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02-14-2002, 07:30 PM
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Gluk Schmuck
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I made a Pong-type game with Flash in under a day!

The game is on my website here.

I'm so proud...

Edit: It isn't showing up here, you'll have to view it on my site...

To Abe Babe: Why isn't it showing up? (You can't look at the source of my post because I removed it)

Last edited by Gluk Schmuck; 02-14-2002 at 11:32 AM..
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02-16-2002, 01:01 AM
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Here you go...

The trouble is when you generate a page through Flash 5 is that it generates all this extra code with it. It really isn't needed, and obviously this forum won't allow the display of them. All you need is something like this...

embed width="400" height="125" src="http://members.lycos.co.uk/myego/pong.swf"
Remember of course to use the standard < and > at the start and end of the code above.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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02-18-2002, 09:24 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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Wired aha

beat 155 suckers!
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-18-2002, 10:53 AM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
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Oddworld 155?

What do u mean??? Time? Hits?/? /...............

Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

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02-19-2002, 07:51 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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where do you see hits? or are you just spamming
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-19-2002, 03:47 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Re: 155?

Originally posted by Mudokon101
What do u mean??? Time? Hits?/? /...............

Time, it's displayed in the top-left of the game in white text.

Thanks Abe Babe...

Last edited by Gluk Schmuck; 02-19-2002 at 08:23 AM..
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02-20-2002, 08:38 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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YES!!!! 156 SECONDS!!!

Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-20-2002, 09:05 AM
Surfacing's Avatar
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Originally posted by ODDBODD
YES!!!! 156 SECONDS!!!

That's nothing i got 300.
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02-20-2002, 11:04 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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300 wow, can ya take a screenshot next time
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-21-2002, 02:00 AM
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I would but it was only 1 outta 20 turns, i'm not gonna try and get 300 again just to show u.
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02-21-2002, 02:30 AM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
Joe the Intern
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Well, if Surfacing is telling the truth, then he beat me by a long shot. But if he isn't, I beat you, ODDBODD! HAHA! 166! Well, I guess I'll crawl back in my hole and try to get a higher score...
BTW, nice job, Tom!
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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02-21-2002, 08:06 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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*opens the game in new window and plays like crazy trying to the beat the possible score of 166*

Yay new personal best 159... *continues*
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-22-2002, 02:18 AM
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Joe the Intern
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Exclamation New score!

*announcer voice* And Joe the Intern has gotten a new score of 170! Who will win? ODDBODD, or Joe? Find out later, ya jerk.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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02-22-2002, 02:37 AM
Majic's Avatar
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haha fus, i got 173... but man gluky, are you aware that when the ball gets bouncing really fast and you hit it really well so it could go straight like it goes through. im pretty sure its like the program isnt haivng enough reaction time to desginate the ball going back so it touches the edge, o well thats just my idea.... and ima techno idiot...
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02-22-2002, 02:51 AM
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dude, sorry if you consider this double post spam but man i got 164, and what sucks is the first ball and the third both went through the platform... wait, this is suppose to be some ghetto online game that gets you hooked, nto a formaly published one. wait, those goals are accomplished....

EDIT: ok, dude, really i got 173 again...all 3 times, right through the plank thingy.whats with that. i highly doubt DHs claim, if if werent jsut my computer hedeither get lucky using the move the cursor up and down really fast or its fake. i mean, it just goes right through....

2nd EDIT: okay, once again 173. the timer like stopped and the ball went through. if ive noticed, the ball only goies through a few seconds before youve had one ball going for 60..... ok, i must sound lame pointing out this one little annoying flaw in this game....

Last edited by Majic; 02-21-2002 at 07:12 PM..
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02-22-2002, 07:15 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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197 dudes!!!!...and not being a surfacing ill prove it.. what a damn woopkicker! but after abouty 170 you just have to run on luck because the square goes through your bat.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	woopkicker.jpg
Views:	92
Size:	29.4 
ID:	34  
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-22-2002, 11:38 PM
Majic's Avatar
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aha aha, i am right. IT DOES GO THROUGH. thats y you gotta like hi it at an angle... a sharp one...

EDIT: o o o, i got 180. maybe its cause its on my better computer, runs smoother. but gr, it just goes through. and someone, im a 13 year old techno idiot, man, how do you take the screenshot thingies and post em?

Last edited by Majic; 02-22-2002 at 03:56 PM..
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02-22-2002, 11:56 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Wow, ODDBODD, The most I've got is 123.
Most of you have, quite literally, beaten me at my own game!

Originally posted by Majic_Abe
and what sucks is the first ball and the third both went through the platform...
Yeah, sorry about that. It's not easy to explain why that happens but it's on my 'to fix' list.

Last edited by Gluk Schmuck; 02-22-2002 at 04:03 PM..
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02-23-2002, 03:40 PM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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Gluk does the game end at 197 or something because i cant get past it.
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-23-2002, 05:38 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Next time someone bets the score, prove it with a screenshot. Ive got 170!! yeah! Hey, gluk! When the game starts i can go up till 58 seconds before i lose my firdt ball. If the ball is in high enogh speed it seems to go straight through the white racket that i controll. Is that just a glitch, or did ya plan that???
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02-23-2002, 05:46 PM
Majic's Avatar
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if you read the topics, he said after me and oodbodd mentined it he said he didnt know y that happened, and it was on his 'to fix' list.... AND HOW DO I GET A SCREENSHOT?
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02-23-2002, 06:26 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Easy, just press the PrtScrn button to the left of ScrollLock. Then go to Paint and press ctrl+v ro paste it in. Just save it and post it.
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02-23-2002, 06:36 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Just look... The coulors are darker sence i saved it as a gif...
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	173.gif
Views:	81
Size:	7.7 
ID:	39  
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02-23-2002, 06:52 PM
Majic's Avatar
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wait, how do i post it as an attachment....... i got it in paint, but i dont know what now.......
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02-23-2002, 08:56 PM
dark_xinos's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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dark_xinos  (27)

save it... then in the post reply just klick browse bisedes attach file and look for it onn you're hardisk
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02-23-2002, 09:31 PM
Majic's Avatar
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hm, lets see if it works...... i got 185....
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02-24-2002, 02:02 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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i have a funny feeling that surfacing wasn't telling the truth.. I played again and i can never get past 197! How could surfacing get 300!!
And surfacing isn't posting here.... thats means that i have the highest (possible) score!

Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-25-2002, 12:52 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Re: New score!

Originally posted by Joe the Intern
*announcer voice* And Joe the Intern has gotten a new score of 170! Who will win? ODDBODD, or Joe? Find out later, ya jerk.


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02-26-2002, 04:01 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
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spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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02-26-2002, 06:12 AM
Surfacing's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Originally posted by ODDBODD
i have a funny feeling that surfacing wasn't telling the truth.. I played again and i can never get past 197! How could surfacing get 300!!
And surfacing isn't posting here.... thats means that i have the highest (possible) score!

What ever ODDBODD , there is no way i can beat 300 again but i will try and beat u'r score of 197 and i will take a screen shot deal? Also can you tell me how to make a screen shot? I right clicked but could'nt find an option to save what do i do?

Last edited by Surfacing; 02-25-2002 at 10:24 PM..
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