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08-06-2001, 07:58 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
Page 7, Post 199
: Apr 2001
: In a box.
: 3,438
Blog Entries: 53
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DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)
Blue's treehouse. . .

*Blue is sitting on her bed in her treehouse, eating a bowl of noodles whilst wathing the TV. After "Mudos's Funnyest Home Videos" has finished, the news comes on. Withinhoe floats into the room.*

Blue: "Oh, Hi mum."

Withinhoe: "Hello, Blue. I have something to predict that you might be interested in. . ."

Blue: "Really?"

Withinhoe: "Yes. Good thing about being a ghost is that you can get vague hints about the future. . . Anyway, one of those vague hints you might be interested in."

Blue: "Uh-huh."

Withinhoe: "It appears that Pyke's population is going to grow. . . Strange characters and creatures are moving in. . . New adventures and new dangers also approach. . ."

Blue: "Oooh! Cool! Any more info?"

Withinhoe: "No, sorry. I'll tell you if I get more info on the subject. . ."

Blue: "Okay then. Thanks mum!"

Withinhoe: "No problem, Blue. Take care, now, okay?"

*She floats out through the wall. Blue puts her now empty bowl aside and turns off the TV.*

Blue: "Great! I'll take mum's word for it and observe the new arrivals."

*She heads outside, and goes toward Pyke's town square, where she sits down in the sun and waits. . .*
- DH

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08-07-2001, 09:06 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
Page 7, Post 199
: Apr 2001
: In a box.
: 3,438
Blog Entries: 53
Rep Power: 27
DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)

*Night time, and Blue is back in her hut. Withinhoe appears just before Blue is about to drift off to sleep.*

Blue: "Hmmm? Oh, its you."

Withinhoe: "So, did you see anything?"

Blue: "I thought I saw a strange Big Bro Slig like creature wondering around, but I can't really be sure. Apart from that, nothing else has happend."

Withinhoe: "Oh. Oh well. Perhpas maybe tomorrow. Night, Blue."

Blue: "Night, mum."

*Withinhoe dissappears and Blue drifts off to sleep.*
- DH

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