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09-04-2002, 08:13 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Al the Vykker  (20)
Oddworld A Simple Reminder

I would just like to remind everyone when you are posting Artwork, or posting your Fan Fics, make sure you place them in the right section. For example:

-All Oddworld Fan Fics, and Oddworldish type literature, which may contain at least something to do with Oddworld are all to be posted here.

-All artwork having to do with Oddworld, or mostly Oddworldish, is to be posted in FC.


-All non Oddworld Literature, is to be placed, in Non-Oddworld Art and Literature. This means stories that primarily have no reference to Oddworld or nearly no reference, and are about something completely different. Such as a Halo story, or something like medieval times, as an example.

-All non Oddworld Art work is to be placed also in NOA&L, including drawings of people, etc.

I know you all are familiar with these guidelines, but I just wanted to refresh your memory in case of a topic being placed in the wrong area. I also know if you all follow these guidelines, we can have a lot more fun with Fan Corner and not have to be worrying about deleting or moving topics so much. With your help, it will make My job, Alector's job and Disgruntled Intern's job a lot less stressful and we will be able to concentrate more on new ideas for FC. Likewise, Disgruntled Intern may be able to help more people out instead of having to deal with moving topics every hour. in MA &L.
Thanks again.

- Al the Vykker your fellow member and Fan Corner Moderator

Last edited by Al the Vykker; 02-24-2007 at 09:27 AM..
09-22-2002, 12:40 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Rep Power: 25
Al the Vykker  (20)

Be looking for an update on my rules during this week, I am going to speak to Alector, and have some FC a little more user friendly, and also, reminders for excessive spam, and other issues that have come to our attention. Thanks again, and all of you Fan Corner, users, keep up the good work ( if you are and if you arent try and improve.) Thanks again.

-Al the Vykker Fan Corner Mod OIPT Jr. Exec

Last edited by Al the Vykker; 09-23-2002 at 10:33 AM..
07-21-2003, 12:49 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
: Oct 2001
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Rep Power: 25
Al the Vykker  (20)

Another further update on my own view/policies on spam.

Notice by me, to all Fan Corner goers:

Note, this is not directed at anyone individual, it is for knowledge on my view of spam/boosting post counts. It is also not intended in any mean or harsh way.

It doesnt matter how much you post, it matters what you post. This is a minor example, there have been worse here, and other parts of the forum too.

Think before you post. Post quality not quantity. The greatest mistake people make is thinking that posting more makes them seem more important than others. This is not true, you do not gain more say, or more power, or even the chance to become a mod, by simply posting a lot. Trust me others have tried this, and failed, so they too left the forums because they didnt receive "power" for their large amounts of spamful posts.

Now Ive said a bit much, but I dont wish to further argue on this subject. This isnt targeted at anyone in particular, but Id like to make it known my view on this subject. I also want it known, that Fan Corner is not to be abused just to boost peoples post counts. I am not aware of any individuals who are doing this, but please note that I do no approve of it.

Otherwise, I must say everyone has been really good, and involved in writing some great stories, and also posting up some great artwork. If you have anything to add or suggest remember the contests/idea thread is also stickied to the top of the fan corner forum. Thanks for listening once again.

Sincerely, Al

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