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06-09-2002, 05:28 PM
Druzil's Avatar
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Will you ever get to be evil?

Does anyone else think they should make a game where you can be a glukkon or vyker? Just a thought.

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06-09-2002, 05:35 PM
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never heard of SligStorm?
where the hero is a Slig

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06-09-2002, 05:52 PM
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You can be evil in Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus and Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. All you have to do is kill all your buddies (except the ones you have to rescue to progress through the game), and you'll get the Bad Quarma. Do it perfectly and you'll get the Dark Quarma.

But, of course, that's not what you mean. It sounds like you're going to enjoy Hand of Odd, a real-time strategy game using characters, gameplay and GameSpeak instead of menus and cursors. You can chose to be one of three different sides, all fighting for the right to reign Oddworld, including the Glukkons and Vykkers.

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06-09-2002, 09:55 PM
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Druzil, not to be mean or anything but seeing as you turned off your PM's i'll have to post it here.

At the moment you are breaking Oddworld Forums Rules, no.8

Not to be mean or anything, but we all have to be informed one stage or another. I'm really starting to like my idea of the timed registeration thingy...

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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06-09-2002, 10:22 PM
Druzil's Avatar
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Druzil  (10)

Originally posted by Alcar
Druzil, not to be mean or anything but seeing as you turned off your PM's i'll have to post it here.

At the moment you are breakingno.8
Not to be mean or anything, but we all have to be informed one stage or another. I'm really starting to like my idea of the timed registeration thingy...
How am I supposed to change my sig?

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06-10-2002, 07:43 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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Alcar...leave him alone.

Druzil, carry on with your...signature.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-11-2002, 02:46 AM
munchman's Avatar
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back to topic-
i think they should make a game were you pick what you want to be, and go threw the whole game with who you pick

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06-11-2002, 06:09 AM
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Sydney  (32)

Originally posted by Jacob
Alcar...leave him alone.

Druzil, carry on with your...signature.
Jacob, where do you get off on encouraging other people to break the rules!? I'm warning you, the next thing I see you do that even suggests you are coming close to breaking a rule, I'll permanently ban your ass. Next time we wont cave in to your endless emails begging to be allowed back in.

Druzil, welcome to the forums. You can change your signature in the control panel.
The Glass Asylum

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06-11-2002, 07:56 PM
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(1)Jacob, where do you get off on encouraging other people to break the rules!? (2)I'm warning you, the next thing I see you do that even suggests you are coming close to breaking a rule, (3)I'll permanently ban your ass.(4) Next time we wont cave in to your endless emails begging to be allowed back in.
(1) - Ok, he's new and i didn't even know his sig was against the rules. Sorry for not revising them, i just didn't think it was very nice someone pouncing on him the moment he comes to the Forums.

(2) - Yeh, i dont take kindly to threats so i am going to assume you meant 'I'm advising you' which would of been alot maturer sounding coming from the founder of OWF.

(3) - Yeh...again, im just gonna ignore the 'Your ass' and assume you said 'Ban you' as the latter is alot less provocative.

(4) - Yeh, thats mature. Bring something like that up.

Conclusion - Can you say 'I've had a bad day today' Jesus Christ, all you had to do was

"Chris, dont encourage newbies to break the rules. This is your final warning. Thankyou."

Instead you get all violent which, personally, i find pointless but also sets a bad example to others. You go on about respecting each other and then you go off like that just cos ur a mod. I'm disappointed in you. *Frowns and tuts*
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-11-2002, 09:58 PM
TheKhanzumer's Avatar
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Hmmm... give in to the e-mails like last time... banned again?
Although I don't particulary like Chris (that's Jacob right?) either I have been impressed with his sudden change in personality. He has obviously made a huge effort to be nicer and more polite to everybody after the "banning". Don't jump on his back to hard Sydney, I think he learned his lesson and I don't think he was trying to blatantly break the rules to piss you off. I think you could've been a little nicer and not purposely tried to embaress him.

Anyways... Back on topic. Druzil, by 'evil' do you mean evil. Because if you do than you have missed a big aspect of the first three oddworld games. You are allowed to be as sadistic as you want. If by 'evil' you mean an industrial species like glukkon, slig, vykker, etc, than the answer is almost undoubtably yes. In Hand of Odd you will be able to be 'evil' and if we ever see SligStorm you will get to be a slig. I also personaly think that Squeek will be an industrial creature (Mullock to be exact) but that is just a complete guess based on no fact so don't expect that to be right.

P.S. if you can't wait for future games you can always have fun possesing 'evil' species

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06-11-2002, 10:14 PM
Danny's Avatar
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I feel I ought to point out that there are no "evil" characters on Oddworld. One of the things OWI said early on (which hasn't been borne out in the games, but I'll believe them anyway) is that there is no such thing as "good" and "evil", only different perspectives. For example, I personally think Abe is a sadistic little bastard (just think of the gleeful way he laughs after possessing and killing sligs), but that is just one perspective. The Industrials are likewise subject to the same differences in viewpoint.

Sydney, that was very un-Sydney of you there. There have been times when Chris has deserved a shouting at, but this doesn't seem to have been one of them. In fact, I thought this was one of his nicer moments, trying to get people to go easy on a newbie...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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06-11-2002, 10:19 PM
Druzil's Avatar
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I have no reason to anticipate future games because I cant afford an Xbox. My skills definately do not include saving money.

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06-12-2002, 12:36 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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Sydney  (32)

Do you really think I'm naive enough to believe that Jacob "didn't even know his sig was against the rules"? Jacob has never shown respect to the rules and will sidestep them wherever he has the opportunity.

Alcar clearly and politely pointed out to Druzil that his signature is a touch too big for the rules. Jacob, with his trademark rudeness, dismissed Alcar's comments and told Druzil to carry on with his signature. Every couple of weeks Jacob needs to be reminded of something. It gets repetitive. If he's been here this long and still isn't familiar with the rules, maybe he shouldn't be here.

And yes Jacob, I'm threatening you with a ban. You're not supposed to take kindly to threats, but that's the way it is. Let's get things straight here Jacob - you're the member - I'm the Founder and one of the Administrators of this community. I've been diplomatic with you long enough and it's as clear as quartz that you will never change. If I have to remind you every so often that you're breaking the rules - fine, but I wont tolerate that attitude.
The Glass Asylum

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06-12-2002, 04:43 AM
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&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp I just want to say that I am in complete agreeance with Sydney on this one. Jacob has, as Sydney says, been breaking the rules every chance he gets. I have politely warned you Jacob; "once too many times" has come and gone long ago. You do not do anything productive. What, may I ask, do you feel that you have to contribute to our community? The entire basis of these forums is for the Oddworld fans to commune and share ideas, thoughts, and questions in a pleasant and productive manner. You do none of that. I am somewhat of a silent eye... I work a lot behind the scenes. Though I do not appear to be around much, I know what goes on in just about every corner of these forums. Jacob, you have overstepped your bounds too many a time. It was an absolute miracle that you were allowed back, and with that, you could have at least had some respect for those who were kind enough to let you return. You have shown us no mercy, and we will gladly extend to you the same courtesy. No mercy for you.
That was lame.

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06-12-2002, 05:03 AM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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I'm really going to have to side with Sydney on this one. Although Sydney may have used some harsher language, it's the only way to get his point across in this case. As he says, there have been so many times where we've had to remind Jacob of the rules, but then there are all the other times where we've just let it slip.

This isn't about this single post, but it's about the accumulation of events since we let Jacob back on. Admittedly he's improved in some areas, but I guess old habits die hard. I'm actually getting sick of reading posts where he's putting down others who do not appear to share his lifestyle or just simply being rude to others.

I want to see an end to this, and if not, I am going to support Sydney all the way with what would be a final banning.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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06-12-2002, 05:30 AM
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Originally posted by Jacob
Instead you get all violent which, personally, i find pointless but also sets a bad example to others. You go on about respecting each other and then you go off like that just cos ur a mod. I'm disappointed in you. *Frowns and tuts*
Jacob, sometimes to get through to people some sorts of violence are neccessary, mainly only to get the persons attention and to recognise what is being said to them.

i.e, you.

Plus the last 2 sentences sound very, very arrogant.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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06-12-2002, 11:23 AM
Doug's Avatar
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I have found Jacob rude from the very start when he last wangled himself back onto the forums as Un-Amused. He shows nothing but contempt for anyone who does not completely agree with him. He is not only not kind or polite to others but will go out of his way to mock and ridicule other members. He is constantly telling us what a complete peach he is in real life while tearing down other members while he is on the forums.

What's more amazing to me than his general nastiness is that when he gets in trouble, instead of throwing himself on the mercy of the court, he arrogantly attempts to dictate how the forums should be run. He's doing it now and he did it as Un-Amused. I don't find Sydney's words harsh at all; they are exactly what Jacob deserves. And Jacob trying to suggest that someone else's conduct needs rethinking -- that someone else's words might be offensive -- is utterly laughable.

I don't think an off-handed comment suggesting that it's all right to break the signature rules is something that should break the camel's back, although that's completely Sydney's call, but I think Jacob's complete unrepentance about it and trying to turn it into Sydney doing something wrong shows that he has no respect for anyone other than himself. I would ban him for that.
My karma ran over my dogma.

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06-12-2002, 01:01 PM
TheKhanzumer's Avatar
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Although all of the bad things you have said about Jacob are true I still think Jacob has learned his lesson since the banning. And I must disagree with Pilot, Jacob actual has conrtibuted to various topics in a completely serious, polite manner. Although I don't like him I also don't think it is right to ban (again) for a simple slip up. It must be incredibly hard for him not to be himself and the fact that he has been trying shows that he really wants to be a member of these forums.

I hope I don't sound to much like I'm on his side... I'm NOT, I just don't think you should ban him for something little.

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06-12-2002, 05:28 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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I dont want to be banned for defending myself, but im gonna say this anyways.

(1)Do you really think I'm naive enough to believe that Jacob "didn't even know his sig was against the rules"?(2) Jacob has never shown respect to the rules and will sidestep them wherever he has the opportunity
(1) - I actually didn't know the rules of the banner thing.

(2) - I dont intentially sidestep them. I have actually asked Mods in the past if typing something would be ok...and i dont get a response. Its not exactly encouraging OR helpful when that happens.

(1)Alcar clearly and politely pointed out to Druzil that his signature is a touch too big for the rules.(2) Jacob, with his trademark rudeness, dismissed Alcar's comments and told Druzil to carry on with his signature.(3) Every couple of weeks Jacob needs to be reminded of something. (4)It gets repetitive. (5)If he's been here this long and still isn't familiar with the rules, maybe he shouldn't be here.

(1) - Ok...i was wrong. There.

(2) - If i wanted to be rude i would have been.

(3) - No, i have never been reminded. I usually stay within the boundaries and if i did break the rules it was never on purpose.

(4) - This gets repetitive. You closed my post about 'Gay characters in OW' and said 'Im warning you Jacob' and i didn't know what i did wrong.

(5) - I'm familiar with most rules, the banner one i wasn't familiar with.

(1)And yes Jacob, I'm threatening you with a ban. (2)You're not supposed to take kindly to threats, but that's the way it is.(3) Let's get things straight here Jacob - you're the member - I'm the Founder and one of the Administrators of this community. (4)I've been diplomatic with you long enough and it's as clear as quartz that you will never change.(5) If I have to remind you every so often that you're breaking the rules - fine, but I wont tolerate that attitude.
(1) - Fine, threaten me. But make sure you have a reason to next time.

(2) - Yeh, and im taking it you wont consider 'Advising' me over threatening me.

(3) - And thats Bullying. Just cos you have the ability to ban me doesn't mean you have the right to threaten me like you did or for that matter close topics down that i made (The Gay character one.)

(4) - No...i will try not to be myself on here but i wont change in real life.

(5) - Fine. But this is the first time you have ever reminded me.

I just want to say that I am in complete agreeance with Sydney on this one. (1)Jacob has, as Sydney says, been breaking the rules every chance he gets. (2)I have politely warned you Jacob; "once too many times" has come and gone long ago. (3)You do not do anything productive. (4)What, may I ask, do you feel that you have to contribute to our community? (5)The entire basis of these forums is for the Oddworld fans to commune and share ideas, thoughts, and questions in a pleasant and productive manner. (6)You do none of that. I am somewhat of a silent eye... I work a lot behind the scenes. Though I do not appear to be around much, I know what goes on in just about every corner of these forums. (7)Jacob, you have overstepped your bounds too many a time. It was an absolute miracle that you were allowed back, and with that, (8)you could have at least had some respect for those who were kind enough to let you return. You have shown us no mercy, and we will gladly extend to you the same courtesy. No mercy for you.
(1) - You make it sound like i do it on purpose which i don't.

(2) - When have you warned me? (Thats a actual question, could you post a link please.)

(3) - Yes i do.

(4) - My ideas, and personality. Also...i make Stadikk look as if he has tact.

(5) - Ermmm...i can name one other member who doesn't do that.

(6) - Yes i do.

(7) - And like i said, it would help if Mods encouraged me by replying to my PM's of 'Would this be ok' i have only had one Mod do that and that was Sydney.

(8) - And you expect me to respect Sydney after that outburst over the most trivialistic thing. Pilot and Abe Babe i dont mind you two, and i didn't mind Sydney until he had his little outburst.

I'm really going to have to side with Sydney on this one. Although Sydney may have used some harsher language, (1)it's the only way to get his point across in this case.(2) As he says, there have been so many times where we've had to remind Jacob of the rules,(3) but then there are all the other times where we've just let it slip.

(4)This isn't about this single post, but it's about the accumulation of events since we let Jacob back on.(5) Admittedly he's improved in some areas,(6) but I guess old habits die hard. (7)I'm actually getting sick of reading posts where he's putting down others who do not appear to share his lifestyle or just simply being rude to others.

I want to see an end to this, and if not, I am going to support Sydney all the way with what would be a final banning.
(1) - No...you could of asked me nicely or PMed me.

(2) - Links please.

(3) - Please dont let it slip. I would like it to be pointed out to me if its not to much trouble.

(4) - I think i know what your on about.

(5) - Thankyou...one of the only Mods whose actually commented on my improvement.

(6) - Indeed. I try.

(7) - If thats the main thing i can tone it down.

(1)I have found Jacob rude from the very start when he last wangled himself back onto the forums as Un-Amused. (2)He shows nothing but contempt for anyone who does not completely agree with him.(3) He is not only not kind or polite to others but (4)will go out of his way to mock and ridicule other members.(5) He is constantly telling us what a complete peach he is in real life (6)while tearing down other members while he is on the forums.

(1) - Thankyou for your contribution. It is immensly helpful.

(2) - No i dont. Thats just going over the top.

(3) - I am kind and polite to others thankyou very much.

(4) - No i wont. If you actually look at some of the posts that get made on the forums that some might say...are rediculous. You will not see my comment anywhere.

(5) - Which is true.

(6) - I dont tear them down...i make snide comments.

(1)What's more amazing to me than his general nastiness is that when he gets in trouble, instead of throwing himself on the mercy of the court, (2)he arrogantly attempts to dictate how the forums should be run. (3)He's doing it now and he did it as Un-Amused.(4) I don't find Sydney's words harsh at all; (5)they are exactly what Jacob deserves.(6) And Jacob trying to suggest that someone else's conduct needs rethinking -- that someone else's words might be offensive -- is utterly laughable.
(1) - I'm not one for begging for Mercy.

(2) - No i dont, i suggest that a different tone of voice would be more helpful.

(3) - I did it as Un-Amused i admit...but i didn't do it this time. I commented on Sydney's approach to the situation.

(4) - You wouldn't.

(5) - You, especially would think that.

(6) - Yes...im sure everyone reading that comment are rolling around laughing immensly hard.

(1)I don't think an off-handed comment suggesting that it's all right to break the signature rules is something that should break the camel's back,(2) although that's completely Sydney's call,(3) but I think Jacob's complete unrepentance about it and trying to turn it into Sydney doing something wrong shows that he has no respect for anyone other than himself.(4) I would ban him for that.
(1) - Quite.

(2) - Indeed.

(3) - I never tried to turn it into Sydney doing something wrong. I admitted that i was wrong, but it was accidental. Sydney was out of order saying it in such a way. He is 18+ and should know better.

(4) - Yeh, it doesn't surprise me, really.

(1)Although all of the bad things you have said about Jacob are true (2)I still think Jacob has learned his lesson since the banning. (3)And I must disagree with Pilot, Jacob actual has conrtibuted to various topics in a completely serious, polite manner.(4) Although I don't like him I also don't think it is right to ban (again) for a simple slip up. (5)It must be incredibly hard for him not to be himself and the fact that he has been trying shows that he really wants to be a member of these forums.

(6)I hope I don't sound to much like I'm on his side... I'm NOT, I just don't think you should ban him for something little.
(1) - I am one to admit most of the things are true.

(2) - I have.

(3) - Indeed i have.

(4) - Thankyou, i know it must be hard for you to say that, lol.

(5) - Indeed.

(6) - lol

In conclusion i agree with most of what has been said, however, i never attempted to blame Sydney for anything more than being harsher than needs be. There has been things i have been astonished by however, including the fact that the words "We have reminded you countless times." or something to that effect. I, literally, cannot remember when i have been reminded. Like i said before...links would be appreciated. But i do ask if i can say certain things...via PM.

If you disagree with any of this, please say. But dont ban me for taking the defensive.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-12-2002, 06:01 PM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
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Ok, I am not taking anyone's side or anything, but...

As I read through Jacob's posts every few days, and I see the snide comments, I actually think he is going easy on everyone. I mean, I have seen lots of his posts that have those and I think, "If he REALLY wanted to insult this person, he would have said this," or "Man, I can't believe he didn't point that out!" So I guess what I'm trying to say is:

If I were Jacob, I would probably be a lot more agressive. I think his comments are very light.

PS: This is just my opinion, so nobody has to agree with it. It's just what I think. And mods, I am not defending him or going against you, so please don't ban me or anything.

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06-12-2002, 09:56 PM
Danny's Avatar
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Okay, I'm not used to going against all three of the effective Administrators here , but I have been Chris's advocate before, and I think I really need to say that I think he is being treated unfairly here.

Although I think that he does contribute quite valuably to discussions on many topics, I think that even if he didn't, that is hardly a reason to ban him. Given half an hour or so, I am confident that I could run up a list of at least 100 members here who really do contribute nothing at all. "Not contributing enough" has never, as far as I am aware, been a banning offense.

Okay, so he does lack tact, but then so do another half a dozen members who have never recieved a single warning about it. I myself have been notoriously tactless in the past, and yet I don't remember being warned about it once. I try and persuade Chris not to lay into people as much, but the fact is that he isn't serious about it, and it isn't difficult to take what he says with a pinch of salt. He can be grating at times, but he can also be witty or at least interesting at others.

When it comes down to it, all he can really be accused of is being annoying. If being annoying was a banning offense the forum's population would be a lot smaller, I tell you. At least he doesn't spam, and he never seriously flames anyone, and he never posts anything inappropriate (any more), so I really can't see what you're accusing him of.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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06-12-2002, 11:28 PM
Oddsville's Avatar
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Ok...lets get back to what this topic is really about...being EVIL, (Muhahahahaha..hack, cough, cough). I just wanted to ask (and Im sure either Kanzumer or Max can answer this.) is Hand of Odd going to be based on any real type of story or is it kinda like Age of Empieres?
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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06-13-2002, 01:39 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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Sydney  (32)

Jacob, it's a complete joke that you're perverting this situation so that you can play the victim. How could you not have known Druzil's signature was against the rules when you responded to Alcar's post, which clearly says it was?

As for your PM's, I've tried to reply to most of them, but it's hard to take questions seriously when you ask things like "Would I get banned for telling people 'Im moist with excitement?'" I thought you were mocking me, to be honest.

And for your information, I'm not 18+, I'm still 17. I don't know why you'd use it in your argument anyway, as we have plenty of younger members here who display far greater maturity than others.
No, i have never been reminded. I usually stay within the boundaries and if i did break the rules it was never on purpose.
You must have a very bad memory.

As for closing down the Gay Oddworld Characters topic, it's common sense that such a thread wont provide any meaningful discussions and was just an attempt by you to stir up some controversy on the forums. There was a topic in the past that dealt with Oddworld sexuality that became quite grotesque, we were eventually requested by Oddworld Inhabitants to remove it. It shouldn't be that great of a mystery why your Gay Oddworld Characters topic was closed.
(3) - And thats Bullying. Just cos you have the ability to ban me doesn't mean you have the right to threaten me like you did or for that matter close topics down that i made (The Gay character one.)
Bullying? Whatever you want to call it, it's warranted. Perhaps my "ban your ass" comment was a little overboard, but my patience with you had peaked and seeing you blatantly advise other users to break the rules (I don't believe for a second you didn't know what you were doing) was too much. The attitude you've displayed since I threatened you with a ban is far worse than your original mishap. I know you've always thought you were superior to others, but this one takes the cake. So you no longer respect me? I don't think I could manage without your respect, so one of us has to leave.

Danny, it's not about Jacob being annoying or lacking contributions to the forums. It's about him suggesting to other members (especially impressionable newbies, God forbid) to break the rules. It's also about him pretending to be unaware of the rules on signature limits. It's clear he is lying as the fact that he responded to the topic demonstrates he knew what he was doing. Not to mention the unfathomable rudeness he's displayed in this topic toward me.
The Glass Asylum

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06-13-2002, 01:56 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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(1)]Jacob, it's a complete joke that you're perverting this situation so that you can play the victim.(2) How could you not have known Druzil's signature was against the rules when you responded to Alcar's post, which clearly says it was?
(1) - Im not. I merely said, that, what you said was out of order and there was no need for it. If somebody said something to me i would (In the past) reacted that way through sheer immaturity. However, now i would either ignore it and allow others to make comments if they wish or to defend myself calmly.

(2) - There has been many debates on the rules. One being spamming, you for one have spammed. When i brought that up in a jokey manner you, yet again, got all defensive. Saying "That wasn't spam because it was relevant." or something along those lines. With the constant loop-holes in the rules i, for one, cannot be bothered to go and check the rule book every other day. And thus i did not know that Druzils signature was breaking the rules. Also, i aint to good with width and/or height (The shame in admitting that) so i dont really know the sig rules.

As for your PM's, I've tried to reply to most of them, (1)but it's hard to take questions seriously when you ask things like "Would I get banned for telling people 'Im moist with excitement?'" (2) I thought you were mocking me, to be honest.
(1) - At least i try, others just put what they want. At least it shows im thinking about consequences and/or reactions.

(2) - You should know by now that if i were to mock you (Or anyone else for that matter) i would of used far less tact.

(1)And for your information, I'm not 18+, I'm still 17. (2)I don't know why you'd use it in your argument anyway,(3) as we have plenty of younger members here who display far greater maturity than others.

(1) - Apologies.

(2) - Im basically saying your old enough to know better (However, since i've realised your 17 i am now aware your hormones may still be playing a part in your aggressive nature.)

(3) - Your not any other member...Your "the Founder and one of the Administrators of this community".

You must have a very bad memory.
Indeed i do, so please, remind me with links.

As for closing down the Gay Oddworld Characters topic, (1)it's common sense that such a thread wont provide any meaningful discussions (2)and was just an attempt by you to stir up some controversy on the forums.(3) There was a topic in the past that dealt with Oddworld sexuality that became quite grotesque, (4)we were eventually requested by Oddworld Inhabitants to remove it.(5) It shouldn't be that great of a mystery why your Gay Oddworld Characters topic was closed.
(1) - I'm sure if i put "Will there be any female main characters in the Oddworld games?" that, that would be left open to discussion. But just because you get some immature members discussing the personal lives of homosexuals you believe that no good could come of it? I personally believe that to be narrow minded.

(2) - Again, if i wanted to stir up some controversy i would have a go at some member i dislike or post a topic titled "Will we ever see Scrabs, Paramites etc mating?" obviously with stronger words.

(3) - You cannot label other topics 'Bad' or 'Unappropiate' just because immature members run a mockery out of a good subject. If that is going to be the case i suggest that you make a new rule stating "The word Homosexual or anything to do with Homosexuals shall be a punishable offense." which i doubt you do since that would stir up a mass of objection.

(4) - Yes...and? Thats understandable since, as you said, was grotesque. So, just because one topic was grotesque doesn't mean another one talking about 'Gay Characters' will go along the same lines. I did actually get two replies which were normal and non-dirty. I think many of the forumers on here now know that making vile comments about certain things is not only highly frowned upon but can lead to banning, and thus they would of taken part in a mature, responsible discussion. The subject matter was something that was going to be addressed by someone sometime anyway. And im sure people would agree they would rather it be addressed in a appropiate manner (Such as mine) than in a dirty, delinquent manner such as some other person.

(5) - Thats the thing. It is. I have said before, not all topics go along the same lines. I personally believe, that just because i have a history of controversy you believe that i will. Something that is saddening and will, eventually, lead to my banning out of pure spite. I personally hope that will not be the case.

(1)Bullying?(2) Whatever you want to call it, it's warranted.(3) Perhaps my "ban your ass" comment was a little overboard, (4)but my patience with you had peaked (5)and seeing you blatantly advise other users to break the rules (I don't believe for a second you didn't know what you were doing) was too much.(6) The attitude you've displayed since I threatened you with a ban is far worse than your original mishap. (7)I know you've always thought you were superior to others, but this one takes the cake.(8) So you no longer respect me?(9) I don't think I could manage without your respect,(10) so one of us has to leave.
(1) - Yes.

(2) - No its not. Advisory can be more helpful than basically 'Losing your rag'. And even if it is warrented does that mean i can swear and cuss Stadikk just because he swears and cusses on occasions? Does that mean that a murderer can be murdered?

(3) - That must of hurt.

(4) - Then i would hate to see you in real life after you have had a bad day and then somebody accidently running into you. God forbid what you would do to them.

(5) - You dont have to believe it. It is the truth however.

(6) - I am, for once, not giving attitude. I am merely discussing in a mature and stable manner of your attitude with me and why you have taken it with me. If it was anyone else who made that mistake you would of left them, maybe saying that it is breaking the rules. The difference would be you would not use aggressiveness towards their mishap.

(7) - Dont go overboard. I find myself superior to certain minorities. Not 'Others' that makes people believe i am immensly, 100% arrogant. When i am not.

(8) - No. I personally believe im within my right to not respect you after your un-provoked outburst.

(9) - I know, its me being far superior and all. Many people usually break down into floods of tears once i stop respecting them. Its usually due to the fact im the pinnacle of amazingness. (Sarcasm countering sarcasm. Well within rights.)

(10) - Yes, we could take the immature "I'm not staying in the same place as him(!)" route. Or we could just agree to disagree and ignore each other until one of us slips up.

(1)Danny, it's not about Jacob being annoying or lacking contributions to the forums. (2)It's about him suggesting to other members (especially impressionable newbies, God forbid) to break the rules. (3)It's also about him pretending to be unaware of the rules on signature limits. (4)It's clear he is lying as the fact that he responded to the topic demonstrates he knew what he was doing.(5) Not to mention the unfathomable rudeness he's displayed in this topic toward me.
(1) - It was when Pilot decided to back you up. I believe he said "You do none of that" after stating everything i have taken part in seriously.

(2) - I accidently told Druzil his signature was ok. You said 'Newbies' i would like you to prove were i constantly act as the bad conscience, encouraging people unaware of the rules to do things that are against them. Be fair Sydney.

(3) - For, what seems like, the 1000th time i honestly did not know that his signature was against the rules(!)

(4) - I responded to the topic so that makes it clear im lying? Ahh, obviously. You seem to forget that i responded to defend myself against your barrage of aggression.

(5) - This is the thing. I am not being rude to you. I thought i was being mature and debating all of this in a adult-like fashion. I could be swearing in every other sentence, but i aint. You are ruder for accusing me of things i didn't do and also using 'ass' (I assume you weren't commenting on my Donkey) which in some countries can be considered a insult and swear word.

Upon checking the rules i have found out that many of us are breaking rule number 7. However, im sure we would all agree that it would be more conveiniant and appropiate if we continued posting on here (As some of us are probably loving this and others are genuanly intrigued by the whole concept of who's right and who's wrong?)

And also i have read the signature rule...all i can say is "What the Hell!?" Pixels...Bytes? I am, literally, confused.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-13-2002, 05:15 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
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My plea

Please don't say anything else Jacob. I have seen for myself you have made an attept to be nicer and as far as I'm concerned youv'e done really good for your self.
I know it Seems unfair your getting well...shouted at but please don't provoke the admins I don't want to see you banned.Please just leave it and the admins will hopefully give you one,last chance. I respect that you are older than me and I'm only 12 but please please consider what I say. I'm sure you wern't trying to break the rules.
Please drop it,.please .

This is just my opinion I'm not going against the Admins or anything and please don't ban me..I love the forums.If I've done anything wrong please tell me.. Thanx
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06-13-2002, 10:57 PM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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Sydney  (32)

Jacob, I'm sorry for using the word "ass" when threatening you with a ban. It was very rash of me.

Is your motto "when accused, deny everything"? Your attitude is stilll there, Jacob. It's an attitude of arrogance and condescension. I'm not going to write a long post for you to dissect. Just be good.
Advisory can be more helpful than basically 'Losing your rag'.
I wonder if I had simply advised you, like I have on many other occasions, would you have still created a melodrama and played victim?

Finally, the Administrators create the rules around here, so we decide what is out of order. If you don't agree with that, nobody is forcing you to stay. This isn't a democracy.

Would you like to know why your initial response indicates you knew the signature rule? Because Alcar's post mentions the rule. You read enough of Alcar's post to know what he was talking about, and he was talking about the signature rule.
The Glass Asylum

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06-14-2002, 12:14 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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Jacob, I'm sorry for using the word "ass" when threatening you with a ban. It was very rash of me.
K'z. Apologie excepted and shtuff.

Is your motto "when accused, deny everything"? Your attitude is stilll there, Jacob. It's an attitude of arrogance and condescension. I'm not going to write a long post for you to dissect. Just be good.
Too tired to reply with longness so im just gonna ignore the bitterness of that and say "Of course." and "I will be."

I wonder if I had simply advised you, like I have on many other occasions, would you have still created a melodrama and played victim?
(I'm gonna humour you on this since i cant remember any 'other occasions' so...) I believe the 'other occasions' haven't turned out like this, so the answer is obvious really.

Finally, the Administrators create the rules around here, so we decide what is out of order. If you don't agree with that, nobody is forcing you to stay. This isn't a democracy.
Note to self: Dont make mistakes.

Would you like to know why your initial response indicates you knew the signature rule? Because Alcar's post mentions the rule. You read enough of Alcar's post to know what he was talking about, and he was talking about the signature rule.
Uhuh. And i said before "What the Hell!?" I am no good with width, Height. Nor am i good with Pixels or Bytes. He could of made links to the rule topic a thousand times. He could of even highlighted it in floresant Pink and danced quirkily on it...i still would not understand it.

Conclusion (Alot better presented than last time...damn quote button);

Things seemed to have calmed down alot now. Which is good, i believe we have all learned a valuable lesson here and i will not dwell on the fact that certain members attemped to (Who should of known better (And shall remain nameless)) twist the truth to make the underdog look bad. I personally would like to thank Danny, The Khanzumer and Mac the Janitor for them, at least, telling the truth as much as they probably hated to do so (Oh, and also Salty Pretzils for her advice). I would also like to thank Doug for his invaluable contribution...and for also with-holding his (Most likely, poisonous) remarks which is was going to make (I clicked on 'Online members' which shows you what people are doing...its real good that).
Finally i would like to thank my friends and family for supporting me and encouraging me to procceed even when i thought i wouldn't make it *Sniffles* It means alot to me to get this award *Clutches Grammy-like-award* Thankyou, Thankyou to all those who took part and watched as the drama un-folded.

(Not sarcastic, arrogant, ignorant, cocky, nasty, stuck up or jerk-like in anyway. Merely to lighten the mood.)

(Oh, and what was with the fear The Khanzumer, Mac and Salty Pretzils had whilst defeding me? I dont get that at all. Arn't Admins supposed to be, like, figures of openess were you can talk to them and voice your concerns...however, it seems like you lot are more feared. Strange.)
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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06-14-2002, 12:45 AM
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You're welcome, Jacob. I guess I typed fearfully because sometimes words can be misread; I just didn't want them to take that offensively or against them or anything. Remember, better safe than sorry!!! *skips off in a field of flowers towards the sunset, singing a happy tune...*
(Oops, I guess I've been watching too much PBS...)

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06-14-2002, 05:22 AM
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Originally posted by Jacob
(Oh, and what was with the fear The Khanzumer, Mac and Salty Pretzils had whilst defeding me? I dont get that at all. Arn't Admins supposed to be, like, figures of openess were you can talk to them and voice your concerns...however, it seems like you lot are more feared. Strange.)
Feared? They might seem to be the baddies at times, but overall it will help the better of the forums. The admins simply have to set down rules, in every society there are rules, that includes forums.

If there weren't any admins then the forums would be full of spam, and posts full of flaming towards others. You should be glad the Admins and Mods contribute so much to the forums. Other forums admins and mods hardly ever post or even go onto the forums anymore, which is sad as the people who run the forums were at once good contributers as well.

As for not knowing where the rules page is, well I believe that it should be known to everyone where it is and how to get to it. Afterall it is on the top of EVERY page. Again, i'm actually going to start working on my modified version of the register.php page, where the forum rules must be read to continue. Therefore hopefully maybe people will know about these things.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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06-14-2002, 01:01 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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Feared? They might seem to be the baddies at times, but overall it will help the better of the forums. The admins simply have to set down rules, in every society there are rules, that includes forums.
What are you going on about now? Are you purposely trying to keep this argument going? I never said anything about them being bad or stuff, i merely said they were feared.

If there weren't any admins then the forums would be full of spam, and posts full of flaming towards others. You should be glad the Admins and Mods contribute so much to the forums. Other forums admins and mods hardly ever post or even go onto the forums anymore, which is sad as the people who run the forums were at once good contributers as well.
Your answering questions that i never asked...why?

As for not knowing where the rules page is, well I believe that it should be known to everyone where it is and how to get to it. Afterall it is on the top of EVERY page. Again, i'm actually going to start working on my modified version of the register.php page, where the forum rules must be read to continue. Therefore hopefully maybe people will know about these things.
Your stating irrelevant things...why? I said i could not understand the signature rule. Nothing about me not knowing were the rule page was!! And Alcar, you can work on a modified version were you 'Have' to read the rules. People wont read them...they will just put they have. And even if they do read the rules, it doesn't stop them from not understanding them.

Alcar, next time please read my replies before preaching to me.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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