Originally posted by dark_xinos
Gabbiar is like a fishs caviar... they just steel it and toss em back in... But knowing Oddworlds charicters, the Glukks wont relese them.... Right MunchOnThis?
That's right Dark_Xinos!
Right time to continue the story.......*grins*
Chapter 2:
Chomp hopped towards the factory to explore for clues for Gabbits. Maybe find out the truth......
Chomp glared towards the entrance
"Darn......" muttered Chomp. "Sligs!"
Chomp was defenseless. No weapons, no form of attack (etc)
He crept silently to a pillar, and sighed deeply putting his little hands on the cold pillar and banged his head on it.
Suddenly......Chomp started muttering words to himself, unknown to him he was chanting. To possess something huge.
Then Chomp heard a great big thump and that were muffled up.
He was highly puzzled by that and peered at the factory entrance,
there was a huge machine blocking the way and a gap in the dusty murky ground.
Chomp hopped to the machine to inspect, he looked at his paws. What did he do???
How did he do that????
There were too questions to be answered, but the answer must be inside. Suddenly the ground cracked and shook.....then Chomp fell and he yelled alarmingly.
He groaned heaviliy, while holding his back which had a pain so bad. Chomp shook his head and looked around.
"Where am.......I??" mumered Chomp puzzled.
He hopped slowly and cautiously, he looked and right, while hopping towards the room. He saw a sign "Vykkers Labs".
He pondered while looking at the sign, did it ring a bell????
He triwled round to find metal pated floor stained of blood, he gasped, the walls were also full of freshly stained blood. He gasped and paniced heaviliy.
"Hey psst come other here."
Chomp looked around.
"Who said that??"
"Me bub!"
Chomp glanced at the cage, to find a group of fuzzles.
"What did they do to you????" Chomp stared horrfied at the fuzzles.
"Darn vykkers *cough* They're gonna turn as into lunch. *hacks*
Fuzzles Frites." hissed a Fuzzle.
Chomp patted the fuzzles sympamethically.
Then he chanted those words again, not knowing what he was doing. "I'm gonna get you out of here!" grinned Chomp.
The cage rattled sharply and opened relasing the hairy cute fuzzles.
The fuzzles jumped happiliy and exticedly.
"We're free!" They chanted.
Chomp heard footsteps approach the room.
"Hush, and hide quckly!" Chomp snapped.
The figure entered the room, clutching a Mudokon. It was struggling out of the figures grip.
"Let me go you bully!"
The figure grinned slyly.
The figure was a Vykker. He laughed manicially and tutted at the Mudokon.
"My dear Mud. I don't do refunds. You belong to me!!!"
"Oh yeah???" The Mud spat in the Vykkers eye viciously.
"I've tried to be fair, but now it's gone to far!" snarled the Vykker.
He suddenly lifted the Mud up and strapped her to the table tightly and firmly.
"Surpise!" he Vykker was holding a giant needle towards the Mudokon. "Time to say Au revior, Hasta La Vista!"
Chomp watched in horror.
"Got a plan?" said the fuzzles.
"Yeah." said Chomp leaping up towards the Vykker.
The Vykker glared at him. "A Gabbit!!"
He held up another GIANT needle and held it towards Chomp.
Chomp just grinned.
"Get 'im!!!" He ordered.
The fuzzles jumped out towards the Vykker snarling, while showing their glistening white teeth.he bit the Vykker while he just flapped his arms around trying get rid of them.
I hopped to the table and ripped the strapps tio relase the Mudokon. "Come on guys!" Chomp grabbed the Mud's hand and the fuzzles ran along with me.
The Vykker was furious, flaming with fury. "GET THEM INTERNS!!!!!"
The Interns ran about with their electro pistol firing shots at us.
"Duck!" Chomp hissed.
"Oh ****!!!" cursed the Interns.
The stupid Intern just shot the nuclar explosive box when we ducked.
"RUN!!!!!!!!!!!" Chomp yelled at the top of his little lungs.
The Interns ran around and paniced.
We all ran to the entrance.
It was locked.
"Stand back." said the mudokon.
It started chanting, summoning some bird portal and it opened it.
"Jump in." It ran and jumped and disapeared.
Chomp and the fuzzles shrugged and copied the Mudokon.............
We ended up outside again......along with big bang...........
More coming soon...........

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