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11-14-2001, 09:32 PM
: Nov 2001
: 30
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Mudokon_Shaman  (10)
The Arrival

He gave a simple sigh as he observed the mountains from far away - factories billowing out smoke in the distance. The desert oasis seemed to give in slightly as Keiros walked towards the water. He removed his sun-hat and laid it down beside the water. Kneeling forward, he eyed his sand-shrewn mug in the quiet reflection of the pool and then took cupped his hands together, taking a small drink before dunking his head into the water. He brought his head up from the water dripping wet and laid down the backpack besides himself. He opened it up, looking for the petals. Keiros removed a handful of dark black petals and tossed them into the water. In his suprisingly deep voice he began to chant the words needed as the water became more crisp and clear than it had before. As his chanting ended, he stared back into the pool - his reflection no longer available. Instead he was treated to an bird eye's view of the area. It quickly dove down the smoke-stacks and down through the numerous air vents into a large opening area. Several sligs moved about a large central grinding gear, beating on enslaved mudokons as they passed. The spirit continued down into the gears, and continued all the way down where it encountered a miles-worth of stinking meat. It took a right here and continued even further until it entered a small opening. Downwards the spirit headed until it found its goal - a brightly green glowing stone about the size of a pepple. There the vision ended and the water returned Keiros's face. He closed up the backpack and looked on into the vast desert.


PS - (feel free for you guys to show up or what-not. I'm new here)
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11-14-2001, 10:01 PM
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Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: well most of our characters are in or near the village of Pyke, dealing with a serial killer. One of my characters believe it or not...*grin* (I have two going right now, Spider and Malice. Malice is the killer *grins again*) Hmmm though I might put a character in this thread, one that I was holding back until the killer plot ended (and the plot is dragging...ugh...we know what needs to happen but doing the actual posts is slow.). I might just go ahead and post her stats...oh and I noticed some similarites between your character and my new one, Dementa (basically the coming back to life bit...though through a different means). Just thought to let you know so you don't think I took 'ideas' off of you (I had her for a while). Ack...I'm rambling...whats your email addy? So I can add you to my MSN contact list.)

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11-14-2001, 10:35 PM
: Nov 2001
: 30
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Mudokon_Shaman  (10)

Putting back on his sunhat, Keiros grabs his backpack and continues the long trek towards the mountains. The dusk gathers on the horizon and he begins to liven his step. He stops a moment and analyzes the situation. A loud Voice calls out somewhere in the wind:

Not yet. You must seek out allies in order to take the Piece. Head towards Pyke - southwest of here. The winds will guide you.

Suddenly the wind shifts direction. Keiros's mind turns towards the Voice's direction. Pyke it is.

- Shaman

((Perhaps not a smooth transition, but still a decent one. Where is the current story thread?))

PPS - ((My messenger is Mudokon Shaman))

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Mudokon_Shaman ]
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11-14-2001, 10:56 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
: 2,236
Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

(ooc: err...well the currect plot is a bit spread out over several threads, each thread dealing with a different event. Here's some of the recent ones Topics...
Looking for new victims
Mistakes are Made
Broken Promises
Prisoner in his own home...
Death of Kin

Heres the plot as reveal so far...
A dangerous crossbreed (Malice) was released to hunt down another(Spider), but instead, Malice killed his creators and started a killing spree. Eventrally he reached Pyke and after several slayings and the bounties failed to capture him (those that tried often ended up dead...in a rather grousome manner), the Mayor of Pyke made a 'deal'(see the 'Protection' topic for specifics) with a Vykker to allow an army of sligs to stay in Pyke to catch Malice (so far no luck though). There are some side effects though...some of the citizens of Pyke have been placed under 'house arrest' for their own 'protection'.

You should read up on the above topics so you know what exactly is going on. Becareful...this current plot is already pretty much planned out already and would be difficult to work you in(we'll try to work something out...). It might be best to sit tight and wait until this plot is over. I am trying to get it get peeps to post their bits...but there is only so much a dragon can do ya know?)

Edit: ooc: I wasn't able to add you using 'Mudokon Shaman'. I need an actual Email addy. This is mine if you want to try to add me instead: dragonzone@earthlink.net

[ November 14, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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