okay, but while we're paused, could we possibly rewind a little too? i'm sorry to be an arsehole, but i'm gonna be about Bladewing, because it goes against quite a few rules, and i have a personal aversion to people who get too powerful...
okay, we're not in need of a great miracle here. Pyke is in danger, sure, but this adds a bit of excitement that we haven't seen for a while. okay, so Pyke's been burned to the ground, but you've all survived, and Sligit is leading you to meet Rettick and Kugal, who are on their way to a gathering of some of the most powerful magic users on Mudos. i think we can sort this out without resorting to god-like beings, even if it means a few casualties. what's more, there's quite a good chance that the Blood Kryes and the Skrakakians might also fight each other as well, as neither seem likely to ally with ANYONE. introducing some miracle would end the excitement, and would in any case be quite boring. i implore you to reconsider bringing in Bladewing, please!
Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.