The Arrival
He gave a simple sigh as he observed the mountains from far away - factories billowing out smoke in the distance. The desert oasis seemed to give in slightly as Keiros walked towards the water. He removed his sun-hat and laid it down beside the water. Kneeling forward, he eyed his sand-shrewn mug in the quiet reflection of the pool and then took cupped his hands together, taking a small drink before dunking his head into the water. He brought his head up from the water dripping wet and laid down the backpack besides himself. He opened it up, looking for the petals. Keiros removed a handful of dark black petals and tossed them into the water. In his suprisingly deep voice he began to chant the words needed as the water became more crisp and clear than it had before. As his chanting ended, he stared back into the pool - his reflection no longer available. Instead he was treated to an bird eye's view of the area. It quickly dove down the smoke-stacks and down through the numerous air vents into a large opening area. Several sligs moved about a large central grinding gear, beating on enslaved mudokons as they passed. The spirit continued down into the gears, and continued all the way down where it encountered a miles-worth of stinking meat. It took a right here and continued even further until it entered a small opening. Downwards the spirit headed until it found its goal - a brightly green glowing stone about the size of a pepple. There the vision ended and the water returned Keiros's face. He closed up the backpack and looked on into the vast desert.
PS - (feel free for you guys to show up or what-not. I'm new here)