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07-23-2002, 03:38 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)
Happy oddworld fm is finaly here!

Oddworld fm live frm rupture farms!
Oddworld fm is here,
most of you don't give a damn,
with that strange little rexy woman,
Quizzes and games its so much fun,
and a free pot of hunny to every elum!

Yes thats right its my fave time of year. When oddworld fm tours the country. interviewing people and having quizzes! So get phone in becuse our lines are open. The fist person the ring in and answer our question correctly wins! our question is....*drumroll*
Is this the second or third time oddworld fm has hit the forums?
(sorry only people who wre here before the forums moved recently will know!)

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07-24-2002, 02:09 AM
Wolfpac's Avatar
Hoodie Patrol
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Wolfpac  (11)

**Ring Ring**
"Hello, Am I on the Air?"
"Just one question, How can you be a Radio Station if I have to Read what your saying and not listen to what your saying?"
When if doubt, stop and think... "What would Warney do?"

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07-24-2002, 09:25 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

Yes thank you our first caller. Well we don't know we just are because we have one this 2 Times Already and its donewell! Thanx for calling and yes you are on the air! We will be sending you a goodie bag for ringing in..thank you! Now a word from our sponser....
Tired and out of work? Then join th happy family of 'Rupture Farms'!!! We are a afficentwonderful working body with makes and produces food! So comeon down o the job ofa lifetime. don't turn it down now!!!

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07-24-2002, 11:50 AM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
: Sweden
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dark_xinos  (27)


Urhm, hello? Hi, i was wondering about your offer...
As for the question, I say that the awnser is: 42.
(that covers every possible question the is sence it is the awnser to Life, The Universe and Everything.)
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07-24-2002, 12:22 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

*clap* Congratulations you win the holiday of a life time to sunny bone Werks! How does it feel?

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07-24-2002, 05:41 PM
oddling's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: May 2002
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oddling  (10)

Can he bring a friend? I wanna go too! *Throws temper tantrum*

Oddling l:c l
Read my crappy fanfic, Instant Karma, or else!!
Spongebob is not a contreception-The Simpsons
"But why is the coffee gone?!!" Pillows of the Caribbean

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07-25-2002, 08:10 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
: Nagasaki
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

Yes its a trip for 3 to wonderful bonewerkz! We will give you 5 moola to spend on what you want..each!! Thanx to Rupture farms!

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07-25-2002, 06:40 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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: Apr 2001
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

*ring* *ring*


"Am I the 24th caller!!!???"

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07-25-2002, 07:08 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
: Sweden
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dark_xinos  (27)

Yay! Let's go Oddling! You can come to PinkHaired!
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07-25-2002, 10:38 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
Outlaw Hunter
: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

Originally posted by dark_xinos
Yay! Let's go Oddling! You can come to PinkHaired!
YESSSS!!!!!!!!!! *hangs up the phone*

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07-26-2002, 05:20 AM
Wolfpac's Avatar
Hoodie Patrol
: May 2001
: Take a Seat!
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Wolfpac  (11)

**Ring Ring**

Hello, this is me again. Where is my Goodie Bag. It's been a few Days now. And what's in it anyway???
When if doubt, stop and think... "What would Warney do?"

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07-26-2002, 03:09 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
: Sweden
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dark_xinos  (27)

Originally posted by Wolfpac
**Ring Ring**

Hello, this is me again. Where is my Goodie Bag. It's been a few Days now. And what's in it anyway???
Mayby the MailMan ate it all
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07-27-2002, 12:01 AM
TheBlueScrab's Avatar
Sewer Sleg
: Jun 2001
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TheBlueScrab  (11)
Yam, yam...

*ring, ring*....*ring ring*.....*ring ring*

- Hello?

- Is here the Vykker combustor that is behind the Gabbitslaughterhouse and in front of the Mudokon brothel?

- I want to order fresh fried Vykker bowel!

Why´d run away?
Don´t you like my style??
Why don´t you come and play, I guarantee you a great big smile.
I come from the imagination, and I´m here stricly by your invocation..so what´d you say?
Why don´t we dance a while?
Cause' I know what you feel boy.
I know just what you feel boy.
You call me and I come a-runnin.
I turn the music on I bring the fun in.

I can bring whole city`s to ruin, and still have time to get a soft shoe in.

Now, we´re partying, that´s what it´s all about!

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07-27-2002, 10:29 AM
Red's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Wheeeeee
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Red  (10)

*ring ring* ring ring*


-I have a question

-What's the phone number?

-Can I have a goodie bag?
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07-27-2002, 08:59 PM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
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Alector  (58)

*ring* *crzrzzgztgz* *riing* *crzrzzgztgz*

- He?

- Vykker bowels are sold out for the next week!

- At the most, I can sell you a freezing bag for 30 moolah, the last one. You can cram the bowels in it if you want. But you'll have to order maximum twice this amount.

- Where's a Mudokon brothel???

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08-02-2002, 06:07 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
Outlaw Hunter
: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
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Rep Power: 25
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

my phone: Ring, Ring, Ring

phone to Fm: Please leave a message after the tone *beep*

my phone: Um, yes, I want a peppironi pizza with extra mushrooms please.

Phone to Fm: Um Hello? this is not the pizza Odd place.

my phone.....Can I get a soda with that?

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08-02-2002, 06:28 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
salty pretzils
Rabid Fuzzle
: Feb 2002
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salty pretzils  (21)

Ring ring ring ring


-Can I have crispy fried fleech please?

-What ya mean this isn't the restraunt?

-It's cos I'm a paramite, isn't it? ISN'T it?

-I don't have a psycatrist , why do you ask that?

-Yes,I feel fine, thankyou.

-Whatya mean, goodie bag?I don't want a GOODIE BAG I want a cris...

-Hello? Hello?

*hangs up*
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08-02-2002, 06:34 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

Hello sorry we havn't been replying to your calls. Ourslurg has eaten them all. Yes you can all ha goddie bags if you are patient! but now we have another comp!!!
Who was my old sidekick in the christmas edition of Oddworld fm?
A clue......Molluc_????
Good luck keep ringing!

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08-02-2002, 06:49 PM
paramite5's Avatar
: Apr 2001
: Dublin,Ireland
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paramite5  (10)

*dials as fast as possible* hey is the answer molluck
its crazy ~ paramite5

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08-02-2002, 06:54 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
: Nagasaki
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

*laughs* Well...*puts on 'ding' soundeffect* Congratulations! You are now Dj Rexy T's sidekick Mc Para5 Kool....no? Heres a word from our sponser
Problems? Family getting you down? Hate some special people? Come onto Kiljoy The only talkshow in ODDWORLD!!!
Tired and out of work? Then join th happy family of 'Rupture Farms'!!! We are a afficentwonderful working body with makes and produces food! So comeon down o the job ofa lifetime. don't turn it down now!!!
Congrats..now lets calm down with some tunes *putson music*

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08-02-2002, 07:13 PM
paramite5's Avatar
: Apr 2001
: Dublin,Ireland
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paramite5  (10)

i won i won i won yaeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
whoo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
its crazy ~ paramite5

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08-02-2002, 07:15 PM
Red's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Wheeeeee
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Red  (10)


can i be a sidekick to?
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08-02-2002, 07:25 PM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

Well its slighly irregular..but u are still Young and kinda funny I guess! Okay! *grins*
[edit: spellings lol]

Last edited by Rex Tirano; 08-02-2002 at 11:37 AM..
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08-02-2002, 07:44 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
Outlaw Hunter
: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
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Rep Power: 25
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)



"Um yeah dude, I need the answers"

"To what?"

"This very hard math test dude!"

"Well, dude I can't do that..that's cheating"

"Um no, it's called inspiraaaaattiiiooon dudes! Oh, gotta go, teacher is coming I'm calling from my celly!"


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08-03-2002, 03:01 AM
Kesiah's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Jun 2002
: In my Soul Room. Occasionally found on Fanfiction.net
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Kesiah  (10)

*ring ring RIIIINNNNG!*

"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?!"
"Is this Alf's Rehab and Tea or not? I need some chamomile tea. I'm starting to hear the voices again.........this is getting bad.....I haven't had tea for ages! Last time it was this bad, I swear I saw Mullok cross-dressing!"
*more silence, with silence on the side*
No, I'm not feeling violent, I'm feeling creative with weapons.
My goal in life it to hurt you, severely, come here.
If you love something turn it loose. If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.
I am a Yaoist. If you have a problem with this, tell someone else.
Author of "Quest for the Can Opener" And several other fics. See them at Fanfiction.net!

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08-03-2002, 09:17 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
: Nagasaki
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)
Wired yes.....

Hello....No this is not alsf tea!! But thanx for calling!! You recieve a goddie bag....Let kick start with a new comp!!
Create a song title and the artist! The funniest,wierdest or stragest wins! A MYSTERY PRIZE!!

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08-03-2002, 09:38 AM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
Outlaw Hunter
: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
: 2,810
Rep Power: 25
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)



"Um dude, thanks for giving that "F" for not giving the answers to the math test."

"...Your welcome..."

"Last time I call here dude."

"Okay bye *hangs up*"



"Um dude, can you give me the answers to the biology test?"

*hangs up the phone*

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08-03-2002, 10:23 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
Rex Tirano
Cute as a rabbit
: Aug 2001
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Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)Rex Tirano  (682)

Oddworld FM
live from Rupture Farms

Oddworld FM's here you don't give a damn
With that strange little Rex Tirano man
Quizzes and Games its so much fun
And a free pot of honey to every Elum
Oddworld FM!!!!!

Hello People.....
Welcome to Oddworld FM!! The greatest Radio station in Oddworld. Here live from RUPTURE FARMS!!
*Great loud cheers come from the Background*

With exclusive Interviews and Gambling! Inside Asliks Nightclub what its like...
And lots lots more!!!
Now before we play The
Oddworldian Quiz
I'm gonna Play some music... *Puts music on. After a while music stops*
That was genral Drippik with
Who let the Slogs out
An old favourite of our Listeners....
Oddworldian Quiz

Here are the rules for our new Listeners..
If in your publicly displayed name you have the letters given and you answer the question and get it right before every one else then you get put through to the final. In the final if you win you get a banner made by me or somebody else who is willing!!!
So lets play the
Oddworldian Quiz
If you have 3 or more Different Vowles
in your publicly displayed name then answer this Question:
What did Sydney write in the topic what do you look like??
Answer that go on!!
We'll be back later for more coverage and more games.....
Just leaving you know with Abe and
I'm just a teenage mudocon
Bye and have a great day!!

Oddworld FM
live from Rupture Farms

Oddworld FM's here you don't give a damn
With that strange little Rex Tirano man
Quizzes and Games its so much fun
And a free pot of honey to every Elum
Oddworld FM!!!!!
Okay you want music you get music!
In a minute we shall type in a number and if that number is your member# then you could win a prize or Create your own song!!!!
But now here is Moluk with Whos that Guy?
*Puts music on and answers some phone calls. Music stops*
Okay I'm ready!!
If your member# is 846 another!!
While we wait for that person lets listen to
DJ Munched Munch & the masters of Gabitz with
Do ya really like my lungs?
U r welcome!!!!
Any way welcome to Oddworld FM Live from Rupture Farms
*Great cheers and laughs come up and fireworks go off in the background*
Right at this minute Mullok is having a special meeting on a new bar which is coming out! It is called Elum Mix
Is has a coating of honey inside that a layer of Meat inside that a layer of Herbs and inside that a layer of honey. All stuck together by Honey!!!
It's packaing iis a golden wrapper in big letters saying : Elum Mix in silver writing and a picture of an Elum eating it on the front. Remember you herad it here first lets go straight to the action....
Elum mix will get us hundreds even millions of mula. Sligs, Slogs and other type creatures will love the meat, everyone else the herbs and the Elums the honey!
Molluk we hear saying before Security come.

Remember again you heard it here first!
See ya after these messages..
We are still waiting for member# 246 to write back. Our sorces say it should be A man called
But they are unreliable.
We leave you now with Sligs AND
Here and POW!!!

Take care and stay Odd

Oddworld FM
live from Rupture Farms

Oddworld FM's here you don't give a damn
With that strange little Rex Tirano man
Quizzes and Games its so much fun
And a free pot of honey to every Elum
Oddworld FM!!!!!

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08-03-2002, 10:43 AM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
Outlaw Hunter
: Apr 2001
: Rochester, New York
: 2,810
Rep Power: 25
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)



"Um dude.."

'Not you again! Quit calling here I am not going to give you answers!"

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08-03-2002, 10:50 AM
Wil's Avatar
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*Phones in*

"Hi there, I've probably got three or more different bowels in my username, so I was gonna see if I could answer that question of yours.

"Ready? Here goes...

*nips back to Off-Topic and checks the right topic*

"Oh, okay. He wrote a picture of himself."

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