(OOC: Drag, they left us behind, so we can now do nothing. I am leaving the RPG until you come back, and then we can sort something out)
*Meanwhile in the remains of Pyke, a lone space ship stands amoungst the ashes on a clear night. Onboard, Bladewing, Max, Zip, Strepo, X-2001, Spider and Dark Hood are all in the spare room looking very annoyed*
DH: "Why did they just go ahead without us?"
Bladewing: "I don't know, but I haven't been here very long, I was just getting used to RPG life, and now look what happens. This isn't on at all!!"
DH: "Yeah! The RPG now sucks, doesn't it! I was one of the first players as well! I've had enough!"
*He jumps out of bed, takes all his bandages off, and takes off all the tomato ketchup that was supposed to make him look like he was injured. He repairs his clothes and puts them back on, then begins to stuff everything back in his magic pocket.*
Bladewing: "So have I! Anybody else think we should leave?"
*Everybody rasies thier hands*
Bladewing: "Okay, lets go!"
*Everybody makes thier way to the bridge. Bladewing, Max and Zip take thier normal places. Zip starts programing the ship to stop acting like it was broken.*
Zip: "Normal mode set."
Max: "Good!"
DH: "Lets go find Dragadon and Cili now."
Bladewing: "Yeah, lets."
*Back outside, the ship takes off. Meanwhile, Darksider and Rettick are outside the reamins of Pyke, and here a loud whoosing sound, and look up to the night sky, starteled as a huge space ship whooshes over them. As they keep watching, it starts writing something in the sky using it's thruster, a bit like acrobatic areoplanes do in air shows. The Spaceship writes:
"Screw you dickweeds! We're outta here! - Dark Hood and co.
before hyperthrusting off into the distance in search of Dragadon and Cili. . .*
- DH