Name: Kuj
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Mudokon
Brief History: Well, Kuj is a small, fat mudokon that was always getting picked on. He decided to take matters into his own hands and journeyed to Necrum to ask the Shamans a small favor. The Shamans knew that Kuj was coming. They said it was his destiny to find some amazing power...thing. All Kuj wanted was a way to change his outward appearance. He was just going to ask the Shamans if he could could get a cool mask like Bigface, which you needed to be a Shaman in order to get. Well, Kuj got more than he bargained for. He was sent by the Shamans to a mystical temple where, after much trials, he found the power of transformation. Yes, Kuj became a shapeshifter. He was given special instruction to find Abe and pass the power onto him. He's looking for Abe as we speak.
Physical Description: Very short and chubby. Now that he's a shapshifter, he usually is seen in the form of a Meech.
Special Powers: Shapeshifting.
Admist the group of muds in the trees was Kuj. He was going to ask for information on where he could find Abe, when he was interupted by the site of trespassing sligs. The mudarchers had their spoocebows ready to fire, but Kuj stopped them when he jumped out of the tree in the form of a slig.
"What the F--!" exclaimed a slig. The rest turned around to see a slig mind you.
"Hey guys. Whassup?!" greeted Kuj. he was trying to act as slig-like as he knew.
The big-bro leader stepped forward. "Who the hell are you?"
Kuj saw that the ten sligs had a big map they were looking at. Kuj would use this to his adavntage. The sligs were obviously from the city...and lost.
"I'm yer guide! I was told a group of sligs were headed this way. I'm hired to help guide sligs all over the place. Your boss contaced me to escort you to your destination."
The big-bro looked suspicious, but let Kuj into the group and handed him the map. The map was included with instructions. By looks of the map, it seemed that the sligs were headed to Scrab Breading ground to set up a new stockyard. Apparently Scrabs were in high demand.
"Easy! I'll get you guys to the Scrab Grounds by tommorow." The group of sligs all breathed a sigh of relief. While Kuj was around, he would totally thwart this plan. Yet, his main objective was to get some info on where he could find Abe. What better place to ask than from a group of city sligs who watch M.O.M. all the time? M.O.M. had the best Abe info...or that's what Kuj heard at least. The mudarchers all scrathced their heads as Kuj lead the sligs deep into the jungle.