okay, i'll start know
"Uh, boss?" a slig said,his name was terry
"What!"I said ,i was Molluk the glukkon. top dog at MAGOG cartel, but all that was going to change, somehow.
"We captured the Muddokon terroist Abe"
"How?" I inquired
"found him in the board room, after killing the exectutives"
"the exectutives?k...k...killed?, but how?"
"We don't know. we came there and they were gone. just little piles of ashes where they were standing.it was weird."
"Something isn't right" i said. " I feel like somethings going to happen to Ruptre Farms, but i don't know what.Why didn't you just kill him in his tracks?"my anger and stress rose to top levles of mental pain.
"well, we thought it you wanted to kill him. we have him tied him over a meat grinder."terry informed.
"good! good! i'll be right there" i said.
terry led me to the chamber which conceled abe. there he was was, droopy eyed and moaning to himself why he got himself into this mess.
"why, oh why did i do that" he grumbled. So into his one sided conversation that he didn't noticed me and terry walk in.
"why, indeed." i said half heartedly. i actully felt pity on him and almost thought to let him have a second chance, but my glukkon instincs kicked in and all i felt was murder and pain. Abe quikly starteled at the sound of my voice, looked up and stuttered"m...m...molluk!, wh...wh...what a s...s...surprise! to s...s...see you! here.please give me a second chance,p...p...please, i won't let you down again...sir."he pleaded.
"actully i thought of that and said to myself 'no, don't take the chance molluk. kill him' and if i did, you'd be the only employee since the rest are back "home" if you may call it that, and we'll have to capture them all up again so you'll have friends to rescue...again. so i'll just kill you...do it!"i said to terry.
"okay dokey" he said. he pulled a lever and the floor unrevealed the meat grinder laying beneath it. "kill him" i said. "okay" terry said. then, out of nowhere came a rumble and then i saw terry get zapped and then i saw him crawl around till he fainted. confused i asked abe"what's happening!".
" the end is near for both of us!" he cackled. then like i didn't know what hit me, i was on the ground. and i saw abe go "eww" and faint. he had died of a heart attack. my job was done,then before a hit unconciessness. i heard chanting and then abe dissapeard.
to be continued in Chapter 1
this is a story that will be from the view of Molluk,terry and the leader of a group of muds that accidently didn't get rescued by abe, and abe who will be telling you about his conquest in nekkrum and SSB.

stay tuned!