Oddworld: Actra's Rebellion
This is an RPG post, not the actual story.
I decided to start out this post when I got the hang of RPG's.
Only a few Muds. Native, not scrubs, because Muds that were once slaves had been freed because of a new law deeming their chanting tendencies unsafe for working environments. (For Sligs and Glukkons, of course)
The slaves are called Noctero (pronounced Nok-Ter-oh). Insted of giving up slavery, the Gluks enslaved these guys instead. Like a humanoid bat, Noctero are both male and female. No queen.
There are also new creatures as well. Tapewoims, which are long, huge reptiles that patrol tha hall of New Rupture Farms, have a huge mouth and long, daggerlike teeth.
Clobbsters are giant crab-like beasts that act as armed grunts. Their shell is nearly impenetarable.
Here are my characters.
Name: Actroal Von Clarence ("Actra")
Occupation: New Rupture Farms escapee. Now works full-time as Noctero savior.
Age: 3 (15 in human years)
Physical traits: Actra is a tan color and has a brighter tan over her belly and wings. To see more of Actra, go to my post, Possible Other Inhabitants. She is also very mature for her her age and is quite -ahem- well endowed. @--@ She also has three tatoos: A meech tatoo that allows her to engulf her enimie's essence, a bat Tattoo that summons a Maelstrom, and a ying-yang symbol on her right index finger which will unite the Glukkons and Mudokons.
Psychological traits: Actra finds her role in the liberation of her people her personal responsability. She is a tomboy of sorts, and is quite brave, if not a bit bossy. She has stood up to Sligs, but only once, as it caused her to become a fugitive. Returning to NRF, she was much braver and stronger, aided with magical tattoos given to her from the Archiver, a God of Noctero lore.
Name: Gregory Plort ("Greg")
Occupation: Last native Glukkon.
Age: 45 years old. (will live appx. 30 years longer than Corporate Gluk since he dosen't smoke a cigar.
Physical Traits: Greg wears a red loincloth, and a necklace made of Scrab teeth. He is otherwise clothless. He retains the use of his legs, because, as he puts it: "With years of wearing thoes rediculous suits, my idiot brothers had no room to move their legs, whereas I don't wear a suit, so I can use my legs."
Psychological Traits: Greg had been banished to Paramonia for being a traitor, so he feels it is his duty to help whoever has a beef with the other Glukkons. He is mentally strong, and makes friends easily. His knowledge of the forest makes him a useful, if not a tad late, ally.
Associated characters: His pet Mug, Halfshell, wears no armor, and has a pleasant disposition. Greg rides Halfshell by sitting on his head.
Skillz: Greg can wrangle paramites and Scrabs with ease. In fact, Greg met Abe, Actra, Alf and Munch by saving them from a paramite.
Go ahead, create s'more! I darez ya!