This Spring, the mid-season replacement series Game Over will open with an episode that will feature our heroic blue Mudokon with others from Abe's Oddysee. The show stars the Smashenburn family, a bizarre household comprising a Grand Prix racer, a monster-fighting agent, their children, and their un-PC canine pet, as they try and survive their life in a video game reality. It sounds like a fascinating program in itself, especially given the "real" cyberstars that are promised to feature, but Oddworld's cameo makes it especially eye-catching to us fans.
The show airs on UPN, which is a station we don't have here in the UK, so it looks like I'll be left in the dark for a while as usual with these things. However, the rest of you should look forward to it. Credit to Rick Burgh for informing me of this.
The official Game Over site