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09-21-2002, 05:56 PM
ryu's Avatar
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one q is jim a new creature or is he a mud/gabbit?

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09-21-2002, 06:07 PM
Rich's Avatar
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Jim is a mud. So are the others except Flax who is now dead.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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09-22-2002, 12:04 PM
sO fReAkIn oDd's Avatar
sO fReAkIn oDd
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continue with the story if all questions have been answered.
My stories get no publicity or feedback. So read them...
Vykkers Lab Installment 147
Tales of the Shrink
Ben's Oddysee
The Professional

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01-26-2003, 05:04 PM
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The story continues

I awoke several minutes later in the shadowy corner of some damp place. I was not alone, Ash, Nat, Ben, Tom, Bob, Edd, Jak and Joe sat around me. Dac stood over me.
"What is it Dac?" I asked him
"Well, I just wanted to say... thanks, my friend. You saved my ass back there and I want you to know.. I'm eternally grateful"

Nat spoke up then,
"I'm glad I met you as well Jim. I may be useless and I would only way you down but I would have followed you anywhere Jim..."

Ash nodded his head.
"Me too, it's not everyday an old man gets so much excitement. I'm happy you could give me that"

I was about to thank them but Ben butted in.

"Listen, how long are you guys gonna babble on and on like you ain't seen each other for fifty years, eh? I hate to be rude but we need some action before that fat ass dragon toasts us all!"

The silent muds clearly agreed. But I had forgotten about the dragon.

"Are we like, in the dragons cave?" I asked.
"I don't want to be negative Jim," said Ben "but were in deep and we need to get out"
"I see..." I said

Scar-eye walked into the group.
"Find anything?" asked Ash
"One exit to the west, we'd never all make it past the dragon at once and it'd easily intercept one Mudokon"

We sat in thought for a while. I played with a small rock hiting the other rocks with it.

My head began to hurt. "Jim, you fool! The answer is all around you!" said Ice

I looked around me there was nothing except rocks. Across the cavern was a large metal support structure. It appeared to be holding large sections of the cavern roof in place.

It suddenly clicked, If we were to destroy the pillar to roof would collapse on the dragon!

I looked at the others to find them all staring at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked bewilderedly.
"You just said that out loud" said Nat.
"And what did you think?" I asked
"It sounds like a good idea" said Scar-eye.

I was pleased that they agreed with me but I was feeling strange, almost tired and I felt like I was losing control of my body.

"Jim! you're in trouble!" Came Robs distant voice in my head."Flax had one last trick up his sleave! A failsafe. Before he died he infected the chip system with a computer virus, Jim it's corrupting your mind!"

I stumbled into the open I had to move quicly this was my last chance...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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01-28-2003, 03:19 PM
Rich's Avatar
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Rich  (138)Rich  (138)
Post Please read this, ..., Anyone?

We quickly discussed our ideas, my head was spinning.
We decided that we would have to melt the pillar using the dragons own firey breath.
We began to talk about who would get the Dragons attention to breath fire on the pillar.
Ash believed that he should do it as if he died it wouldn't matter as much as we had our whole lives ahead of us. My vision was starting to become blurred, I hoped the same thing was happening to the dragon as we shared the same chip technology.
I recall Scar-eye dissagreeing with Ash saying that he should do it as he had more chance of survival.
An argument insued, Ben said that he should do it so Nat and Scar-eye could lead his friends out of there.
I was worried that the dragon would hear our rowdyness and come to investigate.

"Shut up!" I called out
"What's wrong?" said Nat

I sat down and told them of Robs message and how I was feeling.
I persuaded them to let me do it.

"After all", I said
"Nat, you must travel and see the Wonders of Monsaic Lines, And you Ash," I laughed
"must go into retirement in marvelous wilderness or the temples with other Mudokons"
I turned to Scar-eye "And You must go for your freedom while you have the chance friend, Ben, you and your friends deserve at shot at real life, life in the real world may be cruel but it is life".

Lastly I turned to Dac
"And you would kill us all Mr Unlucky, if you were to do what I must" I joked.

We continued speaking like this for some time until we were ready to begin our escape.

I looked into the open with my weak vision.
"You never know guys, I might make it through this too we could all be out together"

They wished me luck and I ran into the open cavern. I couldn't feel my feet as I looked through tunnel vision for the monstrous beast. I could see my companions back in our corner egging me on.

I waited for a short time, I was going to go back to the others but then it came...

It moved slowly, staggering around thanks to the virus I think. I threw rocks at it to get it's attention and slowly it crawled towards me.
As it approached I could feel the heat from it's breath. I closed my eyes but I could still hear it's clumbering feet. It made a kind of growling sound as it breathed out. The tension was high as I opened my sore eyes and came face to face with the Beast....
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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02-01-2003, 03:13 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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I've only read the last chapter upto now but i must say i am intrigued. Nice story.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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02-02-2003, 03:33 PM
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First time I saw you not making a sarcastic comment! (Unless you were )

Anyway, here we go...

The Creature looked at me and smoke poured from it's mouth and nostrils. It began to open it's mouth.

"Jim step back!" came Robs echoing voice as the dragon opened it's mouth.

I stepped back as flames came out, I took a few steps as I felt my body heat up. On the fifth step I tripped over a rock and landed on my back.
The flames shot over my head and met the pillar. It looked red hot and I heard rumblings above.
I looked at my friends as they began to run from the darkness.
The Creature shielded me from a lot of falling small chunks of rock.
It's hard scales resisted the small bits.

"Jim!" Called Nat, "Run quickly!"

I glanced quickly at the pillar, it was glowing white hot at the base!
I heard it buckle and more rocks fell.

"Jim, now!" came their voices.

I rolled from under the Dragon and scrambled to my senseless feet. I began to limp towards my companions. I turned round and saw why they had called me, a large piece of rock was becoming dislodged.
It fell onto the back of the Dragon. I saw no more as Scar-eye grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the scene. As we turned the corner to the west I heard rocks and walls begin to collapse. We ran through the western checkpoint door and fell to the floor.

"This is a different structure we will be safe here!" said a breathless Ben.

Noone else said anthing except Scar-eye who offered to watch out for us while we rested up.

I sat in my new surroundings, feeling amazed that I was alive.
The door we had entered through was built on a makeshift steel wall the other two walls were the same. The roof was exceptionally high, a few meters lower than the cavern roof. The corridor, for that's what it was, was quite wide. You could get about three Glukkons lying on their sides across it's width.

I listened for the Dragon but couldn't hear it. It was no longer a threat. We were safe, for now at least...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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02-03-2003, 03:44 PM
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I awoke on the hard, cold steel floor. Scar-eye sat near the doorway to the cave, his sword lay by his side. I crawled to where he was sitting.

"Seen anything?" I asked
"Nothing, It must be dead"

Everyone else was asleep, I looked up the passage. There were lights on the walls and ceiling but I could see no end in front. I still felt strange, like something was taking over my mind.
I threw the thought aside as paranoia and leaned back against the steel wall.

A sudden chill ran down my spine, but not because the wall was cold. It was warm, and getting warmer.

Scar-eye noticed the look on my face.

"Something wrong?"
"It's the wall..."

He put his paw on the wall.
He took in the situation then looked back at me.

"This is bad, real bad!" he said
"Wake them, everyone!"

I crawled to Ash then Ben and his friends while Scar-eye woke Nat and Dac.
As they yawned and groaned I listened for noises. I could hear none yet but the heat was increasing.

"We must move!" spoke Scar-eye
"Jim and myself have sensed a strange prescence coming from the cave"

"You're saying the Dragon's not dead!" said Ben

He needed no answer for right then as we peered into the gloom of the collapsed cavern two red glints appeared in the blackness and footsteps approached us.

"Quickly!" yelled Scar-eye and Nat began to run with Ash.

The steps indicated that the beast was now dashing towards us, the dash became running. I could see a huge bulky figure running for us about a hundred meters back from the doorway. I began to run.
The feeble steel wall was punctured by two horns on the Dragons head before it's entire body ripped through it and it was reduced to tatters.

"Shit! Run!" cried Dac as the Monster charged after us. The corridor was only just big enough for the Dragon to move in and the floor shook as it ran.

I felt myself beginning to slow down and wear out. Scar-eye pulled me over his shoulder as he sprinted further up the tunnel I thanked him but I wondered how much longer we would survive....
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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02-04-2003, 03:28 PM
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We were getting much further away from the Dragon as it was in the same state of mind as me. I had no idea how long we had been running or how far we had gone. No-one spoke, we just ran and ran. I was half asleep as Scar-eye carried me until we suddenly stopped.
As everyone was too out of breath to speak I looked in front to see why we had stopped. We had reached a Slig checkpoint. On each side of the tunnel was a small room with a space in the middle. The barrier was down in the centre and beyond, several feet in front was a large build up of debir and rocks where the roof had given way. I glanced into the small cabin type rooms, the Sligs inside were dead. One had shot himself with his gun and the other was slumped over a bowl of pills and other drugs. The television in the left hand room was still on, The Magog on the March news bulletin was running. The Newscaster was saying something about the Brewery being screwed. The Sligs must have realised what was coming for them.

"It's a dead end" yelled Dac
"Odd save us..." Prayed Ash

"Jim! Chant, all of you, now!" Said Rob

The Dragon was rushing at us now a few hundred meters away.

"Woah!" Said Nat

I turned to see that a group of birds were sqeezing through a small crack in the rocks.

"Everyone Chant!" I wispered weakly to Scar-eye as my voice was going.

We began to chant the scriptures as loud as we could, I prayed once more and looked down the corridor to see that the Dragon was almost upon us.
It opened it's mouth and flames shot at us. I turned I shrank in fear to see that the portal was forming. Just as we were engulfed in flames I felt myself being sucked into a blinding whiteness. We were all there, suspended in motion. Then we fell, into darkness until we dropped and landed on hard ground. My ears could hear a muffled applause but that was all. I opened my eyes to the most amazing of sights.
We were on the podium in Monsaic lines surrounded by our Mudokon Brothers. I felt barely alive.
The Bigface stood nearby with a Blurry Blue figure.
I guessed it was Abe.
We had made it, we were safe, though I was in no state to enjoy it.

"May we introduce Jim!" cheered Abe and Bigface.
That is all I remember as then I blacked out.
I was seriously infected by Flax's Virus at this point but,
as you will soon find out,
My story was only Half Done......

Stay tuned for the Final Part of Jim's Oddysee!!!
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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02-05-2003, 03:24 PM
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In the end...

Dear Friends

Things are going well here now. We've been living in the Caves for a few weeks now since I escaped with my new companions.
Firstly there's Nat, he was a little worse for ware after the escape from the brewery, Ash is fine even after all that work he's still tickin'.
I suppose you remember Ben. He helped me escape with some new friends of his. Dac is amazed by the aspect of being free, he wanders the Caves all day. I guess that leaves the guy who helped me, saved us all. It's a shame really considering all the trouble we went through that he is getting worse everyday.
Yes, Jim is not very good at all. It's all that microchip buisness and Flax's Virus affecting his brain.
All the work he did for us was brilliant, but he cannot escape his destiny, he is trapped within his own mind.
Someday we hope to find a sollution that will save him, until then I shall protect him with my life.
I hope you are all well with this entire Brewery incident, I hope you got out of the brig. I hope someday you will joins us here in Monsaic lines.

Yours Sicerely,
Fin (Scar-eye)


I hope you enjoyed that, please tell me wether you liked it and would like to see Jim's Exoddus up soon!
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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02-07-2003, 09:23 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Bravo. A great story that was begging to be finished. Anyways I cant wait to read Jim's Exoddus. Since I didnt really get the chance to say it earlier welcome back again, glad to have one of our writers that did very well back among us once again. Nice work again Rich.

-Sincerely, Al the Vykker
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