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02-07-2002, 06:37 AM
Landale's Avatar
: Feb 2002
: Illinois, USA
: 37
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Landale  (10)
Something new....

This is my first attempt on this board- please bear with me if I'm not doing it right.. ok.. on with the intro...

Oh yeah even though I'm new, please feel free to jump in and take the story onwards, I'm sure I'll still get to tell the tale I intend to. Thanks!

[ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: Landale ]

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02-07-2002, 06:42 AM
Landale's Avatar
: Feb 2002
: Illinois, USA
: 37
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Landale  (10)

Peeking through the curtain his little slig heart began to beat even faster. So many had shown. As he peered around the room, many fellow sligs had shown up, the room was full of mechanical buzzes and chiprs from the pants, not to mention the familiar banter of slig insults.

In the back of the room though stood a rather large figure, he could not make it out from only peeking through the curtain, but it looks almost like a Gluk.

"Why would a Glukkon be here? What sort of intrest would he have in me?"

A buzz went off behind him, and he soon realized that he only had 15 min left before the curtain was to open.

As he made his way back to his dressing room to make the final preperations, only one thought loomed in his head.

"Will they like me?"

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02-07-2002, 07:10 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Welcome to the RPG and, indeed, to the Forums!

This seems well written, but unfortunately my characters are all tied up until another plot finishes, and I am reluctant to add in another, not while I have about 10 already... :S Sorry...

Anyway, enjoy your time here!

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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02-10-2002, 10:25 PM
Landale's Avatar
: Feb 2002
: Illinois, USA
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Landale  (10)

Sitting in front of the small broken piece of mirror, he made the last preperations. The last touches were made to the face, perfect. Putting on the headress made the transformation almost complete. Granted it was not "real", but looked very convincing as long stands of of thinly stripped yellow grass, it actualy looked like flowing hair.

Almost done, for the costume was the final touch. The costume, a mixmatched contraption he had made from bits and pieces of scrap metal and some colored paint. He hoped out of his standard slig pants and into his very functional, yet stunning, "slig dress." He was ready, but were they ready for him?


The place was a buzz, all that was mentioned about what was happening tongiht was "Something new!" Many a slig had shown up, and even a few unknowns (who remained in the shadows in the back of the joint). The lights when down, and a the stage was dark. A rustling of the cutain opening could be heard and then music started from somplace.

Starting slow and soft, a song started, sounds that were very unfamiliar to this strange crowd, yet hushed the murmur of the slig banter.

"I want to be loved by you........"

A soft spotlight began to glow and revealed on the stage something quite "new". Standing on the stage was a slig, but not like your every day slig. The headress, the makeup, the
beautiful "slig dress" shimmering in the low lights, the entire package was amazing. For standing on the stage was what appeard to be a most beautiful slig (if that's possible), and the song continued.

"....by you and nobody else but you. I want to be loved by you, al-oone. Boo boo she boo."

The crowd was speachless, until...
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02-13-2002, 09:00 AM
Landale's Avatar
: Feb 2002
: Illinois, USA
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Landale  (10)

Giggling and amusment could be heard starting throughout the place. But the comment he caught was loud and clear

"Oh yeah, I dunno what you are doing, but I know I like it!!"

He continued his song, even making his way through the crowd and gave adoring looks and flirtatious winks to the others.

Once back on the stage, he gave a bow and said,

"Thank you, thank you all, if you like what you saw tonight, be sure to catch my next performance in two days right here. And with a wink and a smile, he disappeard behind the curtain, leaving the uproarious crowd.

He was so happy, terrified of what they might think of a slig doing such a thing, how they could have reacted was more than half the stage fright he had experieced just moments before taking the stage. But now that was over, he was a sucess, and needed to start working on the the show that he promised in two days. Ideas starting flowing through his slow, but creative slig brain.

Just then a bang on the dorr.

"Hey Triz, you in there? I need to get things cleaned up- need you outta here in 20 min, no less."

Sitting in his chiar which sat in front of the broken mirror, he spun around and yelled proudly at the door,

"That's Miss Triz, and dont' forget it."

A star had just been born.

Last edited by Landale; 02-13-2002 at 01:03 AM..
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02-15-2002, 07:25 AM
Landale's Avatar
: Feb 2002
: Illinois, USA
: 37
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Landale  (10)

As Triz cleaned up his stuff and made to go, he thought over what sort of things he could do next. Tonight was good, they liked him, and yet the song was slow and sultry. But other ideas ran through his head, for instance:

A flashy, upbeat dance number, with lots of dancing and general craziness.

a stranger, darker sound, with a costume to match and disturb.

or, a flat out blattent comedy show with jokes to keep them rolling in the isles.

Walking out the door to the dressing room, and out the back door of the club Triz was stopped by a rather large looming figure

"Intresting show tonight, I think we could help each other out."

Triz was a bit shaken, for he never intended his show for anything other than entertainment, yet looking up at this mysterious figure, made his little heart beat a bit faster....

NOTE: if anyone cares to jump in here, I've left ya some great oppurtinies, new chars or not, so feel free to jump in and go nuts, Please
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02-22-2002, 08:23 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
Outlaw Shooter
: Jul 2001
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Abe's son  (10)
Necrosses serch for help

"Hello" necross said as he moved out of the shadows "I liked the act but what i want has nothing to do with it" he puased "have you ever worked at a vikker labs?......ever?........in your life?" he loomed of the littel slig (well littel to him at least) " well?....... anser me!" he became inpationet. he took out his sword and stroked it "now" he barked " tell me!".
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