Oddworld Forums > Zulag Two > Off-Topic Discussion

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02-13-2002, 12:48 PM
Gabriel's Avatar
: Feb 2002
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Gabriel  (10)
X-Box, PS2 or GC?

In wich one do you believe? This is really interesting thing. 3 very powerful consoles almost at the same time, each one having a giant company behind them. I personally believe in PS2. PSX was a really trustful, and because the makers are the same (sony), there aren't any "surprises".

I will probably buy also X-Box, because some games are quite interesting, like Munch's Oddyssee and Halo. Well, let's see. After some years, who knows, maybe PS3 will kick @$$ of them all.

PS2 also has some great games, like SH2 (I have it!) and MGS2 (I'm gonna have it!), of course also SR2, BO2, AC4:SS and many, MANY more. PS2, you can trust it. It woun't have the same destiny as DC. X-Box? Who knows? MS is the maker and if it has same reliability like Win98, then...


I ain't saying it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, wrong section. I thought that I was at the Offtopic-are at zulag two. Oh well, stupid me. A moderator kind enough could move this one.

-GM at Final Fantasy Finland
-Administrator at RPGmakerfinland.

Last edited by Gabriel; 02-13-2002 at 04:51 AM..
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02-13-2002, 01:49 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Gluk Schmuck  (11)

Funny you should mention SH2 and MGS2 as good games for the PS2 as they're both planned for the Xbox...

From the three next-generation consoles I've played one, the Xbox, and it was a beautiful experience.
Since I'm on a very tight budget I can only afford one next-generation console.
But the Xbox has enough killer-apps to keep me happy... Yay!

have a PSone so I know that Sony has a very good build-quality on its products so the PS2 should be good.

I think the Xbox is better overall, one of the reasons being that its hard drive is built-in and it costs the same as the PS2 did. The PS2's hard drive can't cost £0. So a PS2 (with 8Gb less HD than the Xbox) would have cost the same as an Xbox with a hard drive on launch!
I can see I'm getting a good deal with the 'Box!

*drools at clips of Halo gameplay*
I want NOW!

Xbox countdown: 1 month and 1 day)
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02-13-2002, 03:12 PM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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Sydney  (32)

I don't really care who wins the console wars, although I have a feeling PS2 will always be ahead of the Xbox. I don't have an alliance with any console, but the Xbox doesn't seem appealing to me.

My brother and I share a PS2, but that doesn't make me biased.
The Glass Asylum

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02-13-2002, 07:26 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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I have XBOX and PS2, and soon I will have Game Cube.
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02-13-2002, 08:04 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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SeaRex  (33)

PS2 is better than X Box. But I don't care. I'm a software man, myself...
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02-14-2002, 10:10 AM
Gabriel's Avatar
: Feb 2002
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Gabriel  (10)

One man from a gamechannel Moontv here in finland (count Stakula it was, i suppose) said:
"I play games, not the consoles."

We shoud do the same.

-GM at Final Fantasy Finland
-Administrator at RPGmakerfinland.

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