i'm probably the biggest alien fan on the forums, so here is my 2 cents.
alien was with the best hands down. It had a excellent aline drone, of screen deaths, the chest burster of cause, and just the pur fear of the alien being there!
aliens comes in second place, it had the best action sceans since the police shoot out in the terminator, better looking alien drones, the queen, the power loader vs. queen fight, and the M41A pulse rifle, that thing rocked!!!!!!!
alien3 was very good, it had a runner alien, but was a desperate try at redoing alien, but without weapons or contact. It had more English actors in it which i liked to see, and the alien looked the coolest by far.
A:R (alien ressurection) crap crappity crap crap. It was a waste of money, crap aliens, crap, crap, i dont even know why they bothered, and the shit on top of it all was the newborn human alien, what was the bloody point of putting that, that, turd in the film. The director should be expecting a tapeworm and turd in the mail from me.
and there you have it, got any more questions? ask me.