The scariest thing to happen to me was... well, it was my car wreck.
You see... I... let's just say I wasn't paying attention. For a stupid reason. Very embarassing. Always keep your eyes on the road, kiddies. Seriously.
Anyway, I wasn't paying attention, and hit a tree. More like clipped it, though. Now you may be saying, "Why that's not so bad, you pussy!" Well because I merely clipped the tree, My car flipped back onto the road, and slid across it on the roof. Totalled the car, obviously. Anywho, I climed through the seat belt and out the window, which had been busted out. Ironically, my worst and only halfway serious injury was from the air bag. Burnt me face wit da chemical shtuff, ya know? Everything healed though... so no permenant damage done. Well, except for insurance.
I was only scared the day after, though. You know, the "Oh shit I could have died!" effect. At the time of the accident I was just like "Oh shit! Tree! *crash, flip* Oh shit! Time to get out of the car!"
Heh... all that was left of my glasses was a lense I found in the middle of a nearby yard.
EDIT: Oh yeah, more irony. I got insurance on the car only two days before, so I'm sure there were some folks rolling their eyes down at the agency.
Last edited by SeaRex; 08-29-2003 at 04:15 PM..