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07-11-2003, 04:59 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
: Essex MA
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Abe's son  (10)
Point Of View

[Based on a Half-Life modification...]

[Secene: A large platform seemingly floating in the middle of no were, 4 large pointed rods jut up out of the platform, electricty moving up and down them, 4 legged bulbs are scatered across it, a diamond shaped beast with a short tail spins around and dives around the plat from, Grunts, the main guarding unit of the Xen colonys patrol entrance's in a mound placed in the center of the platform, Xen Masters float above the plat form raising their hands to control the platforms stability, a Slave walks to the entrance and stops]

Grunt#1: Halt, What is your business on entering

Slave: I have come to learn of the Humans

Grunt#2: Ah, Yes, Young Xonxt, go right ahead the elder Slave's have been expecting you *puts his Hive Hand Down*

The Slaves are the main workers of the Xen Caste system, their contorled telepathicly and chemicly by the Masters and the Neila.

*Xonxt enters a dimly lit chamber with examples of doors with parts of the base still conected*

Xonxt: *looks at the doors* Xaraxt..

Elder: Yes?

Xoxnt: I already know how to use the Doors...

Xaraxt: Well then do you know how to use your abilites?


Xaraxt: Well then come with me...

(thats all for now because I'm feeling Lazy)

Alien Slave:

Last edited by Abe's son; 07-11-2003 at 09:01 AM..
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07-11-2003, 05:37 PM
Hobo's Avatar
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Cool I like this...... Carry on good fellow!
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07-19-2003, 01:27 PM
Reptile's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2003
: Inside You
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Reptile  (10)

im getting interested, carry on
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