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12-24-2002, 02:18 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Unwanted happenings...

*Setting: Beeping was the sound that invaded the Scientists ears. They tapped wildly away on the large monitors infront of them, looking up briefly to see the reaction of their subject. They were Vykkers and their subject was the hatchling from one of the eggs they had found months back. It was locked behind a large glass window, its cage was small and the back of it was a metallic airlock, just incase things got a little dangerous or they got tired of their 'experiments'. The being was large and Dog-like. Its skin was like armour, black, shiny with tiny hairs running down the spine. Its three claws were thick and sharp and came out of a large muscular leg. The side of the being was like plating, protecting its ribcage and side organs. Its head was box-like and hard. Four black eyes, two on each side, blinked in unison and a string of blue drool hung from its lower, boxed jaw. Its mouth was lined with menacingly sharp teeth and its lone tongue lolloped from side to side.*

Vykker #2: "Vell, it is highly resistant to most of our gases..."

It typed wilding ignoring its cohorts mumblings. There were three of them altogether, all enjoying pressing random buttons and watching as certain types of gases hissed out of pipes that were in-built into the room.

Vykker #3: "You twied Nitwogen...?"

It stopped typing and wandered over to the glass window, tapping it with a spindly claw and watching as the beast wandered over and breathed heavily, steaming a small part of it up.

Vykker #1: "Course. Do not aggrivate it, it may get pissed and we'll have to eject it...heh...heheh...(!)"

It sniggered at the thought of opening the airlock and watching the creature get sucked out.

Vykker #3: "Soooooooooo...? We have the othew one. We can play with that fow a while...wight?"

Turning, it walked upto the back of the monitor and rested its top arms on it. The other two folded.

Vykker #2: "And vaste a decent drugs tester!?! You idiot."

Spittle hit the keyboard as it shouted these words, not looking at the Scientist it was directing them at and thus seemingly telling both of them. The third one snarled a response and wandered towards the exit.

Vykker #3: "I'm going to have a look at the othew one. Maybe thewe i can get a little entewtainment without being sniped at. Umph!"

Quickly it pressed a few digits in the keyboard and waited whilst the doors fully opened, he then waddled out into the corridor and turned left.

Vykker #2: "Moron(!)"

The beast watched as both the Vykkers entertained themselves with its torture. Grunting lowly as more and more toxins got pumped into the room. Then one of them looked up, a sparkle in its eye and before the creature could prepare itself a loud shriek was emitted from its mouth...

Vykker #1: "FIRE!!!"

Useful Links;
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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12-25-2002, 02:21 AM
Stripe's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Maryland
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Stripe  (10)

Poor what-ever-it-is! Sounds like quite a hearty beast tho.
I gotta know what happens!

*runs over and grabs hold of an ugly looking, unknown, unlabeled switch*

I'm just crazy enough to thow...er...throw this switch! I -demand- that you write more!

(Pretty please?)
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02-01-2003, 01:33 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 2

*Setting: The room was filled with Vykkers watching as the large, Dog-like creature called out in vain. Its moans were like that of a thousand Plane engines and echoed throughout the Labs, disturbing experiments and striking fear into the test subjects. The Vykkers were puzzled by why the being was making such a fuss and had tried to quieten it by doing a countless number of things, such as feeding it and gassing it. All had failed.*

Vykker #2: "Vell!?! Now Vhat!!?"

It prodded one of the Vykkers, who was closest to the moniters, with one of its black claws. Uttering its words in a high, shrilled voice. The prodee turned to him and slapped his hand away, snarling angrily.

Vykker #1: "We will just have to wait..."

He turned back to the moniters, looking at them as the screens blackened and then whitened. Folding his arms he put a determined look on his face and watched the large beast call out.

Vykker #4: "Cant yu eject it??? It may neva shut up, yu know!!"

Vykker #1: "Shush. It will..."

The fourth one grunted and pushed itself through the crowd and upto the large glass windows. It banged on them with its top arms.

Vykker #4: "SHUT UP!! DAMMIT!!"

Spittle hit the window and the beast stopped for a brief moment before walking upto the window, standing on its hind legs, with its front claws pushed up against the surface and purposely calling out, louder and with more aggression.

Vykker #3: "Grrr...At least open the airlock briefly to show it that we can dispose of it..."

Its claw wandered towards the red button which had a large "E" on it. But before it could activate anything the first Vykker had pushed him away. Shooing him.

Vykker #1: "And what if we do dispose of him!? Eh? Then what? You idiot..."

The sound was starting to become more and more tedious and although at first it was not a problem, the Vykkers were now, seemingly, going insane.


It stormed towards the back of the moniters and pounded the top of it with one clenched claw. Staring intently at the beings 'savior'.

Vykker #1: "I want to know what its armour is made from...Then we can ada..."

Vykker #2: "You have ve second one, vhat one hardly moves anyway and NEVER makes vis constant bawl!!"

The first Vykker was coming under fire from all around now. Its collegues wanted it destroyed and out of the Labs, it wanted the being to stay put. But as it got put under more and more pressure it realised it wasn't going to win, and quickly turned and left the room, ordering them to 'do what they wanted'. Sighs of relief were given and then the button was pushed...

*Setting: The airlock doors swivled open and the beast was hardly phased by it. The Vykkers looked on in shock, the callings had halted but it wasn't due to its demise. The beasts claws were digging into the metal and as it was pulled back, it etched its markings deeper into the floor. Opening its mouth it squirted a stream of liquid upon the window. The liquid looked as if it came from the tongue and once hitting the window began to bubble...forcing the glass to crack, fiercely. The Scientists backed up, slowly herding towards the door as they watched in awe as the cracks mapped out an intricate pattern. The beast could now be seen stepping forwards, its claws giving it a decent grip against the suction of gravity and wind combined.
The entire window collapsed backwards, shattering into a thousand pieces, running over the creatures armour and then disappearing out of the airlock. And as it did Gravity stretched out its embrace and grasped the Vykkers. Dragging them towards the opening, each of them was flung fowards, some grabbing ahold of the moniter, some grabbed the wall and some fortunatly escaping. The Vykkers holding onto the moniter were close to death and left with a hefty ultimatum. Die with the beast and save the Labs or survive and destroy the Labs...it was the latter which was chosen. And with a quick punch of the button the airlock doors had closed and the creatures were safe for all of 7 seconds. As soon as this had happened the being Leapt upto the moniters, pushed itself over and then lunged upon random Vykkers. Ripping into them ferociously and savouring its preys flesh. The ones which attempted to escape were quickly brought down with a spray of acidic liquid, it burned their back and scorched their bones. And with one last, menacing call...the being shouted for its mate. Its sibling. Its helper. The Labs were to be destroyed, as was all the creatures inside...*
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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02-05-2003, 02:55 AM
Stripe's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Maryland
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Stripe  (10)
*Daefening Applause!*

Wonderful continuation! I love how the vykkers were beaten at their own game! Woo-Hoo!

So there is at least one or 2 more of these critters? Koolness!
Can't WAIT to find out what happens next!

*gets Mega-Tub-O-Popcorn and Ultimate Gulp, makes sure there is a clear path to the bathroom as seat is chosen*
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02-14-2003, 09:33 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Jacob  (87)
Part 3

*Setting: The Vykkers ran around, through their long, labrynth like corridors, their arms waving hecticly as they tried to make their way down to the evacuation chambers. The Interns on the other hand were running towards were the incident had occured, running with their guns, cleavers and other high-powered weapons. Their mumblings seeming to mix together into that of an army chant. The large dog-of-Hell was unphased by this, however and growled lowly as it exited the Observation Room, snarling. It waddled like that of a Pitbull, drooling from its blood-stained jaws and breathing heavily. One by one the Intern security massed towards it, and crouched in their attack stance. Their guns took aim and fired. The creature hardly batted an eyelid and as the ammunition hit the being and faltered to the ground, the creature itself lumbered upto a offensive guard and slashed its face. The others moved in, attempting to jump on it and pull it back, each of the 11 security guards failed. Their long hands burned by what seemed to be acidic sweat. They staggered backwards, startled and distracted. Unaware as the being turned its attentions to them and devoured them viciously and painfully. The security was failing...and the Labs were becoming more and more vulnerable.*

Vykker: "No...No...No...No...No...!!"

It ran quickly down the corridor, looking upwards at the sign that stated;

'Vykkers Fine Food Division. We breed 'em, so you eat 'em.'

Quickly it stopped infront of the small, touch-pad moniter and dialed the code. Its claws were shaking and it took several attempts for it to get it correct. Each time it pushed a button it would look over its shoulder, hoping the creature wouldn't come and take it by surprise. Beads of sweat ran down its brow, it could hear the screaming of Interns and Vykkers alike. The clanking of metal as things were hurled into the metal airship-like-blimp...the sinister silence that was even more menacing than that of the sounds. A small beep cut through the silence like that of a knife through butter and it stood near the door, awaiting it to open.
The Vykker span around, noticing some pipes rolling on the floor and hearing the heavy breathing of some sort of menacing being. It heard the doors open and slowly stepped backwards, its eyes darting around anxiously. It stopped. The back of its neck was becoming warm and a tingling sensation had taken effect, making its neck hairs stand on end. Slowly it turned, fighting with its eyes to make them stay open even though they wanted to close. Its breath became laboured and the Vykker began to hyperventilate. It was the second monstrosity. Its right paw was leant against the doorway as it propped itself up on its hind legs, its other paw dangling menacingly with its claws dripping with blood. Its breath was wretched and smelt of things only a Vulture would know of. It leant forwards, its eyes blinking in unison. Its top-lip pulled back, bearing bleach-white teeth. The Scientist held its arms up in defence, its legs slowly moving backwards as it backed away.
A lone bullet hit the beings side, knocking it slightly. Its head snapped to the right, looking at something the Vykker couldn't see. It then lumbered back onto all fours and disappeared from the doorway...The Vykker used this time efficiently and disappeared quickly down the corridors, trying to find somewhere it would be safe...


Vykker #1: "Quickly!! MOVE, MOVE!!"

The creature shoved the two other Vykkers who were infront of it. Snarling at them and looking over its shoulder.


The other two looked at each other whilst running and attempted to speed up.

Vykker #6: "Wait...wait...I have a plan!!"

It slowed to a halt, turning to stop the second one from running on ahead.

Vykker #6: "What...what if we feed it!?!"

The other two looked at him and snarled something, pondering what exactly their cohort meant.

Vykker #6: "Well, we wont need the subjects now...so why dont we feed them to...it."

Their eyes lighted up, their mouths stretched into evil smiles and their claws rubbed together. None of them uttered a word as they shot off into random directions and typed in the code that was required for the doors. Humming could be heard and each then disappeared into the confines. The sixth Vykker smirked and picked up a small, cage. It contained a baby Paramite and wasn't very heavy, taking it outside he then threw it down and pushed it down the corridor with its stump. Smirking.

Vykker #1: "HURRY!!"

More creatures were dragged out of their 'rooms'. If some were too heavy the Vykkers would just leave the doors open, allowing the beast to enter and devour what it needed.

Vykker #5: "Hold on!!"

But they couldn't, the first creature had miraculously appeared from that of thin air and made itself known by tearing through the steel wrapping paper and devouring the creatures inside. The baby Paramite squealed as it was crushed into the floor by the attackers foot and devoured in under a minute. Fuzzles squeaked in terror as their small bodies were crushed between the jaws of the Acid hurling terror. It was making short work of the subjects and before the Vykkers could think of another plan the beast had turned its attentions to them...

Vykker #5: "QUICK!!"

*Setting: It dialed the code for another room and darted in, inside were two large cages. Each set opposite each other. Swiftly he stumbled upto the left cage and opened it, reaching in it then grasped a clump of black, dirty, greasy hair and tugged out a Dracconic looking being...Sasha. Shouting to the others to get the other one he stepped out and held the limp, tired and terrifyingly pale Sasha infront of him. The beast uttered low growls as it stepped upto her slowly, its rumbling vocal cords low and monotone. The other two on the other hand were dragging the other subject out, the Arachnid-like K-Jal. Unfortunatly for them K-Jal's act had paid off and they handled him with neglect, not taking care as they loosened their grip on the spindly-monster. He took advantage almost instantly and lifted his left, metallicly-gloved claw up. Hitting the first Vykker in the face and knocking it backwards into the wall. He then turned around so his behind was facing it and squirted a mass, tangle of webbing at him from his rear. The strong-material sticking to the Vykkers mid-waist and pinning him to the wall. He then shoved the other Vykker against the wall and snarled, his eyes glowing in anger...*

K-Jal: "Open it..."

He raised his other gloved claw towards the Vykker and growled these words. The Vykker was in pure shock as was the first as it tried to push itself out of the webbing.

K-Jal: "DO IT...!!"

The Vykker raised its claw and pushed the side of the metal-restraint. The glove hissed and with a quick shake of the arm dropped off. K-Jal then raised his claws and cut the Vykkers throat, hissing as he did so. He then turned his attention to the incidents outside of his compound. His free claw opened up his gloved one and then he tore off his face mask, revealing his mouth in full, fanged splendor. He seemed to leap outside, knowing that Sasha was in danger and in a quick flick of the wrist he had emitted a long, rope-like strand of webbing. The web hit the middle of Sasha's back, inbetween her wings. He then wrapped the web around his wrist and tugged hard. Pulling his roomie back and into his embrace. The Vykker was pulled around with the force and uttered a brief cry out as it realised its shield had gone.

K-Jal: "You ok?"

Sasha nodded and blinked drowsily. She hadn't been out of her confines for a good 8 months and it had showed.

K-Jal: "Grab onto my back..."

He turned around and waited til she placed her hands on his shoulders, when she did so he grasped them and webbed her to him. He then grabbed her legs, behind the knees, and webbed her fore-legs to his side.

K-Jal: "Keep your head down..."

He turned behind him as he watched as the Vykker was taken down and its flesh seered. And as his eyes opened wider with pleasure he stretched out a lone claw and shot out another strand of web, his attention then turned to his proceedings and in a Spider-man-like-moment he ziplined down the corridor and away from the danger...

Useful links:
New "Roomie"
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

Last edited by Jacob; 02-14-2003 at 01:36 PM..
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02-23-2003, 09:58 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 4

*Setting: Blood lined the majority of the corridors of Vykkers Labs. Dead test subjects and employee's alike littered the hallways and seeped out their life-force. If the creatures hadn't gotten to them, then each other had. K-Jal skittered along the walls, this way he had an advantage as all hostiles would be more concerned about whats on the ground than on the walls or ceiling. His claws dug into the metal as if it was polesterene and every so often he would be forced to zip-line across a gap with his webbing. His eyes scanned the area, looking for any possible signs of danger. Be it the Dog-like beasts or other beings. Seeing an open doorway which seemed to be a Vykker dormatory, he quickly zip-lined into the doorway and then closed the door via the red button next to the door. The door hummed shut. Reaching for the webbing that held Sasha to his back he quickly tore it off and dropped the lumps of sticky substance to the ground, he then picked her up and rested her on the bottom bed of the bunkbed. She looked deathly white and her body temperature was low. Sighing the Spider-like thing brushed a tiny strand of unconditioned hair from her face and looked around, trying to find a glass of water or other liquid to give to her.
K-Jals head snapped towards the door and a low growl erupted from his downward slit of a mouth. On the other side of the door was a Vykker, and the being was bringing needless attention to them. Stepping upto the door, K-Jal pushed the button which he had previously used to close it. And as the door hummed open he shot a strand of webbing at the beings large head, hitting just above the eyes, he then pulled it in and grabbed its throat, slamming it against a wall whilst pushing the button to close the door.*

Vykker: "NO...NO!! WAIT!! PLEASE!! DONT KILL M..."

It began to choke as K-Jals grasp began to tighten. Its airways becoming increasingly restricted.

K-Jal: "Give me one good reason..."

The remark was clichƩ but also a good question.

Vykker: "C...C-os...!! Let go!!"

It scratched at its attackers arm wildly, mouthing the words 'let go'. K-Jal never, but instead loosened his grip and allowed the Scientist to speak.

Vykker: "Be...cause...you...need...me."

It rubbed its throat, breathing labouredly. Its blue eyes eyeing up the CrozoĆ” and then Sasha. It then realised that Sasha was its bargaining chip and the only way it would survive.

Vykker: "She...is...gonna...die. Without...without my help."

K-Jal stepped back and turned his head to Sasha, looking at her as she slowly began to sweat more and more. Her ragged clothing hiding countless scars.

K-Jal: "What did you do to her..."

The Vykker shook his head and took a step forward, stopping when K-Jal shot out an arm to stop it from going further.

Vykker: "I have never operated on it. But i can only pressume what the precautions they took were. Such as, a chip in its head...to stop it from flying."

The beast snarled and pushed the Vykker back up against the wall.

K-Jal: "Her...not 'it'"

The Vykker nodded and looked at Sasha, it shook its head from side to side. Realising moments later that it wasn't safe anywhere near the labs.

Vykker: "We...We...We need to get out of here!! Where are the other Scientists!! We must get to an evacuation capsule!!"

K-Jal: "No, we're first going to help Sasha. Then we're going to get out of here. And if you dont try and f*ck with me...you can come with us."

He pushed the Vykker towards the door and allowed the Scientist to open it. He then picked up Sasha and attached her to him in the same way as before, obviously with a bit more difficulty as she was unconcious this time round. Then all three of them went off to find something or someone that could help the crossbreed.


Slig reporter: "Uhuh...Yeh...Ok...Where?...And how long for?? Thanks!! I'll be right over!!"

*Setting: The Slig jumped up, slammed the phone down and grabbed its jacket. It was sat at its desk when it had gotten a call about a Vykkers Airship seemingly being abandoned. He rushed through the office, his mechanical legs whirring as he pushed past other reporters working on other stories. He quickly came upto the Editors office and slammed into it, the door flung open and hit the wall. Sat on an overly large chair and behind a large desk stacked with papers, was a Glukkon. His head small and his ears big he looked like something out of a cartoon. His eyes shone brightly in the dimly lit, smoke filled room.*

Editor: "What the Fu...What ya want!?!"

Slig reporter: "Sir...Sir...you will never guess what i just heard!! Vykkers...evacuating!! Evacuating the Airship...the one coming back from over sea's!! They're evacuating it, sir!! Hundreds of them!!"

The Glukkon perked up, his eyes squinting as he began to think. Vykkers never evacuated an Airship. And even if they did, they didn't leave in their hundreds.

Editor: "Check it out. Make sure its true first...if it is, call back...IMMEDIATLY!!"

The Slig nodded and excitedly leapt out of the room. He darted down the corridor and disappeared out of the back door.


K-Jal: "Deactivate it...And make sure it cant be activated again. Understood?"

*Setting: His cleaver-sharp claws push into the Vykkers back as they both stand infront of a small moniter. Sasha is sprawled out on a small operating table, her tattered wings draped over the side and her breathing slow. A lamp like object, coming from the top of the table, hangs over her. It beeps and shows the skull of Sasha on the moniter. The small chip in her head comes up as a bright spec in the midst of her brain. Tapping away at the keyboard the Vykker attempts to disarm the device created to stop Sasha from flying, a sort of mechanical way of clipping her wings. Beads of sweat run down the Vykkers brow as the claws of the CrozoĆ” dig deeper into his skin.*

Vykker: "T-There!! Done...!!"

He sighs, the bright spec fades out to nothing, indicating deactivation.

K-Jal: "Now, have you got anything to wake her up with...An Adrenaline supplement or something?"

He looks around the room, shelves packed full of pills and liquids grace the tiny room. The Vykker nods and scuttles off, scanning the labels on the bottles and jars. Finally he stops and opens the cabinet door, he then brings out a small tube of blue liquid. He then scuttles upto the operating table and picks up a syringe, taking out the empty tube and casting it to the floor he then puts the full tube inside and shakes the syringe.

K-Jal: "Whoa...you expect me to allow you to inject her like that?"

The Vykker grabs Sasha's arm and lifts it up.

Vykker: "You want her awake in under 3 minutes, injection is the only way to do it...Any other way will take at least 8 mins...maybe 11 at the most. If you wanna wait...fine."

K-Jal motioned with his claw to proceed and wandered towards the door, making sure neither of the beasts were around.

Vykker: "So...you know anything about those...things?"

K-Jal turned back around and nodded.

K-Jal: "They're Jockles. Usually hunt in packs of three or four. Acidic venom, blood and sweat. Hard bastards to kill...Dangerous. Top predators. You shouldn't have hatched them..."

The Vykker finished up with injecting Sasha and placed the syringe down upon the instrument table.

Vykker: "Yeh, wotever. Can we go now...??"

K-Jal shook his head slowly and stood next to Sasha as she slowly roused from her slumber.

K-Jal: "Not yet. Where do you put the belongings of captured creatures??"

Vykker: "We sell them, unless we take a fancy to them. Then we keep them in the safety box's."

K-Jal: "Take me to them..."

(OOC: Alas...so close, yet so far away!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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02-25-2003, 12:59 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
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Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 5

*Setting: Reporters from all over Mudos were rushing through the countryside. Their hover vans/cars/bikes belching out thick smog behind them. The passengers were leaning out of the windows, their video-camera's strapped to their hands as they filmed the Airship, seemingly, excreting hundreds of tiny, saucer, shaped capsules. The Airship was slowly sauntering to land after its oversea's trip. It had around 190 miles to go before it got dangerously close to industrialised buildings and the ship seemed to be picking up speed.*

Slig reporter: "Hey, can ya go any faster!?!"

He sat back in the van and turned to the Mudokon who was driving, nudging his arm. The Mudokon was wearing a white shirt and black pants. He mumbled something and then began to accelarate. The Slig seemed to smile and then look at the ship, lighting up a cigarette as he stared at the story that would promote him, for sure.



The Vykker pointed in the direction of a mass of small, metal compartments with his second arm. He was holding Sasha up as she was still abit woozy.

K-Jal: "Right, go to the escape pods and wait for me...I'll be there in a minute."

He jogged upto the compartments, his claws making a clicking sound as he did so. The Vykker then turned around and headed out into the corridor, moving quickly down it.

Vykker: "So, how long have you known...him?"

Sasha mumbled something and looked up. She was beginning to take some weight herself and thus allow the Vykker to move even quicker.

Sasha: "Not...long. A couple of months, maybe?"

The Scientist nodded and turned left, staring uneasily at the entrails that were strewn around.

Vykker: "He's...He's dangerous."

It stopped and turned to Sasha, looking at the being un-easily as it was unsure if it could trust her. She nodded and leant against the steal wall.

Sasha: "I know...I've seen him...kill."

The creature shook its head violently and grabbed her wrist with its fourth claw. It then dragged her down a maze of corridors, finally entering a large room which had a large, silver-dome in the middle. The entire room was filled with computers, all bleeping randomly.

Vykker: "He'll kill us...i know it!!"

Sasha: "No, no...he wont. He might kill you, but not me...we're...we're friends."

Grabbing a black wheelie chair the Vykker pushed it next to Sasha, allowing her to be seated. It then wandered upto one of the computers and began to type wildly. The large dome in the middle began to project a triangular like image, with the tip of the triangle facing the ground. The screen was white at first, but then the Vykker inserted some sort of disk and it began to show images.

Vykker: "This...This is one of that things memories...!!"

Leaves and other shrubs rushed by, the breathing of the creature was heavy. The view was of the creatures perspective, K-Jals. The view moved to a thick, brown tree and K-Jal began to climb it. A mass of webbing was situated at the top and in it the rotting corpses of Mudokon tribes people. K-Jal clambered upon a branch and flung a round sack of web onto it, which he must've been carrying. He then sliced it open and delved his right claw deep inside, only to bring it out holding a child. A Mudokon child, no older than 8. Its skin was a pale green and its body marked with tribal markings. It tried to scream but K-Jal placed his left claw over its mouth as his right clung to the back of its neck. Low clicking (like the sound a Predator makes on the Predator films) seemed to ripple throughout the room. His left claw squirted webbing on the boys mouth and then ran down his body gently, stopping when he got to the neck. He was wearing a necklace. A single vine was tying a small, purple jewel to the boys neck and K-Jal had seemingly took a likeing to it. Tugging it off he made the child wince in pain.

K-Jal: "Thankyou..."

He cooed this, his voice sinister and deathly. The childs eyes widened and K-Jal continued to run his claw down the childs body. It stopped at the top of its loin cloth, but then breached the childs covered area from the bottom. During this the childs eyes flooded with tears, the small droplets of water running down its cheeks and over the webbing that was attached to its mouth...

Sasha: "Turn it off..."

She was more alert now and deeply sickened. Her stomach had turned over countless times as she watched the vile 'show'. The Vykker pressed random buttons, turning the images to nothing but whiteness once again.

Sasha: "You doctured that..."

Stepping closer to Sasha the Vykker shook its head gently.

Vykker: "No, its in our best interests that we get out of here...Now...I need your help if we're going to stop him, from following us at least..."

Sasha stood, her fists clenching.

Sasha: "Get away from me..."

She turned and headed towards the door, her body shaking. The Vykker followed her, grabbing her shoulder it span her around. She punched it.

Sasha: "I said, get...away...from me."

Her teeth were gritted and her eyes full of hate. She knew K-Jal quite well and although he did seem a little sadistic, he was not a child molester. The Vykker rubbed its face and growled.

Vykker: "He'll kill you!! You wait...he'll turn on YOU!!"

Sasha exited the room, not once turning back...


*Setting: Reporters were covering the countryside now. The green grass could not be seen for the thick horde of paparazzi. Their camera's flashing and their reporters talking randomly. They were all situated on the bit of land that the Airship was heading towards, which was abit dangerous but allowed them to talk into the camera as the camera not only picked up them, but the Airship behind.*

Mudokon reporter: "Hi Cael. Hi Julez."

He was stood infront of a video camera which was being held up by an Intern. His coat was a long beige one and he had his left hand over his left ear as he listened to the questions asked by the reporters over in the studio. His right hand was grasping a small microphone. It was live Tv.

Mudokon reporter: "No. We dont know exactly when this began to occur but random sources say that the evacuation process was well within way at around 19:29 hours...."

There was silence from the reporter for a brief moment as the studio asked another question.

Mudokon reporter: "No, not as of yet. We're pressuming that there has been some kind of outbreak, however, that cannot be confirmed at this moment in time..."


*Setting: A lone Intern is running through the boiler room, his head dodging low hanging pipes. His long fingers hit against the hot boilers. The boilers themselves are about as big as a Mini and red hot, at least 8 of them filled the small-ish room. Small devices surround them, giving off random infomation. Gas and water pipes rust above, clanking every so often. The Intern comes to a dead end, a wall of pipes blocks his escape route and he turns around, he would push his back up against them, however, they are hot and full of steam. His eyes widen, the beast closes in. Drool hanging from its jaws. It was tortured and tormented by the Vykkers but now the Jockle will have revenge. Even if its on creatures that didn't do anything to him. It spat, the acid burning into the Interns flesh with ease, the Intern staggers backwards into the pipe, its back burns, leaving pipe marks scolded in its skin. Another spray of acid forces the face of the creature to bubble viciously, like a pot of boiling water. But the acid hits the steam pipes, burning through it and causing an outpour of scolding gas. The Intern screams in its muffled way and turns around, trying to stop the steam from burning its head. It places its long hands infront of its face and staggers backwards. The Jockle beats him down and begins to feast, letting the steam run off its cold-armoured skin.
Meanwhile the gauges to the boilers begin to flicker dangerously, the black arrow slowly heading towards the red marking...*


Mudokon reporter: "Well, we estimate that the Vykkers and Glukkons alike would lose around $9.9,000,000,000,000!! Which, when converted, is..."

The Mudokon turned around sharply, a small portion of the bottom half of the Airship had just exploded, flames were belching out of the hole that had been created and debris was floating down in a coat of flames.


Sasha: "What the f...!!"

The entire place rumbled and shook, she had left the Vykker alone in the room and she was now wandering around by herself. She staggered into a wall and leant against it, getting her bearings.


She screamed his name, turning around, searching for any signs of him.

K-Jal: "Where's the Vyk??"

His voice came from above her and turning her head upwards she see's him clung to the wall. He must've followed her scent or heat-trails. She doesn't bother to ask, its unimportant.

Sasha: "I left him ba..."

Something purple was hanging from K-Jals neck. She inhaled deeply, her eyes squinting. K-Jal leapt down to the floor and looked at her, puzzled.

K-Jal: "What is it??"

She pointed to his necklace.

Sasha: "W-Where did you get that from...?"

The CrozoĆ” seemed to smile and held it up so that she could see better.

K-Jal: "Nice isn't it. A friend gave it to me...heh."

And then it hit her, the Vykker was telling the truth. Now she had to escape K-Jals friendship aswell as the Airship.

(OOC: Too long, im tired, blah!!)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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03-27-2003, 08:32 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 6

*Setting: K-Jal once again had Sasha on his back, he ran down the corridor, his breathing laboured as he scuttled on all fours, leaping from surface to surface. Behind them was one of the Jockles, its roaring much like that of a Lion and its feet pounding as it jogged along, spurting acid at its prey. Fortunatly for Sasha, K-Jal was going at a much faster pace and his ability to zipline with webbing made him no-easy-target. Getting a good distance from the Jockle he turned, noticing smoke drift from the metal surfaces that the acid hit...corroding it instantly. Turning back around he began running again, stopping when he came to a large security area. In the middle of the corridor was a large ridge, the ridge went right upto the ceiling, were a large, bullet-proof window could be clearly seen. On the far side of the ridge was a red button protected by a glass compartment which looked as if it needed to be unlocked. K-Jal cooed, knowing that if he could activate the glass shutter in time, it would hopefully slow down the beast enough to allow them to escape its attention.*

K-Jal: "Right, get next to the button and when i say...push it."

He cut Sasha loose and told her this, his four eyes looking into her two. She nodded wearily and stood next to the button, trying to prize the metal compartment off.

Sasha: "It...It wont budge...!!"

She said this hurridly, she could see the beast closing in, its eyes eager to tear into them both. K-Jal turned his attention to the box and punched it once, twice. The glass merely cracked but never broke enough for them to get to the switch. His brow began to sweat, quickly he turned to the direction in which the Jockle was coming and pointed his wrists at it. A mass of white-webbing was emitted from the slits in his wrists, hitting the walls and floor it massed up into a large web, he then began to squirt with his mouth. The creature ran into it, getting tangled up and slowing down, however, K-Jal continued to squirt his web...not stopping, not even to breathe. Meanwhile Sasha was punching the glass, trying to get to the button. Every other second she would look to see how K-Jal was doing, to see if she needed to start running...but it seemed he was doing fine. Finally she stepped back, put her back against the wall opposite the button and ran towards the glass compartment. She jumped, her wings beated and her left foot kicked out...
The glass cracked inwards, pushing the button. The glass divider came down in seconds, seperating her from the creature...and K-Jal. He turned upon hearing the sound, his eyes widened with horror. The Jockle was beginning to sweat acid as it made every effort to break through the webbing and now the sticky substance was beginning to burn away, allowing it to get ever-closer to the battling CrozoĆ”.

K-Jal: "Sasha!! Open the door!! Quickly...!!"

She backed away, believing that now was a better chance then any to escape his pressence. He stopped squirting webbing and clambered up the glass, his claws clenched as he banged against the window...shouting. Sasha turned and ran, ran away from the only creature that had helped her survive this entire experience.
K-Jal looked down, the Jockle had rested its front paws up against the divider and was a couple of feet away from K-Jals legs, it seemingly sneezed, the acid hit his legs...burned his feet and he fell. He hit the beasts head and tumbled behind it. It snarled and turned. Then as its paw rested on K-Jals back and it dragged him forwards, it opened its mouth to dish out some more agony...


Sasha staggered down the corridors aimlessly, her hair was seeped with sweat and her hands ached from punching the glass compartment. She looked around, everything seemed...tilted. Lights were hanging to the right and blood was running to the right. The ship was going down. And with this new incentive she tried even harder to find the evacuation pods.


*Setting: A slight vacuum came from the entrance to the boiler room, the lone Vykker staggered past it, clutching its face. A blackish bruise was beginning to form under its eye and around its cheek. He tried to look down into the boiler room, but the closer he got the stronger the vacuum became. He clutched onto the wall as he moved past it, mumbling something and looking upwards as if talking to its God.
The Vykker stopped, looking down it clutched its stomach and pondered if it had eaten that day.
It knew it had. It could remember eating and drinking with the others. Then its head jolted upright and slowly the Vykker turned. Out of the boiler room emerged the previous Jockle. Its eyes latching onto the singled out Vykker. The Vykker's lower lip trembled and it began staggering backwards, it then turned and ran, ran for its life. And as it did so, so did the Jockle...*


She began to panic, her eyes looking for a sign, something that would tell her she was near the pods, near to freedom. She was in a spacious corridor now and steadily walking forwards. The smell of blood, death and decay infiltrated her nostrils and indicated she was safe, for now. Her ears pricked, she growled, hearing gentle thudding she turned. Looking around, scanning the area. From around the corner came a Vykker, its stump-like legs moving incredibly fast as it stumbled down the corridor, a look of pure fear on its face. Then she saw why, behind it was a Jockle. Its skin seemed to be smoking slightly and it ran with a limp, nonetheless, it was still quick. The Vykker saw Sasha, its face seemed to lighten up, as if relieved it had found a familiar face.

Vykker: "DIAL THE CODE IN!! DIAL THE CODE!! 9839!!"

It screamed these words, Sasha look around franticly, trying to find some sort of keypad. Something that would allow her to dial these numbers in. Her hands felt along the wall, checking to see if there was some sort of pressure activated device she had to press. As the Vykker closed in it pointed, pointed to the floor. Sasha tilted her head downwards and saw what it was pointing at. It was a small square with tiny red numeric buttons. She crouched and dialled the numbers in quickly. A slight hum came from further down the corridor, she turned. Noticing that two large doors had parted and inside was some kind of control room. She began to jog towards it, turning her head to see if the Vykker was any closer. He was and as she passed through the door she turned, looked along the walls near the doors and pushed random buttons, hoping that one would close the door. The Vykker ran passed, skidding to a stop he turned and pushed one lone button. The doors closed, inches away from the Jockles face...


Reporter: "Can you tell us what happened...??"

Reporters for all of the cities newspapers were swarming around a crashed evacuation pod. Their microphones and dictaphones all waving wildly. The pod was a circular shape and a light red. It had metallic contraptions and pipes sticking out of it aswell as a small flat bottom were the machines large fan went. There was silence from inside the craft, deathly silence.

Reporter: "Hello...Hello?? Are you the..."

A large, green hand fell upon the small Slig and threw him to one side. The other Reporters quickly dived out of the way as two Big Bro Sligs barged through, making their way to the capsule. Their right hands clutching large guns and their heads equipped with heat-seeking devices.

Big Bro: "Hey...You in 'ere?"

He banged upon the top of the pod with a clenched fist, denting the metal work accidently. The other one stepped up and attempted to open the small round door that was at the side of the pod. A slight hiss came from the door and he slowly opened it, peering inside as he did so. A pale looking Vykker peered back, its green eyes looking at the lenses of the heat-seeking goggles with vague concern. Its third leg was broken, as was two of its arms. However, the Big Bro couldn't care less and reached in, grabbed the Vykker by one of its un-broken arms and hoisted it out. As soon as the smallest amount of the Vykkers skin was seen, the crowd of Reporters activated their camera's. Lightbulbs popped and the entirity of the crowd was flooded with flashlights and questions. The Big Bro's ignored all of these and barged past the paparazzi, dragging the injured Vykker along as they did so. At the back of the crowd was a large, black van. On the side was the Cartels logo. Two smaller Sligs held the double doors open and awaited for the Vykker to be thrown in, once it was they happily leapt inside, closed the doors behind them and awaited as the van started and slowly took off, verticly. The large fan that manuvered the vehicle in the air spinning so fast that it emitted a constant hum. It then slowly sailed over the tree tops and out of sight. The two Big Bro's turned and looked towards the faltering Airship, sighing as they knew that they would have to guard the large area in which the ship would crash...

(OOC: Comments?)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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04-01-2003, 04:42 PM
Jacob's Avatar
Lawyer to the Underworld
: Feb 2002
: Nowhere in particular...
: 4,377
Rep Power: 25
Jacob  (87)
Part 7

*Setting: The control room seemed to hum gently and the circular apparatus which held the mid-section of lights shined brightly, computers were switched on and showing random areas of the Airship. On one screen there was a blue-print of the Airship with red circles around specific areas, indicating damage. The Vykker looked at the screen and sighed gently, shaking its head. Sasha was wandering around the large room, looking around, trying to see if there was any way out aside from the way they came. Hoping, praying that there would be, but she could see none. Banging and clanking came from behind the door, dents became apparant in its metal work and Sasha glanced over at the Vykker.*

Sasha: "What do we do now??"

The Vykker smiled and tapped on a keyboard with its third claw.

Vykker: "We wait for it to find some more prey..."

Growling uncomfortably she stepped over to the Scientist and looked over its shoulder. It was watching part of the Airship from a CCTV camera, watching K-Jal...

Vykker: "I see you took my advice. Heh."

She never responded, but instead just stared at the screen in shock. She expected K-Jal to be dead, she had trapped him with the Jockle and heard his screams of pain as the creature ripped into him. She wondered how he had escaped, it was apparent that it had got him, his entire back was ravaged and bleeding and he was limping. He was supporting his right arm with his left and blood was seeping from his head.

Sasha: "H-How? I left him with one of those things...He couldn't have survived. He couldn't..."

Vykker: "Heheh, by the looks of it he only just survived."

It tapped the keyboard some more and the image flicked to another camera. This camera was situated outside of the room they were in. The clanking had stopped and the camera showed that the creature was nowhere to be seen.

Vykker: "Looks like it got bored..."

Sasha: "But why? It could have easily got in here if it wanted to..."

She asked wearily, still shocked by seeing K-Jal alive and, relativly, well. The Scientist shrugged and walked over to the door, it rested the right side of its head against it and listened. Trying to hear anything or feel any vibrations. Nothing. Then a large clank came from behind it, followed by the doors slowly opening. The Vykker staggered backwards, its eyes scanning the doors themselves. It reached over to the button that it used to close it the first time and pushed it, nothing happened. It tried again, and once again nothing...

Sasha: "What the Hell?? Why did you open it?"

The Vykker turned to her and shook its head.


He took one step towards her and stopped, its eyes widening and its top claws slowly raising and feeling around behind its head. And as the doors opened somemore Sasha saw him, K-Jal. He was stood were the keypad was with a strand of webbing coming from his un-harmed wrist. By the looks of it the webbing was attached to the back of the Vykkers head. K-Jal smirked, he slowly wound the webbing around his claw abit more and then began to pull the squirming Vykker back. Sasha stepped forwards and pushed as many buttons as she could, none of them had any affect on the door.

K-Jal: "Sasha...heh...its....its no use. I've ova...*Coughs*...ridden the code..."

She then grabbed the Vykkers claws and tried to pull it back, but as she tried, she too, got dragged out of the room. Even though he was injured he was still strong and that was worrying...


As Sasha stood and listened to the Vykkers last wish the Jockle from before lunged at it, knocked it to the ground and bit into its skull. K-Jal stepped back and snarled, his attention then going to Sasha who slowly made her way to the back of the room. The smell of blood invaded her nostrils, almost making her nauseaus. The Vykker was dead and the Jockles mouth was dripping with blood and skin. It growled lowly and turned to Sasha, moving into the room. Its paws leaving bloodied pawprints in its wake. It snorted and snarled, its eyes concentrating on its next victim. But as it got further into the room K-Jal got closer and with a swift movement squirted his webbing at the circular light apparatus. His aim was perfect as it hit the middle of it, Sasha looked up and watched as K-Jal yanked the large contraption down. Sparks flew as the wires snapped and the entire piece of metal fell and landed on the Jockle. It barked loudly as the heavy piece of metal penetrated its armour-like skin and impaled it to the floor. The back of the beast had a shard of metal going through it and exiting from its stomach. Smoke began to drift from its injuries as its acidic blood ate away at the metal. The blood then began to drip onto the floor and eat that away also. The beast snarled and tried to step forwards, and in doing so stumbled on its stomach. Blood seeped out and ate away at anything it made contact with. K-Jal snarled and began to step around the large being.

K-Jal: "Heh, your...all mine now..."

Sasha moved to the opposite side of the room, her eyes flicking between the dead or dying Jockle and K-Jal.

K-Jal: "I wouldn't want to be low and allow you to die by one of them, i'd rather confront you...like any respectable creature would..."

Sasha: "Respectable? You? Dont make me laugh, i know you raped a child...!!"

A thick strand of webbing shot from his wrist and hit her mid-section and the surface behind her. Pinning her to it.

K-Jal: "You...dont know the whole story, Sasha. Y-You think im evil? I saved you on a number of occassions!! Your...*Coughs*...the evil one!! You left me...to die!! ME, YOUR SAVIOR!!"

He limped around the body of the Jockle and closer to the, now struggling, Sasha. Snarling his bitter words. As he approached he reached out with his left claw, grasped her chin and turned her head to face him. His eyes looked into hers. She tried to push him away, tried to punch him, kick out and hurt him some more but he stepped back and continued what he was doing.

K-Jal: "I'm...I'm a very vengeful creature, Sasha. I would like to...believe that if it wasn't for...YOUR stupid actions we could have been friends..."

She spat at him and struggled more.

Sasha: "F*CK YOU...!!"

He let go of her chin and swiped, his claw impacting on the side of her head and making a small gash across her cheek. It seeped black blood. She looked up, her eyes full of hate. Then, at the corner of her eye she noticed the second Jockle. The one that K-Jal had escaped from. It was slowly sauntering through the doorway, almost gracefully. K-Jal hadn't noticed however and was still ranting at Sasha, he was now sticking her hands to the wall. And to give the Jockle time to do what it must, she struggled and distracted her attacker some more...


Reporter: "And as you can see from the footage there is an obvious crack in the mid-section of the Airship..."

The Reporter was stating facts about the faltering Airship. The Cameraman had zoomed in on the mid-section, showing the devastating cracks that were forming. Smoke was drifting from them and the metal seemed to be bubbling and corroding. The Reporter was a Saurian, he placed his left hand over his ear piece that was in his left ear and tried to block out the sound of the occurances around him. He then nodded.

Reporter: "Yes Jenni, we have one here now. Dr. Vlash, what do you make of the cracks that are forming in the Airship now...?"

The Cameraman stopped focusing on the metal of the ship and now flicked to a Mudokon dressed in white with dark glass' on.

Dr: "Well, i haven't had time to analyse the situation properly nor have i had time to commune with my fellow collegues but if i was gonna have a guess i would say that the cracks have been formed by a mix of substantial heat and acid, or other corrosive substance. As you can see the metal seems to be corroding and bubbling and only acid of a high concentration can do that..."

The Reporter nodded and was about to ask another question when a second explosion shattered through the air. The Cameraman quickly pointed his Camera at the Airship and focused. Where once the cracks and apparent acidic corrosions were taking place was now a gaping hole with fire belching out. The Airship itself was now beginning to fall apart even more and as it sauntered downwards, more explosions were cutting through the commotion. The back and top of the Airship was shattering in small places and the holes were being filled with fire and smoldering metal. Lights from Photographers Camera's began to flicker, none of them seemed to be bothered that some creatures may still be on board or that other Native Tribes may be wiped out when the Ship itself crashed, the only thing that they seemed to care about was the story, the scoop and the money they'd make...

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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