Robby goes towards the exit a quiet but firm voice comes from behind them.

Voice: Stop.

Joey and Robby stop.

Voice: Turn around.

Joey and Robby turn slowly around taking a good look at the rusted station. In front of them is a Chronicler wearing a black suit with dark glasses on.

Chronicler: You are Joey, right?

He points at Joey as he says this.
Joey goes to nod, But the Chronicler turns to Robby.

Chronicler: I thought so. Anyway you must be Robby.

Robby just looks back. The Chronicler pulls a pistol from his suit and loads it.

Chronicler: Follow me.

Joey and Robby follow him cautiously down the stairs, through an archway and into the dark night sky.
Parked directly in front of the exit is a van.

Chronicler: Get in the back, it's open.

Robby pulls open the door and they scramble in. The Chronicler gets in and closes the van door. The Chronicler shouts to the Driver.

Chronicler: Light please.

A light comes on and Joey sees several leather seats. The van is definitely Mafia property.

Chronicler: Drive!

The van jerks into life and speeds off. The three of them sit down on the seats.

Chronicler: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Lloyd, I work for the Mafia here.

The van takes a sharp bend. Joey and Robby fall over, Lloyd doesn't.

Lloyd: Theres only a few things to remember here in Kline. One, Denz is boss around here, no shit from Thrallsom unless it comes through him first Ok.

Joey nods.

Lloyd: Second, North town and the buisness district is our turf. Central Kline and the west strip belongs to the Ractors. East side of the centre and commercial disrict is Kloon territory. The south are and Downtown are all police controlled. So watch where you're going unless you're in a bullet proof suit!

Joey nods again.

Lloyd: I think thats it, just remember. You're the new boys now so watch your back. Remember, always have your gun loaded, and you'll have a nice Holiday...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

10-21-2003, 01:29 PM
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The van stops outside a Garage.

Lloyd: Sorry about this guys, we're running a bit low on gas and Cigerettes...

The driver gets out of the door and starts to fill the Van up with fuel. A few seconds later shots sounds from across the street. and a bullet pierces a hole in the van Joey and Robby rush to the window to see what's going on.

They see three sligs, wearing black suits, all firing at the van.

Lloyd: Stay down.. Kloon Hitmen...

Lloyd runs out of the van to get the driver back in, but finds only his corpse. Robby and Joey sprint round the back of the van next to Lloyd.

Lloyd: They're going to switch to heavy ordinance in a sec, typical Kloon tatics, we're going to need to get as far away from this garage as possible, before we're part of the newest crater on oddworld...

Robby and Joey load their weapons.

Lloyd: Give me some covering fire, when i get to the nearest house, I'll provide support.

Robby and Joey lean around either side of the van and spray the sligs with fire. The first bullet Joey fires strikes a slig between the eyes sending him to the floor. The other two dive for cover behind a car.

Lloyd: Wish me luck...

Lloyd runs across the large span of the garage bullets striking the floor beneath his feet, he dives over a picket fence to saftey.

Suddenly the drivers cell phone rings. Robby bends down to answer it.

Robby: Hello?

Voice: Lloyd is safe, if you run you won't be. Stay there, they won't get a chance to fire that Rocket they're preparing...

The phone then cuts out, Robby pockets it for later.He then peers around the side of the van to see a long tube resting apon the bonnet of the car. In the second in which Robby blinks, the sligs are laying apon the floor with huge gashes up their backs, the sort unable to be caused by anything but a sword.
10-21-2003, 03:22 PM
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Joey: What happened?

Robby: I don't know! Maybe we should ask Lloyd.

Lloyd walks up to them calmly and brushes the dust off his suit.

Lloyd: Oh well, thats another driver dead. Third one this week.

He goes up to the corpse and searches it.

Robby: What are you doing?

Lloyd: Keys...

He turns around holding a keyring. He goes to continue putting gas in the van.

Joey: Err, Lloyd what was that?

Lloyd: What?

Joey: The thing that killed the Sligs.

Lloyd turns around spilling fuel over the garage floor.

Lloyd: I can't tell you that boy. I can't trust you yet.

He continues filling up the van.

Lloyd: Joey, go pay the guy, heres five bucks.

Lloyd hands Joey the Moolah and points out the pay desk.
Joey walks casually over to the cashiers desk. He looks over to the dead bodies of the Sligs. People are walking over them as if nothing is wrong.

Cashier: Sad isn't it, but thats the way things are around here.

Joey: Don't you worry?

Cashier: No.

He points out a shotgun hanging on the wall.

Joey: Oh. Anyway, here's the money.

He hands the Cashier the moolah.

Joey: Keep the change.

He wanders back over to the van and hops in beside Robby.
Lloyd is now in the Driving seat.

Lloyd: You guys ready? Lets go. I'm sure the boss has a lot to tell you...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

10-22-2003, 06:47 PM
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(OOC: I guess I'll continue then. Oh, Hobo when are you going to sort out those dark mud fortresses?)

The van drives for about 8 minutes. Lloyd whistles to himself while he drives. Joey looks out of the window and sees several Vykkers in dark glasses walking out of a club.

Joey:*To Lloyd* This place Mafia controlled?

Lloyd: Yeah, we're not far from the HQ now.

Lloyd takes a right turn and pulls into a car park.

Lloyd: You can put your guns away now guys, we're perfectly safe around here.

They climb out of the van. In front of them is a posh Restaurant. A 'closed' sign hangs in the window. A light is on in one of the upper floors.

Lloyd: It's all locked up at the front at this time of night. So we take the service door at the side.

They walk up to the service door. Robby pushes it open and steps through. They find themselves in a kitchen. However it is no ordinary kitchen. Several henchmen all armed to the teeth are chatting in the corner.

Slig: Hi Lloyd.

Lloyd: Wheres the boss?

Slig: In the lounge.

Lloyd: Thanks. Ok boys follow me.

Lloyd leads Joey and Robby through the kitchen and up the first set of stairs. They stop outside a door. Voices are on the other side.

Lloyd: Listen, be respectful. In you go. And remember, he's your new boss.

Joey and Robby are pushed through the door.
A Glukkon sits in a leather chair smoking a huge cigar.
Sitting opposite is an important looking Vykker. As the Glukkon sees them he cuts off the conversation.

Glukkon: Oh, right. Ok we'll talk about this some other time. You're offer intreagues me.

The Glukkons accent is that of Thrallsom.
The Vykker leaves the room and Joey sits in his place. Robby pulls up another chair to sit nearby.

Glukkon: I am Denz. Head of the Mafia around here. You must be Joey.

Joey: Yes, this is Robby.

Denz smiles at them and nods.

Denz: Listen, it's really late now and I'm tired. I think I should talk to you in the morning Robby.

Robby tries to smile but fails.

Denz: I believe you already have work, Joey.

Joey: Yes, the Godfather told me what to do.

Denz: Good. If you need anything come see me. Lloyd's helpful too, I've asked him to look out for you around town. If you go now Lloyd will show you to your rooms.

Robby: Rooms?

Denz: Yes of course, I couldn't let you come all the way here and throw you out onto the streets could I?
Now get going, Its nearly 2 O'clock...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

Last edited by Rich; 10-22-2003 at 10:50 AM..
10-23-2003, 03:43 PM
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Originally posted by Rich The Intern
(OOC: I guess I'll continue then. Oh, Hobo when are you going to sort out those dark mud fortresses?)
I'll sort out the dark mud fortresses when I remove myself from hidden mode, or sooner if i get v.bored.I will eventually reply to the RPG again, I've just been a bit busy the past 2 days, but as i have next week off school, i will reply alot more then.
10-23-2003, 07:05 PM
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(OOC: Ok then, I'll just carry on. I'll try not to use Robby in any big story things)

Joey wakes up in the darkened bedroom. He yawns and stretches. He pulls on his pants and goes to open the curtains.

Voice: Don't do that!

Joey jumps in fright and turns around to see Lloyd standing in the doorway of the room.

Joey: What?

Lloyd: We always leave the curtains shut, this isn't Thrallsom you know. You aren't all cosy in an underground bunker. There are too many people out for our blood around here. There could be snipers anywhere out there just waiting for Denz to open the curtains.

Joey: Ok, sorry. Is Denz giving away free food to us as well.

Lloyd frowns.

Lloyd: Are you being cheeky? First of all Denz is called "The Boss" and second...

Denz appears in the doorway behind Lloyd.

Denz: Enough Lloyd, go have something to eat.

Lloyd grumbles to himself as he exits the room. He bows half-heartedly to Denz and dissapears.

Denz: You've had a rough time Joey. I'm going to give you a few days off your real job.

Joey: But the Boss said...

Denz: I just think you should have few days off the serious stuff.

Joey: If you say so...

Denz: Thats the spirit! Now I've got some easy work for you but you must make sure you do it right.

Joey: Go on.

Denz: I have something very important down in the warehouse district I want brought to me. The guy in the warehouse will let you have it when he sees you. The warehouse is number #113.

Joey: Fine...

Denz: Oh! and make sure you stat out of Kloon territory.

Joey bows to Denz and runs down the stairs...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

10-24-2003, 08:28 AM
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Joey reaches the restaurant part of the building and sees Robby sitting on his own by the window. Joey sits next to him.

Robby: Morning...

Joey: you too, anyway I've gotta go do a job for our new boss.

Robby:*Eating something* Yeah, *chomp* see you *Chomp* later...

Joey walks towards the front door.
Lloyd stands in front of him.

Lloyd: Wait, theres something you might want.

Joey: What?

Lloyd reaches into his pocket and pulls out...

Lloyd: Keys for the van.

Joey: You want me to take the van.

Lloyd: Why not.

He hands Joey the keys and walks up to the breakfast counter.
Joey walks out of the building and lazily walks up to the van.
He unlocks the door and climbs into the drivers seat.
He begins to drive across the city following signs to the warehouse district.
After about ten minutes he reaches the border of the warehouse district.
The barrier to the carpark is down. Joey can't drive the van in.
He curses and climbs out of the van. He locks the door and walks into the mass of warehouses.

Joey: Hmm, strange smell. Smells like smoke.

A huge smoke cloud is in front of him in the distance.
He checks the warehouse numbers.

Joey: number 43. Must be further north...

He runs north. After about five minutes he comes to warehouse

The smoke is really close. Joeys heart sinks and he turns to see the smouldering wreck of warehouse #113....
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

10-25-2003, 07:10 AM
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Joey raises his Bluderbuss. He searches the wreck loking for a sign of life. A dark shadow appears on the ground infront of him and Joey turns to see who it is. Standing there is a group of Sligs armed to the teeth.

Slig Leader: The boss says take any henchmen alive for questioning....

Two sligs throw a net over Joey and he is knocked out cold by the butt of a rifle.


Robby is taking a walk with Lloyd. They are walking aroun the centre of the Mafia's Operations.

Robby: So, who's more of a problem to you here?

Lloyd: Sad to say, it's our own guys going traitor on us.. Talking of that, where the hell's Joey, he was due to be back ages ago...
10-25-2003, 03:28 PM
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Joey wakes up in a cell. He has been stripped of his pants and gun. A small light his on an empty desk in the corner. There are no visible means of escape. There are other cells like Joeys around the room. All but one are empty.

Prisoner: Hey mister, you awake?

Joey turns around to see a Mudokon enclosed in the next cage. His accent is strange and he appears foreign Joey has never heard anything like it.

Joey: Yes, I'm awake...

Mudokon: Who you?

Joey: I'm Joey, who are you?

Mudokon: I called Borag. Where you from?

Joey: I'm from the Mafia in Thrallsom.

Borag: You from Mafia? You work for Denz?

Joey: Yes.

Borag: Me also! I give you something.

Borag runs to a corner of his cell and digs in the ground. He appears a liittle while later with a small bag.

Borag: Here you take, for boss.

Joey: Wait, you work for Denz? Where?

Borag: In warehouse. *Sad* They kill Karl...

Joey: Who's Karl?

Borag: Karl my friend, he work in warehouse with me. We wait for you then he get shot.

Joey: Why were you waiting for me?

Borag: To give this! You take to Denz!

Joey: Oh ok then.

Joey goes to the wall of the cell and reaches through the bars to Borag's cell. Borag places the small bag in Joeys hand.

Borag: You give this to Denz!

Joey opens the bag to find a Ruby. It is glowing strangely his mind becomes heavy. He quickly puts the gem back in the bag.
He somehow knows that this is the Ruby of the five and that whoever has captired him and Borag want it. Then to his horror he hears footsteps from outside the room...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

11-05-2003, 02:04 PM
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Robby and Lloyd appear infront of the cell, Robby starts to cut the cell bars with his sawbones.

Lloyd: Joey, you've got the package, good. We've got to move, we launched a huge attack on them, but we can't hold it up forever.

Joey: Guys, i need my stuff!

Robby kicks a few bars and they fall out, leaving a hole big enough for Joey, Robby throws a bag to him, Joey opens it up to find his stuff, Joey hides the ruby deep in the bag and slings it on his back.

The three run out of the door, taking them up a staircase and into the back of a restaurant. Bullets are ringing everywhere, not letting Lloyd, Joey and Robby get out.

Lloyd: Joey, Robby, if you give me some covering fire, I can get us out of here...

Joey and Robby lean around the corner and fire blindly behind the bar, where the sligs firing at the Mafia henchmen are taking cover. Lloyd runs across the restaraunt and dives through an open window, he then dashes across the road, and takes cover behind one of the Mafia's vans. He then speaks a few words to a slig next to him, who makes a short call on his radio, a few seconds later all the sligs that were firing at the mafia fall to the ground with the same gashes in their backs, like the ones on the sligs at the gas station.

Joery and Robby run to Lloyd.

Joey; Come clean with us Lloyd, What the hell is that?

Lloyd; Camoflauge my friends, we have obtained a prototype stealth suit, and we have made several copies of them for our best assasains. You shall never see their faces, as no-one other than Denz knows who they are, and that shall remain that way...
11-05-2003, 06:43 PM
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(OOC: Good to see you're back, it's boring with only me.)

Robby: Ok, lets just get out of here!

Joey: Yeah, I need to give this to Denz.

Lloyd: Agreed. If more turn up we could lose henchmen left, right and centre.

All the mafia henchmen run into their respective vans. Lloyd takes Robby and Joey to one and they get in. There is no-one else in the van except the driver.

Lloyd: Hmmm, we're lucky. We've got this to ourselves.

He shuts the door and the van departs. The convoy of vans moves through the city streets. All is quiet.

Lloyd: Be prepared for some noise. We're about to leave the police district.

About a minute later there is the sound of guns being fired.
Joey ducks then realises he is the only one ducking.

Robby: Relax Joey.

Lloyd: These are the armoured vans. We only get them out on special occasions. Even the windscreen is made of extra thick bullet proof glass. Nothing can get us in here.

Joey looks through the window and sees several Kloons getting run over as they fail to move out of the convoys way.

Joey: Lloyd, was this supposed to happen?

Lloyd: Of course not! Would we kill our own men?

Joey thinks of Juk as he says this. He wonders how Op and the Godfather are doing. He thinks of the Club and the Hotel and his house.

Lloyd: Joey!

Joey: What?

Lloyd: Nothing, you just seemed as if you weren't with us.

Joey: Oh, I think I'm just homesick...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

11-11-2003, 06:57 AM
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(OOC: Sorry about the wait, I've had the flu, not very nice)

Joey, Robby and Lloyd's Van parks up outside Denz's Resteraunt. They get out and walk inside.

Lloyd: Go have a drink at the bar, I need to talk to Denz for Fifteen Minutes.

Joey and Robby walk over to the bar, they both sit down on the high wooden bar stools. The Mud barkeeper walks over to them.

Mud: You guys with Lloyd then?

Joey: Yeah, what's it to you...

Mud: Calm down buddy, it's so I don't charge you for the drinks... Well guys what do you want?

Joey: Give me a double shot of Gutrot...

Mud: Yes Sir, and for you sir?

Robby: Just a Tomato Juice please..

The barman walks away and then half a minute latter comes back with thier drinks. Before they can sip them Lloyd appears in the doorway.

Lloyd: Come on Guy's you're in....
11-11-2003, 05:27 PM
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Joey and Robby put down their drinks and walk up to the door.
Joey stops outside the door to feel for the Ruby.

Robby: You first.

They walk into a lavishly furnished office with leather seats.
Denz sits as before with his huge cigar resting in the ashtray.

Denz: Lloyd tells me of you're misfortune Joey. I am sorry for the danger you were in.

Joey: It's ok. At least you came for me.

Denz: We had to come Joey! Anyone who's anyone wants that Gem you hold! It is the gem of the five!

Joey: Fine, take it.

He hands the Ruby to Denz who carefully puts it in his desk.

Denz: Thankyou. Now you both seem to be settling in nicely. Joey I think that tommorow you should start the plan Thrallsom has given you.

Robby: What should I do?

Denz: Oh right. I don't care what the Godfather says. I'm too busy to interogate you right now. Everyone is after the Ruby!
The Ractors, the Kloons and especially the Police. I'm sorry but you'll have to stay in Kline for a little longer.

Robby: It's ok. I have nowhere else to go.

Denz: I think that's all. Oh Joey, Lloyd wants to offer some help with your job tommorow. Believe me, it'll be worthwhile. Now go and enjoy yourselves...
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11-18-2003, 03:02 PM
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Robby and Joey leave the room, they have a whole free night ahead of themselves.

Robby: So Joey, what you up for?

Joey: I'm shattered, you go ahead, but I'm off to my room for a break.

Robby: Ok then Joey, catch you later.

Robby walks off into the town, his Snoozie slung over his back for all to see. He walks into a nearby club. The barman turns around and grunts at him.

Robby: A large rum and coke, and don't skimp on the rum....

The barman walks down a flight of stairs, infront of him there are two sligs with Mp-5's and another larger slig with a pair of Katana's in their sheathes.

Barman: Hey guys, I think I got one of Denz's up here....

Slig with Katana's: Whoever he is we'll take care of him, give us 5 minutes to prepare....


Another Vykker approaches Robby.

Vykker: By the way Robs, this is Kloon turf...

Robby: Oh, well I'll just have my drink and I'll go then, can I buy you one?

Vykker: Sure... Make it a Fuzzy Navel...

The barman returns with their drinks. Robby picks up his glass, and sips it slowly. After a minute or two the pair get talking.

Robby: So, who are you?

Vykker: I'm a merc. working for Denz, I keep his guys out of trouble, and create my own...

The Vykker opens his jacket a fraction and gestures at the duel Ingrams consealed inside. Robby also notes that the Vykker has a pair of Desert Eagle's in his belt.

Robby:That's some serious firepower, well I suppose you need it around here.

Robby raises his glass to sip it, and as he does a bullet strikes the glass, shattering it to pieces. The Vykker jumps over the bar and starts to prepare his Ingrams Robby follows suit with his Snoozie. Robby fires a burst towards the cieling.

This causes panic in the bar, and flurries of people rush out of the door, giving the Vykker just enough time to break the neck of the barman, who was just placing his pistol upon Robby's spine.

Robby: Jesus, that was some skill!

Vykker: You haven't seen half of it!

The Vykker fires his Ingrams at the now obvious Sligs. Both of them fall within seconds. The third slig appears in Robbie's view, and following his gut reatcion Robby ducks behind the bar, thus avoiding a strong slash aimed at his head. Robby puts his hands on the bar rail and backflips over the bar, and lands behind the third slig, Robby places his foot in the sligs back, sending him tumbling forwards. The Vykker stands up and fires a single shot at the slig, finishing him off.

Robby: We better leave, Joey needs to know!

Vykker: I'll tag along, by the way, I'm Chris, but my callsign is Corlone...
11-22-2003, 11:27 AM
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Joey is in his room sitting by the table atempting to build a card pyramid. After many atempts He is almost finished.
He is just putting on the top card when Robby and Chris burst through the door knocking the cards down.

Joey:*to himself* Not again...

Robby: Joey! I was attacked by Kloons!

Joey: Look, Lloyd told us to be careful. We just have to trust the Mafia round here. Anyway who's your new friend?

Chris: My name is Chris but you can call me Corlone.

Lloyd appears behind Robby.

Lloyd:*Making everyone jump* Chris, the boss wants to see you, now...

Chris leaves the room and Lloyd walks in.

Lloyd: Robby! tell me what happened.

Robby: We were attacked by Kloons in a Kloon club. They had katanas...

Lloyd: Dammit, You two just can't stay out of trouble can you?
Joey, you're going to have to be extra special with the Kloons tommorow. It seems they know who you are...

Robby: Maybe you should give us some more protection.

Lloyd: Maybe you should watch yourself.

Robby and Lloyd give each other dirty looks.

Joey: Stop it. Anyway, that reminds me. Lloyd I heard you have something to give me.

Lloyd: Yes I do.

He messes in his pocket and brings out a small metal object. It has a large red button on the one side.

Lloyd: Take this.

Joey: What is it?

Lloyd: We had it made earlier, I guess you could say it's the panic button. If you push this our stealth assasins will come to your aid. But be careful, it only works in large open spaces. And don't press it unless it's the only option.

Robby: Sounds good.

Lloyd: It is, keep it close to you at all times. Don't let yourenemies get it, especially the Kloons. Believe me they could do some serious damage with that thing...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

11-26-2003, 06:46 PM
Rich's Avatar
Can't Be Arsed
: Apr 2001
: Wolves, UK
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Blog Entries: 1
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Rich  (138)Rich  (138)

Joey wakes up face down in a pile of cards. Several empty beer bottles lie around the room. He peels the 3 of hearts off his visor lens and checks the wall clock. It reads 12 Noon.

Joey: Damn! I overslept!

He rushes around grabbing various things such as his gun, ammo and the panic button. He runs out of the door and crashes straight into Lloyd.

Lloyd: Hey! watch where you're going!

Joey: Sorry Lloyd. Anyway I'm in a hurry.

Lloyd: Oh yeah. Listen, I can't lend you the van today, you'll have to go by bus. Just make sure the driver is definitely Mafia or your dead.

Joey: Ok. Bye.

He runs for the stairs.

Lloyd: Wait! If Robby's down there tell him I told him not to go out last night...

Joey: Fine.

He runs down the two flights of stairs into the Main Resteraunt.
Robby is sitting at a table reading the menu.

Robby: You wouldn't believe some of the stuff they do here, Joey.
Listen, stewed slurgs! A Kline specialty!

Joey: Lloyd says that he saw you last night, after he told you not to go out.

Robby: Huh? I went to bed after I spoke to you.

Joey: He says he saw YOU.

Robby: Must be mistaken...

Joey oh well, see ya later Robby.

Joey exits the Resteraunt via the side door and heads out into the streets.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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