Rat: I hate having one leg.
It difficult to control because I was mudokon in life before, yesssss,
mud I was.
We ratz can tell what we were before we died in other life.
* shows fuzzles chasing fleech away.*
Rat: *comes up to fuzzles*Do you speak Basic?
Fuzzle1:Yeah, rattie, why do you care?
Rat:I want to form a party to go deep into The City.
Fuzzles all together:What???
Fuzzle1:Thats suicide!
Rat: No, it isn't. I think that plenty of creatures make a living in the City.
*young fuzzle comes out of crowd*
Fuzzle2: I'll come. I wanna see the world know matta what.
Fuzzle1: Not without me, you won't.
Rat: O.K. meet me at the edge of the forest caves.
Okay I want other people to finish this story while continue from here