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07-16-2002, 06:54 PM
quetzalcoatl's Avatar
: Jul 2002
: Sweden, In the deep forest
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quetzalcoatl  (10)
Happy Odd memories

What is the Oddest thing you've ever seen?

My memory of how a goat kicked my dad makes me laugh even now!

Share your thoughts about the Odd World we live in, nothing works better against deppression then a good laugh (and I need one).
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Last edited by quetzalcoatl; 07-16-2002 at 11:02 AM..
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07-16-2002, 07:01 PM
Edo's Avatar
: Jul 2002
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Edo  (10)

I remember when I was young at a wedding reception at my aunt's house and I was wearing a tux and I fell in the pool "accidently on purpose" as I said at the time. It was fun.
Need a laugh, Quetz? Two potatoes are standing on the side of the road. How do you tell which one's a prostitute?
.The one that says "Idaho"
Magog on the March-News You Can't Abuse! Do Do Doo *Be Jealous* Do Donoo neer ner *My Hero, My Hero* "That Confidence! It's like he has an aura about him!" "Pshe! He should learn how to dress." I hate McDonald's and they hate me. Well they would, If they had ever heard of me. I will teach them to fear the name Edo! Drop me a line at edotheotakuking@hotmail.com Yo! If you're still reading this, you pass the attention span test. Don't you feel proud! Well, you should be. Most people can't pay attention for more than ten seconds. If you're still reading this, you get a full scholarship at the MacKinney Attention Span Community College. That's how attentive you are. I will reward your attentiveness by giving you my blessing and this link: www.engrish.com Thank you for your cooperation!

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07-16-2002, 07:04 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
: Jan 2002
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dark_xinos  (27)

Speaking of goats. When I was in Greece, we stoped our rental car cuas there were a flock of goats, on a ledge. So I went out and past them, so they where closer to the car then I was.
Then they took turnes jumping down, one by one. And each time they let out a classic goat "bäää". It was funny. There where about 20 of them, then they flocket around me, and moved on to the other side of the road. Though the last goat, maid a huge "BÄÄÄ" and jumped down, and was awnserd by another one on the other side.
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07-16-2002, 07:25 PM
ZombieX's Avatar
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ZombieX  (39)

Buckingham Palace during the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations...
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07-17-2002, 10:30 AM
quetzalcoatl's Avatar
: Jul 2002
: Sweden, In the deep forest
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quetzalcoatl  (10)

wree!? not so many answers.
no one in the world want's to laugh at a big funny joke? or something?
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07-17-2002, 07:09 PM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
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One, Two, Middlesboogie  (10)

Here's a funny memory of mine. This was hilarious at the time but may be quite boring.

Tom (my little bro, not the Tom on this board) and I were messing about in the garden (wrestling, poking each other with bamboo, doing monkey impressions etc), when we calmed down a bit and decided to watch the chook. She's allowed to roam free around the garden, but she was in her enclosure at this point. As we lay on our stomachs watching her through the bars, Tom spotted a white moth in the the grass. She (we could tell by her antennae) was very pretty; white and furry with beady black eyes, orange legs and pure white wings with brown speckles on them. We laughed ourselves silly by doing squeaky but menacing voice-overs for her, like 'be gone, accursed mortals!'. After we'd exhausted those possibilities, I picked her up and she walked all over my hand quite cheerfully. Tom wanted a go, so I transferred her to his hand, and immediately she flew off and landed in the grass a few feet away! We did this again and again, and each and every time, she let me hold her without fuss, but every time I put her on Tom's hand she bogged off! I must smell like a male moth. I was by now giggling madly, while Tom was looking quite disgruntled.

Then I picked her up and put her on my nose! And she stayed there! We were both in hysterics at this. Then I squinted so I could look at her, and Tom nearly wet his pants at the sight of that. I was in convulsions of mirth myself by now.

Then I walked back to the house with Tom in tow and the moth still on my nose. I stuck my head though the dining room window and said to Diana and Chris (my parents) 'I've got a moth on me nose' in the same way Ringo Starr says 'I've got a hole in me pocket' in Yellow Submarine. The four of us laughed madly, and Diana said 'Ooo, she's got a moth on her nose!' in a silly voice.

After we'd tired of that, I took her off my nose and passed her back to Tom. She poo'ed on his hand and flew away! Diana and I were in hysterics, and Tom was looking v. miffed. No, that moth didn't like him one bit.
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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