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07-22-2002, 09:51 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)
The History of the Dragon (my view)

(The following is a combo of my beliefs, speculation, and fantasy.)

When Earth was still a cold and barren planet, two gods decided to seed the planet with life. The first, known today as Thunder Moon: a silver chinese dragon, created the atmosphere and water. The other, known as Staros, leader of their kind and a golden western dragon, warmed the planet by turning the rock within into fire (magma) and shaped the earth in such a way that it influenced weather patterns. After eons of work and great patience, first life was created.
Over time life multiplied and evolved in the seas of this new Earth and eventually they walked upon the land and flew among the clouds. It was then the two gods decided that the new world needed guardians and thus created the dragons, dragons of all shapes and sizes. The dragons task upon the world was to protect the inhabitants of the word, even from themselves if necessary and to guide any intelligent beings with their wisdom.
For eons the dragons did this without question, guiding and protecting the Earth's inhabitants. They were saddened when species went extinct, but did not question it, for it was the way of life. They had close calls themselves, during the occasional mass extinction. And when a dragon died for whatever reason, their bodies simply vanished, as in truth they were beings of pure energy given physical forms by the gods.
Then came a time of change, for the first truly intelligent being other then themselves appeared: humans. Happy to have something else to talk to other then themselves, the dragons quickly formed a bond with the humans. The humans revered the dragons, some clans even calling them gods. To them the dragons were a symbol of power and wisdom. For centuries, human and dragon lived in harmony...but it was not to last.
One other god: Demonakos, a self proclaimed God of Chaos, looked upon the Earth with disgust. He hated Staros and Thunder Moon and wanted to undo their hard work. But he dare not try while they were watching over their chosen world, for they were of greater power then he. One day he got his chance, Staros and Thunder Moon had been called away to matters elsewhere. Demonakos worked quickly and corrupted the minds of human and dragon alike. He made the many of the dragons greedy, prideful and bent on the destruction of the lesser beings. For the humans, he made many fear and hate the dragon, made them an object to destroy to prove their worthiness to their kings and emperors. For centuries, the dragons that were still pure of heart fought against the corrupted dragons, but it was a losing battle. While many corrupted dragon fell, just as many pure hearted dragons fell to the cruel blades of the Dragonslayers and the claws and teeth of the corrupted dragons.
It was then Staros and Thunder Moon returned and looked in dismay at the chaos that had occurred upon their world. Enraged, Staros himself came down upon the Earth and demanded to know what had happened in their absence. He soon discovered that Demonakos was the cause of this and as his punishment banished Demonakos from the mortal plane until 'the day all the corruption thou hath caused hast been washed away by time'. For the corrupt dragons, he banished them back to the astral plane where their negative energies still reside today. For the humans, he sadly couldn't cleanse them, it wasn't within either his or Thunder Moon's power. So instead, he cast a great spell over humanity, making 'forget' dragon ever existed, making them think dragons were only myth and legend. It is believed he did the same with all the other supernatural beings that existed during that time; such as unicorns, weres, elves, vampires, and many more.
For the remainder of the pure hearted dragons, he told them to still try to guide and protect them as they had done for so long, but to be careful, as the corruption Demonakos inflicted on the humans will hold for generations to come.
When the god had left, the remaining dragons held a great council. They debated for days on how to still fulfill the god’s wishes. They had several possible solutions, but couldn't agree on one. So they decided to use all of the solutions. Some dragons went into a state of hibernation, hidden where human cannot find them, to wait out the corruption. Others roamed the world, but either invisible to the humans or in the guise of a human or animal. Yet others abandoned their physical forms and became the 'souls' of choice humans, sometimes intertwined with other soul types.
There may be other solutions...but those I do not know. So the next time you look upon a fellow human or an animal...are they truly what they seem to be? Or is that really a dragon staring back at you?

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07-23-2002, 11:53 AM
Teal's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Teal  (10)

So, what, is this for your fiction or something? Personally I don't like the whole "dragons were created to protect the earth" thing, as I find it rather insulting, but hey. As an aside, I don't think dragons ever existed as real flash and blood beings - if they exist at all I think it's more likely to be on some "higher plane", like where it is believed in some schools of thought that people go when they "astral travel". My two-pennorth, anyway.
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
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