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11-29-2001, 10:40 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
Page 7, Post 199
: Apr 2001
: In a box.
: 3,438
Blog Entries: 53
Rep Power: 27
DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)DarkHoodness  (2104)
Finishing repairs. . .

*Amphora hammers the last nail into the side of his house. After a few weeks intence repair and uprade of thier home after the firebomb attack, Pykes only family of Biros Mudokons have finally finished thier job. The group of huts now looks like a home made barracks of some type, rahter then a group of civillion huts. Corragated Iron now makes up the fencing, re-inforced indside with the original fencing, and lots of sandbags. All the walls and roofs of the huts seem to be covered with corragated iron as well, with the windows boarded over with Wire Mesh.*

*Blue walks up behind Amphora.*

Blue: "Don't you think we've gone over the top a bit here, Dad?"

Amphora: *Puts his hammer back into his toolbox* "No, not at all. After we nearly lost our home, I'm not taking any more chances. That new slig force out there is also very unnerving. . ."

Blue: *Watches a slig with a gun walk by through a gap in the fence* "Suppose so. . . But still, isn't this a bit of an eyesaw?"

Amphoroa: "Maybe, but it's better to be safe then sorry. . ."

Blue: "True. . . Anyway, I'm off to go get some food now, since we are running low."

Amphoroa: "Okay, hold on a minute, I'll come with ya. . ." *Enters his shack to get his blade*

Blue: "Fine by me. . . But all those tirgger happy sligs out there. . . You sure you want to come?"

Amphora: *Comes back out with his blade tied to his weist.* "I worry about your saftey, Blue. Two people together are better then one. . ."

Blue: "I'll be fine dad. There is no need to worry, but. . ." *Looks at all the sligs out there with guns, talking loudly* "Hmmm, okay, I suppose so."

Amphora: "Okay, lets go."

Blue: (Yells) "Mum?! Bro?! Me and Dad are gonna go on a food mission! We'll be back soon!"

*And with that, they leave, closing the gate behind them.*

- DH

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