Mitsur,Al, and PA jumped onto the bridge. "Wow.I never thought we could jump THAT good."said PA. "It must have been the talismans!" said mitsur. "When they got closer,they found out that it was actully a kind of sphere (that should remind you of something PA
) "hey is'nt that the sphere our cousins told us about when they finnaly got home to mudos since that fishing trip?"said Mitsur. "oh yeah!I didn't belive it,but now I do!"said PA "Well,let's take it for a spin" said AlTheVykker. "are you sure?" said mitsur. "hey!it says automantic pilot!" said PA. So they all jumped in." hey wheres the on button?Oh, heres a pink dot" AlTheVykker said as he pressed it. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!They all screamed as they sphere made them fly off in the direction of the sunset.
Where will the sphere drive to?