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04-18-2001, 04:21 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)
Introduce Ourselves...

i thought that, since there are new people joining, the established characters ought to post something about their character, just to explain what's happening. the new guys could tell us something about their characters, too.

my character is called Jal. [i have another, Rettick, but he's away on a vision quest in the forest at the moment.] Jal is a mudokon, and has only one arm. this is a disadvantage in the RPG, because it means he can only hold one weapon.

his current weapon is a stick. it is powerful, but seems to exert some kind of control over Jal. he is very protective of the stick, and often assumes that people are trying to steal it from him. it causes violent mood swings.

so far, only Sligit [that's darksider, here] seems to have expressed any concern at Jal's condidtion. like an addiction, Jal is vaguely aware of the stick's influence, but refuses to admit it. whenever he seems to almost acknowledge the stcik's bad influence, it causes a violent attack on anyone nearby, and so people try to avoid the subject of the stick around him, even though he never seems to put it down.

so, that's Jal. could everyone else introduce their character, please?

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

04-18-2001, 07:57 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

I can try. Here goes nothing...

My main character is Cili, a Moon Child which is a subspecies of mudokon. As far as she knows she is the last of her kind, and tends to get depressed easly because of it. She has gotten better since meeting Abe and starting a relationship with him. Though the pair do get into fights sometimes when someone mentions about having kids around them. Cili has the ability to transform into a Moon Guardian which is a dragon like creature that lives on the moon. She can't hold the form very long however, and feels drained once she resumes her normal form.

Dragadon is my secondary character, I'm treating her more as a NPC. She is a dragon from earth and tends to act as Cili's guardian, as Cili is still too physically weak to fend for herself very well. At her full size she is 10 stories tall but can shrink down to human/mudokon size. Her element is the sky and has lightning as her breath weapon. She is also immue to electric attacks.

Both of my characters have struck up a friendship with Dark Hood's Character, Dark Hood and they all hang out together.

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04-18-2001, 11:01 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

Dakkan is My Character, He is a Slig who used to Work for The Feeco Depot. He's A master a Knifes, But Curently Uses Guns. Dakkan was once on one of the greatest Slig units before stationed at Feeco, after he officaly retired from Army Slig Barrakks. While in Pyke [The RPG Home] at his camp he found magua.

Magua is my side character and best buddy pal of mine. He is a little slow in are speech and on land due to one foot. Magua is a Gabbit, trying to find others of his kind [Munch, is looking at same time]. He uses a Pull Staff to fling rocks and uses a Rocket Powered WhellChair we found on Vykker UFO Ship.
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04-19-2001, 09:43 AM
Boombat Seeker
: Apr 2001
: NSW, Australia
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Pacen  (23)

Ok, I'm new to this so I won't reveal too much about my character in the likely event that I wish to change something about him. Here goes.

Pacen is known as a "Dark Mudokon". So called due to their unusually dark skin colour and their less-than-friendly attitude. Unlike other characters, Pacen does not enjoy spending time with the others and prefers to be left alone. He is very secretive as is his past. He wears a black cloak (which I imagine to be similar to Darth Maul's cloak from "Star Wars: Phantom Menace") which covers the majority of his body. At the moment little is known about Pacen. Similar to Abe and Cili's ability to transform into another creature, it is rumoured that Pacen MAY have this ability also, you shall have to wait and see. At the moment, according to the rules of the RPG, he has no weapons.

I have no secondary character at the moment.
04-19-2001, 03:02 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

you can bet DH won't be too happy about you having a cloak, Pacen! LOL!

very sinister. i don't expect we'll all trust you much at first, you'll need to win our trust. i have a plotline coming up, maybe you could save the village later or something.

unless you're a bad guy. i won't ask you to say now, we'll wait and see.

oh, you should write a post desribing your arrival at Pyke.

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

04-19-2001, 03:11 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
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Dark Hood is a human who has special powers. These powers include porting (how he got to oddworld in the first place - by accident), activating a sheild (That looks like a purple ball that surrounds him), cleaning and repairing. He also has a magic pocket on the front of his jumper that can store an unlimited amount of items, provided they fit though the pocket entrance. It says in the fanfics that Dark Hood can fire white hot energy beams, but I have taken these out on the RPG because he'd be too powerful. He hangs around with Dragadon's characters, Cili and Dragadon.
- DH

04-19-2001, 08:28 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

OOC:Pacen you little punk. You like BW also hun? Dark Mukodon=Dark Templar I guess, since you can mind control=possession. That's cool? I like the idea of Dark Mukodonz. N-E-Wayz, G2G Dudez.... Bye Pacen!

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04-19-2001, 10:44 PM
Boombat Seeker
: Apr 2001
: NSW, Australia
: 643
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Pacen  (23)

OOC: I do like BW but I never thought of him as like a Dark Templar, especially since he isn't invisible, but now that I think about it they are quite similar. I now know what I can use for a weapon later on.

I'd never considered him having the ability of mind-control (BTW that's Dark Archon, not Dark Templar) but perhaps when he chants he could transform into something resembling a Dark Archon - mudokon style. I think that'd be pretty cool.

Rettick: I don't even know what Pyke is as I never followed the RPG at the old forums, I assume it's the main village or something. I think I'll have a look at the old forums and see how it works.
04-21-2001, 02:10 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
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Silversnow  (11)

OOC: i bet that i can post to

Lilahnee is a Nirier. A mudokonlike species from a now dead planet called Thamarial. She is DEFENITLY the last one of her species, and sometimes feels sad for it. She only has the ability to make you feel like you were on fire with her eyes, yet you are not hurted. She has seven fingers not including the thumb and a long, white ponytail to. She is also good at bows.

[ April 21, 2001: Message edited by: Silversnow ]

05-13-2001, 01:25 AM
Capri Ream's Avatar
Capri Ream
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: Apr 2001
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Capri Ream  (10)

I'm like REALLY new at this so I can only give like personality and physical descriptions of my charector, Capri Ream.
Capri's real name is Capriella Ream. But she hates her first name and prefers to be called Capri.She's 13 and like most teenagers, a real pain in the patoot. She's really kinda of well a little brat. But her hearts in the right place and she's really good with animals.
Capri is a Watyin, which is a water species. The look kinda like humans with blue skin, blue hair, blue or white eyes, pointed ears and fins on thier heads, ankles,above thier ears and webbed fingers and toes. Capri's eyes are light aqua blue. Watyins are both male and female and reproduce like humans, except they have eggs rather than live young. Watyins are also VERY tall. A full grown female is 7'11'' and that's on average!13 year olds are usally 6'4'' if female. Capris only 4'3''.
Any way since I don't know the rules of the rpg yet, I can't say if she has a boomrang weapon and fuzzle pet like she does in My Litttle Fanfic. So that's it.

If there isn't choclate in Heaven, I AIN'T GOING!

05-13-2001, 03:03 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
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He can now transform into the Sliver Mane type of wolgon. Wolgons are a cross between were-wolves and dragons. There are two types. Sliver mane, and Blood Mane. Dark Hood was bitten by a blood mane, and then he was bitten by a sliver mane so he wouldn't turn into a blood mane. If you become a blood mane, you cannot chose when you transform, and your personality is turned really nasty. If you become a sliver mane, then you can choose when you transform, and you personality remains normal. If you become any type of wolgon, your speach is effected, and you are also effected phisicly. We are still deciding how much more AP and HP this upgrade will give Dark Hood. He can only stay in form in battle for two rounds, same as Cili's Moon Gaurdian form.
- DH

05-13-2001, 03:28 PM
: Apr 2001
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bananafleech  (10)

i also am new to this but here goes

my character is Hoomer. He is a Wooth. a Wooth is sort of a cross between an oak tree and a Dwarf. he is about 2 heads shorter than a mudokon and twice as wide. the oak tree reference is to his skin, it is barklike in appearance but not hard like bark, more like toughened skin. his hands ,feet & nose are about twice normal size. since their hands and feet are larger than normal these are the primary weapons of the Wooth, in the manner of martial arts. there are 13 known Wooth in existence. a Wooth is an elemental spirit returned to the world in physical form. they exist to help balance good & evil in the land and dont know when or if they will ever be called home. they all carry a 6' gnarled staff grown from a seed from the tree of life. it is used to channel energy and communicate with each other. if two staffs are set into the same "element" (water, forest root mass, etc) and the "elements" are touching they can communicate.
i hope this makes sense
05-13-2001, 05:49 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

kind of...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

05-13-2001, 07:06 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

So he is like a small guy with tough brown, wrinked skin.-crystal clear
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06-10-2001, 07:05 AM
Rich's Avatar
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I'm gonna give the RPG a go, I thought I would use Rex in it but I've got a new char idea.

My Char is called Pheonix. He is a slig who has escaped his factory and is living rough in the wild. His name originates from the tattoo of the pheonix on his forehead and of the larger tattoo on his back. Since I haven't even joined I am not planning any weapons yet, probably guns. He is friendly to most other sligs and Muds, but since he is new at the village it may cause conflicts and trouble. He is looking for a job so I'll try and get him a shop shift...
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

06-10-2001, 09:40 AM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

another slig *sigh* oh well...

i think you mean 'Phoenix', so i'll put it like that in the char profiles. no-one starts off with a weapon, so don't bother thinking about that yet. grid hasn't bothered to make us a proper weapons shop yet, *hint, hint, grid...* so don't worry.

if you want a shop job, everyone gets a job in Alf's Rehab and Tea, for which they get paid 2000m every monday.


Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-10-2001, 12:36 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
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Black Dragon  (10)

Well, I haven't started in any RPG yet, but I hope to once I figure out what I'm doing. Here are my characters so far:

Right now, my main character is the Black Dragon, but that will probably change. She was created by Vykkers to be the ultimate weapon for the Glukkons. The Glukkon queen Maggie raised her, so she is a little on the mean side sometimes. BD finally couldn't stand being treated differently from other Glukks, so she destroyed the best Glukkon military facility. I won't give much up since I didn't finish yet, but she and her slig friend Snek now find themselves in a deep forest where they will meet some new friends and enemies. BD is about 30 feet tall, and mainly black, with some red and purple on her. Her elements are Darkness and, as she will find out and as strange as it sounds, water.

My secondary character now is undecided. To give out a little bit, it may be an upcoming character in my story called Thunder, a male dragon. There is also Snek, the slig, but there are many Sligs out there and I think I'll steer in a direction I haven't seen much of: Glukkons. It would be quite interesting to see a Glukk in an RPG. Probably get mutilated, but that's besides the point. I have an idea, but I won't give out much about those characters yet.

[ June 10, 2001: Message edited by: Black Dragon ]
-Black Dragon

06-10-2001, 05:13 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Heh, sorry Rett, but right now I am seriously considering dumping Cili and Drag and going to Spider. (no DH don't even TRY to talk me out of it, my mind is pretty much set.) Anyway here's the description...

Spider is a crossbreed, Crossbreed 738 to be exact. He is composed of slig, paramite and one other unknown creature(used to be meech, but I have changed that. Those of you that know, no telling!). He is as big as a BBS, but is much faster and agile (he can even climb trees with relitive ease ). He dislikes(ok might be a slight understatement here ) medical personnel due to his treatment when he was still at the labs.
He prefers to use his hands, but will use a spear if need be.
His reputation as a cannibal during his time in the labs will precede him, therefore, many sligs will most likely be weary around him if not terrified, until he gains their trust.
BTW, he doesn't take insults very well. Watch what you say around him or you may find yourself on the other side of the village square in a LOT of pain...

I haven't decided if he will have his pants for this. Right now I'm leaning toward 'no' and thats what I based his description above on. If I change my mind, ill edit it.

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06-10-2001, 06:08 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

Dragadon: Why do you apologise to me? I've hardly seen any of Cili since she joined! Ah, well, as long as you find a believeable and suitably gruesome [hehe] way to get rid of Cili and Dragadon...

[edit]: Oh, I see why you were apologising... Spider is a Slig! Damn You! Burrrn the Infidel! Yahh!!!!!! [j/k, of course]

Black Dragon: You only get one character, I'm afraid. I know that Dakkan and Dragadon have each had two, but Magua and Dragadon were technically pets. We don't get our own 'Secondary Characters'. You can introduce a new character, as I did, but you can only have one in play at once, which is why I sent Rettick off on a quest while I used Jal, then killed off Jal when I wanted Rettick back.

I would advise you to use your considered Glukkon as your Primary Character, for several reasons. As you say, we haven't had a Glukk before, and it would be quite original. Also, quite apart from the fact that dragons aren't natural OW creatures, we've already had one. If you do decide to use a dragon-type creature, at least give it a name other than 'Black Dragon'.

What did you mean when you said "Her elements are Darkness and, as she will find out and as strange as it sounds, water."?

Sorry if I sounded bossy and picky up there. I hope you enjoy your time in the RPG!

[ June 10, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-10-2001, 06:57 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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Danny  (11)

i just realised that i hadn't put up a profile yet for Rettick.


i just realised i can't think of a profile to put up for Rettick...


Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-11-2001, 02:29 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Hehe, i already know how im going to get rid of Cili (sorry nothing gruesome or bloody). I'll post it when I get around to it. As for Drag...not sure yet, most likely will have her go with Cili...

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06-11-2001, 03:44 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

aww... if you're gonna change character, at least have the common decency to do it the panful way! hehe...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

06-11-2001, 06:21 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
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Black Dragon  (10)

Ah! I've thought up my character!! *Laughs evilly* Ok, well, um, yeah, here it is...I'll probably give away a lot of story details, but *sigh* oh well....

My new and improved main character is a Glukk named Drok, (Remmeber how I came up with the name, Rett? ) however, he is not a Glukkon of the Magog Cartel. He is one of the few remaining native Glukkons of the Skaroh tribe. This means that he's much stronger, kinder, and doesn't wear a business suit. He's very good at throwing a spear with both his short forearms and his long hind limbs. He also has some magical powers that he is still learning about and he is extrememly fast on his long legs.

Ok? Is this better?
-Black Dragon

06-12-2001, 03:57 PM
: Jun 2001
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Greensaint  (10)

Nice 2 meet every1! Im just dropping by 2 say hi. Well as u may´ve guessed im a native Mudokon, origionally from the Mudanchee tribe. We try 2 keep traditions alive,so my Guru has taught me herbal treatment. He´s even given me the traditional spear,but I don´t know it that well yet so I use it as fishing-rod .Exept fishing I like meditation and chanting.Oh, our traditional music is swell! I don´t live anywhere right now,but im currently visiting the Monsaic Tempel(isn´t it great!?).The elders has told me about the singel bluehand Abe´s quests. Must wisit Alf sometime and hear more + do the thing im best at + taking it slow .Btw,Monsaic Lines has some intresting plants growing around,but at hard 2 reach places...oh well......oh! I´ve hooked something big! Gotta run
06-12-2001, 04:11 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
: Boca Raton
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

My Character:

My Character name is Kugal Dakness. He is one of few pure blood werewolves that live in the southern parts of mudus. He and his tribe are masters in magic, Kugal is a master in Black Magic. For his looks, he is about 6'5 and weights about 200+ pounds; has black short fur. He is commonly seen smoking with mages that stop by to see him.

Kugal was kicked out of his tribe on accounts of manslaughter. Did he do it? Like I'ma gonna tell ya!
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06-14-2001, 04:12 PM
: Apr 2001
: Minnesota(somewhere)
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Darksider  (11)

My Character is Sligit, who is a Bendian Mercinary Slig. He is like a white skinned slig with wierd human-leg-like pants, and is a master in all weapons. Sorta likes to kill things, and was subconciously drawn to Jal, but when he died Sligit lost his luster. He will be leaving and will return his old self eventually.

The guy i will be using in just a few posts is Keris, a Darksider, and the last of his race. If you have beaten the protoss campaign on BW, and seen Zeratul, picture him with a dark Black skin, no cloak, and legs that bend like human legs, and you basically know what he looks like. He has some wierd abillities, and will eventually be able to use his Psychic and Magic powers to their fullest, which is beyond anything most other creatures can comprehend. He learns his skills through tedious training and spending of moolah, so it could take a little while(like, almost the whole time he is in the RPG)to learn them all. Sligit's 10k moolah is gonna be given to him, so expect him to open a shop up pretty soon... You will see later. Sorry i been gone so long, all. I will post regularly now. Cheerio!
Where did they come up with "Milk is Cow-Tit juice?" WHERE DID THE MADNESS BEGIN!!!!!

06-14-2001, 05:15 PM
Agent Sarah
: Jun 2001
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Agent Sarah  (10)

Here's my character.

Sarah is a 17-year old girl that cruises around the univesre in her ship (She said life on Earth was a bore). She landed on Oddworld just to relax.
Sarah uses a sword, psychic powers, or hand-to-hand combat when fighting. She has the powers to talk to animals and plants.

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