Hey Oddipus
In response to your questions:
Yes, a nice lengthy story line that helps keep the challenge going for weeks, just like AE did.
The travelling parts will mostly involve an FMV sequence and a little bit of walking before hand. But infiltration is the key to this game, to slip past the security systems. I hope, that the parts in the Paramonian Forests and Scrabanian Deserts will envolve survival aswell as infiltration, and therefore add two levels of challenge (land mines, sligs, lasers etc -and- paramites, scrabs and fleeches.).
Munch's addition to this game, gives a little insight into what munch was doing while he still had all his freinds. In the FMV where abe meets munch, munch tells abe about how he hid in the sumps to avoid being captured by sligs and sold on the gabbit lungs market. One of the main reasons why Munch is the only one who knows is way round the sumps is because he has had to move around the sumps quite alot to avoid capture, and for that reason can help abe find the route he is looking for. Munch refers to big "Iron Horses", and leads abe to them etc.
So Munch's part in the game is actually pretty important.
Also, thanks for your comment on how "oddworldish" the game sounds, I really appreciate that! The game was thought up using answers to a combination of the following questions: "where are raw materials etc. where being produced/mined/grown.?", "what sort of products do the glukkons use or require most?", and "In what way would the glukkons get these products so that it harms the environment the most?". With these answers, you get several possibilities: Suit Factories (IE GlukThreads etc). Tobacco Farms (IE ChimneyFace Industries.), or something to do with jewelry.
As far as smells go, most of the places in this game don't really smell of anything except wetness, water, damp, rust and engine fuel.
Unlike brew and animals, water and crystals don't really smell of anything. (unless the water is stagnant
And I would just like to say that this is turning out to be quite a successful thread, thankyou everyone for your continued feedback. Keep it coming!