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04-28-2001, 03:50 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
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Silver Manes

ooc: Read the 'Where DH, Dragadon and Cili are now..'first. DH we need to get going on our little plot here and get back to Pyke.

Dragadon: *coming back to the meeting point* Any luck?

Abe: No. Its weird, this is a huge village and yet there is nothing to salvage.

DH: *groans*

Abe: And DH won't last much longer. *realizes something* Hey Cili hasn't come back yet *looks very worried*

Dragadon: I hope she didn't run into trouble...

*There is a commotion and all look to see 3 Wolgons rounding a corner and approaching them*

Dragadon: *growls* great, just what we need *prepares for a fight*

*They see Cili walk around the corner behind them.*

Cili: *noticing the tension* Wait! These 3 are on our side!

Dragadon: *still growling* how can you be so sure?

Cili: They saved me from 2 others. And gave me this staff.

Dragadon: *relaxes slightly and looks at the 3 Wolgons more carefully* You are of the Silver Mane pack. *sits back, relieved*

SM1: That we be

Abe: you know them?

Dragadon: i know OF them. The Silver Manes are one of the noblest packs on my homeworld. They would never intentionally harm another sentient being.

*Cili runs up to DH and takes out the potion the SM gave her.*

Abe: Whats that?

Cili: healing potion. *pours it into DH's mouth, the effects are immediate*

DH: blah! that stuff tastes terrible! *sits up*

DH is completely healed!

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04-28-2001, 04:04 PM
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DH: "Uh! Even Bioforce, that foul tasting flu medicence tastes better, but hey, my palet is refreshed."

*He gets up off the stretcher*

DH: "Thanks."
- DH

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04-28-2001, 04:09 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: "That we be." - that hurts, it really does.]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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04-30-2001, 10:07 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

ooc: how does that hurt Rett? He was just confirming what they are.

SM1: *to DH* you lucky you just scratched, not bitten.

DH: Why is that?

SM1: if you bitten you would become Blood Mane at next full moon.

DH: Blood Mane?

Cili: A reveal pack, it was a Blood Mane that attacked you.

DH: but why would i have become a Wolgon?

Dragadon: you have heard of werewolves correct?

DH: Yeah...

Dragadon: Wolgons are a varition of werewolf, only with dragon mixed in.

Cili: So does that mean they were all once...

SM2: Other beings? Yes. We all were bitten at some point and became what you see now.

Abe: What were you originally then? And do you have names?

Cili: Do you have names?

*The two of the Wolgons looked at each other, nodded, and suddenly their bodies began to change. One turned into a Glukkon, the other into some sort of lizard man.*

Glukkon: I am Arede, and this is Simo *he points at the lizard man* Jerr, why didn't you revert to your 'once form'? Did you forget how?

Jerr: No, me don't think it's...right time to reveal..must go. *bolts off*

Simo: *scatching his head* I have never seen Jerr act like that before. I wonder what's eating at him.

*Cili watched Jerr run off, she remembered that on the way back to the group he keep looking at her oddly.*

Cili: *thinking* Why did he have a look of longing in his eyes?

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04-30-2001, 11:34 PM
Dakkan Blackblade
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Dakkan Blackblade  (24)

OOC: Wargon = Werewolf + Dragon... lol that is so lame. =)
http://oddworldian.net/misc/banners/...Blackblade.gifLetz Get Dirty!

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04-30-2001, 11:51 PM
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: Apr 2001
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ooc: well thats your opinion Dakkan...

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05-01-2001, 04:57 AM
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DH: "If you ask me, this wolgon transfromation thing. . . It freaks me out."

Arede: how do you think we felt when we first transformed?

DH: "Weird? Freaked out?"

Simo: a terrifing experence thats for sure, especially if you are not expecting it

DH: "I mean, you get bitten by these red maned guys and you become one of them, no matter what your speicies is. It's really, really freaky."

Simo: We understand, when we first got transported here, we did not know we could infect other races

Dragadon: how did you guys get here in the first place?

Simo: *looks puzzled* Haven't a clue to be honest. We were fighting a battle with the Blood Manes when all of a sudden there was a flash of light and we found ourselves on this alien planet

DH: "How do you mean "We"? I mean, Glukkons aren't native to. . . wherever you come from, I think."

Simo: When I am refering to 'we' i mean myself and the other Wolgons who's 'once forms' is the same as mine

DH: "Ah. So what happend to them?"

Simo: War takes its toll, not many like me left.

Cili: how many?

Simo: 10, where we were once 80

DH: "You mean silver manes or your original race?"

Simo: original race, our pack is over 100 strong

Arede: But the Blood Manes are much higher

Simo: once they found out they can infect other species, they didnt hesitate to start 'recruiting' more members

Cili: How long ago did you get here?

Simo:*thinks a moment* umm about 14 earth years ago

DH: "Earth?"

Simo: yes Earth, that is my home world

Dragadon: as is mine

DH: "That's my home world as well."

DH: "That is weird. I'll find out about why my race hasn't found out about you later."

Simo: simple, our island home is hidden by our gods magic from your kind

DH: "Oh, Okay."

DH: "Keep it that way. You know how ruthless and greedy my race can be."

Simo: i hope they do

DH: "Fortunateley, I am different from them."

Simo: I can see that, you have a good soul

Arede: so what brings your group this far into the forest

*everyone points at DH*

Cili: he got us lost

Dragadon: *snickers*

*Dark Hood grins sheepishly and goes a bit redder.*

Dragadon: anyway, would you know which way is our home?

Simo: and home is?

DH: "We all live in Pyke."

Arede: *looks thoughtful* yes we know where that is, but you would have to go through Blood Mane territory.

Cili: eep

DH: "Yikes."

Simo: I can have the pack escort you as far as we can.

*DH shudders at the thought of tunring into a blood mane*

Simo: but theres no guartine you'll be completely safe

*DH shudders even more at the thought that he might turn into a blood mane, and nearly dampens an undergarment*

Dragadon: *claws the ground* as long as im with you we stand a chance

DH: "I hope so."

Simo: I will gather as many memebers as possible, its best you stay here overnight.

Simo: and we'll leave the next morning.

DH: "Okay."

Cili: if we want to get home, we dont have much choice do we?

Abe: it doesnt appear that way love..

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05-01-2001, 06:11 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

*Next morning, Cili and Abe were curled up sleeping, when something poked Cili's arm*

Cili: wha? *looks right into a Wolgons face* AH!

*Dark Hood wakes up.*

DH: (Wearily) "Uh?"

Abe: *wakes up with a start* what what! whats going on?

Wolgon: sorry sorry, didn't mean to startle you.

DH: (Wearily): "Who are you?"

Wolgon: me Jerr. was sent to awaken you. we about to leave

DH (Wearily): "Oh god."

*Turns over and goes back to sleep*

Jerr: you wake up now *grabs DH's blanket and pulls it off. Cili and Abe just watch, giggling. DH wakes up again. He looks very tired indeed.*

Jerr: you sleep at all last night?

DH (Wearily): "Yes. But not enough."

Jerr: you worry, bout Blood Manes?

*He sits there with his head in his hands, tired.*

DH (Wearily): "Oh, don't remind me."

Jerr: me understand, me worry as well

*glances briefly at Cili*

Cili: *thinking* that look again, why does he look at me like that?

Jerr: we must go now

*Dark Hood yawns, and gets up. He puts his blanket in his pocket.*

Abe: we might as well *stands up and stretches* and get it over with

*DH slips his boots on and makes his way slowly to the door. Arms hanging down, head bowed, DH exits.*

Cili: *tickles Abe*

Abe: *laughing* hey no time for that

Jerr: *looks sadly at Abe and Cili and turns
and catches up to DH*

DH (Wearily) "Yes?"

Jerr: can you keep secret?

DH (Wearily): "Sure. I'm good at keeping secrets."

Jerr: *nods* you remember i not show true form last night?

DH (Wearily, but begging to wake up): "Yeah. . ."

Jerr: reason being, cause, me once form is
same as hers *motions toward Cili*

DH (looking shocked and wide awake): "Really? Wow!"

Jerr: please keep voice down

DH: "Sorry."

Jerr: me don't want her to know

DH: "I understand."

Jerr: me want her, me want to get to know her, but her heart is for someone else, me would only be a boulder in their path to happiness. *looks very sad*

*DH puts his arm round Jerr.*

DH: "You have a big problem, my friend. I feel sorry for you."

Jerr: me glad you understand

*Abe and Cili approach*

Cili: shall we get going?

DH (Quickley withdraws arm from Jerr) : "Uhm, yeah, sure."

Cili: *looks at DH curiously* did i miss
something here?

DH: "Uhm. . . No."

Cili: *shrugs* if you say so

Simo: *trots up to them* we ready?

DH: "Ready as anything!"

Simo: good lets go

*they join the main group and head off. The day went unexpectedly smooth, no sign of the Blood Manes anywhere*

Simo: me don't like this, too quiet

DH: "Yeah, too quiet. It's kinda creepy."

*Cili just clings onto Abe. Meanwhile, Dragadon, who had taken the rear guard, hears something behind her and pauses briefly*

Dragadon: huh? *sees something moving in the bush and moves closer to inspect*

*Suddenly something whacks her on the head, with a cry she falls to the ground unconsious*

Cili: Drag? *looks back*

DH (Turns around quickley): "What the f***?"

Simo: It trap!

DH : "What?"

*they all turn around to see the biggest Wolgon they have ever seen. Along with 4 smaller Blood Manes.*

DH: "Ahhh!"

*Attempts to run away, but trips*

Jerr: it Alpha himself! *frightened*

Arede: we surrounded

*Dark Hood gets back up and nearly wets himself*

Simo: stay calm! the path in front of us is still clear. All non fighters continue down the path.

Jerr: without escort?

Simo: me not finished yet!

*DH shudders as he is a fighter*

Simo: Silver Manes, all save me, Arede, Jerr and two others go with non fighters! see them to safety!

*With howls of complience the rest of the pack surrounded the mudokons hurrying them down the path.*

Cili: Abe go with them!

Abe: no I am NOT leaving you behind!

Cili: Abe please go, your abilities are
usualess here. Please

DH: "Abe, go with them, for your own safety. I'll protect Cili."

Abe: alright, she's in your hands DH *runs off with the rest of the muds*

DH (Gulps): "Oh god, what responsibilty have I just taken on."

*the remainder prepare for a major fight*

Will be continued in 'Wolgon Fight'

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05-01-2001, 05:47 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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[OOC: mistake, delete please.]

[ May 01, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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