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02-28-2003, 10:55 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Queen of Pain...

*Setting: Fog shrouded the woodland, the tree's leafless branches seemed to extend their reach and attempt to grasp any passer by. The female did not care. Her naked body merely slipped past the branches, allowing the sharp thorns on them to cut her. Her sleek, shiny black hair rolled down her back. Her breasts firm and supple showed scarring on them. She was slim, her nails were black and she was of Orkhid origin. She outstretched her hands and stroked the sharp shards that potruded from the branches. They stuck into her skin and as her hands continued forward etched their markings, releasing black blood from their tracks. Her parched lips opened and allowed a high note to escape from them. It cut through the forests silence like a bullet through a corpse. It was shrill and peaceful. Not a scream, more like a song note...*


*Setting: The Orkhid camp was designated in the middle of the wood. It was a kind of Scout camp. Three dark-green tents were set up around a large fire. The fire was roaring and spitting out its sparks quite happily. Ignoring the wind that attempted to blow it out on numerous occassions. Two out of the nine Orkhids were on lookout, their rifles cocked and laser-sight switched on, they were at opposite end of the camps. They wore night-vision goggles and walked around the small campsite, looking for any signs of movement. Upto now they had only seen wildlife, nothing of great importance. But then one of the troops heard something, a snapping of a twig. His head turned in that direction and he readily pointed his gun outwards, infront of him. His breathing began to speed up, he couldn't see anything of any importance. A slight rustle from his left forced him to turn, his gun swung to that direction. Smoke began to escape from his open mouth, however, the night was warm. He began walking backwards, he knew something was out there, waiting for them...
How he longed for the sound to be of that of a twig, however, as blackness decended upon him he realised it was his neck that had made this sound...*


*Setting: The other soldier turned, the sound of somebody hitting a high note disturbed him. Stepping through the forest he was graced by a thick array of mist. His body tensed, HQ had said the night was to be clear and that was illustrated by the moon that hung in the sky, beaming its light down upon the land below. He didn't proceed towards the sound, but reached for his radio which was hooked onto the back of his belt. He grappled with it, pulling it out he held it to his mouth and spoke. Asking for backup from his dead team mate. There was a static reply. Nothing useful. His eyes looked around the nighted forest, the sight being nothing more than green and black. He was holding his rifle with one hand and his radio with the other, the frequency was tuned in to one troop and needed to be tuned in to the sleeping troops. To do that he would need two hands. Would he risk placing his gun down? It didn't matter. He had noticed the female in all her splendor. Her body seemingly excreting the mass of mist, her steps so careful that it gave the illusion of floating, she stopped. Staring at him. His gun shook and his radio dropped to the ground, nestling in a mat of dead leaves. He adjusted his goggles, zooming in on her face...her beautiful face. Her cheek bones high and well placed, giving the impression of perfection. She outstretched an arm, her bleeding hands reaching out. Her finger beckoned him. He couldn't resist, he was seemingly hypnotised. Stepping forwards his muscles relaxed, his eyes widened. To him, she was divinities creature. Her arms outstretched, silently asking for a hug. Her voice sung out, beckoning him closer...the winds picked up, the mist closed in...he was gone...he was in love...he was...*


*Setting: A frightful scream rang out throughout the wood. The troops woke up in unison. One sat up, he was in a sleeping-bag. Behind him was a small wooden table, on it a Socom and flashlight. He reached for the gun, handing it to his friend. He then grasped the flashlight, his hand trembling with cold as he turned it on. The beam lit up the inside of the tent, sillouetting their figures. The two soldiers in the other tent noticed this, they held their guns and slowly poked their heads out, looking around. The mist was gracing the entirity of the camp now, the fire was down to a quivering flame. They mouthed words to each other, asking questions...none of them had any answers. One soldier climbed out of his tent, his gun held out, in two hands, infront of him. His eyes scanned the area, he wasn't wearing the goggles, thus his view was impaired. He quickly moved to the other tent, the empty tent. The tent were both occupiers were dead. Then the high note sang out once more. This time all of them heard it, he turned back, seeing the sillouettes of two Orkhids in his tent. One was sat behind the other. He watched the shadows as a murderous scene seemed to take place, the being at the back reached out, grabbing the Orkhid infront of it by the hair...He pulled it back...a bladed object could be seen...it was pushed into the Orkhids chest once, twice, three times. The watcher held up his gun, he took aim...but his trigger finger seized working. The lonesome song played in his head, his view was slowly taken away from the act of murder, and his body was seemingly pulled to the right. He turned his head, seeing the silent being in the forest. Her mouth opened, her voice rang out, singing in an operatic way. She was beautiful. His mouth opened gently, his eyes twitched.*


*Setting: They, too, watched in awe. She slowly came from the woods, their comrade watched her, not moving or attempting to move for that matter. She swooned slowly towards him, they knew she was dangerous. The mist thickened around him, she reached out a lone hand, stroking his cheek she stained it black. To them she was a gorgeous being, sent from heaven above, but in reality she was a creature in league with death. She leant forwards, kissing the soldier on the lips. His eyes wept. Tears flowing down them as he took aim at one of the troops in the tent. He fired, the gunshot was silent, no particular reason...it just...was. The bullet cut through the mist, and then through the skull. Piercing the forehead it pushed its way through bone and brain, exiting the other side. The body dropped, lifeless. The other troop just stared. He slowly began to climb out of his tent, slowly pushing his hands through the rotting leaves as he pushed himself to his feet. He stared at her, her head turning to him. The whites of her eyes were not so white...they were red, dark, ruby red. He tilted his head in puzzlement. Wondering what or who she was, why she was here. A slight pressure across his throat made him gasp, blood seeped from the newly opened wound. He dropped to his knee'. Gasping, his hands wrapped around his throat, he tried to push the blood back, hold it in but failed. Her Siren-like voice rung out through the forest, echoeing all around...the mist wrapped around his body as he slumped to the ground and as his eyes blurred he saw a foot step out from behind him, it was bare and white. And as the figure stepped closer to the female and Orkhid soldier, he realised it was another Orkhid. He wore a black, knee-length, leather jacket, his hands were gloved with black, fingerless gloves. He stepped upto the female and caressed her face, kissing her lips softly. She stroked his sleek black hair and looked into his bluey-purple eyes.*

Female: "Alexie..."

He placed his index finger on her lips and shook his head. He was taller than her and kissed her forehead gently.

Alexie: "Shh-hh. Tell him..."

She moved Alexie out of the way with her right hand and stared at the soldier. She whispered gently in his ear, he nodded and bowed his head. Slowly he sat down, folding his knee' so they were under his chin. He then began to rock. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Alexie: "Midian...look at me."

His voice was a gentle whisper. Her body slowly turned, her face meeting his. Her eyes seemed to shine in the moonlight, her left hand gently grabbed the back of his head, pulling him closer to her lips. They kissed. Time seemed to stand still. His arms wrapped around her waist, she was cold and scarred. She was his, her voice seemed to ring out without the use of her mouth and tongue. The mist grappled around them, climbing up their legs like a vine on a tree. Their love was real and true...

Useful links;
'Frankenstein's Monster'

(OOC: I was listening to 'Her Ghost in the Fog' by Cradle of Filth when listening to this by the by. I suggest you listen to it, its a good song and has some high pitched singing in it. Very eerie, quite like what i imagine Midian to sing like.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 05-17-2003 at 03:04 PM..
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03-04-2003, 08:32 PM
GTdragon's Avatar
Spark Stunk
: Jul 2002
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Interesting.........................uuuuuuuuuuuuh I think
oh shnaps! someone stole my sig!

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04-05-2003, 08:40 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 2

*Setting: They sat on a small tree stump, its rings showing its lifespan until the industrialists had came. Thousands of other tree stumps littered the horizon. She sat next to her lover, her legs crossed as she stared at the sky, watching as the clouds slowly moved across the pale blue surface that seemed like the Heavens sea. Alexie sighed and took a pistol from the back of his trousers and cocked it, looking at it with intense curiosity.*

Alexie: "I wonder who thought up the idea..."

He turned it around in his hand, looking at the trigger, at the nozel and at the sleekness that was the handle. Midian turned her head to him. She was dressed in Silk, it was the shade of lilac and wrapped around her body loosely. He was dressed in the same clothes as the night they took the lives of the troops.

Midian: "For what...?"

Alexie: "Guns...weapons...I wonder why people couldn't just get along."

Midian rose to her feet and moved around to stand infront of him, she stroked the right side of his face and tilted his head upwards.

Midian: "It doesn't work like that, we have to fight...to kill...its our nature. In everythings nature. We cant stop that..."

Alexie tilted his head downwards, sniggering bitterly.

Alexie: "You sound like one of them, thats what they always say...their excuse. But there is no excuse anymore..."

A tear ran down his left cheek, but he quickly brought up his right, gloved hand and wiped it away. He then stood up and took a few steps away from Midian, clutching the gun tightly.

Alexie: "I hate what they do to us, what they do to children who are different or who dont fall into their category of a "normal" Orkhid..."

She stepped up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head upon his back. Her fingers interlinked.

Midian: "Dont worry, we'll stop it...We'll let them go. Nothing can stop us, nothing."

A low rumble from Alexie's stomach reminded them of food. She unlinked her fingers and began to move to the front of him again. She caressed his neck, upon doing so crackling was emitted and small flickers of electricity could be seen coming from her finger tips and running along his skin. It sent goosebumps running across his whole body and he smiled, she smiled too. She liked making him happier, even if she did it in means which weren't exactly natural.

Midian: "We have to eat if we're gonna do what we're gonna do. The nearest city is a couple of miles West, we can be there by nightfall if we set off now...How about it?"

He nodded and replaced the gun. He then grasped her hand, their fingers interlinking and headed West, towards Liel...

(OOC: Bit boring, but cant have all the chapters with action in, can i...)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-09-2003, 11:33 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 3

*Setting: The diner was all but empty and a stench of Cabbage soup hung in the air. The round tables were situated in a random order and had ashtrays in the middle. Cups and used plates were scattered on most of the tables, indicating lack of staff or lack of care. Like most Cartel owned places Droids were the waiters. Classed as cheaper and less hassle the Cartel favoured them over Slaves or volunteers, mainly because they were easier to dispose of and more efficient. Midian and Alexie were situated in the middle of the diner, sat on the same table but opposite each other, they were awaiting some coffee and watching the passers by that rushed past the windows. Horns honked, people shouted. Everything was so rushed and volatile.*

Midian: "Heh, i'd just love the ability to stop time. Just make everything quiet and peaceful...i wonder what thats like, peace."

She stared out, half watching the pedestrians and half imagining what peace was. Her right hand stroked the smooth, wooden table. She turned to Alexie.

Midian: "What about you? What would you like to do or have??"

He rested his head in his hands and looked around the diner.

Alexie: "Acceptance. Maybe love..."

There was a clatter from the kitchen and some android like voices shouting at each other. Midian ignored them and sighed, stroking Alexie' arm.

Midian: "Whats going on in your head, hun? What is it thats causing you so much...pain?"

He shook his head gently.

Alexie: "I dont...i dont wanna talk about it. I just want to forget, forget everything."

She nodded and ran her right index finger along the surface of the table, red electricity sparked out of it and etched a lone line across it.

Midian: "Sometimes it helps if you talk about it, accept that its there and apart of you. You cant hide it...it'll just get worse."

Again he shook his head, not wanting to listen to her words of reason in fear that he may be tempted to talk about his torturous past.

Alexie: "The only thing that'll help me, cure me of this hatred is to forget. I just want to be able to forget about it all...for all of it to be wiped out from my memory like...like erasing documents on a computer."

Midian: "Thats what i was like...the memories were so painful, so...horrific. And although i knew i had escaped, they kept coming back to me at night when i slept. And then started to seep into my real life. I tried to fight them, to quell them, i would have done anything to get rid of how they made me feel...but i couldn't."

Alexie: "Couldn't you have wiped your memory with Magick? Sort of cleansed it...?"

Pursing her lips she thought back and then realised she wasnt as powerful then.

Midian: "I was just beginning to get back into the craft. I couldn't have done it even if i tried..."

Alexie: "What...what about now? Could you do it now?"

She looked at him suspiciously, weary of what he may say or do if she replied. But she did anyway, she had to trust him, even if it meant answering unwanted questions or doing unwanted things.

Midian: "Probably, but it would be dangerous. It would mess with the natural order of things and there would be consequences, potentially death. I wou..."

He interrupted her.

Alexie: "Do it to me...please. Dont say no, i need it, im begging you...please."

She tried to shake her head but he lunged across the table and his hands grabbed the sides of her head. His eyes pleaded like that of a Dogs when it knows its in trouble. His lower lip trembled like that of a terrified child.

Alexie: "Please...Please try...plea..."

She placed a finger upon his lips and shushed him.

Midian: "What if i lose you? What if i kill you? I would die if i lost you, my life would be destroyed..."

Alexie cast a saddened smile and shook his head gently.

Alexie: "We're meant to be, i wont die..."

A tear trickled down his cheek and dripped onto the table, making a small spec on the scratched surface.

Alexie: "Im...im trusting you, i have faith in you and i swear on my life i wont leave your side...we still need to do our thing, remember? Heh."

She chuckled and leant forwards, kissing him softly on his lips. Her hands then settled on the side of his head and massaged his temples.

Midian: "Dont break your promise, heh, i love you too much."

Alexie: "I wont, just...just get rid of the pain."

She smiled and then attempted to do just that. Her fingertips tingled and the veins in her neck pulsed. Quickly getting more apparent. She breathed deeply, breathing through her mouth as she concentrated. Her pupils expanded until they had covered the entire ruby coloured Iris. Alexies head jolted upwards slightly, his eyes blinked rapidly and he seemed to gag. She ignored this and with faith carried on trying to cleanse him of his suffering.

Midian: "Its ok, its ok, its ok...shhhh...i'll stop the pain..."

She carried on, soothing him incase he was worried. He grabbed the back of her hands and held them in place, closing his eyes he pleaded secretly that this helped and got rid of anything that he loathed to remember.

Alexie: "Dont stop, dont stop...dont...dont stop!!"

He whispered these words quickly, encouraging her, willing her on.

Droid: "We do not permit Magick on these premises. Please stop."

The Droid was like that of a Shrink and hung from the ceiling. Its face was of an Orkhid, to give the customer a waiter it could relate to. They ignored the machines requests and Midian carried on cleansing Alexie. The bots mechanical hook edged forwards towards Midians left arm.

Droid: "If you do not stop i will have to report you, please halt."

He grabbed Midians arm and tried to tug it away, she resisted, asking for just one more minute. The waiter refused and span around, heading towards the kitchen in which it could report them.

Midian: "DONE!!"

She snatched her hands away from Alexies head and looked at the palms, they were tingling with a new sensation. Alexie slunked back into his seat, dazed and slightly disorientated. Midian turned to the Droid who was still heading towards the kitchen.

Midian: "I said i've stopped!!"

She called after it, standing and walking behind it to try and catch it up.

Droid: "You blatantly ignored the request and have violated our rules, Head Office will have to be informed."

Midian growled impatiently and electricity formed around her right hand, as the Droid disappeared through the Kitchen doors she quickly followed, leaving Alexie in the middle of the diner. Quiet and wondering what had just occurred and why. There was a large flash from the Kitchen and electricity surges coming from that area. Plates smashed and pans clattered violently and then she emerged. Her eyes were back to normal and she seemed ultimatly happy. Holding out her hand for Alexie to grab she awaited until he did so, which he did with severe confusion.

Alexie: "What, what happened?"

She smiled and shook her head gently.

Midian: "Nothing much, lets grab a Hotdog and Soda...ok?"

He nodded and allowed her to lead him outside, away from the destruction of the Kitchen, all caused by her...

(OOC: Well? Boogieness or not...? Yay or nay?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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05-10-2003, 12:51 AM
Sekto Springs's Avatar
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interesting story...yet confusing...uh...which way do i live???
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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05-17-2003, 10:59 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 4

*Setting: The night wind howled viciously, blowing papers, and other such rubbish, around playfully. Midian stood, naked, near the window, looking down on the street. Her and Alexie were taking shelter in a Motel. The neon sign flickered on and off violently, Flies buzzed around it, hypnotised by the light display it emitted. The Orkhid female couldn't sleep. Alexie, however, could. He was sleeping the most peacefullest sleep he had ever slept in his life, post his 10th birthday. The room she was stood in was both the living room and bedroom and thus she had to keep quiet so she didn't awaken her lover. The magick she had worked on Alexie had, had a severe side effect, but instead of brandishing itself upon him...it had effected her. Her plan was to erase all of his bad childhood memories. Get rid of everything that he hated and loathed, yet allow him to keep the incentive to help others like him and her, so that they could go through with the plan they had devised early on in their relationship. But instead of erasing them, she had absorbed them. They had become one with her and now she could vividly remember all of Alexie' bad memories as if they had happened to her. She got flashbacks, sometimes these flashbacks would melt seemlessly with hers and cause double the trauma, double the pain. It was killing her inside, but she would do anything for him. Slowly she turned around to him, he was lying there, the yellow covers upto his waist. His eyes shut. His broad arms sprawled out on her side of the bed, were he'd been holding her. She carefully stepped over to him and sat herself down on the bed, half turned towards him. Carefully she began to stroke his long black hair with her right hand, knowing what he'd gone through and the pain he'd suffered. The neon light allowed some light to shine through, brief as it was, before it flicked off again. Her head began to pound and she knew she was going to have another episode. To avoid awakening Alexie she quickly stood and then ran silently to the bathroom, closing the door behind her as softly as she could before locking it. The room was dark, fumbling with the wall she attempted to try and find the lightswitch. She groaned impatiently, feeling the headache grow stronger, like a Cancer in her brain.
The light came on. She let out a sigh and walked over to the sink, above the sink was a small cabinet with a mirror on the front. Placing her hands on the sink for balance she stared at the mirror, at the reflection. Silently willing the headache to go away, challenging the memories to a duel for her sanity...*

Voice: "No (no), please (please)...not now(now)...not today(day)..."

The childs voice echoed in her mind. She immediatly knew this was Alexie. As she looked in the mirror she could see the image, she was seeing from his eyes, he was 11. A year into the Corrax treatment. He was in the corner of a room, white, padded. A guard had entered, he was tall. His hair was shaggy and brown and his eyes a dark blue. Immediatly Midian recognised him, it was Corain. The guard who Alexie had chosen to kill first in the beginning of their revenge spree. He was younger looking than the time Alexie had killed him, but she recognised him all the same. His face was angered and full of loathing. He entered the room and gently closed the door. Looking out before closing it shut.

Corain: "Daily beating boy. May give ya an extra something if ya lucky...heh."

He smiled. The echoeing from the voices had gone now as Midian was deep into the memory. Stepping towards Alexie, Corain brought out his cattleprod which was holstered to his leg. Tapping it on his leg he looked the naked 11 year old up and down, his mouth twisting in disgust.
He flicked the switch and then forced it forwards, driving it into the childs chest and sending volt upon volt into him. Alexie tried to call out, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't. All he could do was gasp, gasp and pray. Corain looked down upon him, his eyes glinting softly. Slowly he brought the cattleprod upwards diagonally and then swiftly manouvered it down, connecting with the boys face. The vision went to the left as the force turned Alexie' head.

Corain: "Ya like that dont ya? Heh? Say it...say "I like it, sir"..."

Young Alexie: "I...I like...*whimpers*...it, sir."

He began to cry, the feeling of sadness overwhelmed Midian as she helplessly remembered this memory which was by no means hers.

Corain: "I know ya do..."

He crouched down and grabbed his face with his right hand, forcing the boy to look him in the eyes.

Corain: "Ya nothing but a pansy, worthless scum. No-ones gonna come back for ya, no-one. Ya mine, ya sissy...ya all mine."

Alexie's hands came into the scene as he tried to beat the Orkhid off, pushing his hand away and struggling to beat him back. The guard merely chuckled and grabbed Alexie' left ankle, he then stood and hoisted the small child into he air. He hung upside down, squirming and calling out as Corain switched on his cattleprod and jabbed him in his sides and neck. As Alexie hung upside down the vision went to Corains groinal area, were there was a significant bulge, and the feeling of dread crept into the range of emotions Midian was feeling from this vivid memory. Pain jolted through his body and in the end the child gave up fighting, he realised that if he just let all this happen...it would happen quicker and, hopefully, easier. Now he just hung there, motionless. Corain realised the boy had learnt his lesson and dropped him on the ground, giving him one last kick in the stomach with his bloodstained boot. Putting his cattleprod near the entrance he then began to unbutton his trousers.

Corain: "Now, ya gonna be a good little pussy and stay still while i do this? Or what?"

Alexie nodded and turned around, awaiting the feeling of violation to envelope his body...
She gasped, breathing heavily and coughing. The memory had ended and the lightbulb above had shattered, sparks were flying from were it once hung. Her stomach felt twisted and her Heart was pounding so fast it felt like a little man was trying to break free. She ran her hands down her face and whimpered, she felt angry for her lover. She knew what he'd forgotton and, in that sense, it made her relieved. She knew that he was being ripped apart inside, but at least now that cant happen. Slowly she turned towards the door and unlocked it, opening it gently and looking at Alexie as he lay silently on the bed. His breathing gentle and calm. She loved him, loved him so much that she would protect him from his past, even if it meant unleashing a force that she had surpressed for, what seemed like, eternity...

(OOC: Comments would be obliged, thankyou. First chapter of this story has been edited, by the by, with links to Alexie' past and such...)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 05-17-2003 at 03:02 PM..
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07-03-2003, 10:25 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 5

*Setting: The night time darkness seemed to growl lowly as Midian gently walked down the dark alleyway. Ignoring the mumblings of the homeless or drunkards that slept down there. Alexie watched, concerned, from the street that the alleyway led onto, he was situated in a ground car that they had stolen. Deeper into the darkness that was at the end of the alleyway stood her supplier. He was, like her, a practioner of Majick and was supporting her and Alexie's cause. Finally she got to the end of the alleyway which then led into a more spacious area were, on a dustbin smoking, sat her supplier.*

Midian: "Where are they...?"

She looked around, her eyes acclimatising to the darkness. Her supplier looked up, his eyes glowing a faint sky blue from the depths of the shadows.

Supplier: "You'll get 'em. First gimme the money..."

She snarled and reached into the back pocket of her jeans, pulled out a sellotaped up envelope and then threw it to him.

Midian: "There...now, where's the explosives?"

Suppliert: "Patience, lemme count..."

As he said this the envelope gently floated in the air infront of him and opened itself up, were it then proceeded to spurt out dollar notes. These, too, floated in the air. After a couple of seconds he nodded and grasped the money and bundled it into his coat pocket.

Supplier: "Ok, it's over there..."

With a wave of his hand a sports bag slid along the dirty ground and in to sight. He then jumped off the bin, threw down his cigarette and began to walk towards the alleyway.

Midian: "Wait...! I want to check."

She rose her right hand up, palm facing forward as she said this. Which quickly stopped him in his tracks with some strange force. He growled gently as he felt her power stop him from proceeding. Looking over to the bag she then rose her left hand up slowly, gently lifting the bag in the air, were she then began to pull it towards her. When it was close enough for her to see into, she moved her left hand across to the right and quickly unzipped it. Once unzipped she held her hand over it and moved her index finger and thumb apart...causing the bag to open up and reveal some dark yellow, round crystals. The crystals edges seemed to be surrounded by a silver-metal which had two rods digging into the crystal and into the center. She looked up at the creature who had brought these objects.

Midian: "They're not charged...why are they not charged?"

The being, still in shadow, spoke gently.

Supplier: "I never said i'd charge 'em...i said i'd supply..."

Midian scoffed hanging her head low and shaking it.

Midian: "They only work when charged...otherwise they're about as good as paperweights..."

Supplier: "Paperweights can be a bit lethal if in the ri..."

She raised her right hand slightly upwards which inturn raised the supplier off the ground.

Midian: "Don't piss me off...I'm alot more powerful since we last spoke, Jay. ALOT more..."

The creature floated in the air gently, his unease showing in his eyes.

Jay: "Heh...what you been takin'? Or should it be, who you been drainin'?"

He dropped to the ground, struggling to land on his feet but yet still managing to keep his balance.

Midian: "You know i don't stoop that low..."

Shaking himself off the creature scoffed and stepped towards her.

Jay: "Yeh? How you get it then...?"

Midian: "It's fuelled by pain...anger...frustration...grief...hatred. You have no idea how much power lie in these emotions...No idea on the feelings that course through your body when you concentrate hard enough on one ability..."

Jay tilted his head and purred softly.

Jay: "That's dangerous, i might try it...heheh."

He chuckled jokily. He was standing quite close to her now and able to sense the power flowing off her. Oozing off her. She was like a speaker with the music turned on full blast.

Midian: "I can't allow you to do that, Jay."

She looked into his eyes, into his Soul and without a blink of an eye put her fist into his chest. He gasped, his eyes beginning to shine a bright yellow, his body stiffened up and he basically became paralysed. But blood or guts did not lollop out from his body, infact the only thing that did escape was light. For as she mysticly put her hand into his chest, she began to drain his Soul. Take his power. Yellow light shone brightly from around her arm, jolts of electricity jerked into her body. She moaned orgasmicly and lifted her head up to the sky as she felt power course into her like never before. Slowly she tilted her head downwards to the bag and pointed her index finger at the bunch of crystals. In seconds a single strand of yellow electricity darted into the bag and began charging them up. She knew that she, herself, didn't have the power to charge them up to an adequate amount on her own, but if she got another reasonably powerful practicioner, it might just work. He began to sputter in pain, tried to move. She could feel that he was in pain, feel that he was trying his best to move, but she didn't care...she just carried on. Draining him and then combing their powers to charge the crystals. As the seconds morphed in to minutes the bag gently began to glow, the crystals were charged and were going to stay charged for a good 7 days before they frizzled out. With a grunt she quickly pulled her hand out of Jay's chest and watched as he staggered backwards before collapsing, dead, before her. She had taken 95% of his powers and when you've been practicing for as long as Jay has, you're powers become part of you're Soul. And so evidently, 95% of his Soul was also missing. Causing him to go into a coma. Yawning gently, Midian knew she needed sleep and recouperation before the weeks ahead. Tomorrow was a new day however, and also the next kill...

(OOC: Oooohh, i shaaay)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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07-05-2003, 09:38 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 6

*Setting: Laid on the bed, Midian watched Tv, changing the channels by blinking at the screen. The Sun was only just coming up, but Midian had to be up early to do what she had to do. Swinging her legs around she stood up and looked for a pair of clothes. She was only wearing white knickers now and needed something just as comfortable.*

Midian: "Alexie, have you seen my silk dress...?"

She called to him from the main room, he was in the shower and had been for 8 minutes.

Alexie: "It's in one of the drawers."

Looking to the small chest of drawers she waved her right hand, which quickly opened the doors. She then stepped forwards and looked in, sure enough her dress was there. The bathroom door opened and out stepped Alexie, drying his shoulder length hair with a towel whilst another wrapped around his waist.

Alexie: "What do you need it for?"

Midian: "I need to finish something..."

She stated this whilst putting it on and adjusting it to her liking. She then moved to the other side of the bed and picked up the sportsbag she had previously obtained. Opening it she picked up a crystal, it was no bigger than a tennis ball, and when handled glowed a bright yellow.

Alexie: "Well...what is it? You need any help?"

She shook her head and smiled.

Midian: "No, you stay here. I'll be back soon."

Tiptoeing she gave him a peck on the lips and then turned to the door, opening it magickly as she approached.


*Setting: The large white hover van droned through the air, closely guarded by four black hover cars. Two were positioned in front and the other two positioned at the back. The windows of all these vehicles were tinted and thus stopped prying eyes from seeing what was inside. The vehicles were gliding quite high above the ground and in a non-industrial area. To the West of them was a pure white beach and directly below them green grassland and forest. It was a beautiful sight, one that made the Orkhids realise just how much the Glukkons screwed things up. Inside the white van were two Doctors. They weren't in the van for any criminal reasons, but for protection. They were suspected targets for the speight of murders that was happening to Medical and Army personel and were being escorted to a secure area on the order of the Council...*

Doctor #1: "When do you think we'll get to wherever they're taking us...?"

The Doctor spoke to his collegue anxiously. He had ginger hair and gray eyes, his face covered in Acne scars. The second Doctor had brown hair and dark hazel eyes, his face was clearer. He, was Corz.

Corz: "I dunno...soon...heh, hopefully."

He was sat down on a long metallic bench, leaning forwards he had his fingers intertwined. He was thinking about how much suffering Alexie must have suffered, how much pain and hatred the child must be feeling for him to start seeking revenge in such, brutal, ways.

Doctor #2: "Do you think they'll be able to stop him? He got to Corain...and Corain could handle himself pretty well..."

Corz shrugged. Not really caring, Corain was a vicious bastard anyway and Corz was glad to hear of his demise.

Corz: "I'd rather not think about it..."

He sighed and rubbed his face with his right hand. Looking out at the sky from the small, backdoor windows he sighed. Knowing that if Alexie ever did catch him...he would never see such a beautiful morning again...


*Setting: The guards, in the black hover car to the front-right, laughed and joked amongst themselves. There were four altogether, two in the front and two in the back. All had weapons of somesort, Uzi's, Carbines, Sniper Rifles...but only one held the most powerfullest one. A mini-rocket launcher. It looked like a Shotgun but instead of firing bullets, it fired a small heat seeking missile capable of taking out an armoured van. As they talked between themselves a small 'blip' came upon their radar which was situated inbetween the passengers and drivers seat. The incoming vehicle seemed to be coming from the East, the 1st hover car seemed to know this as it pulled out of formation and headed to check out the incoming vehicle.*


*Setting: The hover car approached the potential hostile, the guards inside ready to take the creature out of the sky if it showed any signs of hostility. The passenger of this vehicle quickly took out the binoculars from the glove compartment and placed them over his eyes, zooming in he was clearly able to identify the driver of the yellow hover hatchback as an Orkhid female. Still concerned however, due to the fact the vehicle was not distributed by the Army, they lined their car up with the incoming one and turned it to the side, the guards then wound down the windows and took aim.*


He spoke into a small radio which transmitted his voice out from speakers on the side of the car doors. As he spoke the guards noticed that the previously bright and sunny weather was quickly beginning to spiral into dark and gloomy. The white clouds seemed to belch out black storm clouds and the sun was almost immediatly blocked out. Rain began to patter down on the car so heavily and quickly it was hard to get a clear headshot of the driver...


*Setting: Midian smiled as she noticed the guards struggling to get a clear shot. Placing her palm on the middle of the wheel she sent a volt of electricity into it, causing the car to now steer itself. She then wound the window down and climbed out and onto the roof. Her power had come on in leaps and bounds since she had taken Alexie's memories and now she was capable of things she could've only wished for. Nearing the vehicle she could sense the growing unease of the guards, the rain beat down on her body, drencing her hair and silk Lilac dress. Closing her eyes she breathed deeply, she then raised her arms inches away from her sides and pointed her palms forward, her fingers stretched out and parted. Electricity began to shoot around her limbs, around her torso. Down her fingers were they jumped from finger to finger. Opening her, now completly blackened, eyes she growled lowly. This caused a massive thunder clap to be emitted from the clouds, closely followed by a fork of lightening which, obviously, made contact with the black car. The blast so intense and un-natural that it caused the fuel inside the petrol tank to ignite and, evidently, explode. The entire car was propelled forward, flames engulfing the back end of the car, burning the guards inside. She watched in glee as the vehicle spiralled downwards, feeling the fear and dread of the creatures inside. Feeling their pain. One obstacle out of the way she then turned the wheel with her power and sped the car up, catching up with the white van. As she neared she noticed the other car in the front turn and head her way, this time with the guards already firing. The bullets hit the car, but narrowly missed her. Swinging off course as they attempted to pierce her skin. Pointing her left hand at the car she concentrated, her eyes burning, her skin tingling...
The windscreen shattered inwards, viciously flying into the bodies of both the passenger and driver. Small shards of glass impaling their eyes and embedding themselves in the retina. The car swerved out of control, slowly nosediving downwards. Again she watched in glee, but as the car made its way to the ground one of the guards determindly took aim and fired, sending a small missile heading towards the bottom of her vehicle. Midian snarled and quickly forced it off cause with the power of her mind, directing it instead with the back end of the white van.
Shards of metal and an engulfment of flame and smoke belched back in to the two cars behind. Sauntering downwards the van slowly fell, the driver trying to make it a softer landing as possible. The other two cars seemed to swerve hecticly as they attempted to get out of the way of the flames and whilst they, themselves, were distracted, Midian piloted her vehicle downwards and followed the transport vehicle to the ground, purposely slowing it down with her power so that she could have the pleasure of killing the creatures inside.*


*Setting: As the van crashed and flipped, Corz and the other Doctor were flung mercilessly around the back of the vehicle. The driver and passenger, although bloody, were not badly injured and panick-strickenly kicked the, already damaged, windscreen so they could scramble out. They could hear the hostile vehicle humming downwards and knew they had to get out before she landed. Struggling to his feet the passenger sped across the muddy land, followed by the driver. Turning they saw Midian land the car and then walk down it, leaping off the bonnet and on to the ground were her bare feet squelched in the soft mud...*


*Setting: Calmly she walked towards the back of the van which was now lying on its side. Waving her hand she opened the doors and peered inside at the pathetic Doctors who were cowering at the back. Raising both hands, palm up, she picked them up psychicly and carefully floated them out of the van. Their feelings full of unease and fear. She smiled softly before letting gravity take hold...*

Corz: "W-Who are you...??"

He attempted to scramble backwards, looking to the rain-filled, blackened skies for the other escort cars. They were nowhere to be seen. As he searched for them a beam of light came down from the clouds directly above them and spread out, seemingly sheltering them from the rain. It spread out over all three of them and warmed their soaking wet bodies.

Midian: "No-one, to you at least..."

She pointed her right palm at him and sent a bolt of lightening into his forehead. His head snapped back and he screamed in pain as he felt his brain being slightly fried.

Midian: "But, you severely harmed my lover...and others like you, severely harmed me."

Her eyes glanced at the other Doctor and she flung her left arm diaganolly upwards, hitting him in the face psychicly.

Corz: "WE'RE SORRY, OK? We didn't mean for Alexie to suffer...we, we thought it'd be..."

Midian: "Best? Really? You really thought that..."

She cut him off and growled her words. Her black eyes boring deep into the freaked out Doctor.

Midian: "The pain you made him feel. The way you made him feel worthless...inadequate. And for what? Just because you believed he was "too nice"? That he couldn't be in the Army or Medical profession just because he cared for others too much...? The stuff you put him through...the stuff that I now feel...you bastards..."

As she spoke she began to get glimpses of Alexie's past, her eyes welled up with tears and a lump formed in her throat. She was capable of dealing with her past, it was nothing to her, nothing but a memory. But everytime she got a glimpse of Alexie's, it was if she was actually there...feeling it.

Midian: "You...f*ckers..."

Her left arm seemed to glow brightly as strands of pure white electricity arched off it. Raising it she pointed it at the ginger haired Doctor and sent a blast into his torso, so powerful it caused him to get pushed along the ground, through the mud and eventually into the rain. He screamed, seemingly being forced to feel Alexie's pain. Finally she pulled back and allowed him to lie in the rain, smoke drifting off his chest, feeling what he had help to cause...

Midian: "And you...you who went along with it...knew it was wrong but was too ignorant to say...he who wanted to fit in..."

As she spoke the yellow and metal crystal she had taken with her floated out of the passenger window, floated gently through the rain towards her and hovered over her right shoulder.

Midian: "Do you know how much suffering you and creatures like you have caused? Not just to Alexie, but to beings around the world...it's unbelievable..."

He looked at her, his eyes raw and a scorch mark in the middle of his forehead. His eyes glanced at her and then at the crystal. He didn't dare move, didn't dare think...he just listened and wished he had done different.

Midian: "You're all going to suffer...all of you who were involved. And when i've rid the world of you lot, i'll start on your superiors...and then other races...i'll cleanse the world of your ki...ki..."

She stammered and a dazed feeling pulsed through her. Watching, Corz noticed a strand of her fringe hair rapidly turn white, starting from the scalp. Then he witnessed a second strand and then a third. He watched as her black eyes faded to gray and her skin tone got slightly whiter. She looked around, confused, seemingly not knowing where she was or what she was doing. But as Corz slowly began to stand her eyes resumed back to their black state and she composed herself once more. But this time instead of harming him with magick, she stepped forwards and kicked him to the ground.

Midian: "You're going to pay...That Crystal over there, thats an Eternity Crystal. Think of it as a solid form of Karma. It can be good...or bad...depending on the being wielding it. If it's good it can do all sorts...heal...cleanse...make you feel amazing for years and years...however...if the wielder is bad, they can do exactly the opposite. Do you want to know which side i'm thinking of enacting...?"

She crouched down and looked into his dark hazel eyes, felt his terror.

Midian: "Heh, that's right..."

As she said this she stood and stepped backwards, allowing the crystal to fly forwards and impact into him. Almost immediatly it exploded in a rapture of bright yellow flame, enveloping him in nanoseconds. He screamed rolling around and flailing wildly.

Midian: "That won't work...the flames won't be able to be extinguished for a good 36 hours. You won't even be able to be killed...heh...you're Soul will eventually be torn apart by the fire...that's the only time your life will end...until then...enjoy."

Casting her gaze off the flame ridden Doctor she looked at the other guy who was now running to the woodland. Raising her hand, as if to throw a ball, she began to form a ball of fire...but stopped. A feeling of uneasyness crept into her Soul as she noticed the white strands of her hair hanging infront of her face. Lowering her hand she backed away and made her way to the car, pulling each strand out by the root and casting it to the ground. The blackened sky was slowly being ripped apart by the rays of light which was cutting through them, giving the whole land a mystical, Biblical feel. But she knew that what was happening inside of her was far from Biblical...and with that thought in mind, she quickly made her way back to the Motel, knowing she'll get the other Doctor within time...


(OOC: Abit shite but, hey, its close to the end now!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 07-28-2003 at 10:04 AM..
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