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08-17-2003, 04:05 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Happy The Gathering!

The rules are simple add your character profile into this RPG and you are altimatically part of the RPG. I need to have two teams for this RPG to work. But first we need to make our teams up and then when we get our teams together I will write the short story line we will go by. The short story will give us a situation that each of our teams will be faced with. The goal is simple don't get killed.

Each team will consist of five members. So thats a grand total of ten people for the first mission. Each mission will reviel more about the strange existance of Oddworld and its veried inhabitants aswell as telling us the whole story in the big picture. Since Oddworld is so big we need to have seperate missions for each team. But each mission will take place at the same time as the other mission just so it can be alive. So basically what we are doing is that I will put in two short stories or missions for both teams and then we have to resolve those missions. Heres the catch, depending on how well we do with one mission determines on what our next mission is, and what we will be up aganst. And then we go onto more missions, and our characters will change over time as they gain strengths and other such things. Right now we are at level 1 so our characters are weak and not very strong, but that will change quickly. In the end each team will eventually end up crossing each others path. When that happens we all will be faceing some pretty intense things. But thats not for awhile But first we need to make our teams. And by all means our teams can grow higher than five but in order to play we need to have ten people or more. I will add my character.

Character profile:

Name- Blarg

species- unknown only member of his kind.

bio- Once dorment in a deep crevas hidden in Scrabania, Blarg emerged as a mystery to the inhabitants of Oddworld. Kidnaped by Molluck whome ordered the Vykkers to turn this mysterious being into a weapon so that he may control the native inhabitants of Mudos once more. Molluck hidden in secracy shrouded so that the Magog may never know of his existance he bargained with Lady Margret to fund his plans. Margret loved these plans and went for it. Nobody knew that Molluck was the hooded Glukkon. In the end Mollucks deeds back fired onto him. Still Blarg searches Oddworld for answers to his deepest questions in life who he is? what he is? And most important what his purpose is?
Some cultures call him the ancient one. Others call him the powerful one.

Powers- the ability to morph into anything it touches, aswell as the ability to mind sweep others and read other thoughts. Generally is found around an orb which is more or less his mentor which torments Blarg all the time. For Blarg can never escape from his orb which he views as his curse in life. His powers generally weaken him a lot aswell. they are not very power but with time and concentraition he can become really powerful. But now he is very insynificant.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 08-17-2003 at 08:24 AM..
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08-17-2003, 04:47 PM
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Character profile:

Name- Lammy

species- Mud
bio- Lammy was rescued as a labour egg, he was taught how to become a highly trained shamn by the age of 16. He has a small tribe in south west Mudos, he has left them, because he was ousted by a Big Kahonne(sp.) And has wandered the continent in lonlyness.

Powers- He is a master of magic. he can turn a wildlife creature to help him, for he has become one with nature over the years. he is a master at close combat and could now better any other slig or mud. He cannot handle any weapons, but his fast fists and feet make weapons obsolete anyway.
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08-21-2003, 11:49 PM
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Name: Saros
Spieces: Meech
Bio: The last living meech in oddworld. He's devoted to findinf more of his kind and re-populating oddworld with meechs.

Powers: Is stronger than most meechs, because he hunts alone. He Medetates alot, so he has recently aquired the ability to possess and confuse his enemys with his psychic powers.

The hardest part in RPG's is the making of the characters!

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08-23-2003, 08:18 PM
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Alright then....
Name: Ronan
Species: Mudokon
Bio: A mudokon that grew up abandoned in native environments, Ronan is rumored to have been raised (to this point) by a small herd of scrabs, although there is no proof and Ronan himself denies it. In truth, he was hatched from a clutch of eggs that Abe and Munch themselves liberated from Vykkers labs. He was soon capured and employed in Sloghut 4769-D, and only recently escaped (while bringing down the complex, much the the chagrin of the industrials). Now living with the Mudanhee tribe, Ronan trains to become a mudarcher.
Powers: Ronan can expertly hide in any environment, a trait he picked up during a brief stint lost in Scrabania between the sloghut and meeting the tribe. He makes the most of his surroundings and can camoflague himself almost anywhere. He can also temporarily possess lesser life forms, like fuzzles and meeps. As useless as this may seem, he can actually manipulate great numbers of these creatures at once, thus creating vast armies of fuzzles. Lastly, he has a limited mastery of firearms.

thats all.

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08-23-2003, 11:10 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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I'm using is a name I tried out for Sligslingers cartoon, but I'm making the character different.

-Name: Geeble

-Species: Mudokon

-Age: 568

-Backstory: Geeble is an old mudokon shaman that shouldn't even be alive at his age, but his powers lie in the old mudokon ways of worship and this is the secret to his youth. Many ask him how he does it, and he says he'd be willing to teach if they were willing to learn. Lazy mudokons turn down Geeble's offer on the simple fact that they want the answer right away and aren't patient. Many mudokns regard Geeble as very strange and he doesn't get as many visitors as he used to. He lives alone in the mountains where kintos have gone scarse. He's a very good friend with the Almighty Raisin and makes visits with him every now and then. Even though he's old, he's still very active and mostly walks everywhere he goes.

-Powers: He has the power to control the the four elements through the ancient powers of Paramites, Scrabs, Meeches and Ratz-each representing their own element. Paramites represent Water; Scrabs fire, Meeches wind and Ratz, who are closest to the soil, represent earth. Geeble also is known for tamming wild animals and actually sadles a Scrab and rides on him sometimes. Being a master of spooce, he can conjur up even greater power without the use of a spoocebow. There are many other powers Geeble possesses that are unknown and very sacred and only used rarely.

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08-27-2003, 02:07 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Ok thats great we have at least five people. Now we can get started with this. I changed my mind instead of ten I will start now.

I will write the first short story that in the end will give us the mission. After I do this we just sort of act or play the role anyway we wish in approaching the situation. In other words it can be anything as long as it goes towards the mission. So lets start oh on a side note the other team can start forming now as we start this and then when the next mission starts I will implement your team in aswell. Then we will be able have two missions or short stories to go with each team. But keep in mind each team's mission will be related.

Ok here is the first team.


Team 1 Blarg, Lammy, Saros, Ronan, and Geeble

The first story:

It is a time of dread on Oddworld. The nations of the planet are locked in civil war with each other except Mudos. Continents fighting other Continents to gain control of the uncharted lands in the deep frozen North. For the age of the Magog Cartel has come to its climax. One continent inwhich the Magog began still lives in the ways it used to during the days of the great Mudokon movement lead by Abe. Only now, a new form of government controls all of Mudos a government that consist of Muds and Glukkons alike a government of natural and industrial races co existing. For those days have long past and the legends of the heros of Mudos are now history. Glukkons and Mudokons have learned to co exist with each other as well as other industrial races on Mudos. It was a long process but it worked. Though there are still Mudokon radicals out there to bring an end to the industrial races of Mudos.

years have past since then and the world of Odd has changed dramatically. For a new threat to the cultures of Oddworld looms over head. A threat unknown to anyone, has been occuring in many remote locations across Oddworld. The central government of Mudos has taken note to these un documented events. Races of all types industrial and natural telling stories of strange black magic occuring in their villages has brought on a huge fear across Mudos that some sort of ending is comeing. The Government speaks. The leader Cronen ex Glukkon general speaks to the order.

"Respected members of the order reports of strange nothings have been occureing across Mudos. Many Mudokon villages have been abandon for fear of these things may come to their village."

Many Mudokons report of how their villages and lands just suddenly dissappear in their sightes. On the industrial side Many Khanzumers and Chroniclers have also been expierencing this strange phinomina. The Big city of Leemick has been wiped out. How do we go about this?"

the crowd panics but order once again is established.

"We have to send out a messanger some sort of traveler to fight this force." said one of the Muds

"Who will it be?" replied a glukkon.

Meanwhile as this meeting was takeing place, across the land a few miles from the Capital in the dark forests of Paramonia two Mudokons were enjoying a small feast they caught and hunted. But they were interrupted by an unusial sound moveing among the ancient trees.

"What is that?"

Suddenly emerged out of the ancient trees Blarg approached the Muds."

"Excuse me may I join you this evening?" said Blarg.

"What do you want from us?"

"Oh oh nothing its just that I have been traveling for so long now I need a rest. please excuse my aquantance I am Blarg"

The two Muds looked at each other.

"Is he you know stupid?"

"Excuse me Blarg, Why do you wish to eat with us?"

"I have come a long way from my home in the underground of Scrabania. I was mineing my business when suddenly it... it happened. I swar it wasn't me."

"What happened?"

"I was eating and then everything in front of me just vanished. Only now this void got bigger and bigger. I tried to stop it but with my power I couldn't."

"Blarg this strange void you speak of is happening in my part of Mudos. Some sort of void is eating our land! We have to go to the capital at once."

I dident get your names"

"Oh I am sorry this is Geeble and I am Ronan. Lets just say he is the oldest Mud alive."

And so the group went off to the capital to see whats happening.
As they approached the capital they were struck by its beauty.

"There it is the capital. A most magnifiscent site indeed." said Geeble.

Blarg looked on and said.

"I have never seen such a site!"

Just then they started to head to the gleaming captal in astonishment. The great towers formed a Fortress, A fortress called The Fortress of Peace where the order and the government of Mudos sat.

Upon the fortress's massive gates our friends approached and to their surprise notice the meeting takeing place.

Cronen what do we do about this phonomina?" said one of the Mudokon Govenors.

"We will send a group of brave sauls to investigate in the stranges occurances. We will send them on their quest."

"But who?"

Cronen looked at the gate and reluctantly said "That strange group over there!"

Everyone looked at Blarg, Geeble, and Ronan. "Bring them in."

And so they were approached by sligs and Mud archers and forced into the chamber to speak with Cronen. Only now none of them dident understand what was going on. For they were stuck in a serious situation in which they dident want to be in from the beginning."

(Ok there we go the opening short story we can start from here.)

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08-27-2003, 10:04 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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The chamber was filled with silence. Cronan got up out of his seat and eyed the travelers heavily while circling about them. He then spoke so suddenly the chamber trembled as his voice echoed off the walls.

"Leave us," he yelled to the gaurds.

The clanking of slig legs and pattering of mudarcher feet was defening as they left the chamber......quickly!

The large double doors were then pulled closed by to muds on elum back. The thud of the door followed and Cronan was now alone with Blarg, Geeble and Ronan.

"That was the first time those doors have ever been shut. I hoped this would never happen, but I fear it has," Cronan spoke sadly.

"What do you want with us, Geeble asked, "We are but travelers coming to this great city for refuge."

Cronan chuckled. "Refuge from what may I ask?!"

"We do not know," Blarg replied, "Some call it "the great nothing"......others "the swallower." I myself have seen it's desruction and those names suit it well, for even I could not stop such a force."

"You alone could not stop it, yes, but I feel that if I were to send all of you, along with a couple of my men, then maybe you could put this thing to rest."

"Only us and a couple of your men," Ronan protested, "We'd surley be swallowed up by that thing!"

"I'm affraid that all my best armies allready have been destroyed and now no-one else is willing to go but a few here.......and you," Cronan said disregarding Ronan's remark.

"We will go," said Geeble.

"What," Ronan and Blarg exclaimed together.

A smile spread acoss Cronan's lips. "Excellent! Gather your things and you'll leave tomorrow with Lammy and Saros."

"I'll leave now if you don't mind. Best to make great speed in this time of peril," Geeble said smiling.

"You're free to go," Cronan said as he escorted them out.

Geeble, Blarg and Ronan walked out into the city street center and were met by a cheering croud.

"Geeble, I feel it would be best to take Cronans advice and leave tomorrow," Blarg mumbled through a clenched smile as to not let the crowd see his annoyance with Geeble.

"Of course you and Ronan will be staying.....I'm the one who must leave early," Geeble replied.


Just then a rat came up to Geeble and sqeaked a few things and then left. "I have to go now.....I need to see the Almighty Raisin."

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08-28-2003, 12:00 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Keep in mind everybody that this void or nothing I wrote about is the main focal point of my RPG. So it won't be defeated in this first part. Each quest will get closer to that. right now we are weak and we have been sent pretty much to go and protect some villages. We were sent by Cronen. After we finnish this mission we are to report back to the Capital if we survive of course. This nothing also spews out strange creatures un heard of that will be apart of our quest to destroy this nothing.

There will be different levels of creatures aswell. Throughout the stories I will let everyone know when we will be faceing something. It just depends where we wounder into hehe!

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08-28-2003, 04:31 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Geeble then left the capital to go see the Almighty Raisin. One of his ratz had told Geeble that Raisin was in great danger, so he moved as fast as he could to see what was the matter.

Geeble walked for a long time until he was met by a thick forest. Geeble thought it would be a good place to stay the night. He was very good at building quick treehouses for a one-night's use. He didn't trust staying on the ground......he never did. Geeble liked it high in the treetops where he felt safe. As Geeble slept, he was awoken by the a multitude of little sqeaks. It was the ratz.....thousands of them. they had all gathered under the tree Geeble was sleeping in.

"What brings all of you here to disrupt an old muds sleep, hmmmm?"

The ratz then told Geeble that Raisin was no longer comunicating with them and they feared something had happened. They told Geeble he had no time to wait and that he must hurry quickly to Raisin's aid. The ratz even took the liberty of calling Scarb, geeble's pet Scrab.

Geeble climbed out of the tree, sadled Scarb and off they went as the ratz followed closely behind.


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08-28-2003, 10:50 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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paramiteabe  (95)


When Geeble got to the Raison's cave an errie silence filled the cave. It hunted him as he approached the Raison's cave. Nothing like this has ever been seen on Oddworld before. thought Geeble.

The rats slowly followed him into the cave.

As he was getting closer to the chamber inwhich the Raison resided he notice an aweful smell comeing from it. He had second thoughts about going in but he decided to do it anyway. Geeble slowly got off his scrab as he tied it to a stalagmite. He moved slowly to the chamber as the smell got worse and worse. The chamber was no longer glowing like it used to. It was dark and a rotten smell filled everywhere.

Just then Geeble started to chant to shed some light on the matter. The glow from his chant would light the cave to reviel what happened.

So he did and suddenly an in instant, in a flash he saw what was left of the Raison. A Corpse he saw frightend him in a way he could not comprehend. The Raison was dead as its corpse was decomposeing in the darkness of the cave.

Suddenly Geeble began to panic has he backed away from the the Raison now dead. He could believe this so he suddenly ran out and untied his scrab from the rock and mounted himself.

"Comeon rats lets get out of here there is something bad really about this. Lets get back to the capital!"

So then they left in an instant headed back to the capital but something was lurking in the shadows of the Raison's cave when Geeble was there. Something of peer dark energy. It spewed its way out of the shadows and started to consume what was left of the Raison. It began to stand up as it too left the cave to follow Geeble to the capital. The black creature completely made from peer energy was something not of Oddworld but more of spirt. It was then slowly following Geeble across the wilderness back to the Capital. Will Geeble confront this creature before he makes his way back or will he die?

(Ok Oddguy you have a strange black entity with absolutly no face following you now. Its your time to shine. The creature won't attack you right now but its just cerious in you right now so its following you slowly. Think of it being a sort of Oddworld styal RingRaid following you. Its a fragment of the nothing in the form of a creature. You don't notice anything but you feel a very evil and dark presence in the area. You can eather stay and investigate this presence or you can keep on going back to the capital and come back to the cave later. Its your choice mann.)

You see this is how it works write portions of the story which will then place our characters in situations and then we figure out how to resolve the situation and then exacute it. After that we keep doing the same thing. Now this is what RPG is all about. and we will give the situation. But we are still on the first part of the quest. I would suggest you to get back since you are pretty much by yourself and there is an evil dark presence following you. And since we are at level 1 it will be rather impossable to beat this alone. You can probabaly defeat this with being in a group. Those are the options.


Oh on another note all of you guys can give sitiuations to each other just like what I did to Oddguy. Like I would write a part of the story and then say Grig gives me some sort situation I personally have to deal with or ignor it and then will have envitably face it later. you can do that to other people we are all sort of like mini DMs. Just remember to write Sitiuation like I did before you post one to another person

Last edited by paramiteabe; 08-28-2003 at 03:01 AM..
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08-28-2003, 11:06 AM
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As Geeble hurried off after the rat messenger, Blarg was a little ... confused, to say the least.
"Why exactly did he leave?" Blarg wondered aloud.
"Oh," Ronan said, "it's nothing to worry about. He wanders away like that often, murmuring with the ratz. He'll be back in a while."
"In a while? How long is that?"
"Well, he was going to see the Raisin, so ... okay, we won't see him for a day or two. Not to worry; Geeble can take care of himself."
The crowd was beginning to disperse, each mud and slig to their own homes. The two new friends had started walking
"Well ... are we going to leave now or tomorrow?" Blarg asked. The sudden change of subject caught Ronan off guard, and he stumbled a bit.
"Uhh ... didn't Geeble say we should stay behind a day? Why go now?" It was Ronans turn to be confused.
"Well, Cronan said we should wait for those two ... Lammy and Saros, right?" Blarg started.
"True ... but we should get going sooner ...." Ronan muttered.
Blarg continued as if Ronan hadn't answered: "Right! So I say we go and find these two and leave now. Ready?"
Ronan didn't seem to like this new idea. "Why do we need those two? You don't think--"
"--that we can handle this void together? No, I don't. But I do want to get going as soon as we can, so we need to find Lammy and Saros. Now let's go."
Ronan looked awestruck. "You ... uhh ... knew what I was gonna say? Err ... h--"
"--How did I know? I'd rather not -- agh! Too late ...."
As he spoke, an orb about the size of a spooce floated up out of nothingness. It was transparent, and had a bluish tint to it. It looked exceedingly fragile, but something told Ronan that it was actually quite durable.
"Okay, Blarg, I don't want you to panic, but there is a crystal ball floating right beside you," Ronan whispered, drawing a slingshot. "If you don't move, I might be able to get it!"
Blarg looked downtrodden. "No, no, it is mine. It serves as my ... psychic influence. It's powers are limited, of course, and can't be used on command. I do, however, think that I can overcome this issue with time."
Ronan was a bit taken aback. "Well, why don't you get rid of it? I can do it now!"
Amused, Blarg chuckled, "You can't. It will only shatter once my own life force has completely faded. Until then, it will remain undented."
Ronan, disappointed, put away his slingshot. "Okay, fine," was all he could say."
There was a sudden ruckus in the street. Blarg and Ronan looked around for the cause, and saw only a mudokon walking calmly along. All the passerby had scattered from him, as it looked. The mud stopped as he saw Blarg and Ronan. "You two! Have you heard of these guys Geeble, Ronan, and Blurg?"
Blarg's eye twitched at the mispronounciation of his name, but remained silent. Ronan spoke up.
"Well, I should hope so, since that's us. But his name is Blarg, not Blurg. Did you need something?"
The mud looked skeptical. "So you're Ronan? The 'master of camoflague'? I don't believe you."
Ronan sighed, and closed his eyes. He concentrated hard, and as Blarg and the newcomer watched, he began to fade and slide into the scenery. All that could be seen of him was his shadow, and a little, heat-wave like waver in the air. The newcomer's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Even Blarg seemed a bit surprised.
Then, with a sound like a gasp, Ronan was suddenly visible. "Satisfied?"
The newcomer certainly was. "Okay then. Where's, uh, Geeble?"
Ronan rolled his eyes. "He went to see the Raisin. Some urgent business. Why?"
"Not important," said the mud. "I'll make this quick. I am Lammy, and I have been assigned by Cronan to work with you. We have to hurry; I left Saros on the outskirts of town, and he'll be waiting for us. I'll explain everything on the way."

OOC: whosever turn is next should probably think of some kind of disaster that Lammy is looking for his teammates for. and explain the fright of the townsfolk at lammy's appearance

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08-28-2003, 02:20 PM
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"Are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?" said Lammy, patting Saros's back. "I'll be fine, really, I just don't feel like going out of my way to pick these muds up, when were gonna come back here anyway. Why waste the energy?" said Saros in an anoyed tone. "Ok, see ya later then!" Lammy begins to walk away. "Are you sure you don't wanna come?" he said walking backwards to look at Saros. "Yes, go on now, hurry up and come back soon!" Saros watches Lammy until he can't see him anymore. Now Saros is left all by himself. He really didn't want to be left alone, but didn't want to tire himself out today. He had a bad feeling, but ignored it, while trying to go to sleep. He was shaking. "I'm just hungry," He said to himself, but he didn't even know why he'd be hungry, he'd just eaten a very large meal. The presence of evil was overwelmingly powerful, it was all around him, but from where the evil as coming from, he had no idea. He atempted to ignore it for a while longer, but finally gave up sleeping. Saros decided to find out what was wrong, by meditating. He got in the most comfortable position he could find, and began to chant and meditate. He did so for hours, and finally saw somthing in his mind, blurry at first, but more clear the longer he meditated. He saw Geeble, whom he knew before, being followed slowly by somthing he'd never seen before. It was black, as was it's presence. He saw this thing atacking Geeble and killing him! He quickly stood up straight, realizing what he had seen. "I've got to go after Lammy, we have to save him!" He though. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, hoping to Odd that what he was seeing was the future, not present events.

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 08-28-2003 at 06:26 AM..
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08-28-2003, 10:55 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Geeble breathed in the cool morning air as he stretched his arms and let out a big refreshing yawn. It was a beautyful day. From the top of this tree he could see the clearest blue sky ever.

Geeble had finally gotten some good sleep, but he knew it would be a while before he would get the chance again. Evil was spreading faster than he'd expected and he had to keep moving. Geeble didn't want to suffer the same fate as poor Raisin. It was hard for him to grieve, because he still couldn't believe it actually happened. It was just so hard for Geeble to comprehend.
"Well, at least Raisin can personally vist sights beyond his cave without the help of the ratz," Geeble said as he began to climb out of the tree.

Then it struck Geeble very strange that the ratz weren't around. He looked down at the ground and saw not one rat or even his own Scrab. He jumped onto the ground and looked around and got the strange feeling of being all alone. Geeble was surrounded by dead silence and felt frozen in his tracks. Then he saw something. A dark figure, but Geeble couldn't focus on whatever it was. It seemed to draw everything into its presence as it moved forward to Geeble. Then, with a flash of light, Geeble stretched forth his hand and called upon the power of Ratz. The earth suddenly swallowed the dark figure and Geeble knew now was his chance to escape. It would be back......he knew it.

After many hours of traveling, Geeble made it to a small village. He met a traveler headed for the capitol and told him to give word to Blarg, Ronan and the others about what had happened......and to let them know Geeble was headed for Mosaic Lines. Geeble needed to go deep into Mosaic Lines. Deep underground, shaman muds live there in secret. Geeble needed to spend time in meditation to restore his power.......and summon more. It would take time, but it was essential he did this now.

Last edited by oddguy; 08-28-2003 at 02:57 PM..
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08-29-2003, 06:47 PM
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Heading back towards where Lammy had come from, they ran into a frantic creature that Blarg and Ronan didn't recognize.
"Oh, you came after all, huh, Saros?" said Lammy , a little surprised.
"That's Saros?" Ronan cried. "What in Odd's name is he?"
Lammy looked peeved. "Yes, that's Saros," he started, then, lowering his voice, "He is a Meech. The very last of his kind. The Vykkers would love to get at him; they'd give two arms to spend five minutes alone with him and some tools. Now let's get moving, before a crowd gathers and we are seen!" And without further ado, Lammy and Saros turned and ran.
Ronan looked skeptical. "Should we trust them?"
Blarg, still a bit upset at the "Blurg" incident, nodded. "Yes. I sense a deep honesty in these two. The need to prove themselves to be trustworthy is great." Ronan was about to speak, but then: "And yes, Saros is a Meech. The Vykkers want to clone him and sell the offspring to meat plants. But ... I .... don't think it will happen. It's hard to pre--"
Ronan shoved him. "Enough mumbo-jumbo, they're getting ahead of us!" And he ran off in the direction Lammy and Saros had gone.
Blarg hesitated only a moment, and hurried along.

Meanhile, the traveler that Geeble had met hurried along at top speed (he was paid fifty moolah by Geeble to go there as soon as possible) to find these "Blarg" and "Ronan" characters and tell them to join Geeble at Mosaic Lines. The parchment that the message was written on was secured tightly in his fist, and he had no intentions of letting it go.
And he wouldn't have ... but a terrible wind kicked up around him as he stood mere meters away from where Saros had been not five mintues before. The mud stumbled, loosening his grip on the note, which flew out of his reach. He fell to the ground and looked above him. He hardly knew what was happening when existance simply opened up and swalloed him, leaving the tattered note fluttering about....

Saros remained passive towards Ronan and Blarg until they had reached the outskirts of the city, but instead spoke in low tones to Lammy. (ooc: grig, please include what it is Saros says to Lammy in your next post) It was clear to everyone that Saros hardly trusted Ronan, and was cautious about Blarg.
Otherwise, very little happend until they had reached a scene that resembled the remains of a small scuffle. Swirls were left in the sand where the wind had blown. A tiny strip of material here, a feather there ... Blarg was the first to determine what had happened.
"It was here," he said simply.
Saros looked over and spoke aloud for the first time. "What was here?"
"It," said Ronan, catching on. "The void. The Big Empty, we called it back in my village ... before it was swallowed."
Lammy squeaked, clearly nervous. "What could swallow a whole village? And how did you escape it?"
Ronan shrugged. "I don't quite understand it myself. I was melding--my word for camaflaguing--and ... everything sorta dissapeared in a blast of wind. It looked like it was being sucked in from the inside--not everything seperately, but as if the village was one big object. I was right near the center as it happened, but ... it didn't see me, I guess."
"How could it 'not see' you?" Saros cried. "It's a big void! It can't think!"
Ronan merely shrugged.
Blarg looked unsettled. "I think ... no, it can't be."
Lammy looked at him suspiciously. "No, tell us what you think. You've caught my interest. What do you think?"
Blarg sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you just what I think."

ooc: guess what? i want to know what blarg thinks, too, PA ... i await your input!
thats all!

Last edited by Dave; 08-29-2003 at 11:17 AM..
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08-29-2003, 08:40 PM
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Geeble finally made it to the vast ruins of Mosaic Lines. He'd been there before, but he was always memorized by the two huge mud statues guarding the gates. They were portrayed after two respectable kings of old.............so old in fact, Geeble didn't even know them. It was they who first made contact with Shrykul. The God told them many things which have been secret since that time, and No-one but the two kings knew. Geeble was there to uncover the secrets.........which the shamans would not agree with. Geeble thought the shamans very foolish, for they thought the books of Shrykul were "too sacred" to be opened.

Geeble looked up at the mighty gates and let out a long sigh. Yes, it was easy for Abe to get in.......he's the chosen one, but other muds needed to know the full password. This included lots of spells, incantations and serious meditation. Geeble performed all sorts of sacred majiks until finally the door opened.

Geeble stepped in and was met by a group of mudarchers.
"What is your bussines here," one of them asked.
"I'm here to speak with Grawl," Geeble replied.
All of them gasped. "No-one has seen him since.....well, I don't remember, but may I just say that not even we know where he is.......You'll have to find him yourself."
"That's fine. All I ask for is an elum and four days supply of food," Geeble responed, not really effected at the others shock.
"Very well," they all chimmed in.

And so Geeble traveled deep underground Mosaic Lines towards City of Grawl. Of course, Geeble was misserable. He picked the smelliest elum they had.....since he didn't want to be eaten by creatures in the dark caves. Geeble was very confident that nothing would bother him with such a stench surrounding him.

Geeble finally made it to the City of Grawl.....where he was met by Grawl himself.
"I knew you were coming," Grawl said. "I could sense it!"
Geeble laughed. "Oh be quiet. You know Mosaics told you I was comming through the speaking wells!"
"Alright you got me," Grawl chuckled as he gave Geeble a big hug. "Whoooo! The elum you picked last time wasn't nearly as smelly as this one!"
The elum snorted and walked on into the city.

Yes, Grawl was friendly, but not a very wise one. His city was founded by his great great great great great grandfather who gathered a bunch of muds underground cus' they were frightened by a volcano. They tought it was the end of the world. Now they're stuck underground because everybody is affraid to travel throught the dark cave to the surface on fear of being eaten. The only thing that they had of wealth was the books of Shrykul. Other than that, the whole city was stupid. Geeble liked Grawl, because Grawl was stupid and knew it. Grawls shamans, on the other hand, were stupid, but thought they were smarter than evreyone else........and Geeble really didn't like them.

"You've done a very foolish thing," one of the shamans said to Geeble.
"You called upon ratz, gaurdians of the earth, to have have the soil swallow that......thing!"
"Yeah.....so," Geeble said uninterested.
"So, the shaman said dripping with sarcasm, "This evil uses whatever you use against it."
"What do you mean," Geeble asked, suddenly alarmed.
"Lets just say that entire villages are being swallowed up by the ground and it's your fault! This eneimy took what you used against it and is now using the power of ratz for it's own evil purposes!"
Geeble was shocked.
"Now the evil has ratz on it's side. They're everywhere now......watching and giving their master information and power!"
Just then a rat ran across Geebles foot.

Last edited by oddguy; 08-29-2003 at 12:47 PM..
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08-29-2003, 11:12 PM
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Saros got to where Lammy was, his main objective at the moment...he and Lammy had to go find and save Geeble! Blarg and Ronan looked at him with dislike, but he didn't care at the moment,he just needed to talk to Lammy, it didn't really consern the others.
Saros and Lammy talked quietly, as not to let the others hear.

"Lammy, he have to find Geeble! He's in trouble!" Saros said as he tried to slow his breathing down.
"Slow down buddy, what's wrong now?" said Lammy, with a look of concern on his face.
"He's in trouble, he's gonna be atacked and killed if we don't get there first, come on! We really have to go!"
"When did you find this out?"

Saros told Lammy all that had happened while he was away, and when he finally got the story straight, he wasn't too worried.

"Geeble can handle himself Saros, you know that."
"But i've never even seen anything like this on Oddworld, and i've been almost everywhere! We have to find Geeble!"
"Alright, we'll do that, but i'm sure he's fine at the moment."
"Fine, i'll go find him by myself!"
"You can't do that and you know it! You can't just go off by yourself and get atacked by the thing that you saw. We have to stick together."
"I could go look for him by myself, i'm not a weakling! And I can track him, to see where he went!"
"We're all going together." I know these guys are wierd, but we're just gonna have to deal."
"I don't trust them, they look shifty."

Saros looked at Blarg and Ronan following them. To someone else, they'd seem completly normal, but to Saros, who was very paranoid at the time, they looked like enemies.

"They look normal Saros, or as normal as there is on-a-days."
"Alright, but we're finding Geeble as soon as possible!"

(ooc: I don't want to go any further until paramiteabe says what he thinks.)

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08-30-2003, 05:19 AM
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(ooc: This is sure turning out great! )


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08-30-2003, 07:26 PM
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(I am really sorry I have been busy in the last few days and I went paint balling today I am back. That is very good so far. Ok here I go with my part. This will prompt the adventure that I originally had ment for this story. and what you wrote works out well it adds tension because everyone is split up.)

Blarg was beyond nervious as his feelings kept conflicting with his mind. His connection with the planet was weakon do to the Nothing. Blarg knew that if he died the rest of Oddworld would follow. For he knew he was the first being of Oddworld and thus was responsible for everything, but still he dident understand his purpose and why in ways he is connected to the sauls of every liveing thing on Oddworld. Now his friends were involved and he felt guilty. Blarg was silent the whole time trying to come to grips of these dangers and finnally he told a revelation he saw to Lammy.

"Lammy I need to tell you something that is very important. You are woundering why I have been hesitant in this matter. I believe it has something to do with me. Oddworld will die if the Nothing destroys us all. I am trying to figure out where its origin came from. I haven't been able to see it but....I do see snow lots of wind and tundra like conditions. Pillers of ice 7 miles high and a pulsateing light. Every time I see these visions in my mind I become weak unable to connect with this force. But why can't I connect to this? For that is the reason why I feel I need to investigate this further. I must investigate in this because my Orb of Infinaty tells me so. The Orb is a curse in my life mocking me and canstantly giveing me riddles that draw me closer to my destany."

"Where are you going?" said Lammy

"I.... am not sure but follow me and we must leave this Capital and leave Mudos all together and search the farthest reaches of Oddworld. That is where we can find the answers. We need to leave NOW! Mudos is doomed. I have been uneasy about this for the longest time now and I couldent tell anyone until I was sure about it now those visions I have seen years ago are comeing true."

Lammy couldn't believe it but Blarg showed his doomed continent.

"Look Lammy if you don't believe me look over the rise there! I knew when we got news of the Raisons death this was the time."

And so he did and to his surprise he could see blackness filling the skies over Mudos and he could not see the land.

"Ok I believe you Blarg but what about the others?"

"They un harmed Geeble is in the Mosaiac Lines and the others are on the borders of the capital. That hasn't been touched by the nothing but it will and nobody with thier magic and powers could stop it. That is why we must leave Mudos and find a new power and learn of it. I will teleport them to my orb and we shall escape Mudos. The Capital is doomed everything is doomed Mudos is no more. It is too late. But if we can stop the Nothing we can bring back the balance of Oddworld thus bringing back our respected continent.
Lammy First Mudos whats next? It will consume Oddworld it will not stop and it will not show mercy to any of us. Your homes are gone. There is only the little bit of Mudos left but for how long is the Nothings will. If we stay, Oddworld will be no more! Now do you trust me?"

I guess so! But are you sure about this?"

"Lammy I am sure this is something I have foreen many times in my life. I would never lie. You see it yourself believe me when I tell you."

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08-30-2003, 09:43 PM
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Geeble was still upset at himself. Ratz are under the dark grasp of evil and it was all his fault.
"What kind of evil is this can not even be faught?"
Geeble knew that there had to be another way to stop the nothing. A higher power that is unknown would surely stop it......Geeble could feel it. The Grawl shamans couldn't though. They were upset with Geeble for his recklessness and continued to argue with him on the matter of bringing the books of Shrykul forth.

"I think the reason it hasn't been opened since before, is so the evil would know nothing of it. I feel this was all known before so we could have a tool to stop this thing! If we open it now, the evil will be blinded," Geeble said trying to sway the opinions of the shamans.
"After what you did, you're lucky we haven't thrown you out of our city! We would all have been better off if you didn't do anything and let yourself die. You've caused so much damage that can not be fixed. Absolutely not. You cannot see the books. We keep them closed out of respect and it would be a mockery to let an unworthy being like you even touch it's cover!"
Geeble was now very upset. "Look at all of you! You're stuck underground because you're all to affraid to travel to the surface! You know nothing of matters of the higher world. These books were written so they could be opened! Why would someone write a book if it wasn't going to be read! Now that is a mockery if I've ever seen one!"
"This meeting is over," said one of the shamans in disgust at Geeble's words.
With that, All the shamans left Geeble standing all by himself.

Last edited by oddguy; 08-30-2003 at 01:46 PM..
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08-31-2003, 04:52 AM
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Saros was still having trust issues with Blarg and Ronan, Blarg seemed big headed, and Ronan, to quiet. He was also suspicious of Blarg's intentions. Why was he talking about ice? Is he trying to lead them straight into a trap? Saros wouldn't just let that happen!

"So, Blarg? Where are we going next? Are we going to find Geeble or what? I think strength in numbers is the way to go." Saros said, with a look of suspicion, or maybe that was just him normal face.

"I think we need to find Geeble right away...we need him to help us get to where we need, and plus, i've been having this visions of him being followed by something unseen...something dark, pure dark." Blarg said.

"What happens is this vision that you have?" Saros said right away, clearly mad that Blarg was having the same visions as himself.

"Nothing, he is just followed."

"Hey, Saros told me about a vision similar to that on the way here!" Lammy said, trying to be helpful.

"So that's what you were talking about then?" Ronan said, happy that he didn't have to think about what they were talking about anymore.

"Thanx Lammy!" Saros said sarcasticly.

He walked away from the main group, pouting. He looked around for anything useful, and saw a peice of paper flying in the air, not to far away. He ran after the paper, catching up with it finally, reading it, and bringing it back to the group.

"Hey, look what I found!" Saros said proudly.

He gave it to Lammy, who read it to everyone else.

"It says that Geeble is in Mosiac Lines and that he wants us to meet him there." Lammy read.

"Ok then let's go! I'll lead the way!" Blarg said.

"No, that's ok, I can lead the way, that's my job." Saros said glaring at him.

So off they went, Saros in the lead, Lammy behind him, and Blarg and Ronan following slowly behind, talking about the odd behavior of Saros. But what they didn't see, was a white mist, almost unseen, following Blarg...

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 08-30-2003 at 08:55 PM..
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08-31-2003, 06:22 AM
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The group had been walking for a couple of miles when Lammy fell to his knees, he was being contacted by a spirit. The spirit of the Rasin. Blue and purple swirls filled his vision, he couldn't move, he was totally paralysed, he did not even have the power to communicate with the spirit.

"Lammy!" the rasin yelled in a booming voice, "The evil is approaching Mosiac Lines, Geeble must find his way apon his own now, You will come together in the future" Rasin now drew an image into Lammy's head. " This is the sword of Darkon, you will need to claim it from the reaches of Antarran, the ice plains of the continent of Hakka, it alone can protect your group, from the evil's minions of the great shadow" The vision ground to a halt and Lammy fell flat apon his face.

"Lammy what'd you see?" asked Saros

"We must leave Geeble, he will join us again in the future. if we go to join him, our quest will be totally lost, we must head out of Mudos, to Hakka, and Antarran within it. Only the Sword of Darkon can protect us, for the shadow is only the scout for the great darkness about to befall oddworld...."
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08-31-2003, 05:45 PM
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"Well, I at least want him to know where we are..." Saros said.
He sat down in his most comfy possition, and began to chant and meditate.

"We have to keep moving." said Blarg, looking down at Saros dissaprovingly.

"Well, you can go on without the rest of us and be killed, I don't think i'd mind to much." Saros shot back, without opening his eyes.

"Well, maybe i'll just take everyone with me, and leave you here to die!" Blarg said.

"I know Lammy would at least stay with me!"

"I wouldn't let that happen, we have know idea what your cappable of. Who knows what would happen to poor Lammy."

"You think i'd hurt Lammy?"


Saros opened his eyes, pounced on Blarg and could have killed him right there, but he knew he couldn't...as fun as it sounded. When he touched Blarg, a strange thing happened, he saw flashes...of strange things.

Blarg pushed Saros off him, but felt the same thing Saros did.

"What was that!" Saros said, shaiking his head.

"I don't know." said Blarg.

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08-31-2003, 07:41 PM
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Geeble was deep in mediatation....regaining his former strength and searching for something. He felt he needed to talk with someone, or someone was trying to contact him. Then, as clear as day, the spirit of Raisin apeared before him.
"Geeble, your friends are headed for Hakka, to the ice plains of Antarran for claiming the sword Darkon. It is the only physiscal weapon to be used against the evil's minions. That is their quest.....you must open the books of Shrykul with great haste. The fate of Mosaic Lines is to be swallowed up by the ground, and Grawl will be burried. Hurry....you must go now," Raisin said in his booming voice. And with that, the presence of Raisin left Geeble.

Geeble ran as fast as he could to the chest of Shrykul, while many shamans chased after him.
"The books must be opened and all of you must leave this place before it's destroyed," Geeble shouted as he started climbing the steps to the great monument. The shamans thought Geeble had lost it and commanded mudarchers to fire spoocebow shots at him. In a flash of light, Geeble grabbed the chest of Shrykul and teleported out of Grawl and was gone.

Geeble ended up at his huge house in the trees, where he began to gather his valubles, for he knew he'd never return. He then grabbed a small pouch, said a few incantations, and all of his belongings flew into the pouch and shrunk inside for easy storage.

Geeble then left his home and headed towards Tall Mountain, where the great birds still lived.

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08-31-2003, 10:11 PM
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As Saros thought over what had happened between him and Blarg, he realized what he had seen was Blarg's entire life. His happy moments, sad moments, angry moments, it was as if he lived them himself. and he kept having Blargs thoughts, but only for seconds at a time. He asumed that Blarg has having the same feelings, because he kept sending Saros looks of pity. Not in a mean way, but in an understanding way. But whenever Blarg looked, Saros would think "Don't pity me!" and he'd look quickly away. They were finally moving again, and Saros decided he could Meditate later. Saros had a feeling that if Blarg and him put their dislike of eachother aside, they could get in touch with Geeble from where they were! Maybe find a safe meeting ground on the way to wherever they were going. He'd have to ask later, he wasn't quite ready to talk to Blarg yet. But as Saros was thinking this, Blarg looked over and nodded.

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 08-31-2003 at 02:16 PM..
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09-01-2003, 05:12 AM
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Lammy, who had started scouting ahead head, held up his hand and motioned for silence. The team went quiet and crouched into the bushes.

Lammy put his pack to the ground and climbed the nearest tree and saw what he had heard, the city of Leemic, the only city to fall to the shadow had appeared bbetween the team and the coast. From what Lammy could see there were no muds or sligs walking the streets, just lights and mists moving around the streets.

Lammy lept from the tree.

Lammy: Leemick is ahead, no mudos survivers. we need to steal a ship mored there. This shadow, whatever it is is draining my shamen powers. we need to get out of Mudos as fast as we can......
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09-01-2003, 05:47 AM
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Geeble made it to the top of Tall Mountain and was met by Dramfor, King of the great birds.

"To what pleasure do I owe this visit," asked Dramfor, who had allready spotted Geeble climbing up the mountain a day earlier with his great eyesight."

"It is a pleasure to see you Dramfor, but that's not what brought me here. I flee from evil to buy time that I may later destroy it....and I need your help," Geeble replied.

"Always glad to help a good friend. What do you need?"

"I need you to take me to the top summit of Tall mountain. I need a safe place to open the books of Shrykul. A place that will not be disturbed, and a place that ratz will not be."

"Yes yes, I heard that ratz were taken over by the eniemy. Hmm books of Shrykul," Dramfor mumbled to himself. "You have my help Geeble. We can leave whenever you like"

"The earlier the better."

Geeble climbed onto Dramfor's back and away they flew to the height of Tall mountain. Once they made it, Geeble started a fire as Dramfor flew away and came back with meat to cook upon the fire. Being at the top of the world let Geeble feel more at ease and not as burdoned. He and Dramfor told tales to each other a good portion of the night and then they both got some good rest.

Next morning, it was time to open the books of Shrykul. Geeble opened the chest to see a large book made of stone and metal. It looked heavy, but was actually light as a feather when Geeble pulled it out of the chest.

"You're makng history," Dramfor said excitedly to Geeble.

"Here we go," said Geeble as he slowly opened the book.

Then, as Geeble opened the book, he was pulled inside and the book slammed shut.

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09-01-2003, 06:12 AM
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Lammy runs silently through the forest. He comes to the first house in the town and dives in through the window, apon the floor is the corpse of a slig, his skin gone black, the red light gone from his mask. Lammy runs into the next room and out of the window. He climbs onto the roof and makes his way past the town in that way.....
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09-01-2003, 06:50 AM
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Dramfor looked at the book in amazement. Where did Geeble go? The second it took Dramfor to think this, out Geeble came from the book. He looked much older and had grown a full beard. You could see the twinkle of wisdom in his eyes more than ever.

"How long were you in there," Asked Dramfor?

"A lifetime it seemed," said Geeble sounding very humbled. Geeble continued, "I need you to fly me out of Mudos and to the isle of Ryell, right outside of Hakka. There, I will await my friends."

"I could have my kin fly them as well," Dramfor suggested.

"No. It would draw too much attention. We fly alone."

"Very well."

Off Geeble flew to Ryell and Dramfor flew high above the clouds as not to be seen. Geeble told Dramfor that Mudos still had a chance of being saved, and to keep his army there until he said otherwise.

Geeble finally made it to Ryell, and there he found a quiet place where he could chant and send a telepathic message to his friends.

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09-01-2003, 07:03 AM
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Lammy jumpt off the last roof and landed in the sea. He swan up to the surface and climbed apon a large boat. Everywhere you could see were corpses. Lammy started preparing for the teams arrival to the boat. he was about to climb the rigging when Geeble's message found him.

When the team did arrive the boat was in perfect condition.

Lammy: We must travel to Ryell, there we will find Geeble. We must leave immediatly.

The ship set sail, little did the crew realise that they were heading into the greatest storm that the sea had ever seen.
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09-02-2003, 09:22 AM
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*This had nothing to do with the story* What happened to Paramiteabe? He hasn't been on here in a short while. Hmmmmm. I wouldn't want to continue the stroy without him. There's not much Geeble can do. He's just waiting for the others.

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